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Latest revision as of 03:49, 6 June 2021

Your mom looks at you with a loving smile as you offer to stay the night with her. Both of your sisters look disappointed but neither of them argue since your mom and dad seem more then OK with it.

“I’ll head down and bring the truck around front.” Your Dad tells the girls before leaning down to kiss your Mother’s cheek and heading out of the room.

Jessie moves to say good bye to Timmy as Heather gives your mom a hug and turns to hug you as well. She hugs you so tight that you’re almost having a hard time breathing, not that you want her to let you go. You can feel her large tits being pressed tightly against your chest and with her head hidden from view she plants several sensual kisses along your neck and cheek. “Thank you for everything Jakey… I love you…” She whispers, all but confirming that she did indeed fuck Timmy while you took your mom down to the cafeteria earlier that day.

After Heather turns you loose she walks over to Timmy’s bed to say goodbye and Jessie moves over to your mom to give her a long hug good bye. After receiving a lingering kiss on the forehead she turns to you and wraps her arms tightly around your waist, staring up into your eyes, hers filled with absolute love. Jessie is holding you tightly enough that she is actually grinding her stomach against your now rigid cock, forcing you to hold back a moan and shudder against her. “I love you bubbie… we’ll be back first thing in the morning. Take care of Mommy and Timmy…” Jessie said, rubbing herself once last time against your throbbing cock just as Heather comes up behind her and touches her shoulder.

“Ready Sis?”

Jessie nods her head and takes Heather’s hand before the pair walks towards the door.

You turn back towards your Mom to see her beaming with pride at the love and affection between the three of you. “Mom, I’m going to walk them to the elevator…” She nods her head and you follow your sister’s to the elevator.

Heather hits the button while Jessie take the opportunity to hug you again and Heather slips an arm around both of you, pinning you between them. Heather put her other hand on your hip and start moving it between you and Jessie, towards your throbbing cock just as the elevator chimes and the doors open up.

Your sisters let you go and enter the elevator with Jessie still holding your hand. She uses it to pull you inside, once again pressed tightly against her. “Give me a kiss Jakey…” She moans as you take her by the back of the head and give her a passionate tongue kiss as she grinds herself against your cock until Heather interrupts her, wanting a goodbye kiss off her own.

“You got one of those for me too??” You slips your arms loosely around her waist as Heather leans down to kiss you deeply, moving a hand between you to gently stroke your cock through your jeans. Eventually she moves away as the elevator warning bell goes off from being open for so long. “Call me tonight if you get bored and can’t sleep.” She offers before giving you one more kiss just as the doors start to close.

“I will…” You nod just before the elevator closes and takes your sisters away from you for the night.

You take your time walking back to Timmy’s room and once you make it back find your mom on one side of Timmy’s bed and nurse, checking his vitals on the other. You stand out of the way as they attend to Timmy taking a moment to enjoy how hot the nurse looks in her uniform. It clings to her large breasts while still allowing it to show an inviting amount cleavage. The pants to the uniform are loose enough to allow her to move comfortable but when she bends over, shows off just how plush and squeezable her ass must be.

“I think that about does it sweetie…, No one will bother you again until 6 a.m. rounds…” The nurse comments as she straightens up. If she noticed you eye fucking her, she made no mention of it and your mom didn’t seem to notice either.

“Thanks Erica.” You mom says with her trade mark, endearing smile she is practically famous for.

“Call me if you need anything, Ok?” Your mom gives a gentle nod as Kelly looks at you. “That goes for you too, sweetie…” You also give her a nod and a smile before leaves the room for the night.

“She really is amazing…” Your mom comments as she plops down on couch and lays back, stretching her arms above her head which pulls the t-shirt up, exposing her trim mid-drift and displaying just how low the waist band of her sweatpants are riding. “How are you doing, baby?” She asks, making no attempt to cover back up.

It’s takes a concerted amount of effort not to stare at her exposed navel that you want to kiss and lick all over as you glance at her with a smile. “I’m OK mom… How are you holding up?”

“I’ve been better…” She groans, covering her eyes and stretching again, the t-shirt being pulled up even farther. “… but I am so glad you’re here. Both of your sisters have just gone on and on about how wonderful you have been through all this.” Your mom glances over at your brother for a moment before returning her attention to you. “I’m so glad you’re here with me, baby…” She whispers dreamily.

Though you are sure it’s not intentional, the provocative way she is laying and with what your sisters and you had been up to 20 minutes before, your cock is starting to pump to life. You frantically start thinking up some sort of excuse to get out of there before you end up sprouting a boner too big to hide. “Is there anything I can do for you mom? Want some coffee or anything?”

After your offer she extends her arms toward you. “I could really use a cuddle…” She coos in an almost child like tone, noticing the brief look of surprise on your face. “I know it’s been a while sweetheart, but you’re never too old to cuddle with your mommy.” She glances back at the door and then back at you. “Besides, it’s just you and me here…, and Erica won’t come back in unless I call her so no one will ever know…”

Ummm…. There IS one other person here… you scream in your head as you stare at your mom with what you are sure is a look of complete lust.

Family Ties
Character Bio
Lust/Attraction Level Sexual experience Sexual Partners Notes
Name Jacob (Jake) Heather 10
Jessie 10
Stacy 9
Nicole 4
Masturbate on a daily basis..
You have a hard drive full of porn starring your sisters and your mother. Along with various other woman.
You lost your virginity to Heather and Jessie during a rough threesome.
Heather, Jessie and Timmy have has sex
You blackmailed Heather and Jessie for a threesome for you silence.
Timmy disappeared for 3 weeks and was recently recovered in a coma.
Timmy's absences has made you closer to Heather and Jessie.
You pushed Timmy out of the R.V. and it pulled away leaving him behind.
Age 13
Gender Male
Experience Talented Novice
Cock 6 1/2" Erect
Pubic hair None
Fertile Yes
Horniness 8 Horny