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(Created page with "'''Ayaka and Ayane's Island Vacation, Part 1 by Izayoi''' Themes: F/g, bathing, mast, beach, nanny, ws, oral Hello, Izayoi here. This is my take on a nanny/spoiled girl exot...")
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Revision as of 04:57, 20 August 2022

Ayaka and Ayane's Island Vacation, Part 1 by Izayoi

Themes: F/g, bathing, mast, beach, nanny, ws, oral

Hello, Izayoi here. This is my take on a nanny/spoiled girl exotic getaway adventure. As with all my stories, this will have a Japanese setting and flavor to it. I will keep the actual Japanese to a minimum but you can assume that all the characters are speaking Japanese throughout. As always, I appreciate everyone's feedback and I hope you enjoy this series as well! Yoroshiku!

Disclaimer: This is a completely fictional story series. All places, characters, and settings are completely fictional and the author does not endorse or condone any of the actions depicted outside the realm of completely imaginary fantasies.

"Hurry up Ayaka! I want to go swimming!" Ayane Miyata, age 12, whined impatiently near the end of the dock. Dressed in flip-flops and an airy white sundress, the young, petulant pre-teen's head was covered in a wide-brimmed sunhat. The little girl pouted, crossing her arms as she waited for her "nanny" to make her way down the dock.

At that very moment, her slightly older travel companion, Ayaka Matsuo, age 26, was in the midst of a series of apologetic bows to her fellow Japanese tourists as she slowly shuffled along with two rather large pieces of designer luggage that held everything the two girls could possible need (and more) for their week-long vacation on Fusaki Island. Located in an archipelago far to the south of the main Japanese islands, Fusaki was one of Japan's premier and luxurious hidden tropical getaways. With just a brief glance Ayaka could definitely tell that they had stepped into a different world. Looking at the coastline filled with palm trees and all other sorts of tropical foliage, the view looked nothing like the much colder island of Hokkaido from which they hailed. Farther into the distance, Ayaka caught glimpses of resort houses and sea-side condos that made up the main tourist area.

Hauling their bulky, quite excessive luggage was no easy task for Ayaka, who though slim and fit, and with a countenance that many would either label "cute" or "pretty", was nevertheless a girl of barely 160 centimeters with a rather petite build. She herself fancied the same kind of loose, pretty clothes that her young charge was currently wearing, but given that she was right in the middle of a rather strenuous part of her "job", she had chosen to dress accordingly. Wearing a sporty combination of shorts and a tank top, she grimaced and dragged her cargo along. The other tourists, slowly, sometimes grudgingly, made way for the small woman as she trudged along.

After another 2 or 3 minutes of effort, Ayaka finally reached Ayane and was greeted with quite the unsatisfied frown.

"You made me wait so long Ayaka! I told you I want to swim! Let's go!" Not even waiting for Ayaka's response, Ayane turned in a huff and set off down the cobblestone path to the resort.

"Just wait a second Ayane! *pant* I need to catch my breath. *huff* Plus, you can't go swimming without your swimsuit and I have it!" Ayaka said with a little bit of teasing mirth. Though she knew it was her "job" to wait on the girl hand and foot, Ayaka never could let go of a chance to tease her, if only a little bit. The only reply was a frustrated sigh, followed by the sound of Ayane's flip flops as she made her way down the street.

"The princess never changes does she..." Ayaka sighed and steeled herself for the bumpy trip towards the inn.

"Are you finished Ayaka? Give me the ball!"

Barely an hour had passed and now Ayaka's face was once more nearly blue with effort, but that was hardly enough to take the edge off of Ayane's spoiled demands. Now clad in a cute light blue two piece with a skirt-like bottom, Ayane had found another young girl to play with on the beach and had decided that Ayaka would be blowing up her beach ball then and there. Lungs feeling like they were about to burst, Ayaka finally finished the task.

Handing the ball over, Ayane scampered off to play with her new friend, not a single "thank you" to be heard. But that was to be expected and Ayaka didn't let it affect her much anymore. Adjusting her shoulder length hair and sliding her sunglasses on once more, she settled back into her comfortable beach-chair nestled cozily beneath a big, white and red striped umbrella. Gazing off into the distance she lost herself in the beauty of the tropical paradise surrounding her, lapsing silently into thoughts of just what had brought her all this way.

It had all started 3 years ago. Ayaka was barely a year out of grad school when the tech start-up she had signed on to straight after graduation went belly-up, leaving her jobless and in a rather tough spot. A few years of hard work, part-time jobs, and a couple of loans had left her broke and largely unemployed in the none too friendly confines of a still slumping Japanese economy. Leads on new opportunities kept coming up dry and all the while, Ayaka's meager savings were on the verge of drying up, leaving her to consider taking a job at a gas station, a far cry from the tech world from whence she had come. It was hard enough for a girl to break into the notoriously male-dominated Japanese tech sector to begin with, but the economic downturn has made the road to a stable career almost impossible for now.

With no help from her loving put perpetually broke parents, she had just about resigned herself to the inevitable 8-5 service industry drudgery when a call from a college friend had given her a lifeline.

Her friend Sayuri was a newly minted lawyer working in Sapporo, the capital of industry in Japan's northern Hokkaido prefecture. She was working as legal counsel for your run-of-the-mill corporate giant when she happened to catch wind that the wife of one of the division presidents was looking for a new nanny. A recommendation and one rather stand-offish and demanding interview later, and suddenly Ayaka found herself spending afternoons and evenings taking care of the adorable but very spoiled 12-year old Ayane, heiress of the Miyata family.

Ayane's parents were wealthy, busy, and far too preoccupied with "important" things to have much time to spend with their daughter. Though they provided the best of everything, including schooling at Sapporo's most prestigious all-girl's school, for their young only child, they didn't find much time to spend with her, and hardly seemed to be the type who'd be able to connect with her if they did. Ayane had predictably grown up spoiled and demanding, used to getting what she wanted and often using it to compensate for the lack of love and affection she had suffered from since soon after her birth. Having worn down caretaker after caretaker, Ayaka was warned that while Ayane's behavior was troubling to her parents, she possessed no power to discipline the girl.

The situation had screamed "trap" from the beginning, Ayaka couldn't help but take the chance given her circumstances. The money was good and the hours quite reasonable: take the girl home from school, care for her all evening and see her off to bed whether the parents were present or not, rinse and repeat. With a paycheck roughly the same as what she had been making at her "real" job, Ayaka could think of worse things than putting up with the demon child from the Miyata clan. Of course, it helped that the girl was as cute as a button, standing 4'7 with beautiful, shiny, silky hair she often wore in a cute ponytail style. Ayaka loved the girl's adorable, sometimes childish mannerism and had to fight off the urge to hug her at that brief and somewhat awkward first meeting. Ayaka wouldn't peg herself as a "girl-lover" or "lesbian" given her very fluid romantic history (that had nevertheless been in a two year dryspell), but she had messed around with a variety of girlfriends during her adolescence and the sight of Ayane's cute figure helped bring back some of those feelings.

Their nanny/rich heiress relationship had gotten off to a rocky start as could be expected. Despite the energy that Ayaka put into the job and all her efforts at engaging and cheering up the girl, Ayane seemed firmly beholden to her own whims and comforts. Days went by filled with arguments, one-sided badmouthing, blatant misbehavior, and so on. Two weeks in and Ayaka had to admit that she was only sticking with it for the money.

But eventually persistence, and a more than fortunate helping of feminine intuition and empathy slowly helped make a connection between the two girls. For Ayaka recognized the loneliness and isolation that caused most of Ayane's troubles. Her upper class, "glass bubble" upbringing had left her with few friends and a distant family. More than anything, Ayane was lonely and looking for a connection, despite all the bad habits and vices ingrained in her from birth. But this recognition didn't exactly solve things overnight. Ayaka might understand the girl but it didn't help her get much closer to her. Rules, meals, showers, and bedtimes still had to be enforced (gently and patiently) and none of those things did anything to butter up the little 6th grader, despite her being lucky enough to receive Ayaka's undivided attention for several hours a day. Though Ayane grew used to Ayaka's presence and began to tolerate her, it would take something special to begin thawing the iciness between them. Thankfully Ayaka had found just such a thing a little over a month ago. Doubling back to the girl's bedroom to grab a forgotten book after saying goodnight, she had found little Ayane to be in the middle of some "experimentation" that surely marked her first baby steps down the path of adolescence. The red-faced and terribly embarrassed young girl had been at a loss for what to do when caught in the act and Ayaka hesitated only a few moments before deciding that being proactive might be just the thing such a situation called for. Ayaka couldn't help but get a little wet underneath her own bathing suit bottoms at the memory. With Ayane's parents away, she had offered the girl a rudimentary, straightforward, and quite effective "tutorial" into the ins-and-outs of her little girl parts. The older girl's practiced hand had shown the girl just how great growing up could be and Ayane had taken to the lesson quite readily.

Their shared revelation hadn't exactly fixed everything between them, but it had given them a rather intimate connection that had made trust and communication a bit easier for Ayaka. Ayane wasn't yet mature enough to let go of her stubborn, spoiled ways yet, but with her now increasingly frequent requests for another kind of "attention", the girl was slowly learning to reach out and connect to her friend. Ayaka dared to think some recent developments hinted that the girl was maybe ready to treat Ayaka more as a fellow human being rather than just another personal slave to boss around.

A prime chance had arrived for the pair a few days ago as Ayane's parents had decided to send their daughter on a weeklong summer vacation to the exclusive and very expensive Fusaki Island. Naturally, her parents being far too busy to accompany her, the task had fallen to Ayaka, who could hardly complain about a working tropical vacation, even when her traveling companion might be less than ideal. Two flights and a few hours-long boat ride later (all of which involved incessant whining and complaints, despite the 5-star treatment) and the two girls had succeeded in reaching a part of Japan that while peaceful, was as different from their crowded, chilly hometown as anything they could imagine. Ayaka was eager to see where this newfound freedom and easygoing environs would lead the two of them.

As Ayaka slowly snapped out of her daydream and took stock of her surroundings, it appeared that Ayane had parted ways with her friend and was slowly making her way back to her nanny, ball in tow. This was fine with Ayaka as the clock was slowly approaching 5 in the afternoon and their dinner reservation at the town's beachside restaurant was only an hour away.

"Are you done playing?" Ayaka asked the approaching youngster.

"Yeah, she had to go. I'm hungry now Ayaka, when are we eating?" Ayaka could barely suppress an annoyed sigh at the preteen’s bluntness.

"Well we have reservations at the best restaurant in the resort for 6 o'clock. Let's get showered and changed. Then we can walk over to the dock."

"Don't you have any snacks?" The girl persisted.

"Ayane, I promise this food is really good. Don't ruin it by eating now. Come on, let's get changed."

Though the girl hardly seemed satisfied with the counterargument, she nevertheless padded along beside Ayaka as they made their way towards the family changing rooms.

Located right next to the private beach front, the small changing rooms were designed with families in mind, each was climate controlled and the size of a small room, equipped with a bench, some shelves and a showering area. Entering the small vestibule, Ayaka couldn't help but be impressed, her prior social circles had never let her come to such a fancy place before.

"Well aren't you lucky Ayane, it seems like someone built this place with your comfort in mind." The young woman teased.

Stepping aside to let the girl enter behind her, she locked the door behind them, setting her travel bag and towel down on the table. Reaching her hand behind her to begin undoing the strap of her bikini top she began to make her way towards the shower.

"Come on Ayane, let's take a-" She was interrupted by a tiny hand which suddenly tugged at her arm.

"Ayaka-san..." Ayane's voice had suddenly become a bit needy. A glance backwards revealed that the little girl was looking down, eyes seemingly transfixed on her sand-covered feet, toes curling a bit anxiously.

"What is it Ayane?" Ayaka was surprised at the sudden transformation. Had Ayane started to feel sick perhaps?

"Ano...it's been a long time since we left home and I haven't..." Not a bit clearer.

"Haven't what?"

"Well, I sorta want you to..." Ayaka was confused, what was she getting at right now? And with such a tiny, uncertain voice.

"What is it Ayane, what do you want?"

"Remember last week?" The girl pressed onwards, voice growing softer.

"A lot of things happened, do you mean your piano recital?"

"No Tuesday night!" The girl was dogged but not the least bit inclined to be any more direct.

"No...what happ-OH!" Suddenly that memory, that very sexy memory, came flooding back. "Wait, Ayane, you mean you want me to do it now?!" This was a whole new level of daring from the young girl. Sure, Ayaka had enjoyed herself thoroughly last Tuesday, even losing sleep re-living the thoughts of it later that night when alone with her right hand. But right here?! In the changing room?

"Well, I'm feeling tired...and you didn't give me a snack, so..." She really could be such a child. Ayaka couldn't help but smile a bit at the young girl's unorthodox bargaining style.

"Well, Ayane, I never expected you to be so bold!" The little girl just blushed and seemed to shrink even further in her current embarrassment, quite the opposite of her usual persona.

With her young charge still speechless, Ayaka decided to cut to the chase. "I guess you're right about the snack...but you better promise to be polite to the waiter tonight!" She felt she should at least try to bargain a bit with the situation in her favor.

"OK, I promise." And so it was settled, with the most un-Ayane like of replies.

"Well then, how should we do this..." Ayaka scouted the room, eyes coming to rest on the long bench in the middle of the room, parallel to the shelves and table.

"This should work Ayane, come on!" Ayaka bent down and swept the little girl off her feet. Gently, she laid the girl down on her back, then used her hands to slide her down until her bottom was mere centimeters from the edge of the bench. She quickly rose, turning on the shower for added noise muffling, and returning to considerately put a rolled up towel underneath the girl's head and neck. Returning to the foot on the bench, she looked down at the cute, pig-tailed girl who had suddenly developed a needier, quieter countenance that seemed much more suited to her appearance than her usual bratty self.

Tuesday night had indeed been yet another revelation for the young girl as Ayane had indulged in giving Ayane a new lesson on a whim, perhaps just a bit selfishly wanting to take things just a bit further than they had gone up to that point. Now she took in the cute, innocent scene before her: Ayane clad only in her frilly blue swimsuit, body coated with a light sheen of sweat and sand from a few hours of play on the beach. Reaching up, she hooked both her hands around the girl's suit bottom, pulling it down with a single tug, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from Ayane. Slipping the bottoms down and off the girl's petite feet, she cast them aside, returning her hands to the girl's legs, spreading out her thighs to open up the girl's cute little treasure.

As Ayane lay silent, caught between a sense of embarrassment and childish desire, Ayaka heard herself taking a deep, sudden breath as she soaked up the view of the girl's perfect little vagina that lay open before her. Sweat, stale urine, and Ayane’s arousal all blended together to create a seductive aroma. Still at the threshold of puberty, the girl's tiny slit was like a flower which had not yet bloomed, still mostly self-contained, labs tucked away along with her clitoris inside the valley of her childish vulva. Only the little tuft of soft black down at the top served to signal her approaching womanhood.

Ayaka gazed hungrily upon the delicious feast she had sampled once previously, when she had introduced Ayane to a completely different way for girls to pleasure each other. Looking closely, she could see the wetness between the girl's netherlips, the evidence of her excitement and anticipation. Smirking, she slowly slid a finger into that warm, slick valley, prompting a long, deep sigh from Ayane.

"Ayane-chan already seems really excited. Was it really that good last time?" A still embarrassed silence answered her.

Slowly she lowered her face towards the girl's slit, breathing in the musky scent combined with the smell of ocean water and girlish sweat. Stopping mere centimeters from the prize being so openly offered, she blew a long, warm breath, right onto the girl's sex.

"Ahhhh..." The girl's bottom twitched at the unexpected sensation, her tight little anus contracting obviously at the stimulation.

"Ayaka please..." Impatience seemed like it would win the day. Even now, a droplet of the girl's arousal suddenly formed a small rivulet running down to her bottom.

"Hai, hai." Ayaka muttered playfully, and with no further hesitation, slid forward and gently buried her face in the girl's privates.

Amidst a background of running water and Ayane's moans, Ayaka worked her tongue down into the girl's vaginal canal, tasting her salty, sexy lubrication. Then, with a long slow lick she worked her way upwards, tongue sliding over that tiny hooded clitoris, evoking yet another pronounced reaction, nearly causing the girl's legs to trap her head in place and she let off a surprised squeal.

And so she continued, licking, sucking, sometimes working her lips side to side, massaging the girl's tiny clitoris. Ayaka suppressed both giggles and sneezes from the way those sparse pubic hairs tickled her nose as she sampled Ayane's delicious nectar. Ayaka was no longer hesitant about this kind of "fun", having participated in the young girl's pleasure in some fashion several times already. Inhibitions gone to the wayside, she instead lovingly concentrated on bringing the girl to orgasm, with the same devoted concentration she had afforded her other lovers in the past. She worked her tongue and face side to side, using that warm, rough surface of her tongue to stimulate the girl more and more.

Young and sensitive, Ayane was like putty in her hands, and under the oral assault, the girl grew wetter and wetter. Girl cum and saliva slowly began to drip down from that little slit, pooling on the bench beneath her. Ayane's pleasurable cries were punctuated by the cute humping of her bottom as her excitement grew. Ayaka never let up, driving the girl toward a peak she was certain would come any minute.

"Ayaka, it's happening again!"

The older girl didn't need much more of a signal. Wordlessly she doubled down on her efforts, using her hands to push the girl's thighs wide open as she continued to bury her face in the girl's sex.

Ayane was defenseless before her veteran partner's assault and mere seconds elapsed before she crested into a small but powerful pre-teen orgasm. Her voice grew so loud that Ayaka, had she not been otherwise occupied, might have worried that others might hear. Ayane rode out the wave of tiny, wonderful contractions while seemingly trying to hold her nanny's head in a vice grip, thighs squeezing in from both sides.

Finally, at the end of the tsunami came the plateau, Ayane relaxed her legs, and Ayaka was able to admire the sweaty, hard-breathing little girl before her. The girl's vagina was a pinkish red, flushed and excited as she lay on the bench in her post-orgasmic stupor. Saliva and girl cum were smeared all over Ayaka's face and the girl's crotch, forming a sexy sheen that served as proof of what had just happened.

"Ah...Ah..." Ayane continued to pant and she looked peacefully, but wordlessly laid out beneath her new lover.

"Remember, be polite to that waiter, OK?" Joked Ayaka, she leaned in for another kiss on those slick lower lips, relishing the sexy taste which still lingered.

Looking up, she decided it was time to get a move on with things. "Come on Ayane, let's wash up." Leaning down, she wrapped her arms around the half-naked little girl, lifting her up and then guiding the both of them towards the shower.

"Well that was fun" thought Ayaka, "but let's see if she actually behaves..."

"We’re home!" Ayaka felt surprisingly enthused after the enjoyable dinner she had just spent with Ayane. The girl had indeed kept her promise and had spent the entire time giggling and laughing with Ayaka about all manner of silly things as they enjoyed their expertly prepared meal of local seafood and shellfish, all of it presented with a beautiful seaside view. The restaurant had been crowded but pleasant enough, and the pair had eaten until their stomachs could take no more.

Now, bellies full and feeling fatigued from a long (and somewhat wild) day out, the pair made their way into their luxurious suite with an ocean facing view. A huge kitchen and a pair of comfortable looking beds awaited them on the far side of a well-furnished living room area with ample space to let a family of 4 or 5 relax comfortably, to say nothing of two girls traveling on their own.

Ayane already looked like she was feeling the strain of the long day and even though she had been more than pleasant at dinner (she even said please a few times!), conversation had tapered off as the night went on and the girl had silently trudged alongside her caretaker back to the apartment.

"Come on Ayane, let's take a shower before bed". Setting down her bags, she ushered the girl towards the bath. Hitting the lights and stepping inside revealed that the condo's luxuries weren't restricted to the main living space. They had just stepped into a white-marbled washroom, equipped with two sinks, a large mirror and all sorts of small amenities and supplies. Ayaka crossed over to the other side and slid the fogged glass door open to reveal a large Japanese style bathing area, equipped with a pair of detachable shower heads, faucets, stools, and buckets in numbers seemingly reserved for an entire vacationing family.

But it was what resided on the right side of the bath that caught Ayaka's interest most intently, for raised just a foot or so off the floor was the edge of a large and modern looking whirlpool bath, ringed with water jets on all sides. It looked quite state of the art as the thing even came with its own electronic control panel on the wall, a remote control in a small receptacle next to it. Already the wheels were turning and Ayaka felt like she might as well teach Ayane a little something new before bed.

"Wow, your parents really did find us an amazing place!" Ayaka said in awe. "We shouldn't let this go to waste! Come on, Ayane, take a shower and then we'll relax in the bath together!"

Ayane began to wordlessly tug her clothes off as Ayaka returned to the washroom and began to follow suit. Soon the two of them were naked as the day they were born and Ayane, as if by reflex, grabbed one of the traditional Japanese bathroom stools and took her place on the washroom floor, turning on the shower head and running the water over her body. Meanwhile, Ayaka toyed around with the hot tub controls, eventually finding the series of commands that began to fill up the tub with warm water, set precisely to the comfortable temperature she specified on the device. She turned back to look at the little girl seated behind her, already hard at work shampooing her hair, a sly smile appearing on her face.

"Here, Ayane, let me wash your back for you."

"OK." The girl assented quickly. It wasn't an unusual occurrence after all. Ayaka would often help the girl with her evening baths back home, usually whenever the girl was in a grumpy or tired mood. After a long day at the beach, the special "activities" in the changing room, and their big dinner, Ayaka had no doubt that the girl was probably not in the most energetic of moods. But nevertheless she was determined to be as soothing and gentle with the girl as possible, especially since she wanted to see Ayane's reaction to the tub in a few minutes.

She took a small washcloth and set to work, rubbing up and down the girl's small back.

"Did you have fun today? You look really tan!" Already the tan lines were making it quite apparent where her suit had previously been.

"Yeah..." The girl responded drowsily.

"I'm glad you parents let us come here, it's so different from back home in Sapporo."

"Well, it's not like they came with us, they just want to show people that they "care" about me." Ayane suddenly retorted, with quite a hint of bitterness.

"Come on Ayane, what other kid gets to do things like this? Your parents do love you, but their jobs keep them very busy. At least they had the good sense to hire me right? You're glad I'm your nanny aren't you?" Ayaka cooed playfully as she leaned against the girl's back, resting her head on the girl's tiny shoulder. She used her hands to spread soap up and down the girl's thighs.

"You're OK I guess...but you're too strict and you don't let me have what I want sometimes!" Ayane was obviously not in a generous mood.

"Really now? Poor Ayane, she never gets what she wants. But, didn't you get what you wanted today?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I sorta of meant this." With a flick as playful as her voice, Ayaka slid her left hand between the girl's wet, soapy legs, sliding quickly along those soft inner thighs to reach Ayane's slit. The girl gasped as Ayaka's fingers slid teasingly over her outer lips, the lightest of touches but one sure to provoke a response.

"So you DO like it! Come on Ayane, say it clearly now..." Ayaka affected a faux-motherly tone. "I like it when Ayaka touches me." She spelled it out for her little friend as her fingers continued to caress the girl's private areas.

"Mmm...mmm..." As she squeezed Ayaka's hand with her legs, Ayane began thrusting her bottom forward on the stool, trying to grind her pussy into Ayaka’s pleasuring hand.

"Say it Ayane, come on now…"

Finally the girl managed to stammer out something in her dazed state, "I, I re-really like it Ayaka! Don't stop!" To be honest, Ayaka was perfectly content to finish the girl off right now, using her skilled fingers to send her over the edge once more. She loved the squishy, soft feel of the girl's perfect vagina as she kneaded it with her fingers, dipping a finger into that shallow valley, driving the girl to higher and higher levels of excitement. But on the very cusp of getting carried away, a beep from the hot tub display screen reminded her of what awaited. Determined to take that next step she stilled her fingers.

"Ayaka, wha-?" Ayane began to protest, thighs fidgeting, her voice aching with need.

"It's OK Ayane." Sympathetically patting her shoulder. "I want to show you something first. Let's wash off."

Quickly she grabbed the showerhead from the wall attachment and began spraying the two of them down. The moment she finished she turned off the faucet and knelt down, wrapping her arms under Ayane's legs and back, lifting her up in a single motion, eliciting a shriek of surprise from the girl . "Let's get in the bath together!" She said invitingly, gingerly stepping across the wet floor and up to the edge of the tub. Holding the girl as gently as possible, she stepped over the edge, slowly lowering the both of them down into the water that had already been warmed to the perfect temperature.

Ayaka settled down into the tub, spreading her legs and settling the girl right between her legs. Ayane's little butt pressed up against her wiry, black pubic hair and the girl giggled. "Ew, your hair tickles!"

"Well sorry about that! Pretty soon yours is going to be the same Ayane!" She said, playfully poking the girl in the side. Slowly the pair of them settled down, enjoying the water and relaxing after the fun but long day. A few minutes had passed when finally Ayane broke the silence.

"Ne, Ayaka..."

"What is it, Ayane-chan?"

"Can you do that again?"

"Again!? Haven't you had enough for today?" Ayaka feigned surprise, as if she didn't expect her earlier teasing to have led to things turning out this way.

"One more time! Please!" The girl was acting spoiled again, but somehow finding the time to add in a "please". Ayaka sighed, sliding her hand around to cup the girl's mound once more. She heard Ayane sigh and felt the girl relax in her arms, settling in for the release she expected Ayaka to soon grant her.

"Well Ayane, I don't think I'll do it again tonight."


"BUT, how about I show you something new? I think you'll like it."

"What is it?

"Just wait and see Ayane! Don't be so impatient!" She could feel the girl already rubbing herself against her hand beneath the water.

Reaching over, Ayaka grabbed the remote once more, and looked at the digital setting panel. A few taps and she settled on what she wanted. "OK, Ayane, get ready, I think you'll really like this!" With just the slightest dramatic pause, she punched another button, activating the water jets, one of which she had already strategically positioned to be pointing right between Ayane's legs.

A small vibrating noise started as the jets suddenly came to life and Ayaka felt the warm water splashing over her hand, still cupping her little friend's treasure. Ayane had noticed the change and the sudden appearance of bubbles and currents all around, but still didn't know what to expect. Ayaka spread her legs a bit more, gently scooting the two of them a little bit closer to the nozzle which was submerged in front of them. Right when the pressure on her hand felt just right, she whispered right into Ayane's ear: "Let's see if my fingers will still be your favorite after this!"

Ayaka slowly drew her hand up and away, exposing the girl's peach-like nether regions to the bubbling waterjet. Ayane responded with a gasp and a full-body twitch that made it seem like a jolt of electricity had just shot through the little girl.

"Su-sugoi!" (Amazing!) Ayane whined. The pre-teen sat in shock for a few seconds, just relishing this new, unexpected pleasure she'd been introduced to.

As she slowly regained her senses, Ayane reached around and grabbed Ayaka's thighs, trying to get herself a little leverage as she opened up her legs and let the water rush over her lower lips with pleasurable force.

Ayaka watched with a smile as the girl moaned and writhed, moving her bottom half slowly but deliberately until finally she got the water to hit her pussy at JUST the perfect spot. Her head tilting back to rest on Ayaka's shoulder, she let out a long sigh. "It feels soooo good".

Ayaka couldn't help but giggle as she watched her little friend work to bring herself off against the waterjet currently massaging her tiny clit and sensitive vulva. She began to lovingly stroke the girl's wet inner thighs, providing just a bit more stimulation to help her little friend. "This is my favorite way to relax Ayane, you can always get that special feeling when you do this."

Indeed, her own custom-installed shower massager had been her champion on many a lonely night. The kind of orgasm it delivered was gentle and yet inevitable, a pleasure almost no one could bear for long before being overcome by that most pleasurable of female reflexes.

It went without saying that little Ayane, experiencing the pleasure of the jet for the first time was no different. Ayaka was already quite experienced at pushing the girl's little orgasmic buttons, but even her experience couldn't match up to the effectiveness of the water rushing between the girl's legs. Not 3 minutes had passed when the now continuously moaning girl tensed up and shook with yet another strong orgasm.

“Ahhh!” Thrusting and grunting loudly now, her body continued to enjoy the water pressure until her pussy lips grew too sensitive to bear it. Finally, the girl shut her legs and collapsed against Ayaka's chest, breathing heavily.

"Wow, it seemed like you really liked it!"

"That was...the best!" Ayane responded between panting. "Can we get one at my house?"

Ayake laughed, "Well I'll have to come up with a creative excuse but I'll see what I can do."

Though she was relishing having inducted her charge into yet another feminine vice, seeing little Ayane make herself cum against the jets has left Ayaka in a very aroused state. Even now, as she cuddled the girl by her side, her fingers were secretly stroking her own pussy, actions hidden well beneath the bubbles. She desperately wanted to cum, but was unable to do so with the girl restricting her motions.

Thankfully, nature stepped in to lend a hand and Ayane suddenly rose, naked form dripping water as she said "Ayaka, I gotta go poo!"

Ayaka laughed loudly at the girl’s honest admission. "That's fine Ayane, just be sure to dry off and get ready for bed."


Rising from the tub, the girl's butt jiggled cutely as she made her way out of the bathing area to the bathroom, which was separated from the bath in typical Japanese style.

Having finally gotten some time to herself, Ayane opened up her legs and sighed deeply as the water found its way to her waiting clit. She still didn't know why, but making the little girl cum was a far sexier experience than anything she had ever felt before. Ayane's innocence and voracious sexual appetite combined with her cute but spoiled demeanor helped create an adorable little girl which Ayaka simply wanted to overwhelm with pleasure in any manner she could think of.

Even now those thoughts transfixed her, pulling her in, forming a singular desire in her mind. Thus focused, those stimulated nerve endings down below were free to do their job and with the help of the jets Ayaka soon collapsed into a monster orgasm. She tried to muffle her own moans as she climaxed, her hips instinctively pressing themselves against the jet until she could take no more.

Taking a few moments to recover, her mind finally cleared, Ayaka slowly rose from the water, shut off the jets, and reached for a towel. The time had grown late and it was time to put the little girl to bed.

After toweling off and blowing drying Ayane’s hair, Ayaka sent the girl off for bed before taking some time for herself to dry her own hair and brush her teeth, finally cleaning up the bathing area before getting ready to settle down for the night after that mind-blowing experience in the jacuzzi.

It had been a wild day of sexy discoveries for the both of them. Ayaka had surprised even herself by how daring she had become after they arrived. She had to admit that even though it had seemed like just a little sexy mischievousness to start, she was starting to find the little girl absolutely irresistible. Teaching Ayane all these new things also had the side benefit of making dealing with the adorable little brat a bit easier too. Ayane had done her fair share of moaning and complaining throughout the day, but Ayaka's charm and helping hands had finally broken through and the girl had seemed quite subdued as Ayaka prepared her for bed a few minutes before.

Dried and relaxed, Ayaka was finally ready to turn in herself. She wrapped a bath towel around her naked figure and slowly opened the door that led back into the suite, the area lit dimly from a single light in the suite foyer.

"Ahh…." girlish moans greeted her as the door slid open. Though surprised, Ayaka had no doubt as to what the commotion was, and the faint, dark outline of Ayane’s moving figure gave her all the confirmation she needed.

Walking towards the bed, she saw Ayane laid out with her bathrobe spread wide open, her naked form displayed for all to see. Eyes closed, legs spread, and with a look of concentration on her face, those little fingers were playing with her vagina, just the slightest sheen of girlish lubrication visible beneath her fingers.

"Eh, mada?! (again?), what are you doing Ayane?" Ayaka’s faux-scolding was her attempt to hide her surprise at seeing the alluring, sexy sight. Ayane really was insatiable wasn't she?

The girl jumped in surprise and stilled her fingers for a moment, looking up a bit guiltily at her nanny.

"Ano....well, after "that", my special place was still feeling really tingly. I sorta thought that maybe I could....feel good one more time before bed..."

"But Ayane, it's late! What about our plans for tomorrow?"

Little fingers still sliding slowly atop her little slit, the girl protested. "Just a little more, I'm almost done..."

Ayaka felt her "bad" side taking over again. If anything could match this little girl's appetite, it was Ayaka's desire to help her sate it. With a smile that could more aptly be described as her trademark mischievous smirk, she replied: "Shouganai ne! (it can't be helped) You need to sleep, so we better make it fast! Here, let your babysitter give you one more special service tonight." Ayane smiled excitedly, sinking back into the bed, looking content. A petulant child who knew they were about to get what they wanted.

Ayaka returned to the bathroom and removed a small tube of lubricating gel from her toiletry bag. The girl was probably getting a little worn out down there and she wanted to be gentle after all. Squeezing a good amount onto her fingers, she silently returned to the room, grinning to herself as she turned off the remaining light and approached the naked little girl in the darkness.

Ever so gently, she slid into Ayane's bed, snuggling her head up to the sweet-smelling young girl. Her nose could also faintly pick up the smell of Ayane's arousal wafting from those sticky fingers and moist treasure down below. "Just relax." she whispered. "Let Ayaka help, OK? This is my extra-special good night kiss." She said reassuringly, proceeding to give Ayane a light peck on the check.

Slowly Ayaka slid her left hand down, brushing aside the girl's arm as her lubed index finger settled into the tender crease of Ayane's youthful slit.

"Ah!" Ayane squeaked, surprised by the chill of the lube. Ayaka laughed at her response. "I said relax Ayane! It'll warm up in a second!" Cuddling the girl in the dark atop the soft, luxurious bed, she began to shower the girl with light, loving kisses while stroking Ayane’s hair with her free hand. As the girl let go of any remaining tension and settled down into a dreamy, relaxed state, Ayaka once again resumed her work.

Soon, slicking sounds returned as Ayaka's lubricated fingers went to work and Ayane’s child-like moans rose in response. Ayane's little pussy had been teased, touched, and stimulated in more ways than her young mind had ever been able to imagine before today. Ayaka knew the girl was probably still quite sensitive, and she likely needed to do little more than rub the girl's tiny clit to hurry her along to tonight's finale. And so that well lubricated finger tip circled and circled, teasing Ayane’s little pea, coaxing the girl towards one more satisfying cum.

Ayane was moaning drowsily now, half-asleep despite the pleasure. The girl had spent hours riding a boat, playing on the beach, and then "playing" in the warm jacuzzi with Ayaka. By now the little 12-year old princess had to be beyond exhausted. She was nearly motionless, body laying limp as she moaned and panted, just waiting for one more wave of pleasure to wash over her.

"Ayaka..." The girl whimpered a few moments later.

"Naaani?" Ayaka inquired, blowing gently on the girl's little ear.

"I like you." The 12-year old panted wearily.

"I like you too, Ayane-chan, you're my favorite." This time she pecked the girl on the lips.

She could feel the girl’s legs starting to twitch, orgasm approaching, and so steadily picked up the pace, index finger sliding quickly, repeatedly around that stiff little bud.

Finally, the moment seemed nigh and in her drowsy, detached state the girl whined "Ayakaaaa", little pussy pressing against her hand.

"Just relax Ayane, let it happen." Ayaka kept up her efforts, pushing the little girl all the way to her peak while placing a light kiss on her lips. Just a few seconds more and the moment was upon them.

Ayane's last orgasm of the night was marked by a brief squeak followed by a long, lingering sigh as the half-asleep girl could bear the rubbing her clit no longer and her vagina lapsed into yet another series of rapid, pleasurable contractions. Relief flooded the girl's body and she let herself go, completely relaxed, pleasure radiating out from her slick little core as she drifted in an ocean of bliss.

Ayaka, who was still gently stroking the girl through her orgasm, was surprised as she felt a warm sensation run along her busy fingers, followed by the sound of a light patter of droplets falling onto the girl's bathrobe. It seemed that Ayane was having a bit of a pleasurable accident, her little bladder taking advantage of the girl’s momentary loss of control. "She'd be so embarrassed if she wasn't so tired right now." Ayaka thought bemusedly.

But as it was, the little leak and the accompanying feeling of relief was probably just compounding her pleasure. Ayaka couldn't help but find it irresitably erotic as she watched the girl whimper from the pleasure, unconsciously wetting herself as her legs twitched and her toes curled. Slowly the contractions subsided and Ayaka could feel the girl’s body fully relax. Though a picture of serenity as she lay there, the girl’s robe was most likely uncomfortably damp around her bottom. Ayaka couldn't let her sleep like that. Picking her up, she carried the nearly unconscious girl to the bathroom, sliding off her robe and sitting her on the toilet. It would perhaps be best if she made sure that Ayane was fully empty before bed.

"Come on Ayane-chan, let it out so you can sleep." She whispered, lightly stroking the girl's privates with the inside of her fingers.

"Mmm." The girl responded drowsily. Once more a few brief spurts of the girl's warm urine washed over her hand. Ayaka couldn't get enough of seeing the girl's cute, innocent side, just soaking up every second of the unexpectedly erotic moment.

When Ayane finished, Ayaka wiped the girl with a damp washcloth and then a towel, before carrying her over to the bed and laying her down. She fished a small pair of white cotton panties out of their suitcase and gently slid them up the girl's legs.

"Good night Ayane" the woman whispered, crawling in next to the little girl who was already fast asleep. Only Ayane's near silent breathing answered her.

Pulling the thin sheet over them, Ayaka closed her eyes and held the girl close. "What an amazing day, just what am I going to do next?" was the last thought that passed through her mind as Ayaka drifted off to dreamland.

To be continued……

Thank you for reading. Continue to Part 2 Here

Disclaimer: This is a completely fictional story series. All places, characters, and settings are completely fictional and the author does not endorse or condone any of the actions depicted outside the realm of completely imaginary fantasies.