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'''Friday, July 17th, 2020 - My birthday'''
'''Friday, July 17th, 2020 - My birthday'''

Latest revision as of 11:32, 1 April 2022

Friday, July 17th, 2020 - My birthday

I woke up to my door being opened by Grace, she immediately noticed my state and was confused. "Why are you half naked?...ish..." She asked, I looked down and noticed my exposed state, and immediately remembered what happened last night.

I debated whether or not to tell on him, because what would I even say? "Drake put something in my hole that doesn't do anything." umm... yeah, that would be awkward, I don't even know what he did to me, so I decided not to tell on him for now. "Umm, I don't know..." I said to Grace.

"Well, Nat, you overslept a little bit, it is an hour after when you usually wake up, and your birthday celebration is in a few hours. Also, mom wanted me to remind you, that you are supposed to wear your birthday suit." She struggled to keep in a laugh, she succeeded, but I could tell she wanted to laugh at me, which was almost as bad as if she did.

I was about to pull my pants up, but Grace pointed out the dried blood on my pussy, and the stain on my bed. "Uhh, I hurt myself..." I lied, not knowing what to say, she automatically assumed that I had started masturbating, and that I went a little too rough.

"Ohhh, I see, you were playing a little too rough?" she started laughing and shoved a finger into my sore pussy. I tensed, but made no attempt to stop her, I wasn't in the mood, "Hey, you are prettier with the blood here... because it covers up the ugly." She started laughing and pushed her finger in as deep as she could, and then pulled it out.

I cried and stood up, I took off my pajamas and went to the bathroom, she followed me in, not intending to give me any privacy. She watched me as I went pee and then cleaned the dried blood and cum off of my pussy. After that was all sorted, we left my room together, and we went to the kitchen, I had a feeling that I wouldn't be alone all day.

I ate breakfast, completely naked, I was super embarrassed, I was on the verge of tears, but I held them in. I went to the living room, my mom, dad, and Drake were already there, they were waiting for me because it was my birthday. I sat down and my mom said happy birthday, Drake was confused as to why I was naked, but everyone else knew why.

I was sitting in between mom and Drake, Drake was on my left, dad was on the other side of mom, and Grace was on the other side of Drake. My mom decided to be less strict about my birthday suit policy, she gave me a short blue skirt, and told me to put it on. I put it on and was grateful for her letting me wear it, but what I didn't notice, was in the back, it said, "I am a slut!"

The skirt covered my pussy, but barely, but I enjoyed what little cover I did get. Mom told me to stand up, I did, then she told me to do a twirl, I did, the skirt went up and they all saw my pussy. She told me to sit back down, I did, but the way I was sitting, my skirt wasn't covering anything.

We started talking about random things, I kinda got bored, and the conversation became mostly between the three grown-ups. Eventually, it was almost time for lunch, they stopped talking and we all went to the dining room, we sat down and started eating. The public celebration was scheduled to begin in one hour, so I was excited, but also not, because I didn't want everyone to see me naked, though that video of me sleeping naked, everyone saw, but whatever.

We ate mostly in peace, not much happened, though the grown ups were talking about something that I was ignoring. Something caught my ear—not eye— "The war is getting worse, I don't know if we'll be able to win." So that time at lunch did cause a war, great.

Someone that I had never met before came in quickly and said, "Sir," talking to my dad, "we are not doing very well in the war, we are exhausting our resources and are barely holding them off! I request permission to be on the offensive, it is our best chance." He looked at my dad, waiting for a response, my dad was emotionless, he looked like a statue.

He finally said something, "Permission granted... but! I don't want to destroy them, just to force them into submission." He made sure that the guy understood and then gestured for him to leave, he did. Mom looked concerned, I wasn't fully understanding what was going on, and Grace thought it was exciting, and as for Drake, who could say, he just kept eating.

We finished lunch and got ready for my party—no, celebration, my mom told me to wear just the skirt, and nothing else, despite how exposed I was. Guests were already arriving, heading to the ball room, where the celebration was being held. Grace and I were the only kids there, we were never around any other kids, and most people there were important people to the country.

It was almost time for it to officially begin, everyone was there, except for the five of us, who were now all in the hallway outside of it. We walked in, a bunch of people had their cameras out, taking pictures of us, my face was red with embarrassment, this day would be remembered forever. The room had decorations, most were cat themed, I liked cats, and there were tables and also a bigger table, with food on it.

A bunch of people said happy birthday to me, I put on a smile and thanked them, then we all went into the crowd and were lost forever, well, not really. Someone who I had never met before, stepped in front of me, he saw what my skirt said, and assumed that I knew what it said, so he squeezed my butt and left into the crowd of people. I was in shock that anyone would do such a thing.

The food on the big table was apparently free for anyone to just grab at, but even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to, I was constantly being bombarded with people wanting to wish me happy birthday, take selfies with me, ask me random questions, etc. After a few hours, it was time to open gifts from all the guests, the gifts from my family were going to be opened in a private celebration tomorrow.

I was sat in a chair in one side of the room, I was embarrassed because there were cameras everywhere, and I was the center of attention, naked. I was handed a present, I opened it, I opened another, then another, I opened so many presents, everyone got me something, even if most of them were lame. I opened the last present, it was from some rich person that I don't care about, inside was a key, I had no idea what the key was for.

I pulled it out and looked at it suspiciously, I read the name on the box, and said, "Where is Paul Montgomery?"

Someone stepped forward and said, "I am Paul Montgomery." He looked to be about 30 years old, he had black hair, and his skin was tanned evenly.

"What does this key go to?" I asked, he smiled and walked over to me.

He grabbed the key from me and held it up for me to see, it had an inscription on it, '42', he whispered to me, "214 James Avenue." He walked away before I could ask any more questions, so I shrugged and put the key in the pile of presents. I didn't know where James Avenue was, I was rarely allowed to leave and go outside.

A few servants took all my presents and took them to my room, and made a pile at the foot of my bed, on the floor. Now it was time to eat the cake that was on the big table where the food was, I was served a slice, and then everyone else. I ate it, it was tasty, it was a chocolate cake, I ended up eating three slices before my mom told me not to eat another, I was kind of disappointed.

I went back into the crowd, all this time, cameras were following me, and watching my every move, I had absolutely no privacy. I kind of needed to go to the bathroom, and would have, but I was kind of lost in the crowd and didn't really know where I was, so I held it. Someone stepped in front of me and said to me, "You are really pretty, you know that?"

I blushed and smiled, "Thanks..."

He smiled and said, "No problem... though, I think you should take off that skirt before someone does something that they will regret." I was confused at what he meant, and before I could ask him what he meant, he was gone into the crowd. I looked down at my skirt, on the front, of course, and I saw that it was normal, so I just shrugged it off.

Suddenly, someone tripped over another person's foot and fell forward, they hit me and took me down as they fell. They ended up on top of me, grunting from the pain, getting off of me and apologizing, I was crying from the pain of being crushed by someone who was surely three or four times my weight.

I stood up, accepted his apology, and stopped crying, though it still hurt, I didn't want to cry. Someone gave me a drink, I didn't know who it was, or what the drink was, but I was thirsty, so I drank it, but I drank it all before realizing that it was not water, it tasted horrble. I had no idea what I had just drunk, and I was coughing to get the bad taste out of my mouth, then someone said, "That was alcohol, by the way." I don't know who said it.

It was a very strong alcoholic drink, the kind you would usually find in shot glasses for adults, and I was given a normal glass, and I was a kid. I started to feel dizzy, I didn't know what was happening, this was my first time having any alcohol, much less, enough to get me drunk. I got really disorientated and tripped over myself, I fell to the ground on my knees.

I felt like I was falling, even though I wasn't, or maybe I was, then I hit the ground and passed out, I was laying on my face. Somehow, not many people noticed that I fell, though that was because I was kidnapped, so... yeah. I woke up a few hours later, with a terrible headache, I didn't remember what happened, I remember being handed a drink, then drinking it, but that's it.

I was kidnapped during this time that I was unonscious, somehow someone made it past the guards and I was now in what appeared to be, someone's basement. My skirt was removed, I was gagged, my arms were tied together, and my legs were tied to two poles and spread apart. I looked around, nobody was there, I looked in between my legs and noticed that something was in my pussy, sticking out of it, it was blue, and looked like a small stick.

I struggled against the ropes that were holding me here, then I heard someone coming down the stairs. I looked to see who it was, it was someone I didn't recognize, he was muscular and looked very scary, he had a mask on. He saw that I was awake, and he grabbed a remote from a table, he pointed it at me and pressed a button.

The thing inside my pussy, send big electric shocks throughout my body, I screamed into the gags, but that did nothing. He turned the voltage higher and started pulsing it, which was probably worse than a solid shock. Then, he abruptly stopped, he pulled the thing out of my pussy and stood in front of me.

He grabbed a whip, and whipped my pussy super hard, I screamed and cried, though virtually no sound came through the gag. He took his pants off, and he had the same thing that Drake had, he had a stick on his crotch, why did they both have that? His was at least twice the size of Drake's, and he was very strong, so he would be able to fuck me harder.

He got on top of me, he weighed an insane amount, at least 4 times as much as I did, I could barely breathe under him. He slammed his dick into me, I gasped and immediately started crying, he fucked me as hard as he could, which was really hard, because he was so strong.

He slapped me hard and cummed in me, that was fast, but he kept going, he fucked me for at least an hour straight, my pussy felt like hell. Eventually, he pulled out and kicked my pussy, and it hurt like crazy, despite being a girl, getting kicked down there, still hurts like hell.

He untied me, ungagged me, and picked me up, he brought me up his stairs and I was in a house just outside of the town where the palace was. He threw me out his door and closed it behind me, it was dark out, I tumbled down the road, headed towards the center of town. I came to a stop next to a car, it was parked, I stood up and immediately regretted that, I fell back down in the middle of the road, and just stayed there.

I saw a car coming, I didn't have the strength in me to move, so I just stayed still. The car came to a stop right next to me, someone stepped out and picked me up, I started kicking at them, but did barely any damage. They drove off, with me in the back seat, I screamed and hoped that someone would help me.

I noticed that my pussy was bleeding, I was leaving a stain on their back seat. I saw a fighter jet above, in the sky, it was not one of ours, but one of our enemy's, the people that we went on offense because we were losing to. It fired at the town, destroying civilian's houses and buildings, though it did not dare touch the palace, itself.

The car stopped moving and I was thrown out of it, literally, they came out and dragged me. I saw the road name, and recognized it, James Avenue, and the building we were going into, was 214, the same building that Paul Montgomery gave me akey to. It was apparently, a storage unit building, I guess 42 was the number to the storage unit that opened.

I was dragged in, and they opened on with a key that looked like the key I got, but they opened number 16 instead. They shoved me inside and then locked me in there, there was a light, a faint light, I was able to see that they had turned this place into a room. There was a bed, a table with some food and drinks on it, and a toilet, though the toiler was not connected to any plumbing, so it was practically useless, just pee in a bucket.

I was very thirsty, so I grabbed one of the drinks, it was water, I drank it and went onto the bed to rest, and recover. The bed was not as it seemed, it looked like it would be comfortable, but I soon decided, that the floor was more comfy. The foor at least was bigger, the bed was rather small.

I heard explosions coming from ouside, then I realized, I am in the middle of what was being bombed by that jet. this information kicked adrenaline into gear and I started pacing, then I heard more explosions, these ones were actually the jets being shot down by us, rather than them attacking us.

I eventually calmed down and fell asleep, I was laying on my back, naked.

Saturday, July 18th, 2020