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Revision as of 04:35, 15 May 2021

The young captain surveyed the land before him as the vital supply train he was tasked to guard barreled down the tracks. Standing about 5 and a half feet, the young human man of barely 20 years of age surveyed his first command. He was fairly fresh from the academy, and wanted his first command assignment to go well. His blond tousled hair tried its best to poke up from underneath this shimmering plate armor helmet. Crafted from the finest Zethian ensorcelled steel, it glimmered faintly with magic in the pale moonlight. He had a soft face with bright blue eyes and a strong nose that showed his heritage hailing from the originating clan that formed formed the Zeth Empire.

It was a warm night for this late in the year, which made him sweat under his heavy plate armor. This route was quiet and not often in any danger, but that was no reason to let his guard down. He would do his duty to the empire, heat or no heat.

Shaking the sweat from his eyes, he did another scan of the land in front of them from his observation post, then checked the special magic mirrors that would show up a view from behind the train. His eyes went wide as he checked the mirror, and he nearly dropped the expensive piece of magical tech. Shedding his paralysis, he ran for the alarm call.


Checking the mirror again, a wave of fear went down the young man's spine as the infernal vehicle got close enough to see its insignia: a red hand with three lines of green fire slashing through it. He knew this emblem, as it was what all members of the imperial scouting and protection unit most feared. He knew they were all very likely going to die, but he refused to give in to fear. "I will protect this train to my last breath... Long live the empire!" He rushed out of the observation post, determination in every line of his body.


"They've spotted us, commander." The young orc woman grinned at her commander as she stood at attention and delivered her report. "The imperial pigs probably wet themselves when they saw our mark!"

"Do not underestimate them, Zia!" The shadowed figure gets to his feet and walks forward into the light. An orc male a few years older than the woman glared down at her. "They may be a weaker race, but there's a reason why they have resisted our conquest for so long! They will not surrender."

"O-Of, course, commander! I just meant-" He shoves his subordinate out the door. "Go prepare the attack force, Zia! Do not fail me!" The woman Zia straightened, bowing deeply with with both hands lain across her chest. "I will not fail, commander! Death to the enemies of the Infernal Legion!"


The captain stood at the ready in front of the train's only entry port. He had ordered the conductor the push the engines to their extreme. They only had to reach the fortified town of Carthidge - the garrison stationed there would be able to handle these invaders, even if they were from the feared 9th legion!

"Stand your ground, soldiers!" he barked, hoping his voice would not give any hint of the fear coursing down his spine to his subordinates. "They will NOT take this train! Long live the empire!" The brave men and women chorused their battle oath in response.

An explosion ripped through the entry port, more powerful than anything the young captain could have imagined. Most of his soldiers were consumed in the blaze instantly. Shrapnel pierced his leg and raked at his arms, though his heavy armor managed to deflect the worst of it. Looking out in horror at the carnage before him, he stood his ground, his weapon raised. The few members of his unit left standing rushed to his side, and they prepared for the onslaught that would pour from the shattered opening.

Four shadows moved through the smoke. "Halt!" the captain cried, his voice audibly shaking. "This train is under he protection of the imperial g-guard! You shall not pa-"

One of the shadows lept forward, and a massive orc bashed one of his few remaining men into the wall of the cabin with a maul larger than the length of his body. He could hear every bone in the poor soldier's body crunch on impact. Sweating with fear, the captain remembered his training and rushed the orc, his longsword shimmering with the runes of enchantment placed there so carefully by some of the empire's finest master enchanters.

His blade flashed out before the hulking orc could recover, and the smaller man nimble dodged around his opponent. His sword cut through the orc's wrought iron armor plates like they were butter, cutting deep into his side. The orc roared and swung a fist larger than the captain's head at him, but he had already disengaged. The magic from the blade ate into the orc's flesh, beginning to burn him from the inside out. With one last roar of defiance, he collapsed at the captain's feet.

A fist slammed into the young captain's middle, rocketing him into the same wall that had crushed one of his soldiers. The wards on his armor were strong, but not enough to counter such a massive impact. He felt several of his ribs break as he fell to the floor, wheezing.

"Gur'ok! You killed my lieutenant!" Blood dripping from his scalp, the young man looked up into the cold eyes of the orc woman, Zia. "YOU WILL DIE!!!"

"Zia, STOP!" a voice boomed out, cutting through the carnage. Zia held the man by the throat, her fist trembling with the rage of her blood lust as she had prepared to deliver the death blow. At the command, she faltered, and let the man fall. With a scowl, she stalked back to her commander who walked forward calmly.

The captain looked up through vision that would not stay still at the white-skinned uruk-hai commander that approached him. He knew he was about to die, yet the commander approaching him did so calmly, in stark contrast to his lesser green and black-skinned brethren pouring into the train around him, their eyes wild with blood lust.

The uruk-hai commander kneeled down before the captain. "You have my respect, soldier of the empire. To best one of my lieutenants, even one as young and foolish as Gur'ok was, is no easy task, let alone with such ease." Placing a massive finger under the young man's chin, he forced him to look him in the eyes. The uruk-hai commander's eyes were a shimmering shade of amethyst. His face was calm and composed as he surveyed his enemy.

"A pity. You have much potential. It is distasteful and dishonorable to slay a warrior of such promise before they can reach their full power, but I have my orders. I would have liked to meet you on the battlefield when you were ready... you might have been able to put up a good fight." Getting to his feet, he unsheathed his massive greatsword, leveling it at the captain.

"I just want you to know I take no pleasure in this. I pray that your ancestors recognize your valiant if futile efforts here in the world beyond." The man closed his eyes, muttering "long.. live... the empire..!"

The blade came crashing down... and did not make contact. The captain opened woozy eyes in surprise to see a small figure standing over him. No, a very small figure... a child? That couldn't be right... The mysterious person was stopping the downward swing of an uruk-hai elite's sword with.. was that a rapier? How was it not shattering - those were fencing swords, weren't they? He couldn't remember.

The uruk-hai eyes went wide as his blade was halted. A little girl stood between him and his prey, her bright purple eyes flashing against her pale charcoal skin and dark hair. Her small face had a determined look on it, one that defied her appearance and made her seem much older and more confident than expected of a girl that young.

The uruk-hai felt fear for the first time since he took command. What was a drow doing here? They were supposed to be extinct! Calming himself, he swiftly disengaged, and looked the girl over. She was indeed a drow, though an extremely young one. She couldn't be more than 10 - he had twenty or so daughters older than this mite! Yet her power... Yes, she was still going to give him a proper fight, the first one he'd had in a long time.

"Zia, secure the train." he said calmly to his second in command. "S-Sir, that's a d-drow! You ca-"

"I SAID MOVE!" he barked at her. Zia fled into the depths of the train, her eyes wide with fear. Her commander was one of the best, but could he really best a drow - even one so young!?

The uruk-hai leveled his blade at the girl. "Now this is quite a surprise. What are you doing here, little drow?" She lunged at him without responding, her blade flashing out at a speed to fast to see. He blocked, but was slightly slow and the wicked sharp blade nicked the flesh of his arm ever so slightly. He would not underestimate her a second time.

"You can't take this train - its now under my protection!" the little girl proclaimed, her eyes shining with determination.

"I've always wanted to test my skill against a drow..." the uruk-hai mused out loud. "I wish to challenge you to an honorable duel. No tricks, no magic. Just steel against steel. Do you accept? I give you my word than none of my soldiers will attempt to interfere."

The little girl's eyes narrow as she stares him down. After a moment she nods. "I accept your honorable challenge. Guard!"

The enchanted demon steel of the uruk-hai's greatsword met the pure eternium of the little drow girl's rapier with the sound of a thunderclap, the impact showering the deck of the train in sparks. While neither blade shattered, the uruk-hai noted in the serene calm of his battle meditation that the mystery girl's sword scored the tiniest chip in his blade. He hands longed to wield such a powerful weapon...

They disengaged and came back at each other again. The girl was fast, but so was the uruk-hai. She danced around him, parrying his blows and dodging his reposts with a speed only an uruk-hai could hope to match. The thrill of the battle excited the commander - it had been many, many years since he had the honor of facing a worthy opponent!

They exchange a flurry of blows, parries and reposts, neither gaining the upper hand. The uruk-hai scores a light cut across her wrist, and one of the drow girls' quick slashes nicks the uruk-hai thigh.

The girl flies at him one more and their hilts lock, body to body. In any other instance this would mean doom for a smaller opponent. But this girl's strength betrayed her size, and she held her own again his straining downward pressure.

Disengaging one more, they both breathed heavily. "Your strength and skill are impeccable, little girl, and that technique is most impressive. Had I not studied drow battle tactics in my youth, you may have defeated me. But I think it only fair for you to know whom you face! I am the first of the uruk-hai, high commander Leg'than Direhammer. Drow or not, you shall not defeat me!"

The drow girl spins her weapon in her grip and slashes the air in response, placing one hand behind her back to wield her rapier one handed. Her shadow flashes and blends at an incredible speed. It was not magic she used, but her agility was so fast that the eye could not follow. She lunged at his heart, attempting to end the bout with one ferocious attack.

Leg'than fist slammed out, and the girl just barely had time to dodge. She catches herself, rebalances, and flies at him again thinking he would not have time to recover. However this time, he was ready for her.

His fist slams into the girl's stomach, sending her flying into the wall. Her enchanted blade dropped from her hand. The little girl's eyes went wide as she flew through the air - no enemy she had ever faced had stopped that attack! It was an ancient technique known only to a few drow, and now (she had assumed), only to her.

The drow girl slammed into the wall and collapsed to the floor with a cry of pain. Before she could get to her feet, Leg'than was on her. He had dropped his greatsword and simply pummeled the girl with his massive fists. She tried her best to block him, but her skill at martial arts was not as great as her swordsmanship and he gave her no time to recover.

A blow caught her in the side, another in the chest... she was sent flying back into the wall. Leg'than beat her thoroughly, his face maintaining the same eerie sense of calm while he trashed the little drow girl. Finally she could bear no more and collapsed to the ground, her lip bleeding, one eye blackened, and her body badly bruised all over.

Zia stood in the open doorway, her mouth agape in shock. "M-My lord... You actually beat a.. a drow..! A young one, b-but still..!" Turning to her, Leg'than scoffs. "Did you doubt my skill, Zia?" Fear plays across the second in command's face. "O-Of course not, m-my lord! No one may defeat you..!"

The little girl tries to get to her feet, but her arms collapse beneath her. "She yet lives... impressive." Zia walks towards her. "Let me slay her for you, commander. It would be my honer to finish her off!"

Zia advances on the fallen girl. Leg'than grabs Zia's arm with one massive hand, holding her back. "She is not to be harmed!" Zia turns to him, shock plain on her face. "B-But our orders..!"

"SHE IS NOT TO BE HARMED!" he barks out. "I don't care what the demon king ordered - I will not forsake my honor here, or ever again! I have done so too many times under his orders!" He turns back to look at the little girl she continues to try to struggle in vain to her feet.

"I have never in all my years seen such raw talent - it would be utterly UNTHINKABLE to slayer such a mighty warrior who has barely even BEGUN her path to greatness! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!!!"

"B-But s-sir, she nearly b-beat you! In a few years she might be strong enough t-" Leg'than's eyes go wide with fury and he flings Zia into the wall. "YOU WILL NOT QUESTION MY ORDERS AGAIN AND LIVE, ZIA!" Calming himself, he continues. "I have been FAR too lenient with you! I do value your council - BUT IN PRIVATE!! You WILL NOT question my battlefield orders so OPENLY!!!"

Horrified, Zia struggles to her feet. "O-Of course c-commander! P-Please forgive me..! I m-meant no disrespect!" She cowers, realizing just how badly she just stepped over the line. He would have slain anyone else on the spot, and would've had to slay her regardless if any of the other soldiers had viewed the confrontation. "It w-will never h-appen again, commander, I s-swear it!!"

"It had batter not!! Next time, I will slay you for your insolence!" Calming himself, he addresses her again. "Now, is the train secure?" Zia stands at attention with a wince. "Yes, commander! The train is ours!"

"Very good, Zia. Now toss the little drow girl overboard." After a pause, he continues. "...and that captain, too. I have ignored the ancient honor code of our people for far too long."

Zia looks like she is about to protest again, but catches his eye and the color drains from her face. "Y-Yes, sir! At once!" She grabs the drow girl by the arm and drags her towards to entry port. The girl struggles to fight her off, but she is too badly wounded.

Leg'than stops Zia and whispers to the girl. "We will meet again one day, little drow. I look forward to having the privilege of engaging you in battle at the height of your power." He nudges her fallen sword with a booted toe. "I would have loved to take your blade as a prize, but soul-bound eternium does not take kindly to being wielded by another." He kicks the sword off the train. "Such a waste..."

He nods to Zia, who tosses the girl off the still moving train. The poor drow slams into the ground and rolls down a steep hill into a ditch. Her vision wavers, then goes black. The last thing she sees is the train continuing on its way..."

Moving to grab the guard captain, Zia seizes his arm and drags him across the floor with considerable disgust plain on her face. About to pass Leg'than, he stops her. "One moment, Zia." He grabs the young captain's head in his massive hand. "I have let you live out of respect for your skill and potential, guard captain of the pathetic empire. If you survive the fall, make sure to tell your superiors what you have witnessed today. I want them to quake in fear when they learn that Leg'than Direhammer has returned to bring their puny civilization to its knees."

He nods to Zia, and she tosses him off the train. He rolls down the hill and collapses in the ditch, albeit a few kilometers from where the little drow girl landed. He too, passes out...

Chapter 2: Survivors