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Latest revision as of 00:16, 9 June 2016

Crap crap CRAP! This whole situation is fucking fucked up! Why does everything have to keep interrupting you when you are trying to enjoy your first time having sex! This whole thing is stupid! Frustrated as hell, you grab Risa around the hips and start absolutely plowing her with everything you have got.

“Ow!” Risa complains. “Riley, that hurts.” She begins to start trying to struggle against you, but in her inebriated state she seems to have almost no strength or real fight in her at all. All she really manages to do is just flop around a little while generally trying to pull away from you. “Mmmhh… stoop iiit!” She whines.

You can hardly hear her complaints as you continue to brutally ram your dick in over and over into the 3rd grader. All you know is that you are angry that Kiley let you get caught, angry that the both of those two keep interrupting you, and now you are angry at Risa too because now she is also trying to get in your way of having a good time with your first pussy, her pussy. It occurs to you that this makes you officially a rapist at this point, but that just burns you with even more drive to get this finished. You’ve already been caught in the act anyway, what’s getting caught for one more thing? And maybe if you get it done quick enough, Kiley and your sister won’t even register that you just crossed that line.

Risa lets out one more miserable sounding moan as she tries to push off against your chest, and then she goes limp as she seems to have reached the limit of her exertion and just looks up at you with tears in her eyes.

“It’s all right Risa,” you say a bit out of breath. “I’m almost ready to ejaculate, then we will be done.”

“Huh? What?” she mumbles and then starts looking rapidly around the room, finally settling on giving you a side-ways appraising look. She is quiet for several seconds as you continue to focus on pounding your dick in and out of her incredibly tight sheath, focusing on the prize of working yourself to orgasm and dumping your virgin load inside of your kid sister’s little friend. “You’re mean!” She finally winds up saying.

“Ah..haha..” You grunt, trying to set her words aside as you can feel yourself right at the edge now.

“Riley’s being mean!” Risa says in a slightly louder voice for Kiley and Bree to hear.

“Oh is he now?” You hear Kiley say with a laugh.

“Yeah, it’s no fair he only does it with Risa...” you hear your sister’s grouchy voice. This comment is so funny that it actually brings you back from the very brink of filling this kid full of your sperm. You just have to laugh at the absurdity of it. One girl is calling you mean because you are actually in the middle of raping her right now, the other is calling you mean because you are not having sex with her.

“All right, lets get this done.” You growl and then start fucking as fast as you can manage, putting all of your mental energy into the image of your penis exploding inside of the little 9 year old.

“Ow! Stop iii hii hiiit…. Stop iiiiit!” Risa cries as she begins pushing up at your face with her hands. You do your best to ignore her hands and keep plugging away and finally it comes… and cums and cums and cums. It feels like something just broke inside of your brain, and suddenly the entire world just seems so much more… more there. More sound, more physical feeling, colors just look brighter all of a sudden. The urgency and frustration you felt is gone in an instant and all you can feel is how your penis keeps spewing more and more of your warm goo into the tight and tiny vaginal passage of the little girl you have been fucking for the past… who knows how long. You get to wondering at one point when the hell it’s going to stop. It seems after having it go on for so long with so many interruptions you managed to build up a pretty good and big orgasm.

It seems like Risa can sense that something is different too, because she has also stopped really resisting and is just looking at you. “Are you… peeing in me?” She asks just as you are twitching out the last few dribbles of that amazing orgasm.

“AHHhh! Hahaha!” Kiley bursts out in loud cackling laughter. “Is he peeing in you!?” She giggles. “Risa, you really don’t know anything about sex, do you?”

“Mmmmmhh...” Risa moans in displeasure.

Kiley tosses her slice of pizza back down somewhere and nearly trips over her chair as she quickly gets up and staggers over to where you are still mated to her little sister on the mattress. “It’s called cum,” she says, “it’s supposed to go inside of your vagina, that’s how fucking works.” She flops her knees down and immediately gets between you and her bewildered sister, and in your post-orgasmic state you are powerless to stop her as she puts both hands on your shoulders and shoves you over with so much force that not only are you no longer in Riza’s little tube, but you even almost have the wind knocked out of you as your head hits the floor and your head and shoulders both lay dangling off the mattress. “Here, I’ll show you how it works.” Kiley announces, taking your deflating but still hard cock in her hand and then lining herself up and sitting straight down on your abused member. You can only let out a groan as the young drunken teen impales herself on your slippery and slimy cock covered in yours and Risa’s fresh juices.

Kiley let’s out a hiss of pain as your deflating dick enters her roughly, and you find yourself letting out an involuntary “Ow!” resulting from the force with witch she slams her hips down on your pelvis.