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Latest revision as of 00:54, 22 July 2021

Sally didn't go all that way for nothing. The least she could do was fight through her embarrassment to deliver mom's letters. Either way she'd have to figure out a way to get home without further humiliating herself, so she may as well do what she set out to.

Striding forward, she turned the corner then came to a halt once she discovered the source of the commotion. A couple houses down from the corner there were a bunch of kids outside in bathing suits, half a dozen or more. They also knew it would be a hot day and got a head start on cooling off. The commotion was from their water fight.

A little inflatable pool was on the front lawn along with a sprinkler that was spraying water into the air beside it, which allowed kids to jump through the swaying wall of water into the pool, and also helped keep the pool full. This appeared important as kids were using the pool water to reload their colorful guns, small pails, and even large sponges with a constant supply of water.

The kids were a range of overlapping ages, probably three or more different households mixed together. As Sally watched them she thought one of the boys might be from her grade, who she knew lived on this street, which made her more nervous. There was one girl older than him in a one-piece and another girl a bit younger in a sheer white tank top and dance shorts that looked a lot like his siblings. The other kids she wasn't sure about, a mix of boys and girls of similar age racing around in a frenzy.

Swallowing her fears, Sally walked slowly down the sidewalk, hoping to not be noticed. The mailbox was only a couple houses past the shrieking kids, so it wasn't far, but she was concerned about having to pass so close to them. Even though everyone was mostly in bathing suits, Sally was still the least dressed among them from what she could see. Her thin yellow cotton panties should be very obviously not part of a swimsuit, not to mention her being topless, both of which were bound to be clued into as she walked by.

Dividing her envelopes between her hands, Sally tried to overlap them to ensure that as much of her chest, and most importantly her nipples, were as well covered as she could get as she crept forward. A few years ago she might not have cared so much about being seen topless by anyone, but right now it was an embarrassing prospect. She wasn't a kid anymore. She was a girl, and girls had boobs, even though she had no real boobs to speak of. But that a classmate might catch her walking outside in nothing but her panties made it all so much worse. Despite that, she didn't even consider that crossing the street was an option.

"Oh, hey Sally!" Oh no! It was her classmate! Cody ran closer, then held up his gun. "Here to get wet?"

"No! Don't spray me," she warned. Sally lifted her hands up to cover her face, exposing her bare chest to the street. It was an instinctive reaction, but in doing so she removed any lingering doubt that she might have been wearing some sort of top. She froze for a moment then peeked out from behind her paper shield as Cody stared. It sure looked like he still wanted to shoot her, and begging him not to surely made her a more enticing target, but he only bore a silly grin. She didn't think that might be due to the goop still on her chin and chest.

Lowering her hands, Sally tried to smile politely as she passed Cody on the sidewalk. But as she stepped around him, a fluffy sponge suddenly sailed through the air toward her. She put up her hands to protect herself, blocking the projectile, but hundreds of cold droplets sprayed across her face, shoulders, and chest when she blocked it. After the sponge fell to the ground, Sally wiped some of the drops off of her body, then realized that her envelopes had also gotten wet.

Frustrated, Sally picked up the sponge and stomped after a boy who was giggling a lot, the presumed assailant. Sally hadn't even been the target, the sponge being tossed just to one side of Cody's head, but the other boy still ran as she got closer. Sally chased him briefly in a circle around the kiddie pool before finally throwing the sponge and missing. She turned with a huff to head back toward the sidewalk and got blasted in the face with a stream of water from Cody's older sister. While Sally had been chasing that boy, the teenager had been chasing Sally!

"Haha! Gotcha!"

Sally gasped and hopped up onto her tiptoes, nearly jumping out of her flip flops, as all the kids chuckled. As water streamed down her neck and dripped onto her heaving chest, Sally took stock of the fact that everyone was now eyeing up the new girl. They might have been staring because of how she was dressed, but by throwing that sponge Sally had unintentionally joined their little game, and she happened to be the driest person there.

With a shrill shriek Sally bolted across the lawn, making a beeline for the mailbox. Water streaked through the air, the sponge sailing past her shoulder, but she mostly escaped unscathed. She threw herself against the mailbox to come to a stop, then pulled the door open and popped the letters inside. She closed it with a sigh of relief, but although the letters were now safe, she was far from the same.

Sally spotted the scurrying pair of figures approaching her at the last second. She shrieked again, turned away and leaned forward as she threw her arms behind her head to protect herself. The soaring bucket of water that was meant for her head got dumped down her back instead, the empty bucket clanging against the hollow mailbox next to her.

The cold flood of water straightened Sally pretty quickly and she shuffled about in a circle taking deep breaths. The boy-girl team that doused her had abandoned the bucket when they threw it and were already running back to their yard when Sally turned around. Sally snatched the bucket off of the sidewalk and sped to catch up with them. She didn't have a plan so much as a thought: "How dare they!"

What Sally failed to notice was what that sudden rush of cold did to the back of her panties. The force of a pail full of water being dumped on her backside pulled her underwear halfway off of her bum. The front of her panties were still mostly dry, but that only allowed the hem to slip more freely with the sag of water weight behind her, contributing to her healthy plumber's butt. And Sally's need for vengeance prevented her from noticing any of this.

With half of her butt on display, her normally full-bottomed briefs riding low, Sally ran straight into danger. Cody and the others all targeted her as she raced for the kiddie pool. She avoided all but one or two shots as she zoomed in and looped to the far side of the pool to fill her bucket. While scooping, not only did she have the sprinkler raining down on her, but a girl sitting in the pool started to splash her too. It took a double-take for Sally to realize that the 6 year old splasher was crouched there butt naked looking very pleased with herself. Sally just splashed the girl back, to the sound of much squealing, before she spun around the pool with her loaded bucket.

It was only after Sally was armed that she realized how stupid of an idea this was, to join in on a water fight being so poorly dressed. She couldn't cover herself while running around with a bucket. She was also the outsider here, and thus the biggest target, so everyone wanted a piece of her. And then who knows how many people might walk by to spot her running around and playing in nothing but her panties. And afterward she was still going to have to walk home like this, but no doubt dripping wet. The weird part, what she didn't expect, was that some of these thoughts were just the slightest bit exciting.

Sally paused to contemplate all this, her knees knocking with nervousness knowing how exposed she was. But Sally failed to consider how standing still would make her a more vulnerable target.