Fun with Naomi/Part 4: Difference between revisions

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"I'm so proud of you sweetie," Mommy kissed me on the lips. "You're such a big girl. You got daddy a new job and made us a lot of money. With his promotion, we'll be able to afford to send you and your brothers to a better school and eventually we'll be able to move to a better house.:
"I'm so proud of you sweetie," Mommy kissed me on the lips. "You're such a big girl. You got daddy a new job and made us a lot of money. With his promotion, we'll be able to afford to send you and your brothers to a better school and eventually we'll be able to move to a better house. And we can afford to buy your brothers cars when they turn 16."

I didn't see anything wrong with our current house and I didn't want to go to a different school, but I was just glad it was all over. Mommy put bubbles in the bath, and after helping me climb in, she took of her clothes and got in with me. She washed all the cum off of my body and the food out of my hair. I relaxed against her breasts as the warm water soothed the  aches all over my body from being fucked over and over again on the dining room table.
I didn't see anything wrong with our current house and I didn't want to go to a different school, but I was just glad it was all over. Mommy put bubbles in the bath, and after helping me climb in, she took off her clothes and got in with me. She washed all the cum off of my body and the food out of my hair. I relaxed against her breasts as the warm water soothed the  aches all over my body from being fucked over and over again on the dining room table.

Revision as of 07:11, 10 December 2021

Part 4

It seemed wrong at times, especially when by brothers made me play weird games or stick their thingys in my mouth. But I sort of liked being my family's sex toy. Before, my brothers would always play mean games and torment me. But now all they wanted was to stick their cocks in my butt or rub them up against me. Daddy warned them not to fuck me in my kitty until he said it was okay. The idea of having someone do that kind of scared me anyways. I sure do like it when they lick me, though.

On weekends, my brothers and I play around the house naked. They started a new game where my brothers pick a game to play on the playstation and I have to jerk both of them off with each hand and they try not to lose focus as they play. I usually make Andy cum first and then Sean ends up beating him when he cums. Sometimes they let me play while one of them licks my pussy. I liked that, but they never do it very often.

I especially like it when Daddy and Mommy let me sleep in their room with them. We always sleep naked and daddy and mommy like to kiss me all over. Then they let me watch them have sex. Daddy told me I was going to lose my virginity real soon, though and I got kind of scared. I knew my brothers would want to fuck my pussy all the time after it happened and whenever I look at daddy's cock, it kind of scares me to think that it's supposed to fit inside my kitty.

One weekend, mommy took me shopping for a nice dress and told me we were having important company over for dinner and so I needed a nice dress for the occasion. I picked out a pretty red dress with spaghetti straps and sparkles. I loved it because I always ended up wearing my brother's hand-me-down clothes, so it made me feel special to dress up in something girly for a change.

Later that afternoon, mommy took me upstairs to get me ready. She gave me a bath and washed my hair. I asked if she would wash my kitty and make it feel really good, but she said there wasn't enough time. Instead, she told me to go put panties on and after, sat me down on her toilet and pulled out her makeup bag. I couldn't believe it, I was never allowed to wear makeup, but she said tonight was very special. She put on red lipstick to match my dress and mascara, too. I felt to pretty when she pulled my new red dress over my head and I spun around like a princess.

Mommy got in a dress, too and let me go play in my room while she got herself ready. I didn't know why my brother's weren't there, but they were staying over at a friends house for the night. Daddy got a caterer and had lots of really delicious food for diner. He even had someone there come and help set the table and serve everyone. It was the fanciest thing I had ever seen. It must have cost daddy a lot of money.

When the guests started arriving, Daddy introduced them as people he knew from work and they were all invited over because he was getting a promotion. He said they were the executives at his company. Some of them brought their wives too and one of them wore a pretty yellow skirt. I liked her, especially when she commented on my pretty dress and kept twirling me around. A lof of the men wanted me to twirl around, too which seemed kind of weird but I loved twirling in my new dress, so why wouldn't they like to watch?

All the adults talked in the living room and before dinner was on the table. One of the men pulled me into his lap and started telling me funny jokes, I liked him and his wife, too. The waiter served hours devours to everyone and I snacked on a bunch of them which was good because I didn't get to eat a full dinner that night. Daddy and Mommy let me eat leftovers later, but they didn't have a place set for me which I thought was really weird.

"Hey, where's my seat?" I asked once everyone sat down at the table and I saw there wasn't a place for me.

"You're the guest of honor," Daddy told me. "You'll get to sit with all of us eventually. Jim, would you like to start?" Daddy looked over at the guy he called the CEO of his company. Jim walked over to me and took me by the hand, leading me to his seat.

Everyone sat down and Jim pulled me into his lap. I was glad because he was the one who was telling me jokes 10 minutes before. I sat on Jim's lap as he ate dinner. He fed me a few bites of steak off of his fork which I thought was kind of weird, it kind of made me feel like a baby, but it was okay. Side dishes were passed around and everyone dished it up on their plates. I was glad when Jim dished up some potato salad. I know it's weird, but it was one of my favorite foods so I was hoping he would let me have some of his. What he did next, though caught me by surprise.

Jim pushed his plate out of the way, leaving a large empty space on the table in front of him. "Okay, Naomi. It's time."

I didn't understand his comment, but he started putting his hand up my dress and grabbed onto my kitty over my panties. He lifted be up by my crotch and sat me up on the dining room table. Then he pulled my panties down, throwing them on the floor next to the table.

The next thing he did was the worst! With both hands, he grabbed me by the front of my dress and started ripping it off. I don't know why he did that when he could have just lifted if over my head, but he kept ripping until it was open all the way down the front. I cried as soon as I heard it tearing and I didn't understand why neither Mommy nor Daddy got up to stop him.

Throwing my ruined dress onto the floor, I was completely naked and crying as I sat on the table. Jim pushed me back to lay down. There was hardly any room for me on the table. My head was next to the bowl of potato salad and I could smell them and I wanted a bite so badly. On the other side was Jim's plate of food.

"She is absolutely gorgeous, Russel." Jim said to daddy. "I've never had a girl this young before. 8 is such a great age."

He started running his hands over my flat chest and tummy. "Don't worry sweetheart, we'll all take good care of you," He looked down at me crying on the table. Then he started to touch my kitty

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are going to have lots of fun with Little Naomi here tonight!" he announced. I looked up at him and watched him take his coat off and roll up is sleeves. Then I heard him unbuckle his belt and prepared myself for the cock that was undoubtedly going to enter my ass.

"No lube, but I think this aught to do," he reached over for his water glass poured a little onto his cock. I was caught by surprise when I felt the strange man pushing his cock into my kitty.

"No! I gasped and looked I looked down in tears and saw his cock start to pierce my pussy. It didn't go at first, but he shoved it harder and suddenly, I let out a loud gasp and grabbed onto the table cloth for support. I grimaced when I could feel him deep inside of me. I laid there motionless and crying as he stopped for a moment and I tried to get used to the feeling, but he was too big.

He grabbed my waist on either side and started pulling me in and out. I just laid there crying and I heard his moans over the sound of the other guests eating. My dress was ripped, makeup was running across my face and clips were falling out of my hair. I was completely at his mercy, my body moving in sync with his quick thrusts.

I lilted my head back to look at the rest of the table upside down. I could see my daddy laughing at the other end of the table, acting as if nothing was happening. Mommy too didn't care that a complete stranger had just taken my virginity. That made me cry more. The rest of the guests were still eating and talking with each other. A few of them looked my way, I could tell they weren't concerned about what was happening. They all wanted me like this, too.

"Oh yes, goood little bitch," Jim panted from exerting so much energy to thrust into me. I could tell he wasn't going to last much longer. Sure enough, he started feeling my chest again as his cock pumped cum into my pussy for the first time. I sobbed as I felt him shooting inside me, feeling his hands clench against my chest until he shot every last drop.

"What a mess!" He said as he pulled his cock out. He reached down and grabbed my panties off the floor, wiping the cum off of his cock before throwing them back down. He didn't bother cleaning me up though, Even though I had a lot more cum spilling out of my pussy. Instead he picked me up like I was a baby and passed me over to the man on his right.

Sure enough, he had already cleared a place for me on the table. I was laying by the bread bowl this time. His cock made a squishing noise as he entered my pussy, It was already full and dripping one man's cum, but soon there would be a second. Between my daddy and both brothers, I was used to being fucked multiple times, but never in my pussy. These men were so big, and I'm just a little girl.

The second man didn't say as word and was just as bad as the first. But at least my pussy was lubed up with the CEO's cum this time. Each time he puled back, cum kept squirting out. Before long he too started squirting in side me, too

Then I was passed over to his wife, he set me down in front of her so cum didn't get on her yellow skirt. At her place, my pussy was given a much needed cleaning, although not in a normal way. She leaned over and started licking my cum fulled pussy. At first, she started sucking it out, but then she actually started licking me good and it felt really nice. It was so weird having everyone around to watch me as I started to moan and cum. It was embarrassing, too. I arched me head back when she brought me off, but I felt my head hit the bowl of asparagus.

"Great side dish," the lady complemented after she finished eating out my kitty. She wiped her face off with her napkin, and acted just like she had finished a good mean. I wasn't finished however. Another man grabbed me and whisked me away to his space.The next man wasn't gentle. When he plopped me down in front of him, my loose hairclip fell out, causing my hair to fall into the butter dish. Nobody else as the table seemed to mind.

"Come here you little bitch,"

The man pulled me back towards him and didn't waste any time plowing his cock into me. When Daddy introduced him earlier, he said the man's name was Blake and he was not an attractive man. He was bigger in every way. His nose was too big for his face and he was balding on top, His fat hands groped me and it felt like a giant was rubbing all over me. It hurt when he stuck his fat cock into me and he started pounding my like I was in one of those weird naked videos my brothers like to watch. Each thrust came with an equally loud slap of his stomach on top of me.

After the lady made me feel really nice, I was crying again. With each hard thrust into me, I felt my body sliding around the table and soon my head was back in the butter dish. He didn't seem to care and neither did anyone else. Some of them even looked amused by how much I was struggling. I began to squirm around the table started hitting it with me fist, I ended up knocking a glass of water off the table. Fortunately, it only fell on the carpet and didn't break.

"Ahh, Ahh!" the man called out loudly. I didn't like the sound of his voice, but I started feeling his cum shoot into my kitty. He kept thrusting into me as more jizz shot into me. My body relaxed once he finally took out his cock but it didn't last long. I was immediately passed off to the next man at the table who was eager to fill my pussy once again.

He was a lot more gently than the last guy, but by that point, my body hurt so much from all the other men that it didn't matter. My little kitty had never been fucked before a day in my life and now tonight I was only half way around the table.

Daddy didn't take a turn and neither did mommy. They passed me to the next man who greedily raped me again. One by one, the rest of the men had their turn and shot their seed into me or onto me. When I had finally made it around the table, I had more food in my hair than I had probably eaten that night and cum was dripping down my chest and legs. I felt gross, but I wasn't allowed to clean myself off either. I just had to stand there next to the CEO as everyone finished their dessert.

"Well Russel," The CEO lifted his champagne for a toast. "Welcome to the executive team. You're going to make an excellent Regional Director of Sales," The CEO grabbed my bare shoulder as he talked to my dad. Everyone at the table clapped..

"And I must add that you have a beautiful family," I thought it was a weird comment becaus he didn't even meet my brothers.

"Jim, why don't you bring Naomi out with you next weekend for your golfing trip." The CEO's wife piped up. "I know Terrance and his sons are looking to sell their company and I bet offering her up for the weekend would be a geat way to sweeten the deal."

"Great idea, Karen, he agreed. "What do you say Russel? I've got a fifty thousand dollar sign-on bonus for you if your daughter can come." I suddenly realized what they were talking about. I was going to be used in some way by weird men and from the look on Daddy's face, I didn't think he was going to say no.

"Of course, I would be a fool to refuse. She's all yours next weekend. Just let me know when you need me to bring her by!"

I felt like crying, but I didn't. One by one the guests started leaving, All staring at me as they were out that door. Some of them who didn't mind getting a little gross cum or leftover food on them, touched me in various places as they walked out the door.

Once everyone was gone, my job still wasn't over. The waiter was still there, cleaning up all the fancy dishes daddy had rented. It had been a busy night for him. Apparently I had knocked quite a bit of food on the table and the floor and I had to suck his cock to apologize.

I walked over to him. He was young. A lot older than my brothers, but younger than any of the other men who had fucked me tonight. Standing in the middle of the kitchen, I opened my mouth and started to suck him, just like I did my daddy and brothers. He had been eager and watching me all night, so just like my brothers often did, he didn't last very long. he shot his cum into my mouth after a few minutes. What ever I couldn't swallow, I ended up spitting out and it fell onto my chest.

"You're so cute," he told me when I was done. "Are you doing this again sometime?" the teenager asked my dad who had been watching the whole time.

"I should think so," he answered. "If we do you'll be the first one I call."

Then Mommy took me upstairs and started a bath for me in the big master bathroom.

"I'm so proud of you sweetie," Mommy kissed me on the lips. "You're such a big girl. You got daddy a new job and made us a lot of money. With his promotion, we'll be able to afford to send you and your brothers to a better school and eventually we'll be able to move to a better house. And we can afford to buy your brothers cars when they turn 16."

I didn't see anything wrong with our current house and I didn't want to go to a different school, but I was just glad it was all over. Mommy put bubbles in the bath, and after helping me climb in, she took off her clothes and got in with me. She washed all the cum off of my body and the food out of my hair. I relaxed against her breasts as the warm water soothed the aches all over my body from being fucked over and over again on the dining room table.

Continue to Part 5