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I was at baseball practice, being a pitcher for a batter who was practicing. He was 7 years old, I was 6, but he couldn't seem to hit straight, he rarely hit the ball, and when he did, he rarely grazed it, and it fouled back.

I was the one teaching him, because none of the people who were trained to do it, could figure out how to get him to hit the ball. I volunteered to help after noticing their struggle with getting him to hit the ball, and they gladly accepted my help.

I was nice, and encouraged him to not give up, as he was starting to get a little emotional, because he was failing so much. It was his first week playing baseball, which is why he wasn't very good at it, but despite that, after an hour or so, I was able to get him to hit the ball. When he finally hit the ball, and it didn't just drop to the ground, he ran towards me and ended up tackling me.

He was hugging me tightly, and my skirt had gone up, and I didn't notice. He was thankful for me having taught him, and he didn't want to let go. I could feel his leg up against my crotch, I assumed it was through my skirt, so I didn't even think twice about it.

He finally got off of me, and noticed my pink panties under my skirt. He didn't point out that I was exposed, he just stared. I assumed he was just waiting for me to get up, so I did, and my skirt fell back into place, leaving no evidence of this having happened.

Despite how it may seem, based on how I was treating him, he was actually older than me. We continued practicing until he could hit the ball consitently. He was super excited, and was now eager to continue practice until he was as good as me.

Before he could reach his goal, the manager of the team came over and told me to come with him. He led me to where my parents were, and once I was in front of them, my dad spoke, "What would you say, if someone invited you to join a team in the MLB?" Not telling me exactly what he meant by that.

"Umm, like if they did it now? While I am still a kid?" I asked, and he nodded, "Umm... I guess it would depend on which team... If the Braves invited me, I would join in a heartbeat, if it was someone else, well depends on where they are." The Braves were the local team, which is the main reason I said that.

My dad smiled, satisfied with my answer, then said, "Well... the Braves did invite you to join their team!" He said, and waited for my reaction. I was just in shock, and stared at him with my mouth slightly open.

"Uh-" I started, struggling to get any words to come out. "Uhh... WHAT?!?" I asked, and he laughed a little, and smiled. "I- umm... They want me... me... to join them, the... the Braves..." It sounded like a question, but it was just me trying to process it and determine if he was joking or not.

"Yeah! Isn't it exciting?" He asked, and my mom also though it was.

I was still unable to comprehend how such a thing could happen. Well, my brother is a player for the Braves, and they decided they wanted me? "No..."

"Wait, what?" He interrupted, I wasn't actually saying no, he just spoke too quickly before I could say anything else.

"No, I mean, no, you're joking, of course I want to join! I just don't believe you..." I said quickly, trying not to make him think I didn't want to join.

"Oh... don't scare me like that, haha, I knew you would want to." He said, and smiled.

"So, you aren't joking? This isn't some stupid prank?" I asked.

"No, it's all real." My mom said, they both looked proud that I was good enough that they would want me while I was still a child.

"So, when do I join? Do I wait till next season? Or do I join immediately? I don't know how that works." I said, my mind was racing with questions faster than I could ask them, much less get an answer.

"Well, he said you can join whenever, if you wanna wait for a while, it's fine, but they'd like to have you as soon as possible." My dad said, he had pretty much memorized what the guy had said, knowing I would have questions.

"Well, I wanna go now!" I said and laughed, still not fully grasping that this was reality.

I didn't leave and go to the Major Leagues just yet, I stayed for a few days to say goodbye to all my friends here. I would see them in school, of course, at least the ones who went to the same school, I wasn't becoming an adult or anything.

Even after I stopped playing Little League, it took almost 2 weeks for everything to be sorted out for me to even be able to join, I was a child, so there was tons more paperwork.

Then, for the next month or so, I didn't play in any actual games, I was mainly just practicing, building my skills to be able to play on the same level as everyone else. My birthday happened somewhere in that mess, and I turned 7.

They were reluctant to letting me wear skirts instead of pants, but they eventually gave in, after warning me that I could be exposed on national tv. I pointed out that tennis players wear skirts, and they finaly decided it was fine as long as I kept to the color scheme of the rest of the uniforms, as I was very persistent, and they didn't want to have to argue with me.

By the time I finally was able to play my first real game, it was the World Series. The Braves had made it to the World Series, so my first game, would be the World Series. I was aware of the fact for about 2 weeks before the World Series actually started.

This time, we were against the New York Yankees, and they had the home field advantage, meaning we would be travelling to New York for the first two games. I was super excited, and also kind of nervous, because my first time playing, would be the most important game of the year.

Once it was finally time for the World Series, the entire team got on a plane to travel to New York. My brother, Will, was on the team, and my parents also came because they wanted to be at the game, so my entire family was coming.

A few hours after we landed, we all went to the hotel and went to sleep, the game was gonna be tomorrow. Each player got their own room, including me, despite me being a child, so this was the first time I had my own hotel room.

I couldn't sleep, I was too excited, and I laid in bed, staring at the clock on the nightstand. After a few hours, it was 1 AM, and I was still unable to sleep, so I got out of bed, and turned on the light.

I was wearing what I always wore to bed at home, a pair of panties, and a shirt that reached my knees. The shirt was white, and faded, nearly see through, it was one of Will's old shirts that he grew out of a few years ago, it used to reach my ankles when he first gave it to me.

Right when I turned the light on, I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door, and someone rushed in, before even telling me who he was. He closed the door behind him, looking a little out of breath.

I finally got a look at him when he stopped moving, he was Carlos Rodriguez, one of my teammates on the Braves. He was facing the door, and I had turned around to face him, meaning my back was to the door.

He reached over and locked the door, and looked at me. "What are you doing in here?" I asked, and he put a finger to his lips and turned the light off.

"Don't make a sound!" He whispered, and put a finger to my mouth, and I heard footsteps outside, and I wondered what was going on. He then grabbed my hand and led me back into the room, where he laid me back on the bed, on my back.

"Go back to sleep..." He whispered, and gently put his hand over my face, with two fingers getting close to my eyes, causing me to close them as his fingers rested on my eyelids. He slowly removed his hand from my face once my eyes were closed, but I opened them back immediately.

He walked over to the door, unlocked it, and walked out, then closed the door. At least I thought he left, I didn't noticed that he never actually walked through the door. I stayed in the bed, watching the door, wondering if he was gonna come back.

I stood up, and walked towards the door, but before I made it to the door, I was picked up and turned upside down. I squealed and tried to get free, but he held me off the ground, so I couldn't really do anything.

"Shhh...." He said, and I recognized his voice and stopped struggling, slightly confused 'cause I thought he left. Little did I know, not only did he leave but he also let multiple people in, all players on the team.

Suddenly, the lights came on, but I couldn't see anything, because my shirt was over my head, blocking my view. He then shook me a tiny bit, and the shirt fell past my head and all the way to the floor, keaving me bare besides my panties.

I was kind of embarrassed, not because my chest was bare, but because I realized I was just in my underwear, and also because there were now five people looking at me. I was laid on my bed, and I just stared at them and looked at each of them to identify them.

Of course there was Carlos Rodriguez, the guy who first came in, he was a pitcher. Then, there was John Smith, yes, that was his name, he was a catcher; Bob Hendrickson, a pitcher; George Martin, an outfeilder; and William Nickelson, wait what? My brother was here too?... Anyway, he was an infielder.

They all had belts on, in preparation of this, it was planned, not because they needed them, they were literally wearing pajamas, but because of what they did next. They removed my panties, then all five, except my brother, used their belts to tied each of my limbs to the bed.

It was surprisingly tight and I struggled against them, "What is going on?" I asked, also embarrassed about being completely naked with no way of covering up.

William grabbed my panties and shirt, and shoved them into my mouth, then used his belt to keep them in, making a surprisingly good gag. Then he pushed his pants down, got above me, and lined up his dick with my pussy.

I had no idea what sex was, I didn't even know that guys had dicks, so I was really confused. I stared at him, as the unknown object in between his legs started going into me. It didn't hurt at first, as he was going slow, but then the others encouraged him to fuck me faster, and he said he didn't want to hurt me.

Despite not wanting to hurt me, he sped up a little, but not too much, just enough that they would stop complaining to him. It still hurt a lot, his 8 inch dick was far too big for me, and he was pushing hard, trying to get every inch of it in, but only half made it in.

He didn't take very long to cum in me, then pulled out and looked at my face. I was thankful for it to be over, I had started crying a little but not much, and he apologized for the pain.

Once he was out of the way, Carlos quickly took his spot, but Will pushed him out of the way. "No, I've changed my mind, I don't want you guys to do this, I didn't realize it would hurt her this much." My brother said, defending me, and I was grateful.

"Oh, come on! You suck the fun out of everything!" Carlos said, but ignored him and got back into position and lined up his dick. My brother was about to defend me again, but the other three held him back as Carlos shoved his dick deep into me as hard as he could.

My eyes went wide as the pain took over my body. He started fucking me as hard and fast as he could, and I squirmed helplessly, trying to get free from the pain. I cried quite a bit, and closed my eyes, trying to endure the pain.

He held my hips firmly, slapped my flat chest, and pinched my nipples. He then pulled out, and cummed on my chest, and some of it landed on my face. He got off me and pointed at my crotch, "Oh dang, she's bleeding!" He said, and smiled, not seeming worried, he seemed amused.

I cried and prayed for nobody else to try and fuck me, but of course, they did. One by one, the rest of them fucked me as the other held back my brother. He was mad at them, and they eventually had to knock him out so that he wouldn't try to hurt them.

He was now laying in the floor, limp, unable to help me, and now I had absolutely no defense against the others. They were done fucking me, but they weren't done with everything else they had planned.

One of them found an extension cord and plugged it into the wall, then grabbed a lamp, and plugged it into the extension cord. He pulled the cord from the lamp, causing the light from the lamp to go out, and he now had active wires in his hands, which were exposed at the tip.

He then pulled the cord down to the foot of the bed, and shocked my toes for half a second each. One by one, my entire body jolted as the electricity coursed through it from each toe. Then he started moving up, and did each of my knees.

Each time I was shocked, it made me scream into the gag, but through the gag, it came out just barely above talking volume, so nobody outside the room heard. It hurt like crazy, and I wanted it to stop, but it seemed to never end.

After my knees, he went up to my chest and did each nipple. I was surprised I hadn't passed out yet, or died, but somehow, I was still going. He then moved down, and spread my pussy lips, and put the wire in my pussy, and left it there for about thirty seconds.

I ended up passing out during that last one, and he finally removed the wire, and unplugged it. He put the cords all back how they were, except didn't even try to fix the lamp, there was almost no way to fix it.

I was now completely at their mercy, and I wouldn't even remember what they did. They removed all the belts from my limbs, and even the one from my mouth. They then picked me up, and put my clothes back on my, and Carlos held me in his arms, and they left my room.

They left the hotel, purposefully not showing their faces to the cameras, but not being obvious that they were hiding them either. They all four left the building, carrying me, pretending I was just asleep.

Once we got outside, it was pretty cold, especially compared to Georgia, but it was late october, so even for New York, it was starting to get cold. They carried me to a bar, and removed my clothes and literally threw me in and walked away before anybody from inside noticed them.

They left and went back to the hotel, and I was noticed by an 16 year old girl, who was pretending to be older. She was wearing a sleeveless dress, that barely covered her bare crotch, and it was very loose fitted, so her B cup breasts were easily visible from the side.

She picked me up, and noticed the blood on my pussy, and the dried cum on my chest and face. She wondered how I got here, but assumed somebody in here is who fucked me. She carried me to the bar, and asked people if they knew who I was, or who fucked me.

Everyone denied having seen me before, except one recognized me, and said, "Wait, she's that girl from the Braves, she is gonna be playing at the World Series tomorrow!" He said and stared at my face, "Yeah, that's definitely her!"

She was holding me like a baby, but purposefully holding her hand on my crotch to make sure nobody saw it. She was also "accidentally" holding me in such a way, that made her dress go up, and her ass and pussy were now fully visible to everyone.

She continued to ask people if they knew who hurt me, and she came to a muscular guy, who stood up upon seeing her. She asked him the same question she'd asked everyone else, he denied knowing, but then grabbed me from her and tossed me across the room, and into the floor.

He then grabbed her and took her dress off and threw her into me, completely naked. I woke up when she hit me, and looking around, noticing where I was. The guy came over, and asked, "Which one should I fuck?"

Everyone suggested the other girl than me, because they thought she was an adult. He decided to go against their wishes, and fuck me. He picked me up and put me on a table, he held one hand on my mouth, holding my head on the table, then his other hand on my waist.

I knew what was about to happen, and desperately tried to get free. He started fucking me as hard as he could, which was harder than all the other guys who had fucked me before. He gave me no mercy, and I cried but could make no noise as he held my mouth shut.

Various people called the cops and they came quickly and arrested him after he cummed in me. They then asked me what happened, and I just said I was sleeping then woke up in the bar and he fucked me, purposefully not mentioning anything about my teammates.

The girl could tell I knew what happened before, but wasn't telling for a reason, so she didn't say anything about it. The cops left, without bringing me back to the hotel or anything, just leaving me naked in a lot of pain, in a bar.

The girl came over to me when they left and asked me quietly, "What did you not tell them?"

"What do you mean?" I lied, I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Don't lie to me, just tell me.." She whispered.

"I don't want to..."

"Please?" She begged, but after 5 minutes of begging, I finally gave in.

"Fine... Just don't say anything to anyone else, please, and I mean nobody!" I whispered.

"My lips are sealed."

"Ok... well, do you know who I am?" She nodded, "Ok... A few of my teammates... well... they did something similar to what muscle man just did to me..." I purposefully didn't mention my brother, jut in case she did say something.

She thankfully didn't tell anyone, and she took me outside the bar, and went back inside, turning back into a slut, instead of a normal human being.

I realized that I had no idea how to get back to the hotel, and the streets were empty, except for a few homeless people, so I slowly walked towards them. I walked slowly because of the pain, it wasn't any conscious decision.

I reached the first homeless person, he was the only one who was awake that I could see, so I hoped he could help. I asked him for directions to the hotel, and he asked for money, if I gave him money, he would tell me.

"I'm sorry, I don't have any money on me, I am naked." I said.

"No money, no directions..." He said.

"Please! I need to get back to the hotel!" I begged.

He smiled, "Ok, how about this, tomorrow, at the game... forget to wear underwear... oh, and make some diving catches!" He said, apparently everyone knew that I wore skirts while playing, "If you agree to that, I will give you directions."

"No!" I protested, "I am not gonna purposefully expose myself in front of millions of people!"

"Better purposefully than accidentally, but that's fine, now let me sleep."

"No, please tell me!" I begged

"Ooh, and wear a short skirt, no longer than mid thigh length!" He added to the deal, seeing how long until I gave up and accepted. "Oh and, do it every game, not just tomorrow!"

"What? Ugh, fine! I'll do it! Just give me directions!" I wasn't fully processing what I had accepted, I just wanted to get back.

"Ok, but if you back out, there will be consequences, just because I'm homeless, does not mean I can't watch TV and kill you." When he mentioned killing me, chills went up my spine, and he gave me directions.

He didn't lie about the directions, and I quickly made my way to the hotel, and went in and to my room, but it was locked. I wondered how someone locked it from the inside, then I realized, they must have taken my key, or they were still in there.

I knocked on the door, "Is anybody in there?" I asked.

"Nobody is in there." Said Carlos, he was standing behind me now, holding my key. He unlocked the door, and I stared at him, scared that he would do something to me again. But thankfully, he didn't he just gave me my key and left the room.

My heart was racing, and I climbed into bed, and got under the covers, still naked. I forgot to lock the door, but that never became a problem, and I fell asleep pretty quickly.

Next day