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Revision as of 04:40, 15 May 2021

Master Garath goes over to the bed and lightly calls out to Evy. "The council is here, Evy. Wake up." Evy sits up, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Garath helps her to her feet and out of the bed. The council members file into the room and begin preparations for their summit. They conjure chairs and desks using advanced high magic spells Ranth had never seen before, and even cause stone circle to rise a few feet out of the floor in the middle of their encircling desks.

"Stand on the pedestal, Evy. I promise nothing bad will happen, but I must take my place with the council. Evy nods shyly. "I understand, master." He squeezes her hand one final time and lets it drop. Evy moves over to the stone pedestal and stands at attention with her hands clasped behind her back.

High Priest Emery turns to Ranth. "Time to leave, young Ranthian. The council is about to convene." Ranth swallows. "Actually, I am going to stay." Emery looks at him. "This is not open to debate, Ranth. Leave us." Ranth turns to look at Master Garath, who clears his throat. "I will allow Master Ranthian to stay, council member Emery." Emery rounds on Garath. "Surely you can't be serious, council member Garath. He is not a member!"

"I am serious. It's past time young master Ranthian was brought into the circle. Emery rounds on Lord Tristan. "Council chair Tristan, surely you object to this!?" To Emery's shock, Tristan says, "Actually, council member Emery, for once I find myself in agreement with Master Garath. My son is a man, and has proven himself in battle. He is a capable warrior and a intelligent scholar. He should have been brought in long ago."

Flabbergasted, High Priest Emery looks at Ranth. "Fine, I have no say in this matter. Ranthian Fireblade, if you sit in one this council you will abide by its rules. Nothing discussed her may be spoken about to anyone outside the circle without the full agreement of the Council of Zeth, under penalty of high treason. I trust you understand?" Ranth nods. "I understand." Emery turns to Evy. "That goes for you as well, initiate Evy." Evy, too, nods. "I understand, council member Emery. I am loyal to the empire and would not betray its secrets under penalty of death." Emery nods curtly at her.

Ranth raises his eyebrow. "If we're being all formal, why aren't you using Eveline's full name, council member Emery?" Emery freezes. "You... you know her full name? What is it!?" Ranth looks surprised. "You don't know it? It's Eveline Hall-" Master Garth's harsh tone cuts him off. "Ranth! That's enough. If Evy wishes to divulge her true name she is free to do so, but she is entitled to her privacy here under my roof! If you can't abide by that then I will throw you out of this council chambers!" He glares at Emery. "That goes for you as well, council member Emery!"

Ranth looks shocked. "My deepest apologies, council member Garath! I meant no disrespect you or Evy. I just assumed everyone here would have known her name?" Ranth looks at Evy who won't meet his eyes. "Evy?" he asks her.

Emery scoffs. "Why you refuse to tell us the girl's full name is beyond me, council member Garath. But I will abide by your rules while we meet under your jurisdiction, under the bylaws laid out in our charter. He gives Ranth a look before taking his seat. 'Oh, crap.' Ranth thinks to himself. 'He's defiantly going to try to get me to tell him later. Well it doesn't matter, because I won't tell him!' he decides, taking a seat at his father's right hand.

High Priest Emery gestures and sends a flood of yellowish white lite into the stone circle that Evy stands on. A barrier forms, encasing her inside it. "Council member Emery, I must protest, if only because that is a pointless waste of power." Master Garath complains. "You know full well that barrier will do absolutely nothing to contain Evy..." Evy pokes a finger at the bright shimmering barrier from within. Her finger pokes through it without any resistance. She pokes it back in and out several times more.

"Stop that, initiate Evy. Behave!" Emery chides her. Evy locks her hands behind her back once more, smirking like any little kid would when knowingly getting away with something. Emery rounds on Garath, who was trying (and failing) to hide a smirk behind one hand. "It's standard procedure, council member Garath!" he declares, his cheeks tinged red with vexation (or possibly embarrassment). Emery stalks over to his desk and takes a seat.

Once every member had taken their seat, Lord Tristan's booming voice declares, "This emergency meeting of the Council of Zeth is officially in session!" He bangs a stone gavel on the desk. "The topic for discussion is what is to be done about Evy's miraculous reappearance from our country's sacred ley line system, and what happened to both Evy and master Ranthian Fireblade during the fall of Carthidge and the invasion of the supply train designated 'Defiance'.

Lord Tristan turns to Ranth. "As the one who has been confirmed cleansed, you will tell your side of the story first. Please take the stand." He turns to face Evy. "Please do not interrupt during master Ranthian's testimony, initiate Evy. You will be given a chance to tell your side of the story without interruption once he has finished. Evy node. "I understand, council chair Tristan. I will comply."

Ranth gulps, but takes the stand. His father gaze, one of trust and respect, fills him with confidence. He begins. "I testify that what I am about to say is the truth as I remember it." Ranth tells the tale of his assignment to the supply train Defiance, of his mission to protect it while it delivered vital a vital resupply to the fortified town of Carthidge near the border with the Infernal Legion. Of the sneak attack that he preempted and prepared for, how he slew a high ranking orc but was over matched by an orc leader named Zia. He told of the commander's words about disgust and dishonor in slaying a warrior before they are able to reach their full potential. Of how Evy was able to step in and save him right before the deathblow reached him. He told of their duel, Evy's defeat, and the commander's true identity, that of high commander Leg'than Direhammer.

Some of the council seem visibly disturbed to hear Leg'than's name spoken aloud. Nevertheless, Ranth continues unperturbed. He tells of the commander's restraint after beating up Evy, how he decided to spare his own life after defeating her in an honorable one on one duel. A few members of the council seem visibly irritated at hearing him speak of how the feared commander of the Infernal Legion's armies was an honorable uruk-hai, but they were forbidden to interrupt.

Ranth spoke of how Leg'than forbade his subordinate from killing Evy, and how he instead had them tossed off the train. He told of how Evy found him despite her grievous wounds and brought him back from the brink of death, and of their plants to travel to the gate at Faridge. Ranth looked down as he told of his grievous misstep, of how did not think of how the fall of Carthidge would allow the Infernal Legion's detection aura to expand, and of how they rested for too long.

Ranth paused after all this, and accepted the glass of water Master Garath gave him with a word of thanks, gulping it greedily. Wiping his mount, he shuddered and continued. He told of how they were attacked by two high troll, of Evy's valiant efforts to save him even as wounded and fatigued as she already was, and of her refusal to shadow step to safety when she was too weak to bring them both. Then... he spoke of Demon King Elron. The council were all visibly horrified to hear Elron's name come from Ranth's lips. Ranth told of how Evy one again saved him, of how he invited her to parlay with him, and of how the demon king veiled their conversation from him. Finally, he told of how Demon King Elron commanded the high trolls to kill him, and of how Evy used her shadow step magic to send him to safety at the cost of defying the demon king in his own lands.


Back in his lair in the Infernal Legion's capital city of Darkmyth, Demon King Elron sat on a throne of skulls as he sipped from a goblet of entrails, watching intently as images formed on the surface of his favorite blood pool. Unbeknownst to the council, he watched the proceedings intently, seeing everything the council did and said thanks to the little "present" he left with poor little miss Eveline Hallowmere.

"My, my. What a boring proceeding. But for some reason, I just can't take my eyes off it!" He chuckles to himself. "My dear Eveline, your presence makes even these dreary proceeding feel exciting. I can't wait to hear what YOU have to say..."

His eyes narrow and the vision focuses on Ranth. "I was careless to let YOU escape, my boy. That will cost me. I will not make that mistake again... Your presence at this council meeting is distrusting and unpredicted. You'd better ruin the plans I've been setting in motion ever so carefully for the past 5 years..!" Taking another sip of entrails, he returns his attention to his scrying.


Finished, Ranth took his seat. The council immediately began muttering in hushed tones amongst themselves. Lord Tristan looked at his son with both awe and fear before slamming his gavel. "Order, order! All discussion must be saved until after all parties have had their chance to speak their truth! Initiate Evy, please tell us in your own words what happened."

Evy began her story with Lord Tristan's order to rescue the supply train Defiance. Of how Master Garath was out on order business when the request came in and that the second in command approved the order. She told of how she used shadow magic to teleport to the Defiance, and of he she arrived just in time prevent Ranth's death at the hand of the uruk-hai commander. She told them of his words about studying drow fighting styles, and of how she was overconfident and defeated. She echoed the rest of what Ranth said following that, adding that she passed out from exhaustion and forgot that he might not be thinking that the detection aura would be spreading towards them. She told them of Ranth's attempt to sacrifice himself to buy her time to escape, of her intervention, and of the demon king's arrival. She told them how she claimed that Ranth was her minion under her protection to force the demon king to abide by his own rules and spare his life while they engaged in an honorable parlay.

Finally, she got to the part that Ranth didn't know about. She told them about the demon king's fascination with drow, about how he knew their full names and titles... and about how he probed her mind to find out how she had survives. She paused at that, shaking visibly. Ranth longed to go to her and comfort her... but he could not.

When Evy did not continue, High Priest Emery raised his voice. "Well, girl? How did you escape? I remind you that you are under oath." Evy just shook her head, and put her hands over her eyes. "Not telling us will only harm your case, initiate Evy." Lord Tristan added. "Leave it alone, Emery." Master Garath chided him. "She has not told me, either, and I will not allow you to probe a part of her past that she wished to remain buried." Emery looks insulted that Master Garath didn't use his fancy council title to address him, but he ignores him. More quietly he adds, "I'm afraid council Tristan is correct however, Evy. It will hurt your case if you hold back information. You do not have to tell us if you don't wish to, but I thought you should know that."

Evy nods and takes her head from her hands. "I decline to answer on the grounds that it has nothing to do with the case presented before the council for which I am under oath, and because... because it would cause me great emotional stress to discuss it. Please don't ask..." she pleads, her voice shaking. Lord Tristan continues. "Very well, initiate Evy. It has been noted that you withheld information, but also that you have testified under oath that that information you have withheld does not affect these proceedings. Please, continue."

Evy swallows and finishes her story. She tells of the demon king serving her drow blood wine, of how he has been collecting drowvian artifacts, and of how he really wanted to meet a drow. She tells them of how she requested safe passage out of his land, and of how he agreed, but only for her. She tells how she pleased with the demon king to spare Ranth's life and take hers instead, of how he still declined and was about to order his murder, and of how she used the last of her power to send him back to the capital ands safety. She told them of how enraged Demon King Elron was of this, of his his control slipped as he choked her and she saw his true form. She described it in detail. The council seemed enthralled from finally having description of their mortal enemy real appearance.

Evy told of his final words to her, and of how he told he she would play a part in his plans. Of how she tried to fight as he choked her, and of how she blacked out when he picked her up. Then, she spoke of a blinding blue light, and feeling her body torn apart, and of waking up in the small chapel next to a ley line crystal. Finished, Evy lowered her head in shame.

The council began to argue. High Priest Emery questioned the truth of what she had told them, and demanded she tell them what that demon king did to send her back. Evy said that was all she remembered and Master Garth demanded that he stop pressing her for information after her testimony had closed. He vouched for her, but Emery pointed out that since truth spells don't work on her that they can't be sure she was telling the truth.

They argued about what to do with her, and that there was no way to detect if she had a "sleeper" inside her because of how she naturally deflected their magics. Emery even accused Evy of having full control over her magic resistance, which enraged Garath. Tristan finally stepped in and closed their debate, saying that the testemony had been given, and that given Evy's service record and heroic deeds for the empire that had no ground to believe she was lying.

The discussion went on about what to 'do about her'. Finally Tristan slammed his gavel down many times. "That's enough! The council will now vote to decide her life." At this Garath leaps to his feet. "OBEJECTION! You can seriously be implying we're voting on whether or not to put her to death!?"

Emery jumps to his feet. "We've been too lenient, Garath. The girl is a threat, and always has been. She probably made a deal with the demon lord! He could be listening to us right at this very moment!" Master Garth's face filled with fury. "ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY STUDENT'S HONOR, EMERY? THAT IS GROUND FOR DUELING!" He unsheathes his sword. Tristan puts a hand on Garath's arm. "Garath! There is not debate! We cannot know if she is a sleeper, willing or not! If we let her live and she is, a girl of her power?? The empire would be doomed!"

The one member at the back who had not spoken up the entire time they debated suddenly raised his voice. "There is one way to know for sure..." All conversations in the room halted as they stared at the speaker. The gnarled old man got to his feet. He looked ancient, but his face appeared cunning and wise. Finally, Tristan spoke up. "And what do you suggest, archwizard Malin? I was not aware that you had developed any further detection systems for sleepers. The grizzled old man shook his head and he leaned on his walking stick. "No, it's true that I have no hade any more success in that area sadly." He stopped hobbling forward and turned to face Evy. "But... A mind probe would provide pretty conclusive evidence regardless."

Master Garath's face went white. "Surely you cannot be serious!? Have you ever met anyone with a higher level of emotional trauma than Evy!? That would almost be a fate worse than death!" Archwizard Malin stared at Master Garath. "I'm merely offering a viable alternative to execution, council member Garath." He pauses, then continues. "I would also propose that we allow council member Garath to decide the girl's fate. He is closer to her than anyone and would best understand the risks of a mind probe used on her, and she is also his ward. Evy is under his protection - the council does not have the right to make this decision for him when both choices would produce the same results." He turns to face High Priest Emery. "Would that satisfy you, council member Emery? You seem the most vocal in eliminating an extremely valuable asset to this empire."

"Th-That is unjust, Archwizard Malin!" High Priest Emery splutters. "My interests are merely in protecting this empire!!"

"It is no great secret that you fought Master Garath's sparing of her and her inclusion into this empire, council member Emery." Lord Tristan said. "In my opinion, council member Garath is far too lenient with the girl, but you, council member Emery, are far too harsh with her. She has done nothing to deserve your ire, save for her race." Emery looks greatly insulted. "I am NOT a racist, Tristan! I am merely trying to protect this empire! She IS a threat!" Emery rounds on Malin. "A mind probe is satisfactory, and he may decide her fate!" He takes his seat in a huff.

Tristan turns to Garath. "Well, council member Garath? What is your decision?" Garath's face looks haunted. "You're giving me an impossible decision you monsters! She's just a little girl... death... or.. or a possibility of death or severe mental trauma."

Evy watched all this in horror, unbelieving of what they were discussing. Would they really kill her? But... why??? What did she do wrong!? Evy ran out of the barrier and to Garath, throwing her arms around his waist. She shook from head to toe. Garath got down on one knee and forced him to look at him. "Evy... I swore on my life to protect you. There is a very good reason as to why they are so afraid. One that... that I will tell you... if.. if you survive..." Tears well up and overflow from his eyes. "It's not like this is really a choice, but... I chose the mind probe. Evy, I am so sorry."

"Very well. I need an hour to prepare. I will return." says Archwizard Malin. He slams his cane on the floor and vanishes in a puff of smoke. The rest of the council files out, save for Lord Tristan and Master Garath. High Priest Emery makes the mistake of looking back before leaving the room, and sees the look of unbridled fury directed his way by Master Garath. Emery visibly flinches and hurries out of the room.

"Garath... I'm so sorry..." Lord Tristan says in a very quiet voice. "Y-You had no choice..." Garath replies, still weeping. "Better you to broach the subject than that viper Emery. I don't blame you..."

What's a mind probe supposed to accomplish? Ranth asked his father. Tristan would not meet his eyes. "I need to go help Malin prepare." He vanishes in a flash of light.

"M-Master... what's g-going to happen?" Evy asks, still shaking. "We... we need to make sure the Demon King didn't do something very bad to you while you were unconscious, something that could easily destroy the entire kingdom. Normally, we simply cast a harmless holy magic purge..." Evy finishes his sentence. "...but other people's holy magic doesn't work on me." He nods.

"This... thing is so dangerous for someone as powerful as you that for the sake of the empire they need to be sure it is not inside you. Without a purge spell, the only ways to know... are to kill you... or probe your mind." He tries to wipe away his tears, wanted to make sure Evy understands completely what is going on. "What Archwizard Malin proposed is extremely dangerous, especially for anyone who has been trough a serious trauma. You're going to be forced to relive every memory you've ever had. It's the only way to be sure."

Evy slumps to the floor. "N-No..." she looks more scared than he has ever seen her before. "N-No, p-please..! M-Master..!"

"I'm so sorry..." Garath begins to weep again. "P-Please... j-just kill me! I don't w-want to go back there!" Evy wails. Garath grabs her by the shoulders. "Evy! Look at me! You are strong! You're the strongest person I've ever met, and I'm not talking about physical strength! You can do this! I can't lose you... Please don't say things you that!"

Master Garath looks at Ranth. "You don't have to stay, you know. Everyone present will be pulled into Evy's mind. The horrors you will see will likely be beyond that of even your most vivid nightmares..." Ranth looks at poor little Evy trembling in her master's arms. He remembers his dream... and realizes that he could never leave her to this fate alone when she's did so much to protect him. "I'll stay." he states confidently.

Ranth kneels next to Evy. "Evy... I don't know you nearly as well as Master Garath, but I agree with him. You're so strong - you faced down the demon king and openly defied him! You can do this. I'll be right here, I promise I won't leave your side." Evy's chin wobbles. "Promise?" she asks. "Promise" Ranth replies, giving her a hug.

Master Garath holds Evy tightly for the next hour weeping silently and whispering "I'm so sorry..." and "I've failed you, Evy." over and over, despite Evy's attempts to reassure him. He looks utterly defeated and helpless, which almost terrifies Evy more than the thought of reliving her past.


Demon King Elron continues to watch the scene with unbridled fascination. A gibbering undead servant with too many limbs and eyes walks in and refills his entail goblet, then leaves. He sips daintily at it, his eyes locked on the scene before him. "Finally... of course they chose the mind probe. Humans are so predictable with their compassion and empathy. Love? Love will be your undoing, you pathetic creatures..." He takes another sip. "Time to finally learn the truth..."


Finally, in another flash of light Lord Tristan, and Archwizard Malin, and High Priest Emery appear. Garath stares daggers at Emery. "You have SOME nerve, Emery-" he begins, but Lord Tristan cuts him off. "Master Garath, I'm sorry but we require his assistance. Its in everyone's best interest if he participates, including the girl's. You should know that!"

Garath slumps back to the floor. "I... I know. I'm sorry, High Priest Emery. Thank you for helping with this..." he says grudgingly. "I... I am sorry Master Garath. Evy... I wish there were another way, but..." he pauses. "For the sake of us all, we MUST do this."

Malin holds a glowing green orb on one gnarled hand. "Evy, please stare into the crystal when you are ready." Evy looks at Garath, then at Ranth. They each hold one of her hands. Taking a deep breath, Evy says, "I'm r-ready..." and looks at the crystal. There is a blinding flash of light, and everyone's vision goes dark.

Chapter 8: Happiness, Suffering, and Pain