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"I'll tell them aaaaalll about how much you LOVE your uncle fu- fuk... 'fucking' you every day!" he says with an evil grin.
"I'll tell them aaaaalll about how much you LOVE your uncle fu- fuk... 'fucking' you every day!" he says with an evil grin.

Lucia pauses, considering her options. He would do it - he'd do anything to get his way. Maybe if she just let him try he'd give up and forget about it. I mean it'd not like he'd enjoy it.. right? He was too young for that...
Lucia pauses, considering her options. He would do it - he'd do anything to get his way. Maybe if she just let him try he'd give up and forget about it. I mean it's not like he'd enjoy it.. right? He was too young for that...

Filip crosses his arms. "Well?" he demands.
Filip crosses his arms. "Well?" he demands.

Revision as of 20:05, 12 March 2021

Lucia stood in the shed for a moment, panting. Finally she pulls her panties back up over her creampied little cunny and tugs her shirt back on.

She was about to go back to her weaving with a considerable amount more trembling, when a voice from the other side of the wall says "It looked like he was enjoying that a lot." Lucia whirls, and spots an eye peering through a crack in the wood. Marching outside, she finds her little rascal of a brother crouched behind the shed.

"What do you think you're doing, dummy!?" Lucia demands, smacking Filip on the back of the head.

"Oww! I was watching, what do you think I was doing!?" He stands up, rubbing the back of his head. "I SAID, it looked like he was enjoying doing that to you. I wanna try it!"

Lucia's face goes white. "Absolutely not! You're far too young!" She storms off towards the house.

Filip runs after her, keeping pace with her. "Hey! I want to do it with you!" he demands. "And I said no!" Lucia shouts back.

"I'll tell ma'ma!" he threatens her. "She already knows and doesn't care!" Lucia retorts.

"What about papa, then?" Filip demands. "What do you think?" Lucia shouts back.

Filip pauses for a moment, then says "Fine then... I'll tell all your friends in town."

Lucia halts abruptly, making Filip collide with her. She whirls and faces him, her eyes narrowing. "You wouldn't dare!"

"I'll tell them aaaaalll about how much you LOVE your uncle fu- fuk... 'fucking' you every day!" he says with an evil grin.

Lucia pauses, considering her options. He would do it - he'd do anything to get his way. Maybe if she just let him try he'd give up and forget about it. I mean it's not like he'd enjoy it.. right? He was too young for that...

Filip crosses his arms. "Well?" he demands.

"F-Fine... but just this once!" Lucia says, grabbing her by the arm and toeing him over to the large stacks of hay piles behind the barn. "A-And you have to swear that you won't tell a soul what you saw!"

"I swear... as long as you let me do what he was doing to you." Filip says.

Lucia sighs and sits down on a pile of loose hay. They were over next to the old wall, hidden in the shadows under the overhang by the late afternoon sun. Nobody came here this late in the day, or really at all until winter which was many months away still.

"Come here." She demands. "I'll teach you how to do this, but you have to promise to do whatever I say! You don't have any idea how to do this right..."

"Fine." Filip agrees. Lucia fumbles at his trousers. 'I can't believe I'm going to do this with my little brother...' part of her thinks.

She pulls down his trousers to his hips and grabs his little dick, jerking him off.

"What are you doing?" he asks her. "Getting you hard. If you can't get hard yet, we can't do th-" she stops mid sentence. She had not honestly expected him to be capable of getting hard, and had assumed this was as far as they would go. Unfortunately for her, she was wrong. Her little brother's childish cock reacted to her movements and stood erect in her hands.

"That felt nice." Filip says, looking down at what his big sister was doing to him. "It's standing up! Is it supposed to do that..?"

"Yes..." Lucia says reluctantly. "If it didn't do that, you wouldn't be able to get it inside.. me."

"Oh. Cool!" Filip says jubilantly. "So now what?"

Lucia wanted a way out. She never expected him to get this far... "U-Um.. isn't this enough?" she asks him, continues to stroke his little dick. "What if I just kept doing this..?"

"Nu-uh!" Filip says. "Our deal was to let me do what uncle Grigore was doing, remember? Otherwise I'll tell!"

"Wh-What if I did this instead? Uncle has me do this to him, too..." Lucia leans down and puts her bro's cock in her mouth, her head bobbing as she sucks him off.

Filip gasps and moans, subconsciously thrusting his hips against her lips as she goes down on him. Lucia sucks on his dick for a minute or two before he moans loudly and it starts to twitch, though nothing comes out. She lets his cock slide out of her mouth, assuming he had an orgasm..?

Filip looks down at his dick, panting. "H-Hey! It got small again. And why didn't any white stuff come out of it like uncle's thingie did..?"

"I said before... you're too young." Lucia says. "I didn't even expect you to be able to get hard." After a pause she says "So are we good now..?"

"No way, we had a deal! The same thing you did with uncle! You aren't backing out of this!" Filip says indignantly.

Lucia smirks. "Ah, but you see you can't just do it again instantly. Your dick won't get hard for a while after finishing." She pokes his cock, which unfortunately for her almost immediately springs back up.

"Ha! I guess you were wrong! Now stop stalling, Lucia! What's next?" Filip smirks.

Lucia kicks herself for touching it again - she almost got out of this! Out of options, she sighs gives up. She was going to have to let her gross little brother stick his dick inside her pussy.

"F-Fine... whatever. Come here." She lies down on her back in the hay and pulls her pants down, letting them dangle on one ankle. "Take your pants off, lay on top of me, and lets get this over with..."

Filip strips off his trousers and gets on top of Lucia, pressing his warm body against hers. "N-Now what?" he asks his big sister.

"Line your belly up with mine... Yeah good, like that." She reaches down and grabs his little dick, helping him line it up with her hairless preteen slit. "Now you're gonna push your hips forward..."

'Ug, I can't believe this is happening...' Lucia thinks to herself. 'Why me...'

"Like this..?" Filip mumbles, pressing down against her. His dick nearly enters his sister's cunt... but slips and misses. "C'mon..!" he mumbles, grabbing his dick himself and trying again.

Lucia lies still and lets him try to do it, still half hoping he will fail and give up. Her eyes go wide when he hits his mark. "G-Got it!" Filip says, gasping. "Ohmygod-thisfeelsamazing!" he slurs, beginning to thrust without Lucia even explaining to him what to do next.

Her little brother jackhammers her cunt like a rabbit, his little dick stimulating Lucia more than she'd expected. She starts to actually get into it a bit, and grabs his butt to help him keep his aim true.

"That's good... Keep going." She mumbles to him.

"D-Do you like this?" Filip asks her.

"Wh-What!? Of course not... you're my little brat of a brother..." Lucia pants.

"You're lying... I heard you make these noises when uncle was doing this to you. You are enjoying it, don't lie!~" He continues his inexperienced fucking of his big sister.

"F-Fine, maybe I am enjoying it a little bit..." Lucia mumbles. "B-But you're nowhere near as good at this as uncle is..!" Despite saying that, she moans and cums from his quick little thrusts.

"Lucia!? Are you alright!?" Filip asks worriedly. "D-Did I do something wrong..?"

"N-No..." Lucia gasps. "I.. I just... came. It's normal..."

"Oh. So I guess you really do like it then, huh?" Filip smirks.

"F-Fine, yes you aren't absolutely terrible at this, I admit it. J-Just don't s-stop!" Lucia moans, hugging her little bro tightly against her.

Filip hammers his tiny prick in and out of his big sister's small snatch until he gags and gasps. Lucia feels his dick twitching inside of her, but as with before nothing comes out.

Filip keeps hammering away at her cunt for a minute more, enjoying the sensation of orgasming with his dick inside his sister. Finally he gasps one last time and rolls off her, lying in the hay on his back next to her.

"That fel't... awesome!" He says to the sky. "I can't wait to do it again!"

Lucia sits up at this. "Again!? B-But you promised!"

Filip sits up and looks at her. "I don't mean right now. I just thought... Y-You said you liked it! I thought..."

Lucia considers this, and has a brilliant idea. "Alright..." she says slowly. "How about I make you another deal? I will let you do this this to me from time to time, IF you are good and listen to me when I tell you to do your chores!"

'I mean, I did kinda like it... what's the harm in letting him do it again if it makes him easier to handle?' Lucia thinks to herself.

"Y-You mean it!?" Filip asks excitedly. "Okayokay, I promise from now on I will be good and do my chores every day!" He hugs her around the shoulders.


Just then... Once more, a voice from the shadows speaks up. "Wha' was that you two were doing?"

Lucia and Filip spring apart like startled rabbits as Silvia strolls up to them. Lucia quickly puts her panties back on and Filip covers his crotch with his hands. "N-Nothing!" they both say in unison.

"Wh-What are you doing out here??" Lucia demands. "How did you even find us back here!?"

"Uhh, mommy said to come find you and tell you to wash up for dinner." Silvia says. "An' I know'd this is where you two hide when we play hide and seek sum'times so I came to check it when I could not find you an'were else."

The two look at each other, then back at little Silvia. "So wha' was it you were doing? You guys said it felt nice?"

"H-How long were you watching for..?" Lucia asks timidly. "The who'le time." says Silvia. "I saw you pull down his pants and tho' at first it was bath time, so I was gonna leave f'er privacy but then you did that stuff to him an' I wanted to know what it was so I stayed an' watched."

Lucia swallows, trying to think of what to do now. "U-Um... it's a thing boys and girls do to show they like each other."

"Oh, okay." Silvia says. "It did look like fun!~"

"B-But its a serious thing!" Lucia says, not wanting to give her poor little sister the wrong idea. "You don't do it unless you really like a boy!"

"Does tha' mean you really like uncie, then?" Silvia asks. "I seen'd you doin' that with him before in our room one night."

Lucia's heart skips a beat. How long has she known..? "U-Um... Yes, I love uncie. But don't tell anyone we were doing that, alright?"

Silvia shakes her head. "Uh-uh. I wouldn't. It's private time mommy said."

Lucia puts her head in her hands. This was getting out of hand. At this rate, her friends would find out eventually even if Filip didn't tell them...

Filip tugs on Lucia's arms, and she pulls her head out of her hands. "Let's goooo!" He says. "Mom will get suspicious and come look for us if we're late for dinner!"

"You're right." Lucia says, getting to her feet. "We can talk about this later tonight in our room once everyone is asleep, okay guys?"

They all nod and agree, and head back inside to wash up for dinner.

Chapter III