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<div class="chapter">Chapter 5</div>
The night of the dinner party after all the guests had gone their separate ways and Mommy had given me a bath, she dried me off and put me in their bed for the night. I was sore all over, having been used really hard by all the important people at Daddy’s company. And it had all happened right on the kitchen table. I still felt really embarrassed thinking about losing my virginity to that man I didn’t even know, feeling his cock slowly slide into my kitty. He was so big. I’ll never forget looking back and just watching everyone chatting and laughing as they kept eating. I don’t think all the men actually even wanted to have sex with me, but they still did and shot their cum inside me.
The night of the dinner party after all the guests had gone their separate ways and Mommy had given me a bath, she dried me off and put me in their bed for the night. I was sore all over, having been used really hard by all the important people at Daddy’s company. And it had all happened right on the kitchen table. I still felt really embarrassed thinking about losing my virginity to that man I didn’t even know, feeling his cock slowly slide into my kitty. He was so big. I’ll never forget looking back and just watching everyone chatting and laughing as they kept eating. I don’t think all the men actually even wanted to have sex with me, but they still did and shot their cum inside me.

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I didn’t want to go with Daddy’s boss that weekend. But I guessed it was just like Daddy said. That’s what little girls were for.
I didn’t want to go with Daddy’s boss that weekend. But I guessed it was just like Daddy said. That’s what little girls are for.

[[Fun with Naomi/Part 6|Continue to Part 6]]
[[Fun with Naomi/Part 6|Continue to Part 6]]

[[Category:Fun With Naomi]]
[[Category:Fun With Naomi]]

Latest revision as of 06:23, 11 January 2022

Chapter 5

The night of the dinner party after all the guests had gone their separate ways and Mommy had given me a bath, she dried me off and put me in their bed for the night. I was sore all over, having been used really hard by all the important people at Daddy’s company. And it had all happened right on the kitchen table. I still felt really embarrassed thinking about losing my virginity to that man I didn’t even know, feeling his cock slowly slide into my kitty. He was so big. I’ll never forget looking back and just watching everyone chatting and laughing as they kept eating. I don’t think all the men actually even wanted to have sex with me, but they still did and shot their cum inside me.

Mommy and Daddy gave my body a break that night, but they still kept me up late because they were making so much noise. I had never heard Mommy scream loud when they would let me watch them have sex, but that night she kept screaming at the top of her lungs. Every time Daddy moved into her, she would yell something about how great it was that we were so rich now. I didn’t care about that. I just wanted my pretty dress back; the one that man had ripped off me. And I wanted to go to sleep, but the whole bed was shaking, too. I just had to wait until they were done and then all three of us went to sleep.


The next morning, Daddy woke me up. “I was going to give you a break for a day or two, but I woke up way too horny this morning.”

I was still too asleep to understand what he was saying, but then I felt his cock sliding into my kitty.

“Watching all those guys fuck you was so hot. Oh god,” He moaned. “You’re so fucking tight.”

Finally Daddy was fucking my kitty, too. He lasted for a long time before cumming. I was still sore from the night before, but Daddy was careful. I think he knew I didn’t really feel like it. Right after he started, Mommy got out of bed and I watched her get dressed while Daddy fucked me. Then Mommy left to go pick up my brothers who had slept over at friend’s houses. The entire time she was away, Daddy slowly did his thing. I was really tired, but I could tell Daddy really liked having his thingy playing inside my kitty for the first time so I didn’t complain.

It felt nicer having Daddy do it to me instead of all those weird men the night before. He shot his stuff into me right before my brothers got back. I was still in Mommy and Daddy’s bed and he called them into the bedroom. He sounded really proud when he announced that my pussy was finally “open for business.”

I didn’t like the way he described me as “open for business” one bit, but I was too tired to argue. Both of my brother’s were excited, but Sean got to me first. Just like the night before when all those weird men were passing me around, my pussy was already full of wet cum and Daddy told them it made the perfect “natural lube.” Having them fuck me wasn’t that bad because they are both really small compared to all the men at daddy’s company the night before.

I still didn’t really feel like doing it and just laid their as Andy had his turn. But even though Andy’s cock was a lot smaller, he started making me feel really good. I think I nearly scared him when I started moaning, but then he realized what was happening and I could tell he felt really good that he was making me feel good.

At least having my kitty “open for business” like my daddy said made me feel kind of special. Even Andy stayed to watch when he was done and Sean started his turn.

I didn’t like that Mommy and Daddy let a bunch of weird people play with me the night before, but that morning everything felt okay again. And things felt normal. My brothers would play their games with me and I would get to spend time with Mommy and Daddy. The only difference is Daddy and my brothers would squirt their thingies into my kitty, too instead of just on me. That next weekend I was supposed to go with that CEO man and that scared me a little bit, but Daddy told me not to worry about it. I decided he was right and I tried not to think about it too much.

After a few days where things seemed to get back to normal, something changed when we got home from school one day.

“Alright, Naomi,” My daddy said sternly as we set our school stuff down by the door. “It’s time I made a new rule for you. Now that you’re no longer a virgin, it’s time you really start holding up your end and doing what a little girl is supposed to do for her father and brothers.”

“What do you mean?” I was understandably confused, since both he and my brothers had fucked me every day in whatever way they wanted since that party. “I always do whatever you want!”

“You’ve made some effort, yes. But I know you’re capable of doing a lot more,” I could hear my brothers starting to snicker as he continued. “For starters, little girls should always be ready to be fucked at any time. As the young lady of the house, you are no longer allowed to wear clothes when you’re at home unless I specifically instruct you to or we have company in the house. Do you understand me?”

My brothers giggles got louder. They were probably really exited to get to see me naked all the time. Sure, I liked the attention I got from Daddy and both my brothers, but being forced to be naked whenever I was at home was too much.

“Well,” Daddy started staring down at my t-shirt and jeans which I was still wearing, but I didn’t want to take them off.

“If girls are supposed to be naked all the time, why does Mommy get to wear clothes?” I blurted out. But that was the wrong thing to say.

“Excuse me?” I had never seen Daddy so angry. “How dare you speak about your mother like that!” He stepped forward and grabbed the neck of my shirt pulling me towards him.

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” I started crying.

“That’s not going to cut it girl,” He said as he started to rip my shirt. “I never want to hear anything like that come out of your mouth ever again and I’m going to make sure you don’t forget it.”

He finished ripping my shirt off and then yanked my jeans off, too without even bothering to unbutton them. My panties started coming off with them, but had only just barely fallen over my hips. Daddy nearly ripped those off too, but they fell down first.

Once I was naked, he pushed me hard onto the floor of the living room and undid his pants. Having sex with Daddy so far had usually been at least a little fun, but that day it wasn’t fun at all! I had never seen him so angry before.

I cried when he started thrusting into me. If felt really uncomfortable laying on the carpet. He held both my hands above me and started fucking me really hard. It was just like all those men had at the dinner party. I kicked and squirmed each time he pulled back and forced himself into me again. All the aches after the dinner party had mostly gone away, but as he fucked me on the floor I could feel some of them coming back

“Not so hard,” I cried at him, and pulled one of my hands free to try and push him away. All that did was make him laugh. I don’t know what was worse, feeling him fuck me so hard or knowing that I had made him really mad. But either way, I was crying really hard and could feel tears falling down my face.

“Stop complaining,” was all Daddy grumbled when I asked him to slow down through my tears. “You’re getting exactly what you deserve for talking about your mother like that you filthy little slut.” Daddy did slow down, but not because I asked him to. I thought he was going to cum but I didn’t feel any. Then I realized he had just stopped so he could last for longer.

When he started again, I kept kicking my legs behind him even though I knew it wouldn’t do any good.. Finally, I could feel him start to cum and his body relaxed.

“I’m sorry daddy,” I cried when he took his thingy out of me.

“Don’t even bother getting up,” He looked a little less angry now, but I could tell he was still pretty mad. I obeyed, and just kept laying there. I saw a bit of his cum fall off of his cock and felt it land on my tummy as he stood up. Then he grabbed Andy and pushed him on top of me. I didn’t even realize both my brothers had been watching until then. I could tell they were both shocked by what Daddy had done to me. I think he had done it harder than any of those men a few nights before.

“Fuck her now,” He ordered. “I don’t care if she likes it. In fact, I’d prefer if she didn’t.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. Andy pulled his pants and underwear down and took his place in between my legs. He couldn’t thrust with the same force as Daddy, but I could tell he was going as hard as he could. I was too scared by everything to even think about cumming. Instead, I laid there and waited until I could hear Andy moaning when his cum started shooting out and mixing with Daddy’s inside my kitty.

Sean didn’t need to be told that he was next. He was a lot stronger than Andy, so I thought he would fuck me harder, but I don’t think he liked how much I’d been crying and he started really slow. Daddy didn’t like that, though.

“Come on give it to her,” He said, and kicked him in the ass when he was on top of me. After that, I could feel him get faster. He didn’t last much longer after that, and shot himself into me. My kitty was full of sperm from everyone in my family.

“Can’t we clean her up in between,” my oldest brother complained, “It’s fucking gross. Your’s and Andy’s cum is all over my dick right now.”

“Shut up and go take a shower if it makes you feel better,” my father seemed annoyed. “You young lady are not allowed to take a shower. Not until I tell you it’s okay” He left me lying there and I silently cryied on the living room floor. I must have cried myself to sleep becase the next thing I remember was Daddy waking me up for dinner.

“Hey, sweetie,” he rubbed my bare chest as I opened my eyes. “It’s time for dinner.”

“I’m not hungry,” I pouted. It all came back to me. I must have been asleep for several hours becausee I could feel my family’s cum dry in between my legs.

“You’re still not done giving me attitude?” He sighed. I didn’t respond to the question and just laid there staring at him.

“You know I just didn’t like you talking about your mother like that, right?”

“But why do I have to be naked for you, Andy, and Sean? And they always have to fuck me? Don’t you love Mommy, too?”

“Of course we do, sweetie, but she is your mother and that’s the way it is at our house. Don’t you like it when we play with you?”

I nodded and it was true, but I was suddenly feeling really mad about everything. “But why can’t I ever do what I want to do? You let Sean and Andy do whatever they want all the time, but I never get to choose.”

“Little girls don’t always get a choice,” Daddy answered. “I thought you understood that by now.”

“And then you let the man from your work fuck me on the table and you and Mommy didn’t do anything,” I started crying really hard and it was really hard to keep talking. “That man took my kitty for the first time, but I wanted you to be the first one.”

He pulled me into his chest, rubbing my head as he let me cry.

“Why do I have to go with him again?” I remembered what Daddy had said to the man who took my virginity when he asked if I could go with him next weekend.

I had finally earned a little sympathy. Daddy’s embrace lasted for quite a while and It felt good to cry in his chest. He held me and rocked me back and forth and it made me feel safe in his arms. It felt just like the time he had held me naked after I jerked his thingy for the first time.

“Feel better now?” he asked once I had stopped crying. I nodded and wiped the last few tears from my eyes.

“Good girl. But since you’re not going to eat the dinner that mommy made, I’m going to give you something else to eat.” he started. I tried to tell him that I was hungry now and I wanted to eat dinner. He didn’t get mad, but he said it was too late. Then he pulled his pants and underwear down, and I knew what he wanted me to eat.

He got on his knees and I sat there for a second to think about what I had to do. He didn’t feel like waiting and just grabbed the back of my head and forced his cock into my mouth. I was trying to use my tongue and do a good job like I was starting to learn, but it was really hard. I still didn’t like sucking cock very much. I was trying not to start crying again either, but that was really hard, too.

Tears started running down my face as I kept going. Daddy wiped a few of them away and I liked that. I would have liked it even better if he had given me something better for dinner. I kept bobbing my head up and down instead. A few times he grabbed both sides of my head and made me go really fast. I didn’t like that, though and started to cry more.

My jaw started to hurt before Daddy was finished. It started to feel like it would never end, but then I finally started tasting his sour cum.

“Eat up, little girl. This is all the dinner you’re going to get.” I tried to swallow his cum as he shot it in my mouth, but I wasn’t very good at that. I only swallowed a little before it started coming out the sides of my mouth and getting all over me. Daddy wouldn’t let my head go until he had squirted all of it in my mouth. He even made me gag a few times.

“There you go,” He pulled his penis out of my mouth when he was done feeding me my dinner. I really just wanted to eat what Mommy made. But I knew he wouldn’t listen to me, even if I could have said anything with all of his cum still in my mouth.

“Go upstairs and get to bed. We’ll talk in the morning and hopefully then, you’ll have a better attitude.”

I walked upstairs with a mouthful of sour cum. I had never had so much squirted into my mouth before. When I got to the bathroom, I spit it out in the sink before I sat down on the toilet to me. As I peed, some of the dry cum washed away. I wanted to take a shower to wash off the rest, but then I remembered my daddy told me not to.

When I walked by the bathroom mirror, I stopped to look at myself. I could see flakes of dry cum still on my pussy and legs. A few drops on my stomach though were still wet and so was all the cum on my nipples that had dripped down my chest. I turned on the sink and washed some of the cum off of my face and tried to wash the taste out of my mouth, too. There was only a little cum in my hair, but it was still a mess.

I wished I could go back to playing with my brothers when they played video games. I liked the challenge of jerking them both off and trying to distract them from the game to see who would win. And even daddy being really bad was better than losing my virginity on the dining room table while everyone from his work watched. My poor kitty, I reached down to caress it.

I didn’t want to go with Daddy’s boss that weekend. But I guessed it was just like Daddy said. That’s what little girls are for.

Continue to Part 6