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'''[Encounters Left: 1]'''
'''[Encounters Left: 1]'''

Lucia strolls briskly over to the barn by the old wall. She unlatches the heavy iron bar on the storage shed attached to the big livestock barn, struggling a bit to lift it up.
Lucia strolls briskly over to the barn by the old wall. She unlatches the heavy iron bar on the storage shed attached to the big livestock barn, struggling a bit to lift it up.

Revision as of 01:26, 6 March 2021

[Encounters Left: 1]

Lucia strolls briskly over to the barn by the old wall. She unlatches the heavy iron bar on the storage shed attached to the big livestock barn, struggling a bit to lift it up.

Finally the door swings open, and she makes a mental note to remember to close it up again before she heads back to the house before stepping inside and swinging it shut.

Lines of farming supplies on various shelves and tables meet her eyes. She goes over to a chest in the back and opens it, taking out a bunch of thick, woolly blankets. She carries them over to the inner doorway that leads into the barn proper, struggling to balance the large load of heavy blankets in her arms without dropping any.

"Okay, who's first..." Lucia set the blankets down on a nearby bench. This was a general barn that housed a lot of different animals - mainly goats, pigs, horses, and cows.

She opens the first stall, which housed a small herd of goats. They baaah at her as she wakes them up by entering their home.

Lucia pats the goats and drapes the first blanket over a pair of males. One of them nips her shirt as she leans over them, making her giggle.

"Stop that, silly!~" She moves on the the other goats in the stall, three females huddled together for warmth, giving them a blanket of their own before turning to leave.

She was about to exit the stall when she feels a tug on her skirt. Turning to look, Lucia sees one of the males had stood up from under the blanket and come towards her. He now had her skirt in his teeth, tugging on it.

"Hey, don't do that!" Lucia scoffs, trying to pull her skirt out of the goat's mouth. He tugs again, his head jerking back. The girl yelps and tumbles to the ground, part of the back of her skirt tearing off in his mouth as she falls.

Lucia lands on her belly hard on the cold hay-covered wooden floor, getting the wind knocked out of her. She gasps for air, her head pounding. Did she hit that, too? She can't recall... Her vision spins and blurs slightly.

About to try and lever herself to her feet, she feels something press her down. The other male goat had gotten up and was now standing on the poor girl's back like she was a rock.

Lucia twists her neck around to try and look at him, and notices the other goat standing close by still slowly chewing on the chunk of course fabric he took out of her skirt.

"Hey now, you two know how to behave, let me up! And spit that out, you!" The girl tries throwing her weight around to make him get off her, but the goat merely shifts his weight to match her movements expertly, clearly unperturbed by the young girl's antics.

"You can't stand there all night.. aren't you sleepy?" Lucia sighs as the goat currently eating a piece of her skirt swallows it with a big gulp. 'They'll really eat anything...' she thinks to herself.

The skirt-eating goat blats and turns away, looking like he's about to leave through the open gate. "No, stop!" Lucia cries. "Don't leave, come back!" He does stop, turning to look at the girl.

He walks back over to the sprawled girl, looks her in the face, and goes "BAAAH!" quite loudly. The females over on the other side of the stall look up, then put their heads back down. They clearly don't care about whatever is going on.

"What do I do now..." Lucia mutters. "Hey Mr. Goat, um... can you get off my back please?" She tries to reach up and stroke his head. A flash a pain makes he pull her hand away - he'd bitten her finger.

"OWW! Okay, okay, I'm sorry..." Lucia sucks on her poor finger. He hadn't even broken the skin, but it still hurt...

A new sensation between her legs makes the little girl jump, though obviously she doesn't move much with the goat on her back. She twists her neck around, the muscles protesting as she tries to see what the hell the goat is doing.

He has his head down in her crotch, snuffling at it. She hadn't had a chance to take a bath yet after the day's.. encounters. 'Is he smelling uncle's cum?' she wonders. 'Or mine..?'

Suddenly the goat grabs the fabric of the young girl's panties in his teeth and pulls. "Hey, no don't!" Lucia cries, struggling to get free again without success. "Don't eat those!"

Unfortunately for Lucia the goat doesn't seem to be listening. He pulls harder, and the thin cotton fabric snaps. A large chunk of the cotton from where the material wraps around under and between her legs gets torn off, revealing her pussy and butt to the cold barn air. The goat he begins placidly chewing on the fabric.

"I only have so many clothes, you know!" she says angrily. "I could get you some actual food if you are that hungry! Just let me up!" The goat swallows the chunk of fabric and burps. The girl sighs, exasperated with the situation.

Then, something happens she didn't expect. The girl notices something between the goat's legs as he slowly walks back towards her. The goat's long red rod was sticking out, which by itself wasn't unusual.. except that it was standing straight and getting longer.

"W-Wait a minute! You can't possibly be..?" A shiver goes down the girl's spine. Her uncle and brother were one thing, but was this goat seriously about to do what she thought!?

Lucia tries to remember the her lessons on animal husbandry her father taught her. Female goats pee to show the male they're interested... maybe he somehow thought what he smelled under and soaked through her panties was that..!?

She thrashes, trying to get up. If she screamed she doubted anyone would hear her through the thick wood walls of the barn. The house was just too far away!

Suddenly the goat on her back shifts. Lucia breathes a sigh of relief - he was getting off her back!

[Does she get away?]

* The horny goat steps on her back... [Encounters Left: -1]
* Lucia manages to quickly get away!