Difference between revisions of "Daycare manager/technical stuff 2/Applied sex knowledge"

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The child is fully ignorant to sex and what it means. If they have seen an up-close view of sexual intercourse, consensual or not, they did not understand enough about what they were seeing for it to really even mean anything to them and it does not affect they way they will approach the subject. At this level, they are unlikely to find any form of sexual contact, including you straight up having sex with them, as objectionable. However, they will still regard unwanted touching or physical pain that might occur as part of the act as objectionable, or they might resist if they just don't like you as a person overall.
The child is fully ignorant to sex and what it means. If they have seen an up-close view of sexual intercourse, consensual or not, they did not understand enough about what they were seeing for it to really even mean anything to them and it does not affect they way they will approach the subject. At this level, they are unlikely to find any form of sexual contact, including you straight up having sex with them, as objectionable. However, they will still regard unwanted touching or physical pain that might occur as part of the act as objectionable, or they might resist if they just don't like you as a person overall.

Potential mechanic: If relationship is greater than 50, the child with this innocence score will not accrue instances of non-consensual sex, and any instances of non-consensual sex that have been gained will not be counted toward regarding sex acts as objectionable. (However, they will still be on the list and will begin to apply once innocence drops below 90.)
Potential mechanic: If relationship is greater than 50, the child with this innocence score will not accrue instances of non-consensual sex, and any instances of non-consensual sex that have been gained before raising relationship above 50 will not be counted toward regarding sex acts as objectionable. (However, they will still be on the list and will begin to apply once innocence drops below 90.)

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*A boy's privates can go inside the hole in the girl's privates (also requires knowing about the girl's hole)
*A boy's privates can go inside the hole in the girl's privates (also requires knowing about the girl's hole)
*Putting a boy's penis inside it is what the hole in the girl's privates is for (also requires above)
*Putting a boy's penis inside it is what the hole in the girl's privates is for (also requires above)
*Sex is when the boy's penis goes inside the girl's vagina (also requires above)
*Sex is when the boy's penis goes inside the girl's vagina (also requires above) (Innocence locked at or above 80 without this knowledge unless they have experienced non-consensual sex. If they have experienced non-consensual sex, cannot learn sex knowledges that have an innocence requirement < 80 without this sex knowledge)
*Something white called semen can come out of a boy's penis
*Something white called semen can come out of a boy's penis

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*Condoms can break sometimes, it's rare (0)
*Condoms can break sometimes, it's rare (0)
*Condoms can break sometimes, it happens a lot (0)
*Condoms can break sometimes, it happens a lot (0)

===Has been taught===
===Has been taught===
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'''How to perform sexually'''
'''How to perform sexually'''
*Has initiated sex 5+ times
*Has initiated oral, anal, or vaginal sex 5+ times

'''The full biological basis behind sex'''
'''The full biological basis behind sex'''

Latest revision as of 12:45, 25 August 2020

In this version, innocence score is meant to have some impact on the game via general numbers, but an even greater impact via specific sex knowledges. At present, general innocence has a rough impact on the child's weariness toward sex, and thus whether or not they will consider a sex act objectionable. There are also plans in the works for it to chance some dialogue from the child aside from just using the objectionable Vs. non-objectionable dialogue.

There are also some specific sex knowledges, particularly in the "understands" department, where a certain innocence score is needed along with some other conditions that must be fulfilled in order to acquire that particular sex knowledge. These will all be detailed out here.

Applied innocence score

The child's general disposition toward sex depending on their innocence score.

NOTE: Each level has some suggested mechanics for the level of innocence that might apply. These are not necessarily going to be in the sample 1st alpha release, and are more suggestions to throw out there and ponder among the development team.


The child is fully ignorant to sex and what it means. If they have seen an up-close view of sexual intercourse, consensual or not, they did not understand enough about what they were seeing for it to really even mean anything to them and it does not affect they way they will approach the subject. At this level, they are unlikely to find any form of sexual contact, including you straight up having sex with them, as objectionable. However, they will still regard unwanted touching or physical pain that might occur as part of the act as objectionable, or they might resist if they just don't like you as a person overall.

Potential mechanic: If relationship is greater than 50, the child with this innocence score will not accrue instances of non-consensual sex, and any instances of non-consensual sex that have been gained before raising relationship above 50 will not be counted toward regarding sex acts as objectionable. (However, they will still be on the list and will begin to apply once innocence drops below 90.)


The child is fairly naive and ignorant to sex and what it is. They have developed some idea that it is inappropriate to have their genitals exposed and touched, but they do not have a firm grasp on why that is. As such, their resistances are much easier to bypass and can come to regard a sex act as unobjectionable through some fairly simple convincing due to the fact they are naive and easy to manipulate. At this level, they are unlikely to understand the concept of rape and seeing someone else being raped is less likely to be interpreted as them having seen rape unless it is exceedingly obvious. (the victim would have to have been screaming and crying.)

Potential mechanic: Some instances of observed non-consensual sex might be interpreted as consensual sex (specific notes made per case) Seeing consensual sex, or something they interpret as consensual sex, makes them less likely to see sex acts as objectionable. (This applies to 90-100 as well)


The child has gained a fair amount of exposure and/or insight into the area of sex and what it is. They are more mentally equipped to realize there is something wrong with having their privates touched, and far less naive. It is no longer something strange or mysterious to them, so they will tend to react in the expected manner to sex acts and the sex knowledge they have gained.

Potential mechanic: Due to child's black-and-white thinking, virgin children in this range are likely to interpret all sex they see as non-consensual regardless of reality due to the fact that society's messages have left them with the impression that all sex and sexual touching is wrong. However, this only counts for 3rd level observed sex as they are not hyper aware to sex at this point. (all touch, exposure, and relationship requirements +20 in this range)


The child has become fairly sex-savvy and has likely been exposed to a lot of sex and sex-related stuff. It's highly likely that they have even had sex themselves in order to get to this level. At the very least though, by this point it is almost a guarantee they have a full and comprehensive understanding of sex and what it is, and their reactions to it will be more or less in line with what you would expect from an adult on the subject, although they may still be a little lacking in knowing all the ways sex can get you in trouble.

(There are no special modifications at this level)


It is very unlikely for the child to have reached this level without having been exposed to some degree of non-consensual sex, as well as all kinds of varied and depraved sex acts. The child is ignorant to very little when it comes to sex at this point, and they know things that are more in line with a typical adult's fears in regards to why they would want to protect them from sex.

Potential mechanic: If child manages to reach this level with zero non-consensual sex having occurred to this point, they will consent to all sex acts (except sex that risks pregnancy if they happen to not want a baby.) Successfully activating this mechanic effectively precludes any chance of the child's innocence dropping below 20.

(NOTE: It is likely that the child's relationship, exposure, and touch scores will be high enough by this point that they would have consented to all sex anyway if they have been brought to this point with zero non-consensual sex)


It is simply not possible to reach this level without the child themselves being raped, and they have likely seen their friends being raped as well. They will also have been exposed to all manner of different forms of sex-acts, and will have a comprehensive knowledge about sex and the dark directions it can go that they are more on the level of a sex worker or a vice cop in terms of their level of sexual awareness. To them, sex is not something that is pleasant, it is just something that happens to them and that they are forced to go along with. It is highly likely their resistance to non-consensual sex will be broken at this point.

Potential mechanic: If the child reaches this point without Lv. 7 resistance broken status, their resistance is automatically fully broken upon reaching this level.

Sex knowledge with requirements

These following sex knowledges require the child to first fill certain requirements before they can be unlocked. Normally, these will either be having a certain innocence score or having certain other sex knowledges already. However, some will require the child to have actually performed certain sex acts, and most will have more than one set of requirements that can achieve it. (the "has experienced" list being a notable stand-out.)

All items in the "has heard," "has been taught," and "understands" require some mention due to their potential to have specific or unexpected requirements.

NOTE: Some items will have an "innocence" requirement. In all cases of innocence requirements, this means innocence must be lower than the indicated number. However, age can also play a factor. The child's age can be added to all innocence requirements, indicating they have an easier time understanding certain concepts as they mature.

Has heard

The child can "hear" anything on this list at any time. However, they must reach certain requirements before that information will make sense to them and it will solidify for them.

NOTE: All items on this list with a "maximum innocence" + age requirement can also be acquired by first hand experience with the subject. For instance, seeing a girl's vagina or seeing semen come out of a boy's penis, or seeing sex at Lv. 3, or being raped or seeing someone else get raped. Consider the said items the alternate requirement for anything that might be applicable to.

No requirement

  • Boy's and Girl's privates are different
  • You can touch your privates to make yourself feel good
  • You shouldn't touch your privates in public (2)
  • Another person touching your privates can feel even better

Innocence < 90 + age

  • Girls have a hole in their privates that isn't where their pee or poop comes out of
  • Babies are made when mommies and daddies do something called "sex"

Innocence < 85 + age

  • You shouldn't let other people touch your privates (3)
  • A boy's privates can go inside the hole in the girl's privates (also requires knowing about the girl's hole)
  • Putting a boy's penis inside it is what the hole in the girl's privates is for (also requires above)
  • Sex is when the boy's penis goes inside the girl's vagina (also requires above) (Innocence locked at or above 80 without this knowledge unless they have experienced non-consensual sex. If they have experienced non-consensual sex, cannot learn sex knowledges that have an innocence requirement < 80 without this sex knowledge)
  • Something white called semen can come out of a boy's penis

Innocence < 80 + age

  • You can let other people touch your privates if you are old enough (0)
  • The semen is what makes babies when it gets in the girl's vagina (also requires all bottom 4 items in 85 + age category)
  • The semen comes out when the penis feels good
  • Some boys/men like to have people suck on their penis
  • Some girls/women like to have people lick their genitals
  • Boys can have sex with boys by putting it in the butt
  • The penis can go in the girl's butt too (0)

Innocence < 70 + age

  • There are people who will have sex with you when you don't want them to
  • There are pills a girl can take to avoid having a baby when they have sex (0)
  • There is something called a condom a boy can put on his penis to avoid getting a girl pregnant when they have sex
  • Condoms can have flavors to taste good if you suck the boy's penis with it on (0)
  • Condoms can break sometimes, it's rare (0)
  • Condoms can break sometimes, it happens a lot (0)

Has been taught

Most items in this category have multiple possible routes to achieve this sex knowledge, as well as multiple possible requirements. Items with a single requirement will appear near the top of the list with the requirement written above the item or items. Items with multiple different ways to fill the requirements for this sex knowledge will have the possible options listed under the item, and the header-bullet point relationship will be reversed.

Single requirement or set of requirement items

Innocence < 75 + age, and has heard semen is what makes babies when it gets in the girl's vagina

  • The physical mechanics of sex (factual text-book knowledge)

Innocence < 70 + age and has heard all items under "Innocence < 80 + age"

  • Deviant forms of sex (purely informative)

Age > 8 and has learned the physical mechanics of sex

  • The biology of sex

Innocence < 60 + age, and has appropriate "has heard" knowledge

  • How to use hormonal birth control or to confirm your female partner is on birth control
  • How to put on a condom or how to put a condom on a boy
  • To use a condom or ask for a condom to be used (2)

Multiple routes to achieve items

The physical difference between boys and girls

  • Has heard boys and girls' privates are different
  • Has seen the opposite gender's genitals

The physical mechanics of sex (applicable knowledge)

  • Age > 10 and has been taught the physical mechanics of sex
  • Has seen or experienced vaginal sex

Deviant forms of sex (applicable knowledge)

  • Age > 10 and has been taught deviant forms of sex
  • Has seen or experienced oral, anal, or BDSM sex

How to respond to someone doing something sexual to them

  • Has been taught how some people will try to take sexual advantage of them
  • Innocence < 80 + age, has heard you shouldn't let other people touch your privates, has not heard you can let others touch your privates if you are old enough
  • Innocence < 70 + age, has heard you shouldn't let other people touch your privates, has experienced non-consensual touching or non-consensual sex
  • Innocence < 60 + age, has heard you shouldn't let other people touch your privates.

How some people will try to take sexual advantage of them

  • Innocence < 50 + age, has been taught applicable knowledge of sex
  • Innocence < 80 + age, has experienced non-consensual sex
  • Innocence < 70 + age, has seen non-consensual sex

How to recognize someone trying to take sexual advantage of them

  • Innocence < 40 + age and has both above sex knowledges
  • Innocence < 50 + age and understands the basic idea of sex
  • Experienced non-consensual sex 5+ times and Innocence < 60 + age + non-consensual sex experiences


All items in this category have multiple possible routes or requirements that can allow the child to achieve this sex knowledge. As such, all items will be listed in the format of the lower items in the above category. Additional means to achieve these items may be added in the future.

The basic idea of sex.

  • Innocence < (age -3) X 10, and has applicable knowledge of the physical mechanics of sex

How to perform sexually

  • Has initiated oral, anal, or vaginal sex 5+ times

The full biological basis behind sex

  • Age > 11 and has been taught the biology of sex
  • Has been pregnant and has been taught the biology of sex

How to avoid being taken advantage of sexually

  • Innocence < 40 + age and has been taught how to recognize someone trying to take sexual advantage of them

The emotional complexities attached to sex

  • Pubescent, 20+ sexual experiences, and first sexual experience is 2+ years ago
  • Age > 10, Innocence < 40, Pubescent, has experienced consensual sex, has seen or experienced non-consensual sex, has experienced sex 20+ times

How to consent to sex

  • Innocence < 40, understands how to avoid being taken advantage of sexually, Relationship > (non-consensual sex experiences - consensual sex experiences) X10)