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(Things start off innocently enough with Yume and Natsumi leading their four young guests to their first group bathing activity. Where will things go from here?)
(No difference)

Revision as of 02:11, 2 September 2022

Chapter 2: Coming of Age at the Onsen, Part 2 (First Trip to the Baths)


   Things start off innocently enough with Yume and Natsumi leading their four young guests to their first group bathing activity. Where will things go from here?


   Themes: Bathing, F/f, f/f, nudity
   I hope you enjoy this 2nd part of my Coming of Age at the Onsen series. In this episode, on the first night of their stay, the girls take a trip to the hot spring baths as they prepare for their evening massage.

"Can we swim in the bath!?!" Airi asked excitedly as her tiny bare feet padded along next to Natsumi in the hallway as the group of girls walked towards the bath.

"Mom would probably get pretty mad at us for letting you. Plus the water is really hot, if you swam around you would just get worn out even quicker. The bath is great for relaxing, so take it easy. I promise you'll love it" Natsumi replied.

The girls had just enjoyed a delicious meal of freshly made soba noodles and a local specialty known as zunda mochi: rice balls covered in sweet mashed edamame paste. Now, accompanied by Natsumi and Yume, they were en route to the bath. They had each changed into a light one piece yukata which was tied around their waist, and were otherwise bare except for the colorful assortment of panties they wore. They passed through the typical “noren”-style curtains which hung on the entrance to the bath and entered the changing room. All parties were familiar enough with the procedures of Japanese communal bathing, and without comment the girls began slipping off their yukata and panties and placing them in the waiting baskets.

Natsumi glanced furtively at Mizuki and Airi who were already naked and tried to catch a peek or two at their cute, hairless slits, sizing up their new guests. Always one to pay attention to details, Natsumi had already noticed that Airi had a cute brown mole just to the left of her pudenda on the gentle rise of her pubis. As she ogled, her sister Yume put a hand on Natsumi's shoulder, looked at the four little ones and said "You girls go on ahead and wash yourselves. We'll clean up things here a bit and be right behind you. Once you're ready to enter the bath be sure to wait for us to come and watch over you.”

“Mizuki, you told us your mother took you to one of these, right? Be sure to explain to the girls the proper order of washing and then bathing." Natsumi added.

"OK Natsumi-san I will."

"Hurry up Mizuki! You're so slow! You gotta come with me if you are gonna explain!" Airi shouted as her naked form was already dashing through the set of sliding doors and into the bathing area.

Though having grown somewhat accustomed to the lack of shame that accompanied same-sex bathing in Japan, Sara and Colette still seemed rather shy around the 2 new teen girls they had just met, stripping off their clothes a bit more slowly and hesitantly before following their friends into the bath.

"They're just so adorable aren't they?" Yume said as she watched the cute undulations of Colette's little buttcheeks as she hurried up after her friends.

"I couldn't get a good look yet but they're little bodies seem so perfect and cute. Once they wash up we can have some fun. It's so sad that Mom still won't let us help with the "introductions" tonight."

"I know it's so unfair! Why do we have to wait all the way until tomorrow to get a chance to teach them stuff and have fun with them?”

"Well, we can always watch on the camera's Mom has installed for quality assurance.” Natsumi said mischievously. “Care to do it in my room? I found out how to access them through the network. That way we can at least entertain each other until tomorrow. As long as I get big sister Yume's "special treatment" at least once, I promise I won't whine too much!"

“Fine, though I’m not taking the blame if we get in trouble somehow.” Yume said, secretly amazed at her sister’s shamelessness.

From the sound of running water echoing from the bathing area, it looked like washing time was well underway. The two older girls quickly shed their own robes and underwear, walking in the onsen together. Their little guests were all facing their own respective shower heads at the traditional Japanese washing stations, sitting on short stools that allowed one to shower while sitting down and were busy alternating between scrubbing and rinsing. Airi reminded Natsumi of a stereotypical old Japanese grandfather with the way she was busily scrubbing her back with the long wash cloth she held. She wondered who had taught her that. The bubble-covered Mizuki was still soaping up her tiny feet, while Sara and Colette were working on shampooing their long, beautiful hair. Natsumi and Yume took their own place at two showerheads on the far opposite side of the bath and began to wash themselves.

It wasn't but a minute or two into the teens’ showers that the slapping sounds of the girls' bare feet and giggles could be heard from across the bath.

"Hey Yume! Natsumi! We're ready! We washed already so can we get in?" Airi's glistening, stark-naked form came running over to them. Natsumi fought the urge to do more than grab a side-long glimpse of the adorable girl's still developing vagina as she approached.

Yume turned and smiled "OK, but be careful, the water is really hot!" Her answer was echoed by a cheer from the little ones, followed by more footsteps towards the main bath.

A few seconds later a small splash could be heard followed by a squeal as one of the girls, probably Airi, tried jumping in without testing the water’s temperature.

"Ah!!! It's hot!" A muffled scream and a mix of giggles and admonishment echoed across the cavernous bathing space.

"Hey be careful you all!" Natsumi chided. "I told you how hot it can be!"

"Well it seems like it can't be helped little sister, shall we make our entrance and go watch over them?" Yume interjected and proceeded to shut off her showerhead.

"Sure Yume. You can go first. I'm sure that big chest of yours will leave quite the impression." Though teasing, Natsumi did cast a somewhat wistful glance towards her own budding but still A-cup sized breasts.

The two teens stood up and padded towards the big bath on the other side of the washing area. As they approached, they were treated to a fun scene of Mizuki and Sara splashing each other in the hot water while Airi was paddling in place, holding onto the side of the bath. Colette seemed to be quietly and contently enjoying the bath from her seat, sitting submerged up to her neck in the hot water watching her friends having fun with a content smile on her face. As Natsumi and Yume rounded the corner, the bustle of activity came to a sudden stop and they were suddenly met by 4 pairs of intent, admiring eyes staring right at them.

Before the young girls stood a pair of well-developed teens, one 14 and the other 19, bodies having developed noticeable curves, breasts, and the thick, wiry pubic hair common to Japanese females. Their mature bodies stood in stark contrast to the four pre-pubescent girls before them. Yume could almost feel the eyes of the four roaming over her, alternating between her only slightly manicured dark bush now dripping with water and her pronounced C-cup sized breasts.

While Natsumi’s appearance was a little less progressed, with a smaller figure and bust. Her pubes adding to her cuteness, hair hadn't not fully reached the point of opaqueness, only lightly covering the young teen's lower lips, the shape of her slit still quite visible.

"Wow, you two are so pretty!" Airi shouted, swimming up to the girls as they slowly descended down the steps into the hot water.

Mizuki was also staring quietly but intently, looking straight at Yume's chest.

As Yume settled down on one of the submerged benches ringing the sides of the bath, Sara quickly worked up the courage to come over for a closer look.

"Um, Yume, can I touch them for a sec? Just to see what it's like?" The girl said, her eyes full of curiosity.

"Sure Sara, go ahead. You all look so surprised, it's funny. All the things that make me different from you guys appeared as I started puberty. Pretty soon you will all start to change too."

Sara slowly but intently placed both hands on Yume's chest, feeling around a bit and moving them side to side. "Whoa....I hope mine can be this big someday" she said enviously.

Meanwhile, Colette had quietly worked up her own courage to explore. Without Natsumi even noticing, she had slowly drifted up alongside her. Suddenly the girl's tiny hand drifted to Natsumi's submerged public hair, fingers brushing across it and sending a small chill up Natsumi's spine as she tried to suppress a moan.

"Wow, it’s different than I thought! It feels nice when I rub my hand across it. Do you think I'll get some?" As she spoke, Colette's gaze drifted to her tiny, bare slit which was barely visible in the ripples of the water.

Natsumi put a hand around the young French Girl. "Don't worry Colette, everyone grows it sometime. You might not have any now but pretty soon I'm sure it'll start to grow when your body starts puberty". Colette nodded with understanding, seemingly reassured when suddenly Sara who had overheard the conversation during her exploration of Yume's breasts declared: "I have some! Mine's already started to grow!"

With that, she stood up fully in the shallow bath so that everything from her thighs upwards was out of the water and clearly visible. She came to a stop such that her bare, dripping, inner thighs and hairless slit were mere inches from the 14 year olds face. "Look Natsumi, look! Can't you see them?!"

Natsumi soon realized that Sara was referring to the light golden peach fuzz that covered both her pudenda and her legs. She looked over at Yume, shared a brief, mischievous smile and turned to examine Sara a bit closer. 

"Well we're all so wet it's hard to see, so let me try to feel them." With that she quickly placed her index finger just above the girl's nether regions, carefully avoiding the tiny bits of fuzz she saw sprouting there and tracing gently along her skin.

"It's hard to make out...are you sure?" As Natsumi asked this, she softly but deliberately moved her finger down to trace the left side of Sara's tiny labia, provoking a giggle from Sara even as she eagerly awaited the teen girl's affirmation. Natsumi loved the way her hands caused the water droplets stuck to Sara’s skin to run down, cutely dripping from the bottom of her pussy.

"No not there! Go up! Go up!" Sara seemed impatient.

"Up?" This time Natsumi traced the right side of the little girl's labia instead, suddenly moving her finger back up towards those barely noticeable hairs. Before she reached them, she moved her finger inwards, brushing ever so slightly against the girl's popcorn kernel-sized clitoris hidden behind its tiny hood. This provoked a small jump and a sudden sharp intake of the breath from the young girl whose eyes were now transfixed on Natsumi's exploration of her still pre-pubescent vagina. Before the situation could advance any further in too shocking a direction, Natsumi moved quickly to grab a hold of one of the tiny blond hairs she had only pretended to miss at the beginning.

"Ah, I found one! I like the color, may I borrow it?" She tugged slightly as if to pull it out. Sara jumped back quickly and laughed. "No! It's one of my precious ones! I want to be like you and Yume someday, so I need it!" Natsumi and the other girls giggled in response.

It was right then that Airi, who had been watching the scene with interest from beside Yume and Mizuki jumped up and placed her own tiny sex a few inches in front of Yume's prominent breasts. "Yume-san! Please check me! Check me too! Do I have any?" Yume smiled and replied "Hm, all this steam makes it so hard to see, I'll have to feel around as well." She lifted a hand out of the water and began to trace the young girl's pudenda and labia while searching for what her eyes assured her was definitely not there. Sara seemed to look on nervously as if her one small advantage over her naked peers, the slightest evidence of her approaching adulthood was somehow in danger of being commonplace.

Natsumi had begun to enjoy the atmosphere that was developing, which also happened to be perfectly setting the stage for tonight’s big surprise. Getting the girls used to these preliminary touches would eventually lead to the more passionate ones she was very much looking forward to. Wanting to keep the momentum going, she turned to Mizuki and Colette and said "Would you like me to check you girls too?"

The two girls nodded sheepishly and rose to stand before Natsumi. The short and adorable Colette barely had her thighs out of the water, the bottom of her tiny, baby-like slit just mere centimeters above the water. Mizuki-chan's labia, glistening with the moisture of the bath was much the same. This time, in her boldest action yet, Natsumi's hands rose out of the water with index and middle fingers slightly splayed, touching both girls right at the bottom of the tiny hairless folds, provoking slight twitches from the girls and then slowly, deliberately sliding them upwards. The slick, easy feeling of sliding her fingers along the two 10-year olds' slits was addicting and Natsumi had to use all her willpower to not try and advance things any further. She looked up to watch the expressions of the two girls’ faces as her fingers slid along their hairless, wet vaginas. She definitely didn't miss the almost imperceptible biting down of Colette's teeth onto her lower lip and Mizuki's slow, awe-struck intake of breath. Natsumi knew that despite their shy exteriors these girls were just as curious as any young person would be. While Yume and her could certainly begin ravishing them right here on the edge of the bath like they often did with their friends, they knew better than to go against their mother's rules. Mrs. Watanabe had a reputation to protect and sometimes that even applied to her daughters when it came to making sure things ran according to plan.

Both Yume and Natsumi's close inspections on the 3 young girls ended fruitlessly and they had to endure a bit of teasing from the "much more grown up" Sara, if her own proclamations were to be believed. It was right around that time that Yume looked up at the clock which read 8:30 and realized it was just about time for tonight's main event to begin.

Adopting an air of mature authority once more, she rose up in the bath, noticing that all the girls seemed to be more focused on the water running off her bush than meeting her eye to eye, and said in a loud voice "Alright girls, it’s time to get out! I don't want anyone passing out from all the heat."

"Awwww, I can still stay in" Sara complained, "Me too, I was just starting to have fun" chimed in Airi, even as the four girls obediently climbed out from the bath.

"Well next up will be your massages with the staff you met earlier. They're all really good so you don't want to miss it, right?"

"No way!" Airi shouted, her little rear end jiggling as she dashed towards the changing room to dry off.

"I like massages, mommy always rubs my back and shoulders when I can't sleep." said Mizuki "She also rubs my arms and legs when they hurt after PE." The girl was obviously thinking of something a lot more innocent than what the Onsen staff had in mind.

The 6 girls dried off, put on their underwear and yukatas, and finished by blow-drying their hair. With everything taken care of, they walked out of the bath together to see Mrs. Watanabe and the four older ladies waiting for them in the hallway. The four staff members were dressed in what one would instantly recognize as traditional Japanese massage parlor outfits. A nurse-like white uniform, apron, and sockless feet thrust into white slippers. They all bowed and smiled in unison.

"Hello girls, did you have fun?" Mrs. Watanabe's question was greeted by a chorus of "Hai".

"Well now you will be getting your massages from these four ladies here. The massage rooms are on the other side of the hall so please follow the person you are paired with. Mizuki, tonight you will be with Ai-san. Sara, you will be in the next room with Keiko-san. Ayaka-san will pair up with Colette, and Yuki-san will be Airi's partner. Ok everyone, let's go!" She urged.

The sounds of tiny bare feet echoed once more through the hall as the girls walked side by side with the inn staff to the massage rooms. Each lady opened the door for their young partner and ushered them inside. As they walked in, Mrs. Watanabe said with a bright, reassuring smile "Girls, I hope you enjoy yourselves. Tonight will be your real welcome to Sakura Paradise Onsen."

With that said, the doors to four sound-proof, well equipped massage rooms closed behind the 4 little girls and Mrs. Watanabe turned to face her two daughters who both wore big smiles.

“Mom, you don’t need us for the rest of the night, right? We were um, gonna go hang out and watch a movie together!” Natsumi said, her expression doing nothing to convince her mother that she was being honest.

“A movie, really? After everything you were up to in the bath, I’m sure it is of the adult variety, right?” Junko smiled wryly. “I was going to ask you to help clean up, but since you did help out with the baths, you can have off early tonight.” Junko decided to let the girls get up to whatever mischief they had planned.

“Thanks mom!” Yume said as the two girls dashed off down the hall giggling, their mother left shaking her head behind them.

Mrs. Watanabe walked back to the front desk and pulled up the controls for the inn's discreet camera system she used to monitor their guests in the massage and bathing areas, as well as evaluate the techniques of all the staff members. She thought to herself "I really can't be mad at my girls, I can barely stand to wait myself! This week's new bunch is just so cute and energetic. I wonder what kind of faces and sounds they'll make tonight!" As the screen began to display views of the four young guests in the massage rooms with her attentive and skilled staff, she could already feel the dampness building between her legs. It was gonna be another fun weekend for everyone...

Thanks for reading part two! From the next part we will get a glimpse of the massage adventures of the four girls. Because I wanted to expand on the different personalities of the girls, the staff ladies, and how they interact, I'll actually be releasing the massage scene in 4 parts, each featuring a different pair. First will be Mizuki's, so please look forward to it!

Continue to Chapter 3