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Latest revision as of 16:38, 19 March 2021

There are two other moms that step out of the car with Jesse's mom. This is perfect! Maybe they were at some event together, who knows, but they're pretty well dressed. But you're certain everything will be okay now that adults are here.

You tell the two sisters to stay put, that you'll be back for them once everything is sorted out. Then you clamor down from the tree house and race around to the front as your phone starts ringing, Jesse's mom calling you back. She's standing out front with two other moms looking worried. You hold your phone up as you jog up to them, proving that you're here.

"Mike? Oh thank goodness! We came as fast as we could! Where's this girl in danger?"

"Yeah, Dana. She's inside," you point, music now blaring from the house, probably to drown out the poor girl's screams.

"Are there any other girls in there?"

"Dana came with her two sisters but I made sure they're safe."

"Thank goodness. Well let's put a stop to this."

Jesse's mom leads the way with you at her side. She barges in the front room and starts throwing a fit, yelling at her son and stomping around the room like she's about to chop some heads. Some of the younger guys are spooked and want to run but are reassured by the seniors to just "sit the fuck down, retards." They don't even bother to turn the music down, as if they've seen this all before.

"There aren't even girls here!" insists Jesse. "Chill! Jesus!"

You look around. There's no sign of Dana. The guys are all playing video games, smoking weed, drinking, making a bit of a mess of the place, but besides a couple of shirtless guys in a stuffy room (with a dozen of them making it plenty warm) there's nothing that would give the impression of a gangrape.

"Well what's this all about then? Hmm? Michael? Jesse?"

"I saw her here," you start. "Dana, she was on the cou-"

Mrs Bolton doesn't let you continue. "I think you both have some explaining to do." Turning to the other moms, the matron of the house points at different corners of the room. "Sue, Maria, stay here with your boys. And make sure the rest of them don't go anywhere just yet. I'm going to ask my son some questions in private. You too Michael."

Jesse's mom leads the two of you through the door to the kitchen while the other moms put on their own bit of theatrics for the sake of their own offspring among the crowd. Mrs Bolton stands between the two of you next to the kitchen island, taking a moment to compose herself, before glaring at her son.

"Can you please explain what the fuck it is I'm doing here?"

Jesse shakes his head and gestures up and down at you. "This dumb piece of shit is one of the new tryouts and was supposed to bring his sister Jodie over so we could run a train on her. But apparently he's a good-for-nothing ratting little bitch."

"Jodie Wheeler? Oh, you're the Wheeler boy?"

You raise an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"Goddammit. I am so disappointed." Jesse's mom shakes her head at her son then turns and slaps you square in the face. Your legs go wobbly as you see stars.

"OW! Sh-shit! What the fu-"

"What's wrong with you!? You couldn't bring pussy to the party so you stabbed my boy in the back?!"

She's up in your face and hopping mad. You put your hands up and take a step back. "The fuck are you talking about lady!? They were going to rape those girls!"

"And? I'm supposed to care about the dumb nigger bitch hiding in the basement!? Please! Make me give a shit! Where's your whore sister anyway?"

"I... well, they would've raped her if I had brought her t-"

Mrs Bolton slaps you again, only glancing this time. "That's the whole point! And you're fucking it up!"

"But... but..." What the hell is this? You stare gobsmacked at Jesse's mom, begging for an explanation. Thankfully she spells it out for you.

"Why do you think my boy is the best goddamn captain this football team has ever seen? It's because he makes sure his teammates are taken care of, on AND off the field! And if you want to be on that field with the rest of the team then you need to contribute, bucko," she says, poking your chest sternly with a finger. "Virtuous, whiny little fuckers like you won't make it unless you get... in... line."

"Yeah, the fuck line," cracks Jesse with a stupid grin. His mom just rolls her eyes.

"Huh?" You glance in the direction of the living room, confounded by the whole situation. "...you're okay with this?"

"With what? Our team winning game after game so those boys out there can get full scholarships and start the rest of their lives as winners? Absolutely!"

"No, but... rape?"

"Oh grow up Mikey! These boys are elite athletes. Their whole weeks are regimented. Meal plans, exercise... this is no different. Without regular pussy they can't keep their heads screwed on straight before game day. So how else can this work? Do you know how many girls willingly spread their legs for an entire football team? Not enough for us to stay at number 1, that's for damn sure. Half of these meatheads can't keep a girlfriend for a week. The ones that do have girlfriends are trouble enough, between the drama and the feelings, blah, blah. There's no time for that. Call it rape if you want to. I call it results. We're not going back to being last in the league. These boys have earned however much pussy they can plow, no question's asked. So stop... asking... questions..." she pokes you in the chest again. "Besides, I'll tell you from experience, it's much easier to bribe a few cops every now and then than it is to sweet talk some silly high school bitch trying to save herself for her soul mate into bending over once in a while!"

Mrs Bolton pulls back a little, straightening up after such a lengthy rant. She lets out a frustrated sigh, adjusting her tits and her hair before planting her hands on her hips, filled to the brim with indignation. "So Mr Wheeler, little Mikey, are we going to do the right thing here?"

"What's that?" You're pretty sure you have a different definition of what that is in this context.

"That means you're going to explain to the other moms that Jana wasn-"


"Dana... Like I care what her name is. You explain that the useless black cunt that's in the basement is your ex-girlfriend or something. You got jealous and were trying to get her 'new' boyfriend into trouble. If they buy that - and you better fucking make it convincing - then, after they leave, you still need to go get some pussy for the other boys like you were told. Come through and maybe, just maybe, you could still join in at the end for sloppy twelfths, if you bring something that can last that long. That is if you still want the slightest chance of being a part of the best team in the entire state. Am I clear?"

"Yeah. I think so."

She stares you down and you hold your own returning gaze as steady as you can. This woman has the cops on her side. You don't want to end up in a ditch somewhere. You just can't believe you're entertaining going along with this. After a long moment she turns to smack her son upside the back of his head.

"What'd I do!?" he complains.

"Nearly got the cops called on you, that's what. And by a freshman!"

"That's not my fault! He wasn't listening or something, I dunno!"

That does sound like something you'd do. Mrs Bolton leads you back out to the other room and makes you take center stage for your announcement.

"Well Michael, I believe there's something you need to share with everyone. Go right ahead. We're all waiting."