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''Yes, I 100% stole this concept from the story Disciplinary Action, a fun interactive story not dissimilar to this one which you should also read. The link can be found under my list of favorite stories on my author page along with other favorites and links to my stories as well.''
''This part of the story is a brief into to what the girls will be going through. Below is an overview of their suspension and yes, I 100% stole this concept from the story Disciplinary Action, a fun interactive story not dissimilar to this one which you should also read. The link can be found under my list of favorite stories on my author page along with other favorites and links to my stories as well.''

Revision as of 07:50, 11 December 2021

This part of the story is a brief into to what the girls will be going through. Below is an overview of their suspension and yes, I 100% stole this concept from the story Disciplinary Action, a fun interactive story not dissimilar to this one which you should also read. The link can be found under my list of favorite stories on my author page along with other favorites and links to my stories as well.

From the Office of Principal Richter
As you have now been informed, your daughter, April Winters is to report for in school suspension for a total of 2 weeks starting tomorrow. Her recent behavior has been unbecoming of a Franklin L. Gardner Elementary school student and thus, her in school suspension is to be served at our sister school, Franklin L. Gardner middle school. She is expected to follow the middle school schedule for the duration of her suspension and attend any and all middle school extra curricular activities as outlined in the itinerary below. Any deviation or failure to participate in any of the below activities could result in further disciplinary action.

The middle school director wanted me to warn you that while April is allowed to wear clothes to school, there is no telling what rowdy middle school boys will do with them and any torn, stained, or otherwise missing garments are not the school's responsibility. Thank you for understanding.

Week 1:

Wednesday - Friday
7:25 am - 3:00 pm - April's presence will be required during regular school hours during which time she may be used in classroom demonstrations including but not limited to sex ed and boys physical education. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the middle school administration.

After school detentions
3:00 - 3:30 - Depending on April's behavior, she may be required to attend after school detentions. You will be informed on the day if April will need to be picked up late.

Boy's Baseball Tournament
Wednesday at 5:00 pm - April's presence is requested to help the Boy's Baseball Team win their match an move onto finals. The cheer-leading coach retired last year, so April will help motivate the team to victory. She will be required to stay until the game is over and likely longer if the team loses. The boys don't like losing and do better when they have an outlet to deal with their frustration.

Track and Field
Thursday at 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm - April will need to be present for track and field practice.

Boy's Chess Club
Saturday at 9:00 am - 12 pm - No there isn't a girl's chess club, but there aren't any girls on the chess team anyways and April is about all these nerds can get their hands on. April will be responsible at helping them keep their focus in between games. 

Week 2

Monday - Friday
7:25 am - 3:00 pm - April's presence will be required back at the middle school on the normal school schedule with the exception of the dates for the science clubs trip (day and times below.

3:00 - 4:00 - Debate Team

Wednesday - 7:00 am Bus leaves for science club trip

Thursday - All Day science club trip

Friday - Science club to return at 12:00 am April

Week 3:

Regular middle school hours resume, No extra curricular activities are planned for April at this time. Her suspension will be over at 3:00 pm on Wednesday. 

She will be allowed to return to elementary school the following Thursday.

Part 12

All four parents were shocked when they looked at the girl’s two identical itineraries.

“This seems like a lot for a couple of 6 year olds,” Tiffany’s mother exclaimed.

“Well until they learn how not to act out in school, they’ll have to live with the consequences.” Her father countered.

“Yes, you’re both right, but should we at least suspend the at home punishments while this is going on? These girls need a break,” April’s mother inserted.

“Or at least we could stop with the nightly dildo stimulation. It’s kind of redundant now since you’re both fucking them every day anyways.”

The girls both listened to their parents arguing about them, feeling a little like flies on the wall. Neither girl spoke up, just listening to the adults drone on. Neither girl really wanted to think about what would happen for the next two weeks. They just wanted to enjoy themselves while they had the chance.

Eventually, the four parents came to an amicable arrangement. The girl’s pussies were stretched out enough, so unless the girls really wanted their mommy daughter time, they would forgo the nightly dildo exercise but would make sure to check and make sure the girls well used pussies were healthy. Their fathers agreed to both go easy on them and if they had a particularly hard day, get off some other way without using their pussies.

The second part of the arrangement both girls were very happy about. Both girls had to be at the same place at same times, so they decided to alternate houses. One night April’s parents would take the girls and the next, Tiffany’s parents would take them. The girls were happy they would at least have extra time to play together in between all their sexual overstimulation. Weekends were a toss up and didn’t really matter. Both sets of parents opted to give the girls a break on the weekends. With the exception of Saturday’s chess tournament, they wouldn’t be punished unless they were really bad.

With their fate decided, they all went together to take the girls out for dinner. The girls were given a bath to clean up and even allowed to dress before going to the restaurant for once, a luxury they wouldn’t be enjoying for the better part of the next two weeks. April and Tiffany sat together, appreciating each other’s company.

“Are your parents still getting a divorce?” April asked her friend.

“No, they decided not to. They said they aren’t mad at each other anymore and it’s because they get to play with us at home when we’re bad.” Tiffany admired solemnly. “They said since daddy gets to fuck me when I’m in trouble, he’s not allowed to fuck anyone else and then for mommy it’s the same way. They just have sex with me instead of other people.” The explanation didn’t make sense to either girl, but April and Tiffany were both happy that her parents were staying together.

“We aren’t talking to my uncle right now. He and mommy had sex together so my daddy is mad at him. He said he might come over sometime and they’ll let him use me to make up for everything.”

“What if you don’t do anything bad?” April asked.

“What does it matter? We didn’t do anything bad today, but we still got in trouble.” April had to admit her friend had a point. They really hadn’t done anything wrong, it just felt like everyone wanted to punish them; like they were all looking for a reason. Why else would everyone refuse to listen to them, or the teacher ignore the reminder that April had actually never forgotten her homework and shouldn’t have been punished with no clothes for the week?

None of that mattered now, of course. The girls were in for it no matter what.

The girls stayed over at April’s for their first night. Her parents let them stay up and play for a bit, feeling at least a little sorry for the girls. But admittedly, they found thought of dozens of horny boys getting to do whatever they wanted to them quite exhilarating.

April’s mother came in and gave both girls their nightly dildo fucking. She noted Tiffany’s pussy was a little tender from her first real fuck, something she would have to look out for because this girl was not going to get a break. At least the middle schooler’s cocks were much smaller, that wouldn’t matter if any teachers decided to have their own fun with them.

When April’s mother was finished, she kissed both girls on the forehead and let them sleep.

Part 13