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Revision as of 12:42, 22 March 2021

You know that this is the best opportunity you will get to get something out of this massive clusterfuck, if you don't act now you will have wasted it all. Acting more on instinct and balls than actually thinking about it, which is a good thing because if you stopped to think about it you would have realized just how fucking stupid that course of action actually was, you march around the house back to the front door. You are about to knock or ring the doorbell, when the door is already pulled open and for a second you think all is lost, that you have fucked up. "Mike?"

In front of you stands Andrew, one of the guys you actually know a bit better than the others, someone you get along with pretty well. He is a pretty nice dude, at least appears so, and you have a few classes together, which is why you know him and you have shared a few moments raging about teachers or nerding out about video games. He holds his jacket in his hand, apparently he was about to leave and him running into you was mere coincedence. Realizing that you dodged a bullet there you seize the moment and step forward, pushing him back into the house. "Hey man. Trust me on this, I can save this whole thing."

"Wut? Huh?"

You ignore his confusion, close the door behind you and all but saunter into the living room, where you see exactly what you expected to see. Three of the guys pummeling Jesse, the formerly so high and mighty prick laying on the ground in fetal position trying to protect his head, the still fucked out Yi Jing on the couch and the rest of the guys arguing, shouting, glaring at Jesse or about to get dressed again. Trying to project a confidence you don't actually feel and trying to appear all calm and properly collected despite being totally terrified you loudly say, "Gentlemen, gentleman, please! Calm down!"

Several of the guys turn to you, shocked or wondering why you are here, though no one says anything to you, most likely not really able to form a reply. "Guys, calm down! Seriously!"

You do not know if it is your voice or you simply being there or someone taking command, but the whole room does quieten down, even if some of them seem a bit angry at you being there or simply confused. Finally Dan asks, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Andrew let me in."

"I did not!"

You ignore the protest, at least you try to ignore it, and you lift your hands in a placating gesture. "Look, I know I am not part of the team, but I have a solution to your problem."

"What the fuck do you care?! Give us one reason why we shouldn't kick your ass as well?!" one of the guys, who you can't name for the life of yourself, snarl at you, looking ready to punch your face in. Or any face really.

"Hey," snarls John, a massive linebacker who not often speaks up, but when he does people listen to him. "Let him speak. If we don't like what he's saying, we can still kick his ass."

That seems to do the trick and all eyes fall on you now. All eyes except for Jesse, who cowers on the floor, most likely not knowing what is going on and in pain. You swallow, realizing that if this does not work, you will be down on the floor right next to him. This was perhaps not such a good idea. But you have no choice but to go on with this now, no other option. So you take all the confidence you have, all the bravery you can muster and say, "Look, the way I see it, the solution is simple. We are a big bunch of horny guys and Jesse here has screwed you over at least twice, and that was only today. So what we need is some fresh pussy... And there are two perfectly fine, cute girls just upstairs." You hold up two fingers. "Also, people stay only unconscious for so long. So sooner or later, Jada and Yi will be back around. That makes four." You hold up four fingers. "Aaaaand... Jesse does have a hot mum, who I am sure will come back home if her darling boy sends her a text."

You are now holding up your hand with all fingers extended, indicating the number of girls, women, you think can be here for the party quickly or even immediately.

"And a cute sister," someone else mutters. You nod, holding up your second hand with index finger extended. Silence reigns, the guys will need to make a decision. You can see their gears turning, can see how they think about it, glances passing between them. Finally several of them look to John, who takes his sweet time. Realizing that he is suddenly the center of attention, he slowly nods and then says,...