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Latest revision as of 03:48, 30 August 2021

"Ok, it's that time. Stand up." you tell the young woman.

She doesn't hesitate. With her ankles bound she puts her feet as close to flat on the ground as she can and begins to transfer her wait to her feet. She's surprisingly good at this and in no time she is standing in front of the stool. You step forward and bend your knees, putting your shoulder at her waist. She leans over resting on your shoulder and you easily pick her up and start to carry her to the chair. On your way over you smack her exposed ass, and she yelps.

Once you reach the chair you place her feet at the center of the chair and push her upper body forward until she is standing. Then you take a few steps backward.

"You have been found guilty of crimes of seduction. Your punishment will be execution by slow hanging. Do you have any last words?" you say, holding back the smile you feel. She had said that she wanted to know that you might not cut her down. Why not play this up as an execution.

She looks at you with a look. Then smiles. "I am an incurable seductress. I love to tease men and get them worked up to the point where they can't help themselves. Sometimes I leave them at that moment to get even more of a thrill, though it leaves me even more insatiable. I deserve this punishment. What's more I deserve to be used and abused while I hang. I have left men wanting me, now I deserve to have my executioner take complete control of me, to take whatever he wants from me and have no way to escape."

She looks up at the noose and then back to you, "As an admission, and recognition of my guilt, may I request the knot be placed in a very specific location such that it will take a long time for me to die. I truely deserve to suffer as long as possible." she pulls at the bonds at her wrists for effect. "Since I can not ask you to free me, as if I were you I wouldn't trust me, will you allow me to direct your placement? By all means you have the last say, so if you feel I'm trying to deceive you of the positions purpose, then please do as you please."

You quickly step up onto the chair behind the young woman who has clearly gotten into her role. You take the noose and open it's loop. She leans forward so you can easily slip it over her head. You pull her hair from the knot and graze the back of her neck with your knuckles. You linger for a moment, and she sighs.

"Now, position the knot just in front of the left ear." You do as your told, "That's right, just a little higher. Ok now, sinch the loop tight, but leave two fingers space. This places the opening near the knot close to the front of my throat. It won't close off the airway as quickly. Placing the knot behind the ear was meant to break the neck, or in a slow hang place more pressure on the wind pipe." Having completed the task you look at the knot and the gap. It's as she said, you can see how this will do exactly what she said.

"Very well, I am satisfied with the position you have requested for the knot." you say and step down from the chair. With the small amount of slack left in the rope, the knot hangs off her cheek but is in no danger of falling.

"You are my exectioner, and with that position I ask that you do to me what I wouldn't let those men do. Take from me everything I withheld." She looks down at her ankles, a nice knot holding them together quite effectively. "I fear that with my ankles tied like this I can only be more of a tease." She pauses, clearly thinking about something. "If you were to break one of the table legs, you could use the leg as a spreader bar so I can't close my legs and deny you anything."

You consider her idea of a spreader bar and you decide you like it. After all if you were to take the role as she has asked, it would make it much easier to access her pussy. You turn and look at the table, then grab an extra couple of ropes from the table. The table stands about waste high, so just short of 3 feet tall. That will work just right. You flip the table and quickly kick one of the legs off. Grabbing the leg and the ropes you walk back to the chair and your noosed prisoner.

"Now I'm going to move you to the edge of the chair over here. Don't make me kick the chair away early or I'll use this table leg to rape you instead." You say, looking at her with as serious a look as you can muster.

She gasps at the threat. "I will behave."

You lift her just enough to move her to the front corner of the chair and then put her down. She quickly gains her balance. With a practiced hand you pass a looped rope between her ankles under the lashing you tied earlier to bind her. You pass the doubled end through the loop and quickly pull it tight wrapping it tightly to her ankle. You then take the two ends and wrap it around the leg of the chair a couple times then secure it.

Taking a second rope you quickly attach it to her other ankle, then wrap it once around the leg of the chair and back to the front. You pull and she quickly gets the idea is it tugs her leg outward. It's not going anywhere yet of course. Quickly you work the lashing off her ankles, while holding the anchor rope in place. In no time her legs are no longer bound to each other, but are still basically immobile.

Once again you pull on the rope holding her 'free' ankle. True to her word she doesn't fight it but moves her ankle to the opposite front corner. With practived ease you tie another knot around the other chair leg, securing her legs in the spread position.

You step back and admire your work for a moment.

"My executioner has done this before I take it." the young lady says, clearly admiring the work.

"The knots I am very familiar with. I have never used them for this purpose, though I must admit I have thought about it a time or two."

You grab the table leg, and another rope, placing it behind her right leg, just above her ankle.Quickly tieing an end to the leg you begin wrapping the rope around the table leg and her leg. With practiced ease you complete the wrapping and then quickly finish the knot off by wrapping the loose end of the rope between bar and leg and pulling all the ropes tightly together. Finding another rope you lash her left leg to the other end of the table leg, copying the same process as before.

Once both legs are secured you undo the quick knots holding her legs to the chair. With a smile on your face, you step back and admire the knots, then look up into the young woman's eyes. She looks back, a need glowing behind her eyes.

As you did with her ankles before attaching the spreader bar, you fold the rope and quickly slide it around the spreader bar, sinch it tight and then let if fall in front of the chair. Then you quickly move behind the chair to the anchor point. You quickly release the rope from the anchor and start to pull out the slack. The noose quickly becomes taut, and you pull another inch. This pulls the young woman up to the balls of her feet and you can hear her breath come through with just the hint of a rasp. You then secure the noose to it's anchor point.

"Is the prisoner ready to begin her sentence?"

"Yes executioner. Execute me with extreme prejudice." she replies, her voice carrying that light rasp.

"Oh, I intend to." you reply climbing up onto the chair behind her. You reach out and rub her right cheek, stroking it softly, tenderly. She leans her head into your hand and you take it away and slap her cheek. She almost cries out, but holds it back. You stroke her cheek again and she keeps her head up this time, so you continue down her cheek to her neck. Over the noose and then down her back a ways. You trace your hand down her ribs, exposed by the fact that her arms are bound. She squirms slightly at your touch but this causes her weight to shift and the noose to get a little tighter.

You lean forward and whisper in her ear. "You like being a tease, do you? Well I can be a tease too."

Stepping down from the chair you move around in front of her again. This time you run fingers down the sides of both legs, eliciting a shiver and another choking sound. You trace a finger up the inside of her thighs, starting at her knees and pulling away inches from her pussy. Again you are rewarded with a shiver and a choking sound. You move to her right leg and begin to tickle her instep, her foot lifts instinctively trying to get away from it. The choking sound lasts a little bit longer as it takes her a moment to recover and put her foot down. Repeating this a few times, alternating between her feet, you torment her, making her choose breathing or the tickling. You look up her legs and see her juices flowing down her legs.

You grab the rope attached to the spreader bar and take a few steps back.

"Are you sure you haven't done this before? You are very good at it." Her voice has a rough rasp to it now that the noose has tightened.

"Sadly, I have not had the pleasure of this before." You smile, and this time it comes off as a maniacal grin. "The time has come to swing by your neck."

You pull on the rope, pulling the spreader bar, and her legs, closer to the front of the chair. Slowly moving hand over hand, taking up the inches ever so slowly, her eyes widen. She feels the edge of the chair, and then she doesn't any more. The rope pulls tighter, but still doesn't close completely, her breathing now carries the rasp that used to be only in her voice. Her body begins to jerk and struggle, her toes uselessly point toward the floor. Her knees bend slightly trying to kick but the spreader bar makes the effort somewhat chaotic and uncontrolled.

You step back and admire the young woman's lithe body as it begins it's struggle in the noose. Her legs begin to reach in every direction, searching for some purchase to step up on to, however with the spreader bar anchoring her legs together it limits what each leg can do. The effect looks like one leg pulls the other around after it, only to be pulled in another direction when the first pulls back. Her chest heaves with her struggle to breathe. Her breathing is labored, but for now it's effective enough, a harsh rasp with each intake and a gurgling sound as she forces the air into and out of her lungs.

Her hands pull at the bonds trying to get free but the struggle is pointless. She knows this of course, and all of this is a show for you. You look up into her eyes and she is staring at you with a look of need in her eyes.

You watch as she continues to struggle on the noose. The spreader bar does a good job of keeping her pussy well visible and you admire the view. Her legs continue to kick ineffectually as does her arms against the binding at her wrists. She is still audibly breathing past the rope, but the effort shows in her chest as it heaves greatly with each intake of breath.

You walk around behind her to watch her firm ass clench and flex as her legs move. Her back muscles tighten and release as she struggles to draw air past the rope. The subtlety of this movement is mesmerizing and you'd dare say even a little erotic.

You look down at the spreader bar and an idea pops into your head. You place one foot on the bar and apply just a little weight. Immediately her upper body jerks and her kicking stops in response to the added pressure around her neck. You realize that if you were to put all your weight on the bar it would likely break the young woman's neck but you have no intention of doing that. After all you sentenced her to a death by slow hanging, breaking her neck would be too good for a seductress and teaser of men. With that thought you take your foot off the bar and move around in front again to watch her dance. As you return to her line of sight, her struggles begin anew.

NOTE: This part is under construction. This could use "Game" design, but I'm not sure exactly how

What's next?

She did say you could do anything you wanted to her while she was in the noose.