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Year 2

Chapter 10: Riley Sullivan, Awakening

The sunlight streamed in through the window, across Riley's bed. The muffled sound of her brothers downstairs told her they had already been awake for some time. She turned over, trying to get some more sleep in before she had to start her day. She drifted off a little bit as the sun crept its way up her comforter. When it inevitably reached her face, she had no choice but to get up and go downstairs.

Her brothers were all going about their day like normal. Why shouldn't they be? To them it's just another Sunday morning. Still, the normalcy felt so wrong. The world was still the same. Nothing had really changed. Except everything had changed. Riley had changed. Maybe Emily had changed too and their relationship had to have changed. The question was what had it changed into?

Emily was probably mad at Riley now, that she was sure of. Riley had pressured her into having sex and made her go so much further than she wanted to. She was probably mad about that. Then again, maybe she liked it. Maybe it was the push she needed to get past her hang-ups. Emily was the one who suggested the kissing practice and she was enjoying that, wasn't she? Until Riley ran out on her. How could she be so stupid? She left Emily alone to explain everything to her brother. If she wasn't mad about being forced into that stuff, she was mad about it getting cut off like that. Either way, Riley had messed up big and probably ruined the best chance she ever had with the best person she ever knew.

The whole time she ate her breakfast, Riley couldn't stop replaying everything that happened the day before. It was such an intense mix up of positive and negative emotions, she just couldn't handle it. The moment she finished eating, she ran upstairs. She closed her bedroom door and fought back tears. She didn't want to spend the day crying on her bed, so she choked it back and quickly changed into her favorite athletic shorts and a baggy tee, ran back down to slip on her skate shoes, and grabbed her board on her way out the door. She rode aimlessly through the neighborhood, trying to avoid anyplace she usually hung out with Emily, but it was pretty much impossible. The aggressive hyper-pop blasting into her ears couldn't drown out her feelings, but it helped. She rode until the sun got low before heading back home. She saw her parents' car in the driveway, so she tried to sneak through unnoticed.

"Hold on little miss." Her dad caught her. "Where have you been all day? We've been wanting to tell you about our trip. Food will be ready shortly, so go upstairs and do what you need to. We'll tell you all about it over dinner. You must be starving. Emily said you haven't been here since early this morning."

"Emily was here?"

"Yeah, she was here when we got back and said she needed to talk to you. She must have waited around for hours before she went home."

"Did she look mad?"

"Mad? Did you two get in a fight? I don't think she was mad. She was acting strange though. She could have been."

Riley didn't know what to think. Emily came looking for her? If she wanted to see her again, that means she's not mad, right? Or she's really mad and wanted to tell her off. Would she have waited around that long just to tell her off? She would have to be super mad to do that. It was worse than Riley thought. Riley didn't hear one word of her parents stories at dinner. She just went to bed and finally had to let the tears flow.

The next day at school, Riley tried to avoid Emily as best she could. They didn't have any classes together in the morning, so she was successful until lunch. Riley got her food, scanned the cafeteria, and didn't see Emily. She sat down hoping she was safe, but just as she took her first bite Emily sat down right next to her.

"There you are! I've been looking for you all day. I stopped by your house yesterday but you weren't there. You wouldn't be avoiding me would you?" Emily elbowed Riley and laughed.

"I um, are you not mad at me?" Riley studied the bubbly joy on Emily's face.

"Why would I be mad at you? Wait, were you actually avoiding me? Are you mad at me for something?"

"I'm not mad. I just thought that after Saturday..."

"I don't know what you mean. Saturday was amazing! I've been wanting to thank you. I don't know what I was so afraid of this whole time. You helped get past whatever that was and show me it's no big deal compared with how great sex is."

"But then I just left you when your brother walked in. You had to explain yourself without me. I just abandoned you!"

"You didn't abandon me. I mean I wish you were there, yeah, but after you left Jack and I—Well here it's better if I show you." Emily's smile somehow doubled in size as she pulled out her phone and showed it to Riley.

What Riley saw was a montage of her evening with Jack as he took her virginity, then Lyla joined in, then their father. Riley stopped the video and it wasn't even half over. She didn't know what to say. Last week, she and her best friend were both determined not to become sluts even though they had to have sex once to pass their sex-ed class. Now Emily was proudly showing off a video of her incestuous orgy. How did she even fit all that into one weekend? Stop. That's not the point. Emily isn't mad at her! Riley put the phone down on the table and hugged her friend.

They ate in silence after that. Riley was content just knowing she still had her best friend. Emily looked like she had something she wanted to ask, but didn't know how. They stole glances at each other and giggled and sat as close as they could event though it made it hard to eat. They didn't speak any words to each other, but they said all they needed to in that moment.

After lunch was the class Riley had been dreading all morning. It wouldn't be so bad now that she had already made up with Emily, but it was still that class. Mondays after lunch, Emily and Riley have Sex Education together. Walking into the classroom, something was clearly very different. The desks were pushed to the side and there were yoga mats in their place. Ms. Lovelace instructed everyone to pair up into couples and most of their classmates instinctually formed boy-girl pairs. Riley noted this was already a major difference from last year as most of them hardly spoke to the opposite sex until a few months ago.

Ms. Lovelace directed each couple to sit down on a yoga mat and began her lesson. "As nearly all of you have submitted your proof of experience by now, it has been decided we can resume in-class practical lessons. However, we understand many of you may still be hesitant to fully engage in a nearly public setting such as this, so for today you will only be asked to go as far as you are comfortable with the partner you are paired with. The only rule you must follow is everyone must be naked for the rest of class. Begin stripping now and have fun!"

Riley was infinitely thankful she had made up with Emily and they were a pair for this lesson. Over the course of the year, she had become accustomed to occasionally being naked in this class and it was always better when everyone was naked at once. However, they hadn't partnered up since the disastrous beginning of the year and always feared that might happen again. Even though Ms. Lovelace told them to go at their own speed, Riley was happy she wasn't with someone who might pressure her.

The two girls sat naked on their yoga mat, watching the rest of the class. Vanessa, being a pfangirl, immediately got on her hands and knees to invite her partner to use either of her holes. A few other couples began copulating quickly, but most of the class merely groped each other for a bit. Emily pulled her hair over one shoulder and leaned into Riley for a kiss. Riley was a little surprised by how forward Emily had become, but given what others were doing around them, this did seem rather tame. Riley leaned in to accept the kiss and lost herself on her best friend's lips. It was over too soon.

Emily pulled back. She gently touched her own lips. The unspoken thought returned to her face. She seemed to push it aside as she changed her position to spread her legs toward Riley. "We kind of got interrupted on Saturday." She dipped a finger into her slit and it came away with a string of her juices. "I didn't get a chance to—Could I lick your pussy?"

Riley didn't know what to say. She almost objected to doing something like that in the middle of the classroom, but by the time the words came out they had become, "Me too." She knew that didn't really make sense, so she laid down on her back with her head between Emily's legs in hopes she would understand.

Understand she did. Emily climbed over Riley into a 69 position. She could see Riley's clit was clearly erect under its hood. She didn't go directly for it though. She took little licks at her thighs, slightly salty from sweat. She alternated legs as she worked up toward the prize in the center. As soon as she could taste Riley's nectar leaking out, she quickly uncovered her clit with her tongue and gave it a gentle suck. She pulled back before she pushed Riley to an early orgasm. Only then did Emily lower her hip for Riley to join in.

Riley watched Emily's pussy pulse while her own was being teased. She cried out when her clit was assaulted with such a painfully intense jolt of pleasure. She was glad Emily kept that attack brief. She was more glad when Emily finally lowered her girlhood down to her. Emily's clit was large enough to poke out of its hood on its own and Riley latched onto it immediately like a feeding infant. That made Emily groan into Riley's pussy, sending vibrations up her body that echoed their own moans back into Emily's pussy.

The two girl's remained locked in this sapphic feedback loop until the bell rang at the end of class. Ms. Lovelace looked at the clock and straitened her clothes. She had been so lost in her own pleasure masturbating to this class of children on the cusp of their teenage years exploring the pleasures of sharing their bodies with each other, she forgot to give them a fair warning to get dressed for their next class. "Is it that time already? Listen up class! That's all the time we have for today. I hope you all had a chance to finish at least once, but it is now time to get dressed and move to your next class." Most of the class had already been alerted by the bell and were scrambling to pull their clothes on, but some were so close to finishing they couldn't pull out and just started humping faster. Riley and Emily broke their union and dressed leisurely; although neither had a true climax, they both felt satisfied. Ms. Lovelace called out again, "Riley dear, can you come see me for a moment?"

That was just about the only thing that could have ruined Riley's mood in that moment. She had only managed to get her panties on before she was called up and didn't bother to dress any further. She needed to get this over with, whatever it was. "Is this about my, um, proof?"

"Yes dear. As I told the class before, passing this class will require a photo or video of penetrative sex. However, after that display today in class I think I've come to understand your difficulty in this assignment."

"You have? What do you mean?"

Ms. Lovelace placed a hand on Riley's bare shoulder. "My dear, I think you may be gay."

"I am?" Riley made it a question, but in the time it took for the words to come out, she realized it was more of a statement. This was her moment of awakening, standing at the front of the classroom with her teacher, wearing nothing but her flower print panties she had always thought were too girly and never would have worn today if she had know anyone was going to see them. "I a-a lesbian."

Ms. Lovelace embraced the half naked child. She shook in her arms with a mixture of laughter and tears at the revelation. One of the students who still remained in the classroom moaned as he blew a load inside his classmate. This broke the tension for Riley and she pulled back laughing. Ms. Lovelace wiped a tear from her cheek. "Now that I understand the issue, I will try to make an exception for you. It will still be up to the SRC to decide, but here is what I am going to propose to them. If you send in a video of you engaging in passionate sexual acts with another girl like I saw today, and the more the better, I will give you a final grade based on your test scores alone. Does that sound like a good deal?"

Riley broke into a full weep. Tears flowed out of her eyes. She tried to speak, but she choked on the words. She just nodded and hugged Ms. Lovelace. Riley turned to see Emily dressed an waiting for her by the door. She rushed to tell her the news, but Emily pointed back to Riley's clothes still lying on the yoga mat. She ran over, pulled on her shorts without buttoning them, grabbed her backpack, and pulled her shirt on as she walked. There were several other students rushing out the door in various states of undress as Riley met up with Emily to tell her the news. This was it! She could actually pass sex-ed!