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Latest revision as of 03:02, 19 November 2020

"Um... maybe chain mail?"

Out of the options given it seemed the most reasonable, as leather would take too long to strap on and cloth... well, last thing she wanted was to pull off a gambeson and have her entire tunic go with it.

"Excellent! Now, just step right this way so I can get some rough measurements to start with."

Ondir's brother ushered her over to area she saw before, a raised platform half surrounded by mirrors.

"Just step on up here and remove your bag and cloak."

Doing as she was told she handed her bag off to Ondir, followed soon by her cloak. Luna always felt unsafe without a cloak to wrap herself up in, and now, standing on a small stage in an open area in just a tunic, she felt practically naked. Lilac tinting her cheeks she hugged her sides and leaned forward a bit.

"Ah, there's no need for that," Ondur said while stepping up next to the shy girl. "Nobody here but us three, no need to get embarrassed."

Luna looked between the two brothers, being met with matching comforting looks. Taking a deep breath she lowered her arms and stood more naturally, letting Ondur guide her into place.

"There we are. Now, hold your arms straight out to sides, yes just like that, now hold it there. I should warn you this might feel a little too hands on, but fret not, it's purely professional."

She merely nodded as he took out his measuring tape and got to work, starting with her arms. She was worried raising her arms would expose her lower half but thankfully her tunic stopped at the top of her thighs, plus she could see from the many mirrors that Ondir had chosen to examine some nearby armor rather than her. Ondur, meanwhile, was right when he said it might feel too hands on, though, as he wrapped the tape around her undeveloped chest, then her stomach, then finally around her hips, the last of which caused her to blush once more.

"Okay Luna, based on your measurements I think I might have something that fits you. Now we just need to move onto step two."

"Step two?" Luna furrowed her brows in confusion.

"That's right, come along now."

The armorer led her off the stage and over to the changing rooms. The doors were indeed wooden, but they were raised off the ground and sat on hinges. Luna wasn't completely certain, but she was pretty sure these were what humans call "saloon doors" that her dad said are popular in taverns. The door she was facing seemed slightly smaller than the others, as if intended for a child.

Or a dwarf, she thought.

"Now you went to Amelia's already I take it."

"O-Oh, um, yes."

"Right then, now step in here..."

She entered a changing room.

"...and hand me your tunic."

Luna's eyes instantly went wide.


Ondur reacted fast seeing her frightened face.

"Now wait one second it's not what you think. You see, Amelia and I use similar methods. Just like how she uses your old clothes to find new one the right size, I find that it's a good way to find the best fit for mail armor. And besides, it's meant to be worn directly over your undergarments anyways."


"Undergarments, yes. And don't worry, it's specially enchanted not to scrap or chafe," he explained patiently, having gone through this many times before.

Luna processed this information in her head. Less than an hour ago she had been naked in a changing room and almost got caught, and now she had to get undressed again?! And that's not even the worst of it though.

I'm supposed to be n-naked? Underneath the chain mail? He did say it's meant to be worn over underwear but he's an armorer, does he not know dark elf dress code? I thought all people knew it...

Lost in her train of thoughts the young elf was startled by the shopkeeper calling her name.

"Luna? Are you okay? Should I go get Ondir-"

"No!" she interrupted. "I-I mean, you don't half to. Just, turn around, please?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, of course you'd want privacy."

He turned around.

"Just let me know when you're done."


Not wanting to keep him waiting she reached for the bottom of her tunic. For the second time that day she grabbed the hem and, steeling herself, pulled it over her head, leaving one prepubescent dark elf naked in the small changing room.

"I, uh, I'm done..."

The dwarf turned around and Luna, painfully aware of how her bare shoulders were plainly visible, held the tunic out with one arm, the other held firmly across her bare chest. Ondur wasted no time taking the piece of cloth, unknowingly depriving Luna of any clothing.

"All right then, this should only take a few minutes."

With that he left, leaving Luna alone, embarrassed, and very much naked, the doors to her changing room only covering from just below her shoulder to almost mid-thigh.

What happens next?