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Latest revision as of 22:17, 17 May 2021

The next few days are strangely normal. Saturday was so shockingly crazy that going back to your otherwise normal, uneventful, comfortable life feels really weird. It's even sad to think this one weekend might have been a one time thing, that no one in your family is ever going to mention how messed up things got. But if no one else is talking about it you're not going to be the one to bring it up. There's plenty of shame to go around, that's for sure. And yet even by midweek you still have to talk yourself out of stripping naked at dinner from your own frustrations or asking mom if you can practice blowing your dad. You're so thankful once it's finally Thursday.

You have early dismissal on Thursdays and immediately jump on a bus headed the opposite direction as normal. You planned out the route ahead of time and nervously wait for each transfer, taking nearly an hour for you to eventually get you to where you need to go.

Your brother's campus is pretty large, compared to your middle school anyway, and it's really intimidating to make your way across the large open spaces and common areas. College students are everywhere, sitting anywhere they can, grass and floors alike, chatting with friends or poking their phones, while others hurriedly rush by in small bursts as people race between classes held at different parts of the campus. It's both peaceful and busy all at once but you're more than a little out of your element.

Despite your nerves you do your best to look calm, like you walk this path everyday. But you're scared that at any moment some security person is going to flush you out and expose that you don't belong here. You think your backpack should help you pass as a college student, but going to school today was part of the problem.

You had tried to dress up this morning to look as grown up and put together (not to mention flirty) as you could but given that it was a school day there was only so much you could do. Wanting to keep your trademark ponytail, you pulled out two carefully grouped strands of hair to help frame your face and put on as much makeup as you felt you could get away with without drawing extra attention from your peers. You didn't want to carry an extra outfit to change into either - your backpack is full enough - so donning a skirt with leggings and a tight spaghetti strap tank that you hid under a button up sweater felt like a reasonable compromise on your attire. But as you trek across campus and notice that 90% of the girls here are wearing sweatpants or hoodies, or both, you are quick to put your lame button up sweater back on for some modesty, even if it screams sixth grade, let alone eighth.

Before you get too turned around or talk yourself out of going through with this altogether, you manage to spot your destination; Zack's dorm. You've only seen it once before when he was moving in and you nearly don't recognize it, but the few signs you can find point you in the right direction. You are at least confident you remember his room number since mom had made a big deal about it matching her birthday, but when you walk up to one of the dual exterior doors of the massive building and pull... nothing happens.

Your heart rate climbs quickly standing out in the open, exposed and helpless like a vulnerable fawn alone in an open field. You tug on each of the doors again and again but they aren't going to budge. Getting stopped like this is not just frustrating, it's overwhelming. You were trying to be sneaky! You had tried so hard. You thought you could surprise him. Now all of that is going straight dow-

"You know this is the guy's dorm, right?"

You jump the moment you realize someone is speaking to you, which does indeed take a moment. You listened in on lots of people as you walked the campus but none of those voices had ever addressed you.

"Mwhuh?" you mumble, shrinking away from the door. You almost want to shout "I wasn't doing anything!" when you eye up the tall scruffy guy behind you.

"Your fob only works for the girl's dorm."

"Oh! Um, it does?" you ask, trying to keep your voice steady.

He stares at you, trying to determine how stupid you really are. "Uhhh... yeah. I guess the dorms look kinda similar, but... You're on, like, the other side of the chem building," he points helpfully.

"Okay!" you nod and smile frantically but don't move. He gives you one more look before flashing his fob and stepping inside the boy's dorm.

You almost rush in behind him while the door is open but you're too nervous to think clearly and watch the heavy door quickly close with a solid click. Worried some bystander is now going to rat you out, you wander your way around a corner to a shadier side of the building and lean up against it unsure of what to do. Before you can overthink anything another smaller door opens just a few steps away from you and someone bursts out of it, heading somewhere in a rush. He doesn't notice you creeping in the shadows but you have enough presence of mind to scurry up to this side door and grab it before it can close.

You did it. You're in!

This entrance goes straight into a stairwell, more of a fire escape than a staircase. But you cautiously scale two flights of stairs then, with a bellyful of butterflies, scamper down the hall in search of number 29. You turn a corner and pass two different guys, each of them looking you over curiously, but both keeping to themselves. Once you're finally standing in front of the right door you're absolutely tingling with excitement. You quietly slip out of your sweater, shoving it into your backpack, then knock as softly as you can and still be heard. And then the door opens.

"What's up?"

"Who are you?" you ask the stranger in your brother's room. Isn't this the right room?

"Who are you?" he answers back, as much offended as confused.

"Umm... Isn't this Zack's room?"

The guy in front of you suddenly looks you up and down with a subtle grin, no doubt assuming you're some sort of booty call. "Oh, for Zack, eh? He's not here right now."

"Oh... could you... could I wait inside?" you squeak out, your nerves getting the better of you.

Now he's outright smiling. With a quick shrug he steps back and opens the door for you. You smile back and step inside only to stand nervously in the middle of the room. The room isn't exactly spacious. Two crammed full closets are positioned on either side of the door. There's a bunkbed on one side of the room and a single bed on the opposite wall. At the foot of each bed is a desk wedged into the corner with a single window between them in the middle of the exterior wall. This feels like a jail cell. Your old bedroom, before you stole Zack's, is bigger than this.

The roommate sits at his desk in the corner but he's still smiling at you.

"I'm... here for tutoring."

He stands and takes a step toward you. "I'm Mike."

"Oh! Yeah, hi! I'm Ki- Be... Bethany." You politely shake his hand and he sits back down. He's still smiling but isn't talking, which makes you extra nervous. "So what's Zack doing anyway?"

"He sure isn't tutoring."

You offer up a fake laugh, your nerves getting worse, then dive for your phone. After all you have managed to do all by yourself you're not going to let your stupid abesnt brother screw this up. You frantically text him.

"Where are you?"

Mike tries to chat you up as you stare down at your screen waiting for Zack to see your message. Seconds feel like eons until you get a reply.

"At school."

"Why aren't you in your dorm?"

"Why would I be in my dorm?"

"Because I want to collect."


"Our bet. I'm here for our bet."

"Are you in my dorm?"

"Yeah. I'm with Mike."

Ellipses flash on the screen for ages as he types. Is he mad? Did he end up going somewhere? You had asked him if he had plans Thursday and he said he only had one class in the afternoon.

"Don't say or do anything! I'm coming."

You breathe a sigh of relief. He's on his way. But he probably deleted lots of text to end up writing only that. He must be mad.

Putting your phone away you sit on the bottom bunk, what you assume to be Zack's. But if there's a bunk bed as well as a single bed then maybe Zack has two roommates. You imagine how terrible it would be to have 3 sweaty college guys trapped in a tiny dorm room with one window.

Mike is still looking at you. Not really in a creepy way. He's more amused than anything. But it's still uncomfortable. "Soooo. How long have you been tutoring?"

"I don't tutor."

"Yeah? So why are you here again?"

"I said I'm here to be tutored."

"Yeah, I get it. I'd tutor you, too..." Mike blurts out, instantly cringing at himself. "But, uh, Zack's just not really the tutoring type. I wouldn't call him scholarly. Then again, maybe he's 'tutored' lots of girls."

Your eyebrows shift upward with curiosity. "How many girls?"

"Oh I dunno. He doesn't normally do a lot of 'tutoring' here, but I suppose he does 'tutor' a lot. More than..." Mike stops himself, noticing the slight scowl on your face. "Nevermind. Doesn't matter. What program are you in?"

"Oh... nothing."

"What? But... the whole tutoring thing? You do go here, right?"

"Yeah! Um. It's nothing. I'm... it's just part-time."

"Okay. Part-time what?"

This is terrible. What college student doesn't know what classes they're taking? You weren't expecting to be interrogated by anyone. What do people take? "Uh, nurse? It's a nursing thing. Are there three of you in here?" you quickly ask, reaching your hand up to feel the side of the top bunk above you. Maybe you can change the subject.

"No, just me and Zack. I guess the old dean was trying to shove more people in the dorms to make more money but just pissed everyone off. Like everybody. Students, maintenance, fire marshal, everyone thought it was stupid. No one wants to bunk 3 to a room and share a closet."

"Yeah, that would be awful."

"Still happens. These beds are in here now so, y'know, they try to use them when they can get away with it, at least some of the time. I guess we're lucky, for now. If they did assign someone we wouldn't really have a choice."

The conversation tapers off and you're too nervous to keep it going. Zack told you not to say anything and you don't want to screw that up. But the awkward silences drone on long enough for Mike's mind to wander.

"Gotta say, you look really familiar Bethany."

"Oh. Yeah?"

"Yeah. Were you at Chad's party on the weekend?"

You tilt your head quizzically to try to keep your eyes from popping open in surprise. Just act dumb. "Uh, Chad? Who's Chad? I don't know a Chad."

"Zack's friend actually. It was a pretty epic party. Lots of people. Coulda sworn I saw you there."

"Nope! Couldn't be me!"

"You missed out then. It was stupid. Lots of weed, tons of booze. I heard someone puked in Chad's parents' bed."

"Ugh. Gross."

"Yeah? Not as bad as the orgy in his sister's room." He smirks, presumably hoping to gross you out further. Whatever his intention, your reaction isn't what he expects. Your interest is instantly piqued.

"Really?" Did that happen after you left? It must have been upstairs. You have to act dumb! "That's... was this a sex party?"

"No, no, not exactly. Well, maybe a little. Kinda got outta hand." Mike leans closer to you, clearly excited to talk about this. "I heard there was a blowjob competition in the living room."

"Oh... no way!" You correct yourself, trying to match his excitement.

"Yeah! I didn't see it but a bunch of guys were all talking how they got sucked off in a big circle. But that's not even the half of it. There were these smashed girls going full lesbian in the kitchen. Body shots, fingering, the whole nine. Shit was wild."

"That's, um... yeah!"

"You wanna know what's even more fucked up? Some people are saying that Chad's sister was lezing out with them. I don't know if I believe it though. She's like 12 or something. Fuckin middle schooler at a college party."

"Oh, uh, yeah. That's pretty weird."

"I know. But lots of people are saying it. Like, she wasn't just there, but she was drinking and flirting and just straight up naked for most of the party. Isn't that insane? I can't even imagine what Chad was thinking. I just wish I woulda got there earlier. I probably missed all sorts of crazy shit."

It sure sounds like you were one of the more memorable aspects of Chad's party. But you never saw a bedroom orgy. And you sure don't remember being part of one. But if people really saw you as Chad's sister... and they said she was in an orgy... were they just embellishing their stories, or...

"Um... Chad's sister. You didn't really see her in an orgy. Did you?"

"Well, we weren't exactly introduced. I don't know which girl she was. I'm just telling you what other people told me. But I did see half a dozen girls getting rai- er, having sex in there later on. And probably a dozen guys at any given time, which was as many as could fit. The rest of us were just watching from the hallway. So there was definitely an orgy. And it was definitely her room, so, I dunno. I mean Chad denies it all, but he would, right?"

"Yeah, he would," you mirror.

"Exactly! I also heard that he took her outside and hosed her off on the lawn before bringing her back to the orgy for more. Isn't that fucked! Seriously though. Her room reeked of cum. Sweat too. No wonder she got hosed down. You had to fight your way to get into that gangbang. Girl musta got fucked the whole night. Shit... Helluva party though."

Mike hasn't quite finished his sentence when Zack bursts into the room, swiftly but quietly closing the door behind him.

"Hey! Zack! Sup?" greets Mike. Your brother is out of breath, having clearly raced here from some other part of the campus, and just nods at his roommate. "We've just been chattin' about Chad's party on the weekend. It's not a party without a blowjob or two, am I right?"

Zack has just thrown his backpack into his closet when his eyes open wide and start darting between you and Mike. You are quick to shake your head no, as subtly as you can, but it's not clear if Zack picks up on it.


"Well you know, right?" Mike asks him. "You were there! And I swear I saw you there," he adds, turning to you. "You don't have a sister, do you?"

You reply yes while Zack replies no. Mike raises an eyebrow and glances at both of you.

"Jessica here is an only child," states Zack, a little menacingly.

"She said her name was Bethany."

"I, um... I-I lied," you stammer. Zack sighs his frustration. You don't know why your brother is so pent up but he's making you feel incredibly anxious.

"Mike, can you just leave for a while?"

Definitely a weird request but there's no way around it. And no other way for Mike to take it. Knowing something weird is up, the roommate chuckles a bit as he collects some of his things. He can't help but comment before leaving the room, "Have fun 'tutoring' your girl 'Jessany' there."

Zack waits next to the door, waiting for Mike to finish departing, before he moves closer. "What are you doing here?" he angrily whispers as he sits beside you.

"I told you! I'm here for our bet!"

"But you weren't serious about that!"

"Uh, yeah! I sure as hell was! Obviously!" You throw your hands up then point down at yourself and how you are now sat in his dorm room. Zack shakes his head with annoyance and looks down at your backpack.

"We're not doing this."

"What do you mean? I... I won though!"

"We're not allowed to bring girls into the dorm. You're not even trying to be discrete," he notes, pinching the thin material of your skin tight top. "If I get caught..."

"Then don't get caught," you shoot back. "Besides, you didn't bring me in. I got here all by myself," you state rather proudly.

"It doesn't work like that Kimmy."