Olympics/WFS/1: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 11:00, 13 February 2022

My brother and I were up next, currently a different pair was skating. They finished and got off the ice, they got their score and we went on. Little did I know, my perverted brother, had removed my panties from my costume, leaving my pussy completely exposed under the shortest skirt ever.

I was wearing a short red skirt that didn't even pass where my underwear should have gone, even when I was standing still. So, my pussy was visible to everyone, no one pointed it out though. The music started, we started skating, my brother picked me up and spun while holding me with one hand.

He spun for at least 10 seconds, before tossing me up and spinning me in the air, I landed on my feet, but almost fell over. We both skated next to each other simultaneously and did a few spins and jumps. About halfway through the performance, he picked me up and threw me into a spin, I spun at least 3 full rotations, before hitting the ground.

Though, when I hit the ground, my feet slid backwards and I fell face first into the ice. It hurt a lot, I didn't even try to get up, I just cried. Karl came over to me and tried to help me up, I didn't get up, I was in too much pain. I rolled over so that I was now on my back, giving everyone a clear shot of my pussy.

A few emergency people came onto the ice to help me, one of them pushed his pants down and revealed his hard 9 inch dick. I didn't know anything about sex, but I was still concerned about why he was getting undressed. He lined his dick up to my exposed pussy, nobody made any attempt to stop him, in fact, plenty of people started filming with their phones, including Karl.

He thrust his dick in so hard, that I slid backwards on the ice, he slid with me. I came to a stop after my head hit the wall, I wasn't going that fast, so I barely noticed it. He fucked me as hard as he could, I was now bleeding from my pussy. I tried to push him off, but I was super weak from the pain, so I just laid there and cried.

Eventually he pulled out and cummed all over my beautiful costume, I was mad, I thought he peed on me. He stood up and then actually did pee on me, my costume was soaking wet, the pee was warm, but then got super cold. He took off all the clothes I was wearing except for my skate shoes, he stood me up and told me to skate naked for everybody.

He skated next to me to help me, but as soon as he let go of me, I fell back to the ground, I was in too much pain. He went a few feet away from me and then started skating back towards me, he went as fast as he could in that small area between us. He didn't stop and he hit me, he was prepared for the hit, and when he fell over, he barely got a bruise.

When he hit me, his blades on his skates hit my arm, cutting into them, making me scream in pain. I curled into a bowl and cried, nobody was there to help me, despite all this being caught on TV. Surely this was illegal, right? They just did it anyway. I was very cold, I shivered like crazy, Karl started coming towards me.

Karl gave me my skirt from my costume, but nothing else, when I didn't put it on, he forced me onto my back and forced it on. It hurt, but I was already hurting so much, that I barely noticed it. Karl picked me up and fingered me roughly as he skated while holding me, I moaned and cried loudly.

Karl held me above his head and then threw me down, I hit my head super hard on the ice and passed out. He picked me up again and fucked my unconscious body. I woke up a few hours later, being fucked my random people, I was in so much pain, and still cold. I was gonna ask for a blanket, but I could barely speak, so not much came out.

I noticed there was a line of men who wanted to fuck me, once one finished, another came. I noticed a chalk board next to me, where the men wrote their dick sizes, according to it, the biggest who had fucked me, was 10 inches. I cried as someone cummed in me and stopped fucking me, another guy came up, he had to be at least 7 feet tall.

The guy wrote on the chalk board "14.3 in", my eyes went wide, was his dick really that big? He pulled down his pants and I saw his dick, I realized if anything, his dick was bigger. I tried to get up to get away from that dick, but I fell back down from the pain and cried loudly, a bunch of people laughed at me.

The guy with the huge dick, started trying to push his dick into me, he couldn't get it in, but eventually he shoved the whole thing in, I screamed, it hurt so much. He cummed in me almost immediately, I hoped that meant he would leave sooner, apparently it didn't. He fucked me as hard as he could, which was like double the pain the other guys gave me.

He cummed in me three more times before finally pulling out, as he left, I noticed he gave my brother some money. Great, my own brother was selling me to be fucked against my will, I was very mad. I then noticed something strange, a girl was in the line, she came up to me and put two small metal devices one on each of my tits.

She grabbed a whip and whipped my pussy so hard, it left a mark, she left and paid my brother, leaving the metal devices. I saw her grab out her phone, she pressed a few buttons, it sent a huge electric shock through my body. I screamed at the top of my lungs

I begged for mercy, I was in too much pain to move, and I was also too cold to move. I cried as more people fucked me, after what felt like an eternity, the last person cummed in me and left. The woman from earlier, shocked me again, I screamed, she then walked up to me and grabbed the two devices and left.

Now only me and my brother were in sight, still some other people still in the building probably. My brother had a handful of money and put it in his pocket, he walked over to me and picked me up, still only wearing my super short skirt. I tried to cuddle into him for warmth, but it didn't help that much.

He skated towards the exit of the ice, he tripped and dropped me. I landed on my back and screamed from the pain, he fell on top of me and all the air was shoved out of me. I couldn't move, he could have gotten back up immediately, he wasn't hurt because I had broken his fall, but he decided to stay on top of me, keeping my back on the ice.

I shivered, he pulled out his dick and slid it into my very sore pussy, I begged him to stop. He fucked me as hard as he could and then cummed inside me, he picked me up and put me on my feet. I almost fell, but then finally got my balance, we skated next to each other to the exit, I was hurting so bad, but he refused to carry me.

The day after tomorrow, we have another Figure Skating round, we were competing in that one, but I don't know how much I will have recovered by then. I just prayed that I would even be able to skate that day.

That day.(day after tomorrow.)