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Revision as of 23:48, 30 July 2022


An amendment from Katja's and Dana's "Survival Handbook"; "The Eighth, Secret Guideline: Get Intimate!"

As the game progresses and we learn more about this world and our collective fate, some changes and additions to the guidelines will be necessary. We have considered adding this entry for the longest time but have been reluctant to follow through, which is why this "release" is being kept as an independent entry. Even though we know this can be immensely helpful, even though it may even be critically important, it makes us feel embarrassed and fearful of being judged as perverts and sexual deviants. So please, for everyone's sake, don't let your pre-existing morals fool you, or worse yet, offend or outrage you about what we're about to state.

As Nymphs, we may look, sound, and even smell identical to real children and look underdeveloped for sexual purposes, but our bodies are designed for it, built to be lewd. Nymphs crave sexual contact so much so that it might as well be a basic need for us in the same way that drinking water and getting sleep are, and you must satisfy this need somehow. Don't be afraid or ashamed of feeling this need either, because we're all on this together. All that unwanted tension, desire, and lust you have built up in your body, we all have too. You are not alone.

Of course, in a world that makes sense, we could just ignore our inner desires and suppress them all, never to be unleashed, but sadly, this world doesn't make sense. Sadly for us, feeling horny is perhaps the single most crippling feeling we can feel. A horny Nymph is a liability to herself and her allies and cannot function normally. It will make you feel attracted to the idea of being captured and ravished, and it will attract predators to you as well.

So, what can we, as Nymphs, do to suppress our sexual urges? The answer is simple: have sex regularly. How you choose to do it is up to you, but as a rule, seek out a partner you feel safe with. If it's your friend and a close partner, that's cool and valid. If it's a stranger, someone you're hooking up just for a one-night-stand, that's cool and valid as well. There are no wrongs in sex between two Nymphs as long as it's kept fun, safe, and consensual. You can even do it with a monster of some kind if that's what your heart and body desire. There are safe ways for us to have sex with monsters, so don't be afraid!

Lastly, we must stress that you want a partner. You can't masturbate, as it will only make you feel worse. Besides, if you do it with someone else, you'll be helping out a fellow Nymph, so it's the right thing to do from that perspective as well.

In closing, we will give you some words of encouragement, which we hope will help you:

We all find each other cute, maybe even beautiful and sexy, so embrace it. We're not human anymore, we're Nymphs, and as Nymphs, it's only natural to feel sexual attraction to our own kin, so don't beat yourself over it, don't try to shame yourself for being a pedophile or whatnot. We all feel it, we all need it, and most of us want it too. It's fun, it will help us bond, and it feels incredible. So just do it. Have a lot of sex. Do it not only for yourself but also for your partner's sake, and for the betterment of our society.

It's a workday like any other in Paradise, with the entire community wide awake, but people don't talk that much. A dark cloud has descended, with people being more afraid than they've been since the beginning of Nymphsaga, and the star-lit midday sky just appears darker and darker as the bright sun rays form a halo around the green giant of the sky. Rain, Wendy, and Angel finally reach Crystal's house, where Pink and Lemon wait for them, and Crystal is more than happy to accommodate even more guests. As far as she's concerned, those five can have that house for as long as they damn please, as she's happy to crash into one of her friend's beds instead.

They waste no time discussing their plans of returning home to Grove. Even though they run a risk of getting in trouble on the journey, Grove to them seems like the safer place to live in, thanks to the barrier surrounding it. Long-term safety is what they all want. The only questions in their minds are when and how? Rain suggests tagging along with Katja and her group, which sounds like a perfect idea to the others, and settles the question of "how". It would give them two full parties to complete the journey, which would equate to a small raid, more than enough to survive troubles in the wild.

The question of "when" proves more challenging to answer, but they all agree that they should wait, as there are no apparent plus-sides in trying to return as soon as possible. Besides, if they want to tag along with another group, they must also consider their plans and needs.

With the terms set after a brief palaver, Wendy asks her friends if everyone can come to an agreement. Three show their signs of approval without hesitation, but Angel remains quiet and indecisive. Her eyes avoid her friends with her hands crossed underneath the table.

"Are you scared of what might happen on the way there?" Lemon asks.

It's not that, but Angel knows she can't tell that her heart beats and burns at the mere thought of being away from Him. Even though she feels guilty and pressured, even though she wants to be honest, it's as if she can hear His voice of disapproval in her very ears, commanding her to remain quiet and never leave His side. That's why she just slowly nods, hoping that her silent dishonesty will trick her friends for now.

"Well, we all are", Wendy says, crossing her arms and sighing. "Welp, if we're all staying here for a while longer anyway, might as well revisit this topic later."

"Who knows?" Pink says with a reassuring smile. "The situation might change in the future, and there might be even safer places out there. Hell, this town could be just as safe as Grove is, even without the barrier."

"That's that then", Rain says and stands up, heading for the front door. "I need to clear my head now."

"What're you planning?" Wendy asks.

"I need to unwind a little."

"Okay, how about you girls then?" Wendy asks, staring up too. "Plans for the day?"

"Well, wouldn't it be nice to just spend a day together, doing nothing?" Pink asks. "Let's get some juice and snacks, and just chill. Play card games or something, spin a bottle…"

"That's…" Wendy begins, and her previously melancholic demeanor disappears momentarily. "That's actually not a bad idea at all. I sure could chill out."

"We even have a master chef here", Lemon says, tapping Angel on the back. "Wanna make something together? I'll help you in the kitchen while those two can go shopping."

"Y-yeah, sounds good", Angel responds meekly, thinking that such an activity could even distract her from her intrusive thoughts.

"Let's go then, Pink", Wendy says, noticing Rain, who still lingers in the apartment to see what the other girls are up to. "And you make sure to come back to have fun with us."

"Sure, I'll be as quick as I can", Rain responds. And then, with that, they leave through the front door, leaving Angel and Lemon alone to prepare. Only the latter seems energized and hyped about to hit the kitchen shelves and drawers though.

"Rough night?" Lemon asks and gives Angel a little shoulder rub from behind. "If I understood correctly, you sought a little help with your condition last night…"

Worried Lemon might be attentive enough to realize something's wrong with her, Angel feels a need to embellish the truth, omitting the parts that make the experience sound scary. "Yeah, I ended up getting less sleep than I hoped for. He…" Her voice cracks, and she feels her womb throb. Just speaking about Him out loud makes her body react. Oh gosh, I'm too horny, she complains, trying to brush the feeling away to the best of her abilities. "He was rather energetic throughout the night…"

"Alright, hun. You just lie your butt down and let me do the prep, okay?"

With a nod, Angel does just that and lays her back down on the bed, with her mind constantly wandering off. The more she thinks about it, the more she wants to return to that place to re-experience it all. This time, it would even be different, as there would be no fear. All she would experience is fulfillment and bliss. She would abandon her garments, walk up to Him, and present her naked body to be taken advantage of without a sliver of hesitation. Picturing it all in her mind makes her rub her thighs together, and she turns over to her side, proceeding to touch herself using both hands. She bites down on the duvet, closing her eyes as she moans and mumbles into it, methodically rubbing her own clit and using her fingers to stretch and finger her cunny.

I need those tentacles inside of me sooo baaaad, she complains. I want to get fucked by them…! Dominated, enslaved, tied up, humiliated, fucked, fucked, fucked!

Once again, she wonders why she was even let go. What is so different about that demon that made it willingly let her walk free? It's unlike anything that's ever happened to anyone she's ever talked to, which is why she finds it all so confusing. Was it Ana's influence on Him?

She tries to battle her senses back to reality and shakes her head, still with the blanket in her mouth. She wants to stop fingering herself, but even that feels impossible. Yes, she really, really wants for it all to happen again, but she knows she shouldn't! Maybe if it was perfectly safe, she COULD run back and do it immediately, but after having heard the news from her friends, the rational side of her brain cannot deny the dread of losing her memories. And oh, how she wishes she could just let herself ignore and forget about the consequences and just do it anyway! Ignorance really is a blissful state of mind!

But maybe that's why Ana let me go in the first place, Angel realizes. She must've heard the news too, which is why she let me go… It makes sense for the demon not to care, but she's still a Nymph like me! She may have tricked me, but she's not evil, right? She let me go because she understands that none of us want to lose our memories. But then, why didn't she just tell me? Was she worried I wouldn't have believed her? Or was she just worried my friends would've come looking for me? I just don't get it!

And what about her friends anyway, she wonders, realizing that they might be an even more significant hurdle as far as letting herself be willingly victimized goes. How would they even react? Would they judge her? Would they try to stop her? That's the biggest of her worries actually, as what pains her the most is the idea of having to choose between Him and the girls. Obviously, she should choose the latter, especially Wendy and Rain, because she has known them for so long and because their friendship is so profound, but the other girls are amazing too. Meanwhile, who is "He"? Granted, He made her feel unlike anything she had ever felt, but it only just happened. What is He capable of besides inflicting pleasure? Instilling fear and doubt in her heart, that's for sure. Maybe I really am still a little scared after all, she thinks, scared of what He might do to me if I choose the girls over Him. I really, really don't want to choose…! Why can't I just pick both? My friends are so adamant about leaving too…

Her hands continue to rub and schlick, moving on their own at this point, and Angel can't will herself to stop even for a second. Besides, I can just stop once I climax. I just need that one good kick. After that, since we're not in a hurry to leave yet, I can return to him and do it safely without pressure. I'll go back there and plead with Ana to let me do it again. She will take care of everything and guarantee my safety, I'll have nothing to worry about… I'll be reunited with Him soon, and it's gonna be awesome…! He will make me feel so good, I know it…!

Meanwhile, Rain makes it to her destination. Even though she made it seem to her friends like she wanted to be alone with her thoughts for a while, her true motivation lies at Naomi's house, where she expects to find Katja. It's all fun and games for her, as business and the suggestion about traveling home together can wait. After being formally invited inside, she's led to the guest bedroom and finds Katja scanning through the various drawers and cabinets.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see you again so soon", Katja says with a surprised expression, and based on the happy tone in her voice, she's delighted.

"Told my friends I need to unwind", Rain says, "and the first thing that came to my mind was you."

"I-I was actually just planning on getting a quick shower."

"Perfect", Rain says and smirks. "You promised me a bath, so let's get it on."

"Is that why you're here?" Katja asks and leans in towards Rain with a mischievous grin on her face. "What is it about me that made such a good impression on you?"

"Oh, so first you come onto me, acting all flirty, and then when I come to cash in, you suddenly play hard to get?" Rain asks teasingly, placing her hand on Katja's shoulder, slowly moving it towards her cheek. Surprised, Katja remains quiet, not responding to Rain's evident sexual advance at all. Still, her blush suggests to Rain that she understands Rain's intentions perfectly, and her flirty smile proves she's ready to accept. Rain continues simply by leaning in, almost as if to kiss Katja's lips, but instead, she whispers. "You're just so sexy, so irresistible…"

"I-I didn't expect this to go this way", Katja responds shakily, feeling her heart pound through her chest. Hastily, she grabs hold of Rain's shirt's collar and gives her a long, wet smooch on the lips. Holding Rain's free hand, she takes a couple of steps back and guides her forward. "Come, outside. And take that shirt off already. I want to see your sexy body…"

Rain follows Katja, her heart pounding too, and as soon as she steps outside, Katja rushes forward, discarding some of her clothes as she goes. Rain sees a large bathtub a few meters ahead at the farthest reaches of Naomi's backyard, situated underneath a weeping willow tree. To her, it almost looks like a miniature version of a Japanese hot spring, wide enough to accommodate a large party but too small to swim in. Rain follows Katja, taking off her fleece hoodie and unbuttoning her miniskirt too, and as soon as her eyes meet with Katja again, they both glance at each other's skinny, childish bodies. It's so obvious that they're both attracted to each other, and neither of them can - nor want to - hide it.

Rain discards her camisole to show off her perfectly flat chest, a sight that quickly demands Katja's full, undivided attention. Rain, though, is not happy with merely seeing and walks up to Katja to embrace her, grope her butt through her college pants, and kisses her on the lips. Katja returns the favor by sliding her open palms underneath Rain's panties and squeezing as hard as she can. She doesn't want to stop and instead pushes Rain's back against the tree bark. With a playful little push, she instructs Rain to stay still and wait in her vulnerable state, takes off her own sports bra, and goes on to untie the little elastic belt that holds the tight pants around her waist. Katja notices how Rain looks at her with unwavering focus and lust in her eyes, and she takes the opportunity to tease Rain about it.

"Look at you, lusting over a literal child", she says, brushing up against Rain, pushing her knee between Rain's legs, and smooching her again. "Yeah, you sick bastard, you want to fuck my little cunny up so bad, don't you?"

Before Rain can even respond, her open mouth connects with Katja's tongue and lips. As she eats her out, she finds herself already fantasizing about all the things she's going to do to that little girl who doesn't look a day older than ten, and also what she would like to do had she access to all her toys. Even now, muffled by the french kiss, Katja moans so lustfully, making it easy for Rain to imagine how that kid would sound, crying for pleasure while being pounded silly by an adult cock. She imagines Katja helpless and submissive, drawing a vivid picture of holding that preteen body down and that sweet, innocent-looking face twisting silly from lust and pleasure … and then her mind wanders back to reality, unexpectedly filling her heart with melancholy. She wanted and tried to forget about it, even for just a short while, but even during her seeking out pleasure, she can't take her mind away from the thought of losing her memories. No, this attempt at distraction only made her realize that losing her memories and her sense of self would also affect how she views sex. After all, if she, in her heart of hearts, stops recognizing herself as Gregory, then what would sex even mean to her anymore? What would motivate her to seek Nymphs for sexual gratification, if not her desire to sexualize them? What would fuel her fantasies if not the thought of dominating and fucking underage girls?

"What's wrong?" Katja asks, noticing something off about her partner, noticing Rain isn't responding to her moves so enthusiastically anymore. "I… I'm sorry, did I make you feel uncomfortable?"

"I'm sorry, I just…" Rain begins, but she can't bring herself to talk all of a sudden. She doesn't want to say it out loud, not now. She still wants to unwind and drown her fears and sorrows in pleasure, not wanting to bring the mood down, not for herself or her partner. She tries her damnest to encourage herself to keep a positive attitude, encouraging herself to turn all the feelings of melancholy she's feeling into pure joy. After all, it was Katja who told her that everything's gonna be alright as long as they all continue to get stronger and survive. I owe her good mood, she tells herself, trying to pump herself up, and more importantly, I think I owe her some good sex. Maybe I can still tell her about my thoughts later, but I just don't want to be a downer about it. "You just really, really got me", Rain says, pushing herself away from the tree. "That's all."

At first, Katja doesn't understand, but when she remembers exactly how she teased Rain about being a hopeless pedophile lusting over a child's body, she lets out a playful yet sensual "Oh". "You're in luck", she says as she pulls down her panties, slowly stepping out of them as they fall to her ankles. "I also happen to lust over you", she says with a coy smile and an overall flirty demeanor.

"I guess we're both weaved from the same cloth", Rain says and lovingly lands her arms on Katja's shoulder. "Both peas of the same pedophile pod."

"Yeah, and it's really a shame I can't make love to you like only a man can", Katja says, rubbing Rain's puffy vulva, running her finger across her all moistened-out vagina underneath her panties. "Oh, the things I'd do to a girl like yourself…"

"You look like an especially fuckable preteen girl yourself", Rain playfully responds.

"I guess making out like this is the next best thing", Katja responds, taking her first steps into the pool. She sits down, inviting Rain to come down as well. "After all, even if I can't you, at least I can make out with a cute little girl."

"Damn straight", Rain says, finally getting rid of her panties, and sits on top of Katja, facing towards her, and gently wraps her arms around Katja's body. She leans her face closer, pushing her forehead against Katja's, and she decides to finally reveal exactly what she got so distracted about. "This whole thing we're talking about, by the way … this whole idea of our pasts selves influencing the kind of lovers we are as Nymphs… That's what made me hesitate back there. Like, if I lose my memories and my sense of self, what will sex even mean for me anymore?"

Katja hangs her head, and her smile wanes ever-so-slightly. "So, that's what you were worried about, huh…"

Rain whispers out a stretched-out "Yeah", trying to think about how to put her feelings into words properly. "I mean, if my own desires weren't there to motivate me anymore, only my "Nymph's needs" would remain, and yeah, I'm sure sex would continue to feel just as amazing as before, but… It would just be that, right? Just sex without anything behind it, just sex for the sake of feeling good, and nothing else. Meaningless, empty, vapid, and emotionless, I'd just be a slave to my needs and desires, having sex not because of that special bond I share with my "real-world self", but only because of my needs, only on stupid whims. And then, what about my sexual preferences? Would I still be attracted to the same things as I am now, or would I lose some of it along with my memories?"

"Awwww, so you're afraid of not being a pedophile anymore or what?" Katja asks teasingly and giggles. This causes Rain to blush, and pouting, she looks away, acting all offended. "Okay, okay, I was just kidding", Katja continues with an apologetic tone, using her hand to turn Rain's gaze back into her. "I actually share the sentiment, and that's why I think we need to continue making the best out of these opportunities for as long as we're allowed. After all, even if we might perish and lose our sense of self, at least we won't forget these bonds we create here in this world. So, let's make this unforgettable, okay?"

"You sure know how to motivate me", Rain says and kisses Katja again and again. Midst this, she steals glances of Katja's immature body and feels the heat welling up inside herself once more, feeling more lustful than before. She can't keep her hip still, especially not with Katja's hands gently caressing her waist and butt, and two desires battle it out in her mind. Her female instinct makes her want to cum so bad, and her predator's instinct wants to make Katja cum too, preferably even harder. She reaches her hand down to touch Katja's vulva and immediately tries to push two fingers in, still kissing Katja, not even letting her moan freely. Katja, with similar intentions, does the exact same thing with her pussy, and she instinctively tries to sit down on Katja's hand. She feels simply heavenly, finally being penetrated by Katja's petite fingers.

Since she's on top of the situation, both literally and figuratively, Rain tries to get more comfortable to gain more control over her partner, and as much as she loves the feeling of Katja's hand rubbing her privates, she puts a stop to it. The poolside is smooth and shallow enough for Katja to lie down on her back comfortably, with only her body submerged from waist down, and Rain positions herself on top of her better, still fingering Katja vigorously. Katja's instincts cause her to open up and spread her legs wider, and Rain absolutely loves what she sees. Feeling exceptionally mischievous, she licks and sucks Katja's flat chest, finally letting Katja moan and cry freely.

"O-oh my Gawd…!" Katja moans, holding her mouth in disbelief. Yes, she's experienced the feeling before, but it still manages to feel so good that she might as well be feeling better than she ever. It was like that the last time around as well, and probably will feel just like "the best sex ever" the next time around as well, but all she cares about is the moment. She's consumed by it, and with two fingers joined in unison to bang her with vigor, all she cares about is cumming right there and then. "O-oh, yes! Right there… Mmmm, yesss!"

Rain, amused by how noisy the little girl she's fingering is, feels encouraged to tease her, although admittedly, she feels a little awkward about it. "Do you like it?"

"Aah, yes! Fuck me hard, feels so good!"

She's so sensual, Rain thinks, carrying out on Katja's wish to get fucked hard. She was talking tough about how she would've loved to bang me, but once she's on the receiving end, she starts moaning like the little preteen whore she is. Like fuck, she's wetter than the pool. "Who would've thought that this mighty and respected warrior is such a little cumslut", Rain says teasingly.

"Mmm-hm, I'm your little cumslut", Katja replies playfully.

"Maybe you should've been honest with yourself from the start", Rain says, giving Katja's stiff nipple a sharp flicker with her tongue. With each thrust of her wrist, she tries to push her fingers a little further, and she stops with each push to try and fold her joints a bit forward to give her a rub. She's not quite sure where Nymph's g-spot is - if they even have one - but for what it's worth, Katja seems to be enjoying the sudden change in pace and technique.

"That's the spot…!" Katja moans as she notices Rain moving further towards the pool's center. She rests one of her legs on Rain's shoulder and back, and pulling herself out of the water momentarily, she watches Rain's face move ever closer to her groin. Taking hold of her thigh and caressing it, Rain ceases to finger-fuck Katja to lick her preteen cunny first and foremost, but then positions her hand better for an even faster piston. Using her index- middle- and ring fingers to form a triangle with her fingertips, she pushes them all into Katja's folds in one straight motion, with the strength of her entire arm behind it. She continues to lick and tease Katja's clit, and that makes her go absolutely crazy. Katja extends both her arms down to grasp Rain's head and hair and shrieks from pleasure. It's just as amazing as anything she's ever felt before, and she's so close to cumming too.

Katja calls Rain out by name, repeating "Yes" as she approaches her orgasm, and with every high-pitch word spoken amidst her screams, her voice cracks a little. She doesn't even know how she can produce such lewd sounds, not that she cares anyway. She's ready to cum, and her body can't take no more. Her body and back struggle against Rain's meager hold, and she pulls her head back to resist her loudest moan yet. Her pupils roll back underneath her closed eyes, and she bites her lip, but she can't contain it. Midst her high-pitch moans, she tries to catch her breath through fast-paced sighs, but it just doesn't stop. Her pussy burns and aches from pleasure, and everything Rain does just makes it feel better. Tears of joy roll down her cheek, and she just pushes and grasps Rain's head harder.

It lasts so long and feels even longer, but as soon as she begins to cool down, as soon as Rain's fingers leave her little hole alone, she longs for more. Rain continues to lick and eat her out, but Katja knows that won't last for long. After all, it wouldn't really be fair, now wouldn't it? "Rain, my love, I wanna do you next…"

"Do you seriously think you can make me feel even half as good as I made you feel?" Rain asks, grinning at Katja.

"You better believe it", Katja says and winks. "If not, well… Seeing is believing…"

With Angel so preoccupied with pleasure, she doesn't even realize how much noise she's making despite her best efforts to suppress her pitiful moans and cries. Having noticed Angel masturbating a while ago, Lemon spies on her from behind a corner, shocked to see how hard she's going at it. Lemon wants to intervene - maybe even join in to help her out - but something about the whole thing just feels off to her. It's like she's suffering or something, Lemon thinks, reasoning that a Nymph who has been fucked silly for a whole night should feel quite content with herself with no lingering desires, but in her eyes, Angel looks like a little girl so horny it's painful. Moreover, she sounds so close to cumming, that Lemon decides to simply observe, feeling slightly horny herself as she does.

Eager to rush to the finish, Angel rolls on her back with her legs spread wide and rubs herself out as hard as she can, breathing heavily, and with her eyes getting all watery, it looks and sounds to Lemon almost as if she's crying. Yet, she seems so happy, Lemon realizes, unable to avert her eyes as she touches herself a little. That's when Angel finally reaches her orgasm, unable to do anything but trash her body amidst her intense pleasure.

The mood changes completely, and Lemon feels it in the air. It feels like a pressurized, dense wave of an invisible force pushing against her from all directions. She recognizes it for what it is, a sea of source so thick she could swim in it. Yes, it feels familiar enough for her to recognize, but it also feels strange and alien to her, almost as if it has taken a whole new form. If the source she has running through her veins is steam, then this is like water. How does this force emanate from Angel, and why does it feel so different from anything she can produce, Lemon cannot understand.

She watches and waits for Angel to calm down, and having thought about it for a moment, she figures something strange is definitely up. She can't just ignore it, so she follows up on her curiosity. She just has to ask, she has to know more.

Meanwhile, Angel snaps back to reality with a slimy, lukewarm touch of something rubbing against her bare shoulder. She turns her head around, then to the other side, and she sees the pair of octopus tentacles next to her. Thinking she must be hallucinating, she stares at them blankly, noticing more and more slithering from underneath the bed. None of them seem threatening at all, and instead just coil around.

"Did you just summon those…?" Lemon asks, utterly shocked, voice shaking.

Startled, Angel sits up with closed legs and stares at Lemon with the reddest possible blush on her cheeks, looking angry, realizing she's been spied on. This anger quickly turns into fear and concern when she sees more tentacles behind Lemon, coming up from somewhere. A portal, maybe? No, she realizes as she feels the ground rumble and the walls shake. Lemon notices it too, but a loud crash forces her to let out a scream and lose her footing. In a blink of an eye, the floor reduces to rubble, and Angel watches a giant webworm emerge from the ground, looking near-identical to the boss she encountered in those ruins at first glance. Her heart skips a beat as she notices Lemon gone. In that same blink of an eye, the demon must've swallowed Lemon whole.

Angel's instincts tell her to run the fuck away and fast, but no matter how much she tries to move and back away from the demon's gaping mouth methodically approaching her, she can't. It's not fear she's immobilized by, but rather the tentacles emerging from underneath the bed. Coiling around her, the octopus-like demon takes complete hold of her, slowly creeping underneath her dress. They're gonna rape me, she realizes. Her heart pounds, she breathes heavily, and she shakes in fear, but she's forced to smile. She tries to sit still and watches the tips of the tentacles touch and rub her underdeveloped chest, taking hold of her nipples firmly with the suction cups. The tips of two tentacles also work underneath her skirt, but even though she can't see, she sure can feel them rubbing her vulva and opening it up. She twists and turns her body against the tentacle restraints, fully tied up in bondage.

Then, she notices the demonic worm's gaping mouth in front of her, ready to swallow her. Yes, she's afraid, but despite this, she just feels her body respond with approval to the situation. It's the same fear she felt the last time she was put into this situation in Ana's hands, but this time around, the fear is quicker to drown and disappear. All it does is feed her desire to get ravished and raped, even though she understands the situation is completely different. Ana's not here this time, so no way I'm going to be saved…! It's gonna turn me into a sex slave, and nothing will hold it back…!

Finally feeling energized enough to move a little, Katja tries to sit up, eager to finally return the favor to Rain, only to realize the sight of this someone who had crept up on them. Before she can even warn Rain, the tentacles close in and grasp Rain by her arms, pulling her away. Katja moves as fast as she can, reaching into her mana to take hold of her sword, but her body betrays her desire to move. She's simply too weak to move and collapses immediately on the pool, unable to stop what the tentacle monster is doing. Rain, utterly shocked by the sudden assault, fares even worse. Before she can even realize what's happening, they already have her body in bondage and pull her back towards the demon's body. With dozens of more tentacles to spare, the enemy lashes its appendices toward Katja to not only deal damage but also to push her away and send her flying into the grass, towards Naomi's house. Gaining distance finally allows her to see the enemy fully, making her lay still in shock and utter fear.

She's not sure how to describe the enemy, but it's clearly a webworm with a body thicker than any of the trees she can see, but it's also relatively short, like a two-meter tall fat stub. With most of its tentacles emerging from inside its giant, gaping mouth, it almost looks like a giant sea anemone with most of its body deep underground, although Katja must admit it's not a direct one-to-one comparison to that creature. Besides, additional tentacles emerge from around it as well, from underneath the ground, and they appear to threaten Katja, who tries her best to crawl away from the monster. They can't reach her now, but Katja understands that she must save Rain before the beast swallows her whole, or at least stall the process. Knowing she won't succeed alone no matter how hard she tries, she calls out for her friends in a desperate plea. "Naomi, Lara, anyone! Mayday!"

The demon indeed is trying to swallow Rain, but fortunately for her, its positioning doesn't make it easy. Rain can't seem to appreciate this blessing, as she finds the situation utterly hopeless. After all, the tentacles are already looking to raise her into the air, with the body of the beast moving to gobble her up. "Please, just attack it!" Rain begs, horrified at what's happening. Flashbacks of her last encounter with a tentacle demon spring to her mind, and she doesn't want to experience it again, not even briefly.

Katja tightens her grip around the hilt of her invisible blade and stands up on wobbly legs, finally managing to materialize her sword. I can't fucking move, not after she made me cum so hard just a minute ago, she complains, but she also realizes she has to try. She steels herself while the tentacles form a wall between her and Rain. She slowly moves in for the kill, waiting for the enemy to strike first. She can't move well, but she can still retaliate against the enemy moving in on her. She manages to cut through four individual tentacles to take a few steps forward as well, but she has nothing against the surprise attack the enemy has in store for her. Four new tentacles emerge from underneath the ground, taking hold of her both arms, her right ankle, and then the hilt of her sword. She tries to hold onto the weapon, knowing that losing grip would be the end. That's when her distress signal is finally answered. Naomi the huntress shoots her arrow towards the tentacles holding Katja, using her magic to project her longbow forward like a giant flying blade following the fast-moving projectile. Concentrated mana slices through the tentacles, and Lara, wielding a cross-guard short sword paired with a significantly shorter sword-breaker, comes to Katja's defense.

"The fuck is that thing doing here!?" Naomi asks.

"I-I don't know, but we've got to save Rain before that thing eats her alive!"

Naomi takes aim at the enemy, analyzing it in the process, sweating just thinking about what they're up against. "It's an elite webworm, a giant burrower-class. Harmless from a distance, as long as it - "

Sensing danger, the demon interrupts Naomi's sentence and starts retreating back underground, continuing to pull Rain down along with it in hopes of at least taking one prey with it.

"…As long as it doesn't burrow and re-emerge somewhere else", Naomi continues, realizing that's exactly what might be happening.

At the moment, with her feet squarely on the ground, Rain can resist a little but is ultimately unable to wriggle free. Realizing this, Lara rushes forward to cut some of the tentacles, but just as her blade strikes down to cut Rain free, something jumps up from the webworm's mouth to challenge her. This something appears to be some sort of humanoid, clearly of demonic origin.

Lara identifies her new enemy as a "Hopper" demon and assumes a more defensive position, unfortunately just a blink too late, as she's not quick enough to block the enemy's first attack. With its long dagger-like claws aided by its abnormally long arms, the demon tears straight through her clothing, with another hand coming in to attack her again. This time, she manages to get some iron in the way, with her dagger being able to not only block the claws but also take hold of the enemy's hand as the claws dig between the barbs on the blade's outside. She ultimately can't keep hold of the weapon with the tall demon being so much more powerful than her, but she manages to strike back with her primary weapon. With her left hand now free, unbeknownst to the demon, she summons a new dagger and drives it straight through the demon's forehead. However, as one Hopper falls, half a dozen more emerge from the same hole.

"Get the fuck out of there", Naomi commands, taking aim at one of the demons. She projects her bow forward again, but the demon's claws parry the projectile and intercept the whole attack. During this opening, Rain and Lara fortunately manage to gain distance from the enemy, saving their skins from being caught by them.

""Harmless from a distance" my fucking asscheeks", Lara says.

"Oh, shut up! How was I supposed to know it can summon adds!? Webworms shouldn't do that shit!"

"I-I can't fight in this state", Katja admits, standing back in Lara's shadow. "Rain?"

"I'm seriously unfit right now, so I won't last long", Rain responds, summoning her sword just in case. "We should retreat, unless you two think you can handle them."

"No, they're too fast for us, and we're outnumbered", Naomi says, looking at the four demons, who bide their time and wait for a perfect opportunity to attack. "I fear that thing could even summon more."

"I think the problem is I can't really run fast either", Katja says.

"Run ahead then", Naomi says, practically shoving Katja away. "We'll hold them back and give you a nice headstart."

Rain bravely steps between the enemy and her allies, which taunts two of the enemies to attack her straight on. She tries to focus only on dodging as she can't afford to take unnecessary damage with no healer in sight, but even this is difficult for her due to feeling horny. Like seriously, how were we supposed to know our sex was going to be interrupted by a group of fucking demons in the village, she asks herself, trying not to beat herself over her seemingly stupid mistake of having sex outside. She begins to retreat as well when Naomi's and Lara's collective efforts take one of the demons down, and even though they stand three against three, they stick to the plan in fear of the enemy having more surprises in store for them. They decide to go through their own house to perhaps slow down the demons, and even though the enemy is trying to break through the doors, windows, and walls, they succeed in leaving them in the dust. As soon as they find Katja waiting for them, they begin to weigh their choices.

"Could some of our neighbors be in danger too?" Naomi suddenly realizes.

"Katja yelling "Mayday" should've reasonably alerted them", Lara says, even noticing two of the neighborhood front doors left unlocked.

"I know this place doesn't have a barrier, but this is just fucked up", Katja says, trying to catch her breath. "H-how were we supposed to know?"

"I don't know, maybe the possibility was always there", Naomi says, "but what confuses me is how they're coming from below us. It doesn't make sense…"

Rain notices another webworm burrower emerging from the ground, forming a wall of tentacles blocking the route leading away from the village. "We need to get out of here", she says, trying to rush her friends along.

They all agree, but as they start moving towards the town center, even that path is blocked by the same kind of worm. Suddenly flanked from all directions, they realize they have to fight. It's a fight they think they will lose, but they don't want to go down without at least trying.

To be continued.

Chapter VI - Rose Garden - (NOTE: While chapters five and six are still a work in progress, you can safely read the first part of the sixth chapter without a risk of getting spoiled.)