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Revision as of 05:29, 6 March 2021

You don't mind your sister getting feisty, but you need to pay her back for her backyard shenanigans. You take a short step forward, eyeing her up.

"Hmm. I'm not sure what to make you do now. Cuz I thought I was really clear about your dare before, but you still managed to screw it up."

"Whaddaya mean? I'm still flashing the backyard!" She lifts the hem of her towel in her hands and waves it in the air in front of her body with her back still against the sliding door.

"No, I said to face the backyard. Which is why you are a cheater, cheater."

Your sis tucks her towel into her arms again and scrunches her face. "Well, Floppy... you must've said it wrong. I did exactly what I heard."

Nodding, you take another slow step forward. "Alright, sure, sure. Then this dare will be super clear, and extra simple. You just have to keep both of your palms pressed against the glass for the rest of the game."

Em raises an eyebrow. With one hand holding her towel to her chest, she reaches behind herself experimentally placing one palm against the door. "Okay, I guess. The game's almost over, so... is there a catch? What about my towel?"

"Oh, don't worry. I'm taking it."

"My towel?!"

"Uh huh."

"You can't take my towel!"

"Yes I can," you state, grabbing one of the hanging sides. She defensively grabs the top edge with both of her hands.

"But that's all I have!"

"Yeah, that's the point."

"No! No! I'll just... face the glass again!"

"You can face whatever way you like, as long as you're touching glass." With your second hand secured on the flowy sheet of material you lightly lift her towel away from her body, teasing her.

"Ron!" She's quick to push down on the front of it with one of her hands, trying to stay covered up.

"I'm taking it, sis."

Em starts prancing and looking around. "But... But..."

"I'm doing it!"

With a sharp squeal, Em drops her towel and spins away from you, relinquishing her protection before you can tug it out of her grasp. Both of her hands land with a dull smack against the window. She is quick to lean into it, tucking her arms into her sides to at least shield that much of herself from you, even if it does little to hide herself from the nosey eyes of any neighbors. Satisfied, you take a step back and get a good look at the gentle curves of your sister from behind, particularly of her behind.

"Okay, okay," she says with a huff after taking a moment to calm herself. "I got you naked, you got me naked. That's fair. Can I have my towel back now, please?"

"Totally. Right after we're done. A+ for manners though. Are you always so polite when you're embarrassed?"


"Ah. Just when you're naked."

"No!" she repeats, a smile in her voice. You spin her towel in a tight circle then snap it against her butt with a sharp crack. Em yelps, hops, and clenches her bum tightly. "Raawwn! Staawwp!"

"Just checking if you actually listened this time. You passed."

Your sis is confused for a moment then spots her own hands still glued to the glass. She peers over her shoulder at you with a playful scowl. "I told you I'm not a cheater."

"We'll see." Going back to the table with her towel in hand, you turn your chair outward and take your seat again, dropping your boxers as part of her original dare as you do. However you do cross your legs to try to sit on your stiffy. Em just squirms. You can see her heart racing from here. She brings her feet closer together, naked and trapped up against the glass.

"Umm... what now?"

"I dunno. You tell me. Isn't it your turn now?"

"Oh! I have to dare you..."

"I mean, you don't have to. You could just stand like that for a couple hours. Up to you."

"Shuddup! I'm naked, okay!"

"I noticed."

"I'm just... I'm flustered a little. Just gimme a second."

Em starts thinking, shifting from foot to foot. You watch her bum rotate ever so slightly, her slight hips moving back and forth, outlined by the sun streaming in from the backyard. She probably doesn't even know she's doing it, taunting you with her cute butt, although you'd love to think it's on purpose.

"HA! I know what will get you embarrassed! You have to send a nudie pic to one of your friends!"

"A nudie pic?" you echo, already fishing your phone from your pants on the floor.

"Yup! All the way naked, not just some butt crack shot or something. And don't send one to, like, a gay friend. Make it your least gay friend."


"And you have to text them something romantic, like 'thinking about you' or 'wish you were here' or something like that."

"Alright, if you say so. Wish... you... were... here..."

You can't hold back your smile, not that your sister can really see it. But she can tell from the corner of her eye when you lift your phone up and point it toward her.

"Wait, what are you doing!?"

"I'm taking a nudie pic, like you said."

Em crosses her legs and angles herself toward you so she can yell at you. She comes so close to pulling her hands away, but she stays put. "No! I said take one of you! I didn't... Don't send that!"

"Whoops! Too late." You drop your phone in your lap and put up your hands defensively. "Geez, what a mixup, huh? You know, you really should be more clear when you say things."

"Oh my god! Who did you send that to?"

You wave your hand in the air. "No one."


"Yeah. Or, like, 30 people? Basically no one."

"Ron! You didn't!"

"I dunno. Did I?"

Em stares at your stupid grin, glaring at you from the door. She can't tell if you're joking and don't intend to let her find out. She just slowly smirks at you as her visual scolding turns into a staring contest between two naked siblings.

"A dick pic! I meant a dick pic! Obviously!"

"Oh, okay. Well you'll get it right next time. At least your turn is over right? We just have to figure out your last dare now."

"My last dare?" Em groans and starts prancing again, her feet hopping and tapping out her frustrations against the floor. "And I'm the cheater? You totally sent that pic, didn't you? ...did you? You wouldn't... Oh my god... Just hurry up! I swear there's kids outside!"

Watching your sis stew and squirm while standing naked across the room from you unable to run away is so much fun. You're glad you crossed your legs because you're crazy hard watching her dance with embarrassment. But you're not quite done with her yet.