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Revision as of 01:17, 6 March 2021

[Encounters Left: 0]

Lucia's heart pounds as she makes for the gate. She wasn't quick enough. The pig barrels into her, knocking her to the floor. on her hands and knees. He gets on top of her, squealing at the top of his lungs as he pins the poor girl down.

Lucia reaches for the gate's latch in vein, just a few feet out of arm's reach. Something weird presses agianst her groin. She tries to look back, and sees a large, corkscrew-shaped dick aiming at her little twat.

The girl trembles, but there's no escape. The pig oinks and thrusts forward, slamming his alien pig cock into the little girl's human cunny. Lucia screams as the oddly shaped object forces its way inside of her. It was not meant for her womb, and it felt very, very strange.

The pig oinks and squeals as he thrusts into Lucia, completely dominating the little girl. His cork-cock thrust deep into the little girl's belly, nearly hitting her cervix. Lucia weeps openly, her mind awash with a mix of pain and pleasure as she is raped by a pig in the mud.

The pig grabs some of her hair in his mouth and pulls. Lucia wails - why is he doing this to her!? His cock forces its way deep inside her little preteen womb, the walls of her vagina squeezing him tightly.

He finally lets go of her fair, now finally convinced she's not going to try to escape. Lucia's whole body trembles, and she wishes for it to be over. Part of her mind whispers something different... it whispers that she likes this. It whispers that she is enjoying this. It presents her with images of a big, strong animal pinning her small human frame and penetrating her little womb. Of being bred by pigs of all shapes and sizes.

Lucia shakes her head, confused by these thoughts and fantasies she had never considered before. The pig's corkscrew dick starts leaking precum, making it harder for him to pull back out.

Lucia's mind returns to reality as the pig squeals and cums deep inside her tummy. Despite everything that happened, she also cums from the sensation.

Panting, she realized that the pig's semen felt weird... different somehow from when her uncle came inside of her. It didn't... slosh around as much? Was that it?

The pig pants and he loops over her. Lucia tried to pull his cock out now that he's finished... only to find that she can't?? Her fingers almost get stuck to her groin as she tries. The pig's semen was almost glue-like in consistency!

'Oh my god, I'm going to be stuck like this with him inside me forever!' she thinks, terrified. The pig wuffles and sniffs the poor girl's hair, as if rooting through it. She looked up at him and he gives her cheek a big lick, making her grimace.

They lie there for quite some time, locked in that position. Lucia wonders what to do - someone will come find her eventually, but she doesn't want anyone to see her like this after being fucked by a pig!

Finally the pig shifts. He tugs, and Lucia cries out in pain. He tugs harder. "Nono, Mr. Piggie! P-Please d-don-!"

He tugs one more time, much harder. His dick rips out of the little girl's pussy as she screams, and nearly passes out from the pain. Her vision goes dark for a second, then corrects itself. Her heart pounds in her chest.

Lucia collapses into the mud as the pig gets off of her. She struggles to right herself, her arms feeling like overcooked noodles. Gaining purchase, she levers herself to her feet and staggers out of the pig pen, shutting the gate behind her.

Trembling, she goes over to the horse trough and cleans the mud off her clothes and skin, trying to get some of the gluey semen off her groin with mixed success. 'I just got raped by a pig! A pig!' she thinks to herself. 'It felt... it felt..!'

She didn't want to admit to herself that it felt good to get bred by a pig in the mud. But it did. Part of her wanted to do it again... Lucia shakes her head to clear it. 'What am I thinking!?'

Taking many, MANY deep breaths this time to calm down, Lucia shakily gets another blanket, heading to the next pen. She still had a job to finish...

The next pen has a large stallion in it. Lucia was always a little bit scared of him due to his temper. Steeling herself, the girl timidly approached him slowly.

The big horse paws the ground restlessly, but doesn't move as the girl gently drapes the blanket over his back. He even lips her shirt affectionately before she turns to leave.

She does the same for a few plow and cart horses, and the a single big ox the family keeps for managing their fields. The ox stares at the girl the whole time, making her nervous, but he doesn't object when she puts a blanket on his back. She backs out of his stall slowly, and shuts the gate behind her.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Lucia heads out of the barn, making sure to put the latch on shed back in place before grabbing the lantern and heading back towards the house.

"A pig.. raped me..! his cock felt so weird inside my pussy..." Lucia mumbles to herself, hoping to god that no one ever finds out about this!

Chapter IV