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I was diagnosed with a disease a few hours ago, they said I had ten days to live. They said I could go home and do whatever I wanted, but only for ten days. I wasn't ready to die, I had so much I had planned for me and my family, but that was just not gonna happen I guess.

I came home from the hospital, Kate was still at school, Mary was home though. I told her the news and she came over and hugged me, I hugged her back. "Don't worry, we still have 10 days left, I am not gonna be working during this time, so I can be here whenever you are." I kissed her deeply. She gladly accepted the kiss and put her arms around my neck.

I had my arms around her lower torso, I moved them further down and started groping her butt. She giggled in the kiss, I pushed her pants down and squeezed her bare butt. Kate came home and saw me squeezing her mother's butt while she was half naked, she didn't say anything, she thought we were weird but she just ignored it.

I broke the kiss and looked around, I didn't see Kate, I didn't even know she was home. So I got on my knees and started sucking and licking Mary's pussy, she was already wet, I sucked all of her juics out. She moaned softly, she hadn't noticed Kate come home either, she squeezed her boobs through her shirt as I sucked on her.

Kate had gone into her room. I stood up from licking Mary and heard something, I froze and turned around, nobody was there, then I noticed light coming from Kate's room. "Why is her light on?" I whispered to my wife, she pulled up her pants and slowly walked towards the room.

"I don't remember her coming home..." I peaked into Kate's room and so did Mary, we saw Kate there, apparently she had come home already. She was wearing her school clothes, she took off her shirt, neither of us looked away. She took off her underwear, leaving the skirt on, she did a spin and her skirt went up, she giggled and I saw her pussy.

She took off her skirt and then went to her bed, she picked up some sweat pants, she put them on without putting parties underneath. She grabbed a very worn t-shirt thar was almost see through, she put it on as well and started walking towards the door. Mary ran out into the living room, praying that her daughter wouldn't notice, I was only a few steps behind her.

We made it to the living room and calmed our breathing from the run, Kate came out of her room and we pretended to be talking about something. I turned to Kate and told her about my disease and that I had 10 days left before I died, she stared at me blankly. I thought I broke her, but she finally moved, she broke into tears and hugged me, I picked her up off the ground and hugged her back.

I subconsciously moved my hand to her crotch and I was now touching her pussy. She didn't seem to notice, or if she did, she didn't care, she didn't want me to die, so he hugged me tight and didn't let go. "It's ok Kate, I still have 10 days..." She finally stopped crying but she didn't let go, Mary said she needed to go the the grocery store, so she left.

I sat on the couch with Kate hugging me tight, I immediately regretted sitting on the couch, because now my hard dick was poking her crotch. Thankfully she didn't seem to notice, I figured if I moved, then it might be awkward, so I stayed still. She hadn't worn any panties so I was getting turned on by that a lot, I knew it was wrong but I loved seeing her naked.

"So, do you often do little spins when you are wearing only a skirt?" She stopped hugging me, she looked away, her face red, "No need to be embarrassed, I thought it was cute." She slowly turned to look at me, her face still red, I put my hand on her back and rubbed it up and down to calm her down, she smiled.

"I do it when I change a-" she stopped, I urged her to continue, "and I sometimes take my underwear off... at school... and... do spins... in front of my friends..." She was looking away again and her face was red.

"Do you think you could do it in front of me?" I hoped she would say yes.

"NO!" She responded... That was not a yes.


"Because it's embarrassing..."

"Please? I will give you some ice cream if you do... One spoon per spin." She couldn't resist the offer, so she got off of me and went into her room. A few minutes later, she came out wearing only a skirt, it was a shorter skirt, it barely went past her pussy. I hadn't necessarily meant without a shirt, but I wasn't complaining, she stood in front of me, her face was red.

She didn't want to do it, but she wanted to ice cream, so she did a cute little spin. Her skirt went up and I had a perfect view of her pussy, she did a few more, wanting more ice cream. I stood up after she finished, I grabbed some chocolate ice cream from the fridge, she had done 7 spins, so I scoop seven spoons into a ball, just as promised.

I gave her the ice cream, she started eating it without putting any more clothes on. She sat down on the my lap, her skirt was short enough, that her bare bottom was what was touching my pants. I could feel my dick poking at her pussy, she felt it and looked down, "What is that?" She asked, pointing at my pants.

I frowned and picked her up slightly and placed her on the seat next to me, I pulled my pants down. "Guys have this instead of what you girls have." She stared at my dick, amazed by it. She cautiously reached forward and touched it, it felt really good to have her touch it, even if it was just the tip of her finger.

"Eek, did I hurt it?" She said this because it got bigger, I shook my head.

"No, if it gets bigger, then that means that whatever you are doing, I like." She was fascinated, she poked it with her finger again and it grew, I picked her up. "Something else that it likes, is this." I slowly lowered her onto it, it pressed up against her pussy, she giggled, I pushed hard, trying to get my big dick into her tiny pussy.

It finally broke through and her whole body tensed, I slowly lowered her down further onto my dick. She was so tight, I felt like I was gonna cum in her right then, she was facing me, she closed her eyes. I pushed down until I couldn't fit any more in, only about half of my dick was in, "It hurts." She said in such a quiet voice I barely heard her.

A few tears were falling down her face, not many, I hugged her but kept my dick inside of her, I didn't move it though. She fell limp in my arms, I slowly moved her up, she thought I was taking her off, but then I started going back down. She made a quiet whimpering sound, I went down a little faster than I did before.

I knew I was about to cum so I slammed her down on my dick, she made a loud yelp sound and continued crying. I could still barely fit my dick inside of her, but it went as far as it could and then dumped the biggest load of cum I have ever seen into her body. I lifted her off and laid her down on her back on the couch, cum was dripping out.

I stood up and grabbed some paper towels, I cleaned my dick and then went for her pussy. She hadn't moved an inch, as I cleaned her pussy, I noticed a little blood, instantly my heart sank, I made her bleed. I stood her up after I cleaned her up, she was weak in the knees, I cleaned up where she was on the couch and let her sit back down.

I sat down next to her and picked her up and put her on my lap, I put her on my dick, but this time I didn't move her up and down, she just sat there. I made her facing away from me, I turned the TV on and started watching. She wiggled on my dick, trying to find a more comfortable position, she made me cum just from doing that, she leaned back and had her back pressed up against my chest.

We watched TV like this for about half an hour, until mom came home, Kate had fallen asleep on my dick, I couldn't move without waking her up. I knew I couldn't let my wife see me with my penis in her daughter's pussy. I grabbed a blanket and covered Kate except for her head, Mary walked in and saw Kate sleeping under a blanket on top of me.

She didn't see that Kate was naked, nor that I had my dick in her, she sat down next to me and kissed Kate's forehead. She turned off the TV, I looked at her, she went into her room and came out in a see through dress. I pointed to Kate, she shrugged, she was wearing nothing underneath the see through dress, I could see her pussy and boobs.

My dick got hard and Kate's tight pussy made it feel good, Mary ran her hands down her sides. Kate's eyes opened and saw what mom was wearing, she didn't notice Kate had woken up so she kept acting sexily. Kate decided to got back to bed, so she wiggled to get a comfortable position, it made me cum and I moaned slightly.

I turned the moan into a sound I would make when I saw something sexy, Mary. She smiled at my response to her sexy movements, "Just pick Kate up and put her on her bed and then come back out." She said, I couldn't stand up without her seeing Kate was naked and I had my dick in her, so I just sat there trying to figure out what to do.

She walked towards me and grabbed my hand, she pulled, she was surprisingly strong, so I had stand up in fear of her ripping my arm off. When I stood up, the blanket fell off, but Kate stayed because of my dick being inside of her. Mary saw this and stared in shock, she froze, Kate woke up from the sudden movement, I was kind of holding her still.

Kate noticed he was no longer sitting, "Where are we going?" She asked me, I frantically tried to figure out something to say, not because I was trying to lie, but because I couldn't think straight to figure out what was the truth.

"Nowhere... I think..." She wiggled to look at her mom, making me cum again, it felt so good. Mary finally came out of her shock and started yelling, I didn't understand much of it, but I got the gist. Something about What the fuck are you doing to our daughter? And I am gonna call the cops! And And also our lawyer, this is inexcusable!

It took me a minute to realize why she said lawyer, but then I realized she wanted a divorce. "If you want to divorce, just wait ten days, that's faster than any divorce I have ever heard of..." I meant it as a joke, but she thought I was serious, so she stormed into the kitchen and grabbed a knife and came back and put it at my throat.

Kate's head was just beneath my neck, she was scared that I was gonna die, and also scared that she was gonna die. Mary used her other hand and called the cops, "Yeah, my husband just raped our daughter!" She hung up after telling them the address, I didn't know what to do, I was either gonna die or go to jail.

"Wait, don't kill me, Kate would be devastated if I died even a minute before I was supposed to." Kate nodded to confirm my statement, Mary cared about her so she removed the knife and put it away. Kate wiggled a little to see what her mother was doing, she was pacing, the wiggling made me cum again, at this point, there was cum dripping down my legs and cum dripping down Kate's legs.

I knew I couldn't just stay here, so I went to Kate's room, I cleaned up her pussy and got her dressed. She was now wearing her short skirt that she was wearing, but I gave her a shirt, it wasn't worn like the one she was wearing before. I cleaned up my legs and dick and pulled my pants back up.

I walked out, while holding Kate in my arms, Mary was still pacing, she was near the back door. I quietly grabbed my car keys and head out the front door, I ran to my car and put Kate in the passenger seat, I sat in the driver's seat. I buckled her and myself and drove away, I saw Mary come out of the house as I drove down the street.

I passed the cops that were on their way to our house, I acted like a normal person driving out of the neighborhood. After I made it out of the neighborhood, I had the question about where to go, Kate was looking out the window, "Where are we going?"

"I don't know, but if we go home, then I am gonna go to jail, and you don't want that, so where do you want to go?" She thought about it for a minute.

"I don't care, but wherever we go, can you drive really fast, please?" I smiled and nodded, I drove to the gas station and quickly pumped up my gas. My car wasn't able to go sport's car fast, but it could go pretty fast if I wanted to. Just and I pulled out of the gas station, I saw a few cops pulling out of the neighborhood and started spreading out.

One of them saw me and turned their lights on, I slammed on the gas and drove down the road. Kate was having fun because now I was going fast, I swerved around a few cars and finally made it to the highway. I turned onto the highway and sped up the ramp, and by the time I left the ramp, I was going 120 miles per hour.

Kate was having a lot of fun with me going so fast, I saw the cops in my rear view mirror, they were gaining on me despite how fast I was going. I went as fast as my car would let me, 150 miles an hour, they were still gaining, they had much faster cars. One of them hit a big 18 wheeler truck and spun out of control, the truck went sideways and blocked all the lanes.

Only one cop made it through before the truck blocked their way, this cop was gaining way too fast. The cop slowed down and was now directly behind me, he knew he couldn't bump me because I had Kate and he didn't want to hurt her. I swerved and took the next exit very abruptly, he tried to follow, but he had to slow way down to do so.

I got a head start, I blew the red light and drove across, before I made it, a big transfer truck t-boned me on my passenger side. He slammed on his brakes but I still went out of control and spun off the road. I ended up in the grass on the corner of the intersection, the guy in the truck was able to pull over, he got out and ran down to my car.

Kate was knocked unconscious when the truck hit us, her door was practically crushed. I got out of the car and went around to try and get Kate out, I couldn't open the door. The truck driver leaned into my car and unbuckled her from the driver's seat. He picked her up and pulled her out, he either didn't notice, or just ignored the fact that she was practically naked.

He handed her to me and I grabbed her, "What were you doing going so fast and running redlights off a highway?" He asked.

"Oh, I forgot there was a red light at the bottom of the ramp and I didn't have time to slow down from being on the highway." I lied and hoped he didn't realize just how fast I was going. He went back to his truck and I saw the cop pulling up, he noticed the crash. The truck driver told the cop what happened and what I said.

"Actually, this man kidnapped that child and he was trying to get away from us." The cop said, I didn't stick around to find out what would happen next. I walked up as if to surrender myself, but I got into the cop's car and drove as fast as I could, out of there. The cop shot at me but I was too fast.

I was still holding Kate, I didn't know how to sit someone down and buckle them while driving, so I kind of just tossed her into the passenger seat. I got back onto the highway, this time with a faster car, I was out of there! A few hours later, I was blending in with the cops, pretending to search for myself.

I had met up with some cops and pretended to be looking for me, it worked I was now with them. They seemed not to know that I was in a cop car, it was now night time, we didn't have our sirens on because we weren't chasing anyone. I didn't ever leave my car, we just talked through the cop radio.

I was kind of worried about Kate, I had fixed her so she was now sitting normally, and buckled, but I didn't know if she was ok. I couldn't take her to a hospital because then I would get caught, so I was kind of stuck with this dilemma. I heard on the radio, "Black Ford F-150 speeding down the highway going south." I heard a different person say, "In pursuit, I could use a little back up, I am just passing exit 38." I was at exit 40 of the same highway, I got on the highway and pulled over, waiting for the truck.

It was only then that I realized that I wasn't a cop, but I didn't care. I saw the truck pass and I started chasing him with my light on, the cop who was on the radio passed me as I wasn't fully at speed yet. I floored it and I finally caught up with the cop, he said through the radio, "My car isn't quite fast enough, can you go after him, your car is faster."

I responded through the radio, "Sure thing!" I sped up and left the other cop in the dust. I saw the truck ahead, I said through the radio, "Who is in the truck?"

"As far as I know, there is a man driving, and a man holding a 10 year old girl at gunpoint, he is sitting in the passenger seat and the girl is in the back, none of them are buckled." Came the response, I had all the informationg I needed, even if it might not have been accurate. I caught up with the truck, I passed him and acted like I wasn't interested in him.

He knew it was an act, so he slowed down, I slowed down as well, I wondered what he was doing. I slowed down so that I was behind him, he passed me and went through one of those small pieces of road that connect the two different directions of traffic¹.

¹Author's note: I have seen these on like every highway, I don't know what they are called and I don't know how to describe it...

On a highway you have two directions of traffic, for example, north and south

This highway demonstration below shows you what I mean, it might be called an access road, civilians are not allowed to use it, only like cops and stuff I think.

The "|" symbol represents the road I am talking about. __________________ _________|_________

So I followed him, he turned and continued going the same direction, which was now, head on with other traffic. I had to stop him, despite them having the little girl, he crossed back over into the correct side for the direction he was going. "I need backup at exit 46" I said through the radio, I just passed exit 45.

I timed it, and just as he was about to pass exit 46, I bumped him and he went down the ramp for the exit. I followed him as he spun out of control and came to a stop at the red light, two cop cars came and boxed him in. They got out and opened the doors ofthe truck before they shot the girl, to their surprise, there was no girl.

Knowing they had the situation under control, I casually drove off. What they didn't notice though, was that the back left window on the truck was shattered, and I had rolled my window down. Which resulted in the girl being in my car now, I put her in the back and rolled up my window before anybody saw anything.

So now they were looking for the girl, without any clue except for the fact that she probably fell out because of the window being shattered. I drove away, having an unconscious daughter and another girl who was still awake and wondering what was going on. I told her that I saved her from those men, and now I am taking her to safety.

Kate woke up and looked around, she saw the other girl and looked at me, "I am a cop now..." I said matter of factly. Kate looked at me like I had 3 heads, she looked around and noticed it was a different car. She looked at the hood and saw that it was a police car, she sat back down and her head hit the seat, she had hit her head in the crash, so it hurt and she yelped.

"What happened?" She asked, while rubbing her head. I told her the whole story, I went to a drive through McDonalds and told the girls not to say anything while I ordered. I ordered three Big Macs and some fries and 3 drinks. I got the food and drove out of the drivethrough, I handed the girl in the back her food.

I then gave Kate her food and then ate mine as I drove, I drove and hid the cop car in between two buildings. I told the girls to get some rest, especially Kate, I leaned the seat back and fell asleep, the two girls also went to sleep.

Day 2

Author's note: this was quite long because I decided to do each day on a page... But whatever!