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Revision as of 23:02, 10 January 2021

A few hours later you wake up to thunder and lightning. Wake up everyone, says the General. We are almost to the plane. You didn’t like thunder storms and you especially didn’t like them when you were flying. Suddenly a loud explosion shakes the plane. General we have lost an engine. Oh no we have to go fix it. Patty your an engineer can you take care of it? Asks the General. No problem, replies Patty, I will just need someone to assist me. Now your afraid she will choose you to go out into one of your worst fears. Mikey, can you assist me? You are not feeling this not one bit. But you go ahead and except. Ok I’ll go, you say with your shaky voice. You both go outside ontop of the plane to fix the engine. You are already soaked from the heavy rain. Ok, now I want you to keep track of the wind so I am not in the wrong spot or so I can move before I get blown off. You wait as she tries to fix it and then you ask, What if we get struck by lightning? We won’t as long as we hurry. Then suddenly within seconds lightning strikes just a foot away from the both of you. No my wrench!!, exclaimed Patty. All I need is the plug back in. You think for a moment. If you touch it without gloves and a wrench could easily electrocuted.

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