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Mr. Reynolds had nearly fallen asleep, but he opened his eyes to read the clock. "Yeah, heh, you still have more than half of recess left. go have fun."
Mr. Reynolds had nearly fallen asleep, but he opened his eyes to read the clock. "Yeah, heh, you still have more than half of recess left. go have fun."

[[Sexual Research Commission/Grover/Reagan/3|Chapter 2: Cumming Soon...]]
[[Sexual Research Commission/Grover/Reagan/3|Chapter 2: Satisfaction]]

Latest revision as of 00:06, 18 July 2022

Kylie Reagan | Chapter 1: Can't Get No

The beginning of third grade was the first time Kylie Reagan had ever been glad Summer was over. Before school let out in June, it looked like she was going to have the most exciting, sexy Summer ever. Her sister Georgina had just been signed up for the P-FANS program and almost everyday after school and every weekend had been like an orgy in their house. Kylie's mom made her keep her clothes on so she could only watch, but it was awesome to watch all the boys Georgina brought over to fuck her and her friends. Of course, she missed most of the action since she still had to finish all of her homework up in her room before went back down to watch, but come Summer that shouldn't have been a problem and she could watch what would surely become a nonstop orgy all day and night. That's how her Summer should have gone.

Instead, Kylie came home on her last day of school, finally having no homework to worry about, only to find her dad loading a pile of suitcases into the car. Her mom had already packed everything she would need to spend the Summer exiled at Auntie Carin's. Her aunt was a religious nut who barely tolerated having a TV in the house and only had the blandest shows to watch on it. She had plenty of cousins to play with there, but they were duller their homemade clothes. The only excitement she could find was in changing the youngest's diaper. Most of the time Auntie Carin was right there watching over her, but toward the end of the Summer Kylie had gained her trust enough to change him alone. She didn't get much time with him, but just once she risked actually sucking his tiny prick and every time after she savored the memory as she wiped him clean.

Needless to say, she was so starved for stimulation by the end of the Summer, starting school again was a relief. The Reagan house had calmed down and while Georgina was still having plenty of sex, it was mostly out of the house or in her room. Every chance she got, Kylie hung desperately on stories of the wild things that happened in her house while she was away and she was certain all of it was true. At school, there were rumors of fellow elementary kids in the program. Kylie once saw the naked kindergartener everyone said is a pfangirl (that's what they called girls in the program now). Not everyone believed it though. Ben was the smartest in Kylie's class and he was pretty sure a girl that young wouldn't be in the program and she was probably just naked because she could be after they got rid of the dress code.

While she was gone, Kylie had imagine so many girls would be in the program when she got back. She was kind of right when it came to the big kids. Between both the High School and Middle school there were nearly a hundred pfangirls, but rumors were all Kylie could find at her own school. It seemed the teachers were as upset about that as she was because on Friday they sent everyone home with P-FANS flyers. The flyers had a big picture of a girl about Kylie's age gleefully impaling herself on a huge dildo and tried to explain how the program would be an amazing opportunity for young girls. Kylie showed it to her mom, but her mom still wouldn't sign her up.

The next Friday, another flyer went out announcing the new sex-ed program their school would be piloting. Kylie hid this one from her mom because it said parents could keep their kids out of it if they wanted. Kylie was too excited to risk getting left out of this. It said they would just start out with getting naked in front of each other and learning about their sex-parts, but it would move on to masturbation lessons, stretching with dildo sets, and if it all goes well they'd be having sex by the end of the year! It almost seemed too good to be true. Come Monday, they had their first sex-ed lesson and Kylie was disappointed to see almost half the class sitting in the back with their clothes on. Ben was up at the front with her though and they had fun examining and touching each other's privates. They were the only pair in their class who could already name all the parts of both of their genitals. Three weeks later when they had their first masturbation session, Kylie was pleased to see more kids were joining in. Not only was Kylie the first to reach orgasm in class, she came so many times her teacher, Mr. Reynolds, sent her home with a letter of praise. She used this glowing report card to convince her mom to buy her her own dildo set so she could practice before everyone else.

The progress of her classmates was disappointing though. After two months, there were still a few kids sitting out of the lessons and they hadn't moved on from masturbating. Mr. Reynolds had no idea how to awaken their young libidos, so he resorted to just turning the lights low, putting on some porn, and hoping for the best. Most of the kids were thrilled because they got to watch a movie in the middle of the school day, but most of them started whispering to their neighbors more than anything. After a month of this, the odds of them getting to actual sex lessons before the end of the year began to look slim. All of the pornos the teacher played were pretty vanilla and Kylie wasn't allowed to bring her dildoes, so she was getting bored and having a hard time cumming in class. One day in December, Kylie's teacher pulled her aside while the other kids ran out to the playground for recess.

"Hey there kiddo, is everything okay?" Mr. Reynolds knelt down to be eye level with her. "You were my star student at the beginning of the year, but it didn't look like you even got close to an orgasm today."

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just didn't like the movie. Can I go to recess now?" Kylie watched the last few kids leave the classroom.

Mr. Reynolds touched her cheek and gently guided her face back toward him. "Are you sure that's all? You've seemed really distracted for the past few weeks. How are things at home?"

"Home is great. Can I go?"

"What are your thought about P-FANS? A lot of your classmates are really scared their parents might sign them up. It must be especially scary for you, knowing your parents already signed up your sister. Are you scared your parents might sign you up?"

"I'm not scared! I don't know why everyone is so worried about it. I'm so ready to have sex. I wish my parents would sign me up!"

"Are you sure? If its really what you want, why haven't you signed up?"

"I've been trying to get my parents to sign me up ever since they signed up Georgina, but they just say they only did it to her as a punishment and they wish they hadn't. I showed my mom the flyer about how good it would be for me, but she just threw it away."

Mr. Reynolds paused. He stood up and moved over to his desk. "You don't need to convince your parents. Any girl older than five can sign herself up." He sat down and began searching for something in his drawers.

"Seriously? How? Why didn't I know about this sooner? You mean I could have been a pfangirl this whole time?" She grabbed his arm and tried to shake the answers out of him.

"I have no idea how you didn't know this. It was on the flyer and we mention it every time we make announcements about the program. You really need to start paying attention." His admonishment subdued her long enough to find the sheet of paper he was looking for.

"How do I sign up? The SRC office is right next to the school right?" Kylie looked like she might try to run to the office that moment.

"You can sign up at the office if you want the full orientation, but I think you know everything you need to know already." Mr. Reynolds put a piece of paper down on his desk and handed her a pen. "All you have to do is sign here on this line."

Kylie grabbed the pen and signed as fast as she could. "When does it start?"

Mr. Reynolds put his own signature on the next line and filed the form away in his desk. "Congratulations, you're a pfangirl! It starts right now, so I recommend you get those clothes off right away. As of today, you are not allowed to wear any form of clothing and must accept any requests of a sexual nature from anyone."

Kylie bit her lip and pulled her shirt halfway up before deciding to take it slow. She had been practicing her stripping technique for the past year and this would be her only chance to show off her skills. She slowly uncovered her right nipple, getting a smile from Mr. Reynolds. Encouraged she pulled her shirt down and lifted it again to flash her left nipple, then both. She knew she had nothing to show off, but she was happy to make her teacher laugh by tossing her shirt to him. She had a perfect child's body. All the time she spent dancing along with music videos in her room gave her stomach just enough definition, she had those subtle lines leading the eye into her shorts. She unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them down with her panties to reveal more of her pelvis, then back up before dropping only the shorts to the floor. Standing there in only her panties, she rubbed her crotch and fingered herself through the fabric until it was visibly soaked. Kylie turned around to drop her last thread of clothing and bent forward to pick them up in a way that gave her teacher a perfect peek at her kitty.

She walked close to Mr. Reynolds and handed him the moist panties. "I guess I won't need these anymore. I want you to keep them."

Mr. Reynolds had been rubbing his dick through his pants as he watched the show. "Thank you. Now, I can't let you leave until I know you are ready for what ever might happen to you out there I your new position. You must say yes to anything sexual you are asked to do, but that does not mean anyone is allowed to hurt you." He accepted her panties and added them to his desk drawer. Then, he stood up and dropped his pants. "Sex usually hurts the first time for girls, but if I help you stretch your vagina with my fingers first, it should make it easier and I'll be as gentle as I can."

Kylie licked her lips as she caressed his penis and giggled a little. "You don't have to worry about that. I've been practicing and I can already take a dildo bigger than you!"

He grabbed her hands away from his dick. "In that case..." He lifted her up and laid her out over his desk. He ran his hands down from her shoulders to tickle her nipples before tracing straight to her pussy. One hand teased her erect clit while the other confirmed her hymen was missing. He easily slipped two fingers inside. "You're certainly wet enough already. You really are a total child slut, aren't you?"

She laughed at his rough handling. "I'm not just a slut, I'm a pfangirl!" She pulled her legs up onto the desk and spread her labia open. "Fuck me already!"

Mr. Reynolds didn't need to be told twice. He plunged his dick into his student's cunt and blew a load inside of her before he was halfway in. "Baby, oh, baby! You're so tight and hot!" He picked her up shoved his erupting cock right up against her cervix. With a grunt, he shot one last spurt of spunk inside her and slumped into his chair. "I always wanted to fuck a student. How do I make your classmates as horny as you?"

Kylie squirmed on his lap, reveling in the feeling of a live penis inside of her, filling her with cum. "I don't know, but you can fuck me as much as you want! Why are you getting soft already?"

"Hmm? Well most guys can only cum a couple times and they have to rest a bit in between." He tried to hug her close to him but she wanted to keep bouncing on his dick.

Her squirming made his dick slip out. "That's stupid." She stood up and did her best to examine the trickle of cum between her legs. "I hope you can make the other kids horny so I have more penises to play with. Is it still recess?"

Mr. Reynolds had nearly fallen asleep, but he opened his eyes to read the clock. "Yeah, heh, you still have more than half of recess left. go have fun."

Chapter 2: Satisfaction