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Revision as of 03:06, 5 February 2021

You're about to try to goad her into the dare a little more when she stands up from the table, cautiously pressing a hand against the top edge of her towel, and strides past you with her head high, without even a glance toward you. She has a nearly regal gait, and her pretending to ignore your presence only helps to sell it. For a brief moment you think she could just be walking away and ending the game right now but she walks straight as can be, right up to one of the tall glass panes of the sliding door. Pausing in front of it, perhaps even taking in a breath to rally her courage, she tugs on her towel and pulls open her only protection, holding it out to either side. It droops down her bare back, the towel teasing just how naked she is behind that soft single sheet of fluffy fabric.

"Truth or dare?" she asks pointedly, as if she hasn't just revealed her body to the entire world behind your house.

"Huh. A sudden change of heart?"

"I saw the look in your eye." One of her feet slides over top of the other, perhaps seeking comfort by covering some paltry amount of skin. "I knew you were about to call me chicken or something. And I wasn't going to let you."

She does know you pretty well. "I would never!"

"Truth or dare?" she repeats, all business.

"Hmm. I suppose I'll let you dare me."

"Good." She stands quite still, her head tracking from side to side as she looks around, trying to think of something. Then she seems to realize she's staring at your next dare. "Okay! If I have to flash the backyard, then you have to streak it."


"Yeah. You have to run around outside. But naked. The whole backyard."

She may have said "butt naked" but you can't tell. Although you can tell that she's grinning from ear to ear, even without seeing her face.

"Um, alright. But... you're sure you want me to do that while yo-"

"What's the matter?" she interrupts you, a smug satisfaction in her voice. "You're not chicken, are you?"

That pretty much seals it. "Nope."

"I dunno. You sound a little scared."

"Then I'll just have to prove it."

You pull up your boxers and get up from your chair. It feels a little silly to pull on your underwear when you're just going to take them off again, but having them on manages to bolster your confidence as you walk toward your fated task. Stopping beside your sister, you slide open the door as she angles her towel between the two of you for cover. You don't even glance in her direction, feigning the same level of disinterest she gave you a moment ago. Out on the back step you promptly drop your boxers, step out of them, and race away from the house.

You have goosebumps all over as the outside air rushes past your exposed skin, even as the sun counters the chill by warming your body. But your goosebumps are from exhilaration rather than cold and your nervous excitement forces you to cup your hands over your semi as you run, unable to overcome your embarrassment. You have to give kudos to Em for doing your dare now that you're out here covering up.

Making a wide turn in the middle of the yard, you waste no time making your way back to safety. Your sister frantically turns away from the window as you get close. It's clear she was more fixated on what you'd be showing to her than what she would be flashing back. Before she can turn away you do see the outline of your sister's figure, but not much else. Since you left the back door open there are now two panes of reflective glass between her and the outside world. Even standing so close to the door, it's just enough to keep you from getting a good look.

You quickly scoop up your boxers off the ground and hop inside as quickly as you can. Em has only just finished readjusting her towel when you close the door. She's no longer facing the yard but now it's her backside that is exposed to it. Her towel is draped across her chest and tucked under her armpits leaving what you note to be a cute little butt exposed out of the open side.

"What was that?" she complains, glancing down your body.

"What is this?" you reply, gesturing back at her while you hold your boxers in front of your junk.

"That wasn't the whole yard," she continues. " You barely went halfway!"

"That was three quarters, easy," you shoot back, then gesture again toward her, "but I'm definitely not the one who chickened out!"

"I didn't! I just..." she pauses, searching for an answer. "Th- the sun was too warm. Besides, you didn't say what I had to flash. But as if you're one to talk! You were covering the whole time! Covering isn't streaking!"

"Well... I wasn't covering." You also struggle to find an excuse. "I was just trying to keep from... flopping around."

Em glances down again then looks away. "Okay, but that's not streaking. Streaking is like, WOOO!" She raises her arms into the air to demonstrate but catches herself just as her towel starts to slip. "Um, y'know. Like that. If your thing starts... flopping... that's not my problem."

You stare at each other silently for a moment, nervous and embarrassed, before you huff a sigh.

"You want me to do it again?"

"I want you to do it right."

Looking back out to the yard, you nod your head. "Fine. I'm no cheater."

"I'm not cheating!" Em is quick to reply. "Technically, I never even stopped flashing!"

"Whatever you say, technically-not-a-cheater."

You hop back outside as she stammers out a rebuttal. This time you make sure to close the door. You already have a much better view of your sister with just one sheet of glass in the way. It's a shame you didn't close the door the first time.

Throwing away all caution, you toss your boxers behind you and sprint out into the yard with your hands in the air, shouting joyously. Either to spite your sister or to make her happy, you leap proudly over the grass, your cock bouncing with every step, all the way to the back of the yard. Once you make it all the way with your arms over your head your confidence is somehow higher than it was starting out and you make a left turn to rush over to the furthest corner of the yard. After a quick pivot, you aim yourself back toward the house and start again with a raucous holler that is sure to draw attention from the neighbors, if you hadn't already. Even though you don't want to get caught, it is weirdly freeing to run around like this.

Em opens the door as you head back. You think it's kind of her to give you a faster escape route from your dare. Until she leans out the door and snatches your boxers from the back step. You run faster, as fast as you can, as she slides the door closed. The quiet click of the lock is heard just as you grab hold of the handle and pull. She watches with amusement as you tug and flail on the door.

"What the hell, Em! Open the door!" Your panicked shouting does nothing to convince her.

"Say I'm not a cheater."


"Say I'm not a cheater," she repeats, lifting up your boxers.

"You totally are! Especially now!"

Em shrugs then turns away from you. She leans her bare back against the glass door, her round little butt also pressing up against it, as she plays with the elastic waistband of your underwear.

"Okay! Whatever! You're not a cheater!"

She looks back at you over her shoulder. "Say it like you mean it."

You had a semi before but you're actually starting to get hard now. Trying to hold your dick down, you take a breath to sound less desperate. "You didn't cheat. I cheated more than you did... Happy now?"

The lock clicks again and you heave on the door as Em takes a step away from it.

"I'm sorry," she says with a smile as you snatch your boxers back from her. "I really just wanted to lock you out while naked."

"Ha-Ha," you hack sarcastically, facing away from Em to step into your underwear. Once you tuck your stiffy safely inside you realize what she really meant. "Wait... you mean all that fuss before was because you didn't get to lock me out the first time?"

She chews on her finger with a coy smile when you turn to face her again. "I dunno. Maybe."

"I went streaking twice! And all so you could pull a prank on me?" You shake your head at Em while her mischievous smile grows larger. "Do I feel more stupid... or proud? I can't even tell."

Your sis giggles to herself. "You sure looked stupid."

"Yeah? I think you're forgetting whose turn it is now."

"By the way, I think your new nickname is... Floppy." She barely gets it out without bursting into a full fledged giggle fit.

"Truth or dare, giggle girl."

She leans up against the glass again. "Dare me, Floppy!"