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(chapter 6, part 3)
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Latest revision as of 12:08, 12 September 2022

Chapter 6: Lilly

Part two

He reached out for the doorknob and twisted it, I heard it and my heart started beating faster, excited about what was about to happen. He pushed into his room, and stopped in his tracks, shocked to see me, on his bed, naked, tied up, with a bow on my belly...

He closed the door behind him, and walked quietly to the bed, my heart was pounding. He took the bow off, and read the note, he assumed it was written by me. He could tell that I got help in getting tied up, he assumed Jessie was the one who helped me, and he was correct.

He checked my face to make sure I actually wanted to be tied up, and someone else didn't fake this whole thing. My face showed him nothing with the blindfold and the gag, so he moved the blindfold out of the way, and could tell in my eyes that I wasn't scared or anything, I looked excited, so he put the blindfold back, and read the note again.

"Hmm... no limits?" He asked to himself, not expecting an answer from me in my current state. When I heard that, I was kind of scared, before that, I had no idea what Jessie said, but I definitely didn't expect her to say no limits.

He put the bow down, and I felt him touch my legs. He slid his hand slowly up my left leg, until he was about to reach my crotch, then he stopped. He moved back down and switched legs, doing the same to the right leg.

He wondered how much I actually meant by the note, but then figured, I had tied myself up, I was probably pretty serious about the whole thing. The thought didn't even cross his mind for a second, that I wasn't the one who wrote it, so he decided that I meant every word of it.

He was still hesitant to hurt me, he didn't particularly like to see me in pain, but he had less of a problem with it, if I actually wanted him to, which was what it seemed like to him. It took him a few minutes to decide that he was gonna obey my requests, and he brushed a loose hair behind my ear.

He got undressed, he was already hard, he was aroused by the idea that I wanted him to hurt me, even if he wasn't fully wanting to, well, also from seeing me naked. "Well, you are gonna get exactly what you asked for, young lady..." He threatened jokingly, but still meant it; it kind of scared me, because I had no idea what I asked for, and I was getting suspicious after he said the thing about no limits.

As if a switch had been flipped, he started to obey the note, and climbed up onto the bed. He lined up his wiener with my kitty, preparing to fuck me, but then decided to wait, and prolong the experience, because he knew that once he fucked me, at least if he did as asked, and did it 'mercilessly', I would be in so much pain, that I wouldn't want him to do much else, and he wanted to enjoy the experience as long as he could.

He put both hands on my chest, but then moved them down, and started tickling me. I squirmed, but could barely move, and he kept tickling me, without even stopping.

I was out of breath pretty quickly, the gag was making it even harder to breathe, at least through my mouth, anyway. I was already regretting this a little, not expecting him to tickle me to death.

He finally stopped tickling me, as my face got really red, and he could tell I was having a hard time breathing. He grabbed each of my nipples, and pinched them a little, and moving his hands around, pulling on them, and causing a fair amount of pain.

He then put his mouth on one of them, and bit it decently hard, not enough to draw blood, but enough to cause pain. Then, he did the same to the other nipple, but harder, and he actually broke through the skin.

He decided to stop delaying the inevitable, and he bit each nipple again. He lined his wiener back in line with my crotch, and shoved it in as hard as he could, I tensed and gasped, he felt me tense, and started moving. He was gonna start slow, but he ditched that idea almost immediately, and started fucking me hard.

I was crying, he couldn't tell for sure, because I was unable to make noise, and the blindfold was soaking up the tears and blocking his view, but he assumed I was, because of how hard he was going. As I, well, Jessie, had asked, he was fucking me 'mercilessly', not holding back one bit, he fucked me as hard as physically possible.

I was in so much pain, I wanted it to stop, and regretted letting Jessie write the note, I knew she had something to do with it. I cried and squirmed under him, but he just kept fucking me, thinking I wanted to feel the pain, since I was the one who told him to.

I was bleeding from him fucking me, I felt like I was gonna die, and it never ended. He kept on going, I could tell he was enjoying fucking me so fast, and he was on the verge of finishing. He squirted deep inside me, but didn't stop, he just kept going.

He slapped my non existent breasts over and over again, until they were red, and pinched my nipples. I cried into the blindfold, it was now soaked in tears, but he just kept fucking me.

Eventually he squirted again in me, and pulled out, my crotch was red with blood. Then his phone rang, and we were both startled, Ethan stood up, and noticed that it was recording us. He stopped the recording, and answered the phone.

"Hello?" He said, I couldn't hear the other end, "Oh?" "How long?" "Oh, she is already asleep." I assumed he was talking about me. "Ok, I'll go wake her, I'll call you back." He said and hung up the phone.

He walked over to me and removed the blindfold, which he noticed was wet with tears. He then removed the belt and boxers from my mouth, and smiled at me. "Umm, mom said she has extra work, and won't be coming home until Monday night, and she wants to talk to you."

I was slightly confused, my brain wasn't working 100% because I was just in a lot of pain. "Ok..." Is all I said, and he called her back.

"Ok, she is awake..." He said when she answered, and put the phone to my face, my arms were still restrained, so he had to hold the phone.

I put on my best sleepy voice, mainly to hide the pain from my voice. "Hi... Ethan told me you aren't coming home until Monday?" I said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, don't worry, though, I am gonna have the whole week off after that. But don't tell Ethan..." She said, and I assumed something relating to his birthday was gonna happen, and I breathed heavily, still in pain, and trying not to let her know, but she heard my strained breath, and got worried, "Are you ok?"

"Wha- yeah..." I said, kind of panicked, but she wasn't convinced. My heart was beating way too fast.

"What's wrong?" She asked, not knowing if it was pain, or emotions, or something else entirely.

"N-nothing... I'm fine..." I said, trying to keep the stutter out of my words, but she heard it, and knew I was lyinh.

"Hey, whatever is wrong, you can tell me, please!" She begged.

I thought quickly, and decided to tell her something that happened earlier that could explain my voicd, "Umm... at the th-theme park... earlier today..." I started, trying to keep my voice nearly the same as what it was before. "Umm... someone t-touched me under my dress..." I prayed she believed me, and it seemed she did.

"Did he hurt you?" She asked, slightly concerned.

"N-no..." I assured her. She proceeded to assure me that it was ok, and I pretended to be better emotionally. "Ok, see you Monday, I guess..." I said and yawned, pretending to be super sleepy, and praying this awkward conversation would end.

"Ok, goodnight, sweetie!" She said.

"Goodnight!" I said, and Ethan took the phone back.

"You guys talked for a while..." He said when he brought it back to his face.

"Yeah, don't worry, she is fine." She said and they hung up. Ethan was there, so he knew what I said, and thought that was way too close.

"Shall we continue?" He asked, "We have till Monday..." He said with a smile. Before I could protest, he put the gag back in, and blindfolded me.

He walked back to the bed, and decided, since he had until Monday, we would sleep for now. He slept on top of me, he left me completely tied up, even blindfolded. He had his wiener inside of me, but it got small as he fell asleep. I fell asleep not that long after.

I woke up, Saturday morning, he was still asleep, I was still in pain, and tried to move out from under him, but soon remembered that I was tied up. I could feel his soft wiener inside me, and then it started to get bigger as he started to wake up.

He started subconsciously thrusting in and out of me, and I tensed, the pain from last night quickly came back and overcame me, I started crying. He was soon in control of his movements, and conscious enough to remember all that had happened last night, so he started picking up the pace.

I realized I needed to pee, but I had to hold it, I might be there for a while. He sped up, until he couldn't go any faster, and made me bleed again. He thrust hard and deep into me, and squirted his juices in me.

He held it there, deep inside me for a few seconds, getting every drop of his juices out. He pulled out, and stood up, he walked to the side of the bed, and pulled off the blindfold, light suddenly filled my view, and I had to blink a few times to adjust to it.

"You want breakfast?" He asked, seeing the pain in my eyes, he pet my hair, and removed the gag.

"Yeah, I am starving!" It occurred to me, that we never ate dinner... whoops. "I also need to pee..." I said, hoping he would untie me and let me go to the bathroom.

"Breakfast first, can you hold it?" He asked, I nodded, and he left the room. He came back with some food for me, it was a sandwich, I would usually eat cereal for breakfast, but that would've been too messy for him to feed me.

I expected him to untie at least my hands, and let me feed myself, but he didn't, he just inserted the sandwich into my mouth, and I took a bite. I noticed a weird taste in the sandwich, but ignored it, and started eating more of it, then realized what it was.

Some of his baby juices were in the sandwich, I let him keep feeding me, despite not wanting to taste it, I was hungry. He shoved the last bite into my mouth, and straight to the back of my mouth, I gagged as it threatened to go down my throat, but he let go of it, and I managed to bring it back and chew it before swallowing it.

He put the gag and blindfold back on, and untied me. He stood me up, and I struggled to stay up, my legs were weak, as I was in too much pain. He sat me down somewhere, and I felt the cold of the toilet seat, and realized where I was.

After I peed, he took me to the bathtub, still blindfolded and gagged. He sat me in the tub, it was already full of warm water, and he climbed in after me. He started cleaning me off, getting the dried blood of my chest and crotch respectively.

He cleaned me up well, and also cleaned himself. He removed the gag and blindfold to clean my face and hair, then proceeded to put them back. He lifted me out of the tub, and stood me in the middle of the bathroom.

I stood there wet, as he did something in another room. I would have dried myself off, but I was kind of disorientated, and I didn't know which way to go to find a towel. I eventually got tired of standing, after around five minutes, and sat down.

He finally came back, stood me up, and dried me thoroughly. Then he put a dress on me over my head, and I couldn't tell how far down it went, it was a very loose fitted dress, and it had no sleeves.

He led me back to the bed, where he tied me back up, and left the room, laying down, I could tell the dress reached past my crotch, but I didn't know how far. He was gone for an hour, and I was alone, with nothing to do, I ended up falling asleep.

He was apparently getting reservations at a restaurant for later tonight, but it was a little more complicated, because he had to make sure he could even get a hold of enough money to buy food, which he managed to do after calling mommy and telling her that if she wasn't gonna be here until Monday, then we would need to buy groceries at some point, which wasn't a complete lie, we still needed groceries.

She told him where to access some money, to buy groceries. She had a wad of cash in her nightstand drawer, that she just decided she would restock when she got home. It was an emergency cash-stash as she called it.

He took all of it and took it to his room, not expecting to use it all, but still wanted to have it. He woke me up, "Time to wake up," He said, "We are going to the store..." He didn't tell me about the restaurant, wanting that to be a surprise.

He undid the gag, and removed the blindfold, then he tickled me for a minute or two. I laughed and squirmed, unable to get free, as I was still tied to the bed. He eventually stopped, my face was red, and I was panting, he untied me, and stood me up.

The dress was blue, bright blue, it reached my mid thighs, and was literally see through if caught in natural light, but he didn't know that. It was probably my prettiest dress, but I rarely wore it because of it becoming see through in daylight. You could see through it like a tinted window when the sun shone on it.

I didn't tell him about it being see through, I was gonna let that be a surprise. He led me to the front door, and I mentally prepared myself to show my naked body under my dress to anyone who came by.

He was wearing a pair of shorts and a t shirt, he put his shoes on, and he told me to put my shoes on. We walked out the door, the sun shining on my dress, and it was immediately see through. Ethan hadn't noticed yet, as he led me to the sidewalk, and we started walking to the store. He finally noticed, when we started walking, we were side by side, and he could see my skin.

I made no sign that I noticed, and he decided not to tell me, assuming that I didn't know, or I would be trying to cover up, but he still caught a few glances here and there. We went by people, and both Ethan and I acted like everything was normal, even though everyone we walked by, either stared or pointed at me, and I pretended not to notice.

I was also still in a fair amount of pain, from earlier, so my mind was focused on pushing through the pain. He had brought a bag for us to bring the groceries back home in. Little did I know, that he put a few pairs of boxers in the bag, and he was wearing the belt, so he could gag me at any time, and he was planning on it.

We made it to the store, and when we went in, my dress was no longer see through, still a little, but not nearly as much as outside. We went shopping, buying normal things for someone to buy, then he bought some rope, and I knew immediately what that was for.

We paid and put it all in his bag, he was still not revealing that he had the gag with him. We left the store, and we had to go back home to put the cold stuff in the fridge, but then we left again.

We went to the park, and to a secluded part, I didn't know why we were at the park, or why he had the bag still. We were in a far corner of it, away from lots of people, but still in earshot. We were behind a bush, so we were out of sight from them.

He whispered, telling me to lay down, so I did, and he put the boxers in my mouth, and removed his belt from his pants. He then used the rope to tie my arms and legs spread apart to some trees and bushes.

I expected him to also blindfold me, but he didn't and he pushed down his pants. He pushed up my dress, got above me, then started fucking me as fast as he could. I cried as he pounded me, but before he finished, he froze and pulled out.

I opened my eyes, and saw what Ethan saw, three teenagers, a few years older than Ethan. They saw me tied up, and crying, and assumed Ethan was fucking me against my will. Ethan stayed just above me, waiting for them to say something.

One of them, clearly the oldest, Fred, spoke first, "We are gonna call the cops, unless you let one of us fuck her." He threatened.

Ethan expected him to say something like 'let each of us fuck her', but him saying just one, Ethan was very quick to agree, before they changed their minds. "Ok, but please don't call the cops."

Fred smiled and gladly pushed Ethan aside, and pushed down his pants. Both Ethan and I stared in horror as we saw his hard wiener, it was nearly twice long, and twice as thick as Ethan's, I was genuinely scared, Ethan already hurt way too much, but this was gonna be much worse.

He got above me, and just from pushing it in, I was already crying. He pushed it all the way in, and the gag was not nearly as useful as it was planned to be. I screamed into it, and the screams were heard from outside, and people started turning their heads.

Ethan quickly jumped out of the way, hiding before he got seen by anyone. My screams were stopped when a hand went tightly around my neck, cutting off my air. My face started to turn red, as I lost air, but he finally let me go, and it was clear he wanted me to be quiet.

It didn't take long for people to ignore the sound once it was gone, and Fred continued to fuck my brains out. I cried and struggled to keep quiet, even with the gag, the pain was enough to make me want to scream.

Ethan watched in horror as my face became very wet with tears, and he wanted Fred to finish already. Ethan thougt I wanted him to hurt me, because of the note, but could tell I was not enjoying being fucked by Fred at all.

Fred seemed to go on forever, but once he finally finished, he pulled out, and left me tied up on the ground. I continued to cry for a while, as Ethan rushed over to make sure I was ok. My crotch was very bloody, and I was in too much pain to move.

Ethan didn't remove the gag yet, because I was still in so much pain, he feared I would be loud, and alert someone of my presence. He did untie me, and I stayed on the ground, crying, until two hours later, he tried to get me to stand up again, and I was able to walk.

He knew my dress was see through, so he cleaned off my crotch before going in front of anybody else. It was still only 2 PM, and we walked home, and I made no attempt to hide my privates through my dress, still pretending I didn't notice, and many people looked at it.

We made it home, and he laid me on the couch, and told me not to move. He left and went down the hallway, but I didn't see which room he went into. He came back, took off my shoes and dress, and picked me up, his hand was on my crotch, rubbing it softly.

He carried me into the bathroom, and put me in the tub, he proceeded to undress, and climb in with me. It was hot, slightly hotter than usual, but not too hot that it hurt, it actually felt nice on my skin.

At this point, the thought of telling him that I didn't actually want to be hurt by him was drowned out by the pain from Fred.

Ethan washed me up, and made sure to make me feel good. He rubbed my kitty, it still hurt quite a bit when he rubbed on it, but he didn't stop, even after seeing my pain. He kept going until the pleasure overpowered the pain, and I moaned.

I reached my orgasm pretty quickly, and cried out. I tensed all my muscles, then relaxed them all, and I was lost in the pleasure and closed my eyes. When I came back to reality, he was kissing me, with both his hands on the back of my head, and exploring my mouth with his tongue.

Even once I tried to break the kiss to get air, he held me still and kept kissing me. He finally stopped, right before I ran out of air, and I panted, my face was red. He smiled, and admired my wet body for a minute, then took me out and let me dry myself.

He dried himself quicker than I dried myself, especially once I started doing my hair. He was dry as a bone by the time just my body was dry, my hair was still soaking wet. He helped me and dried my hair with a towel, then used a blow dryer to dry it the rest of the way.

I didn't know at the time why he dried it so thoroughly, but it was because he wanted me to look nice for tonight. Once he was done drying my hair, he pointed the hair dryer between my legs, at my crotch, and turned it on high.

It was hot, but made me feel really good, and I gasped. I made no attempt to stop it, despite the heat, I ended up putting my hand down there and rubbing it. I was surprised at how good it felt to have a blow dryer try to dry my kitty.

I moaned and rubbed myself harder, the pain from before wasn't anywhere to be seen, as I enjoyed another orgasm. I came back to reality, and he put the blow dryer away, and took me to my room.

"Do you have a see through dress that is not only see through in the sunlight?" He asked, I was sitting on my bed, and he was standing by my dresser with all my clothes in it.

"No..." I said, "Why? Would a shirt work? I have a shirt that is old, and almost completely see through."

"Yeah that would work, do you have any see through pants or skirts or anything?"

"No..." I said and told him where the shirt in question was. It was a little small for me, because it was old. He put it on me, it was tight against my chest, and my nipples poked at it. He could clearly see my entire chest through the shirt.

It reached just above my belly button, and was threatening touching it. The shirt was bright blue, and was short sleeves, but again, it was too small for me, so the sleeves barely went past my shoulders.

He grabbed a short black pleated skirt, that would normally reach my mid thighs, but he put the waistband up just above my belly button. The skirt now barely went past my crotch, and he smiled, satisfied with my outfit.

I was fine with how slutty I was dressed, because I assumed we would be staying home all day. He was still naked, and we both sat on the couch playing video games for a while. He let me win, and he was hard the whole time, with me sitting next to him, in such a revealing oufit.

At seven o'clock, we stopped playing, and he went to his room to put some clothes on. I assumed he was getting dressed to go cook dinner, but when he came out, he didn't go to the kitchen.

He stood me up, and led me to the foyer, where he put his shoes on, and put my shoes on me. He opened the door and walked out, "Where are we going?" I asked, and stepped outside, but put my hand in front of my crotch, knowing the skirt was very short.

"Just follow me, and don't try to cover yourself up, please, just act like you don't know how exposed you are." He said with a smile, and pinched one of my nipples through my shirt, and closed the front door.

He led me to the bottom of the driveway, and stood there for a minute. A car drove up, and Ethan got in without question, "Come on." He encouraged me, but I was hesitant, the last time I got into a car with a stranger, I regretted it, but Ethan assured me it was ok, so I got in.

Apparently, he had called an uber, and the uber driver quickly noticed my state of dress, and got hard. He tried to ignore me, but kept stealing glances as he drove, I noticed, but said nothing, trying not to let him know I knew how exposed I was, as Ethan had told me.

Ethan also noticed, and stared intently at the uber driver, who saw Ethan's eyes, and didn't dare look at me again. He finally dropped us off in the parking lot of a restaurant. It was a fancy restaurant, that I had never been to, because it was too expensive, as far as I knew, mommy had never been to it, either, even when daddy was still here.

Ethan paid with some of the 'cash-stash', and we both left the vehicle. The uber driver didn't drive away, until I was out of view, inside the restaurant, he just stared at me as I walked away.

"Umm, this place is fancy..." I said and gestured to my outfit.

"I know, which is why I made you dress like that." He said with a smile, and I wasn't able to respond, before he opened the door, and we walked in. We walled up to the hostess, who immediately noticed my nakedness.

"Hi, we have a reservation for two, under the name, 'Ethan', no last name." He said, he didn't give a last name in the reservation.

"I can't allow you to eat here." She said, and gestured to me.

"Why, are we too young?" Ethan said, refusing to admit that I was dressed improperly.

"No, I don't care about your age, I mean... she is very... exposed..." She said.

"Fine! We'll leave, and I'll go put a one star review because you insulted my girlfriend's style choices!" He said and turned around, starting to walk away, I was surprised that he said girlfriend and not sister.

"No! Wait! You can eat here, we don't mind!" Suddenly she changed her mind at the mention of a one star rating, the lowest this restaurant had ever gotten was a three star.

"Oh, ok." Ethan said and walked back towards her, and she led us to our table, and we sat across from each other.

"You knew that was gonna happen, didn't you?" I asked once the hostess left.

"Yeah, I expected something like that would happen." Ethan said. I was a little embarrassed about being exposed so much, but I tried my best not to show it, and made no attempt to hide my body.

Our waiter came to our table pretty quickly, "Hi, I am Nathan, I'll be serving you tonight." He said with a smile, and noticed my state of dress, but decided not to say anything. "Can I start you off with some drinks?" He asked.

"Yeah, can I get a coke?" I asked.

"Certainly, and for you, sir?" He asked Ethan.

"I'll have the same, a coke." He said with a smile, and stood up, he whispered something to Nathan. He sat back down, and Nathan left to go get our drinks.

"What did you whisper to him?" I asked once he was out of earshot.

"I told him that you didn't know how exposed you were, and not to tell you." He said, and smiled.

"Hmm... Ok..." I said and looked at the menu, the prices varied from 20 dollars to 50 dollars for a meal, depending on what you got. "Umm, this is very expensive, how much money can we spend?"

"Don't worry..." He said and looked at the menu and saw the prices. "It's fine, you can get whatever you want." We had only 150 dollars left from the "cash-stash", and he just hoped it would be enough to cover the cost of the food, he didn't tell me how much we had, just that we had enough.

Believing him, that we would have enough, I ordered a filet mignon, which was close to 50 dollars. It came with two sides, and I got french fries and a salad. Ethan ordered the same thing, same sides too.

Ethan also ordered a bottle of wine, Nathan could tell he wasn't old enough, but Ethan showed him a fake id, which was literally just a piece of paper, with his face drawn on it. He accepted it as proof he was old enough, even though it was clearly fake, because he wanted to see me drunk.

The drinks came first, with the wine, then the salads, we were both served wine, as Ethan had two fake ids, not that it would have made much of a difference, it was clearly fake. I had never had alcohol before, and when I tasted it, I liked it, but it had a strong after taste.

I started eating my salad, it was easily the best salad I had ever had, and I savored the flavor. Once we finished our salads, our steaks came out, they were hot, and the fries were on the same plate with them.

It took a few minutes for the steaks to be cool enough to taste them, but once I finally got a bite in my mouth, I was flooded with flavor, and closed my eyes. "You should take a bite with some wine, and let it sit in your mouth for a bit." Ethan suggested, and proceeded to do what he had just said.

I decided to do it too, and got another bite of the filet mignon, and took a sip of wine. I let it stay in my mouth for two or three minutes, and I enjoyed every second of it. Once I finished with that bite, I did it again, and ate the rest of my steak like that.

Of course, I ate fries in between, and finished my fries before eating the last bite of steak. I was almost done my second glass of wine, when I had one bite left on my plate, I could feel the wine getting to me, and the world seemed far away and I was a little dizzy.

Ethan could tell I was very drunk, we had both had two glasses of wine, but he weighed more than double my weight, so he wasn't that drunk. I was to the point where I wouldn't be able to walk straight, unless someone helped me, but he could still walk in a straight line, he was just a little bit dizzy, that's all.

I took the last bite of steak into my mouth, and took the last sip of wine from my glass, and enjoyed the flavor. I closed my eyes, and Ethan also took his last bite.

Once both our plates were empty, Nathan gave Ethan the check, and stared at me in my drunken state, I had no idea he was staring at me. I was staring at Ethan, and imagining him rubbing on my crotch, I was barely in control of my thoughts.

Ethan handed Nathan the last bit of cash he had, knowing the total would be close to how much we had left, without even looking at the check, and the rest was tip. "Whatever change there is, just make that your tip." Ethan said.

Nathan counted the money, then said, "This is only a hundred and fifty one dollars..." He looked at the check to verify how much the cost was, "Without tip, the food costs two hundred, thirteen dollars, and twenty two cents."

Ethan was shocked that it was that high, and looked at the check, and sure enough, Nathan wasn't lying. "Uhh... that's all I have..." Ethan admitted, and didn't know what to do. I was trying to listen to the conversation, but was pretty much unable to say anything.

"Well, I can't let you leave until you pay..." Nathan said, and then looked at me, and got an idea, "I will pay for the rest of your meal, if you let me fuck her in the bathroom, and don't tell her that she is gonna get fucked by me, if you tell her, I will not pay for your meal." He whispered to Ethan, I didn't hear it.

Ethan was hesitant, but knew he had no other choice, really, so he accepted, and Nathan went back to work, keeping an eye on me, waiting for me to go to the bathroom. I actually did need to pee, "I need to pee..." I said to Ethan quietly.

He was shocked at how perfect my timing was, as Nathan had just left. "Ok, the restrooms are down that way, and to the left." He said, and I stood up, and promptly forgot what he said, but walked away anyway.

I was drunk, and ended up getting lost, Nathan noticed me, and I told him I needed to find the bathroom and he led me to them. He led me into the men's room, given his plan, and I didn't notice which one we went in, or that he shouldn't be in the same one as me.

He lifted me up, and pinned me against the wall forcefully, "Ow, that hurt!" I complained, but didn't try to get free, I was too drunk. He pushed his pants down, and started fucking me hard, he showed no mercy, even less than Ethan when he was trying to show none, but he still cared for me, so he still gave some mercy.

I cried aloud, and he made no attempt to silence me, as he was quick to finish, and didn't squirt inside me, so that his juices wouldn't be there to leave a trace. He dropped me to the floor, and I hit my head, causing me to pass out.

I woke up back home, apparently Ethan got to me before anyone else who may have heard the screams came and called the cops, not wanting me anywhere near the hospital, because that is where mommy worked.

I was tied up, gagged, and blindfolded again, and he was rubbing me, waiting for me to wake up. It was late at night near 4 AM, and I remembered nothing about being fucked by our waiter. I had a terrible headache, and I squirmed to show Ethan that I was awake.

When he noticed I was awake, he moved the blindfold, and smiled at me. "I'm so glad you are ok." He said, and kissed me on the forehead, seeing as my mouth wasn't free. He removed the gag, and kissed me.

He broke the kiss, and I said, "What happened? Why would I not be ok?" I assumed I passed our from the wine, I knew what alcohol was.

He realized I didn't remember what happened, so he told me the story, at least as much as he knew. He then put the gag and blindfold back on, and I realized that I was gonna tell him I didn't want the pain.

That night, he fucked me, and we went to bed. He fed me breakfast in the same way as yesterday, and then proceeded to fuck me all day, over and over again. He fucked me non stop, until he had squirted in me three times, then he stopped and started fucking me with a hairbrush.

He fucked me with the hairbrush for hours, it still hurt, mainly because of how hurt my kitty already was, and he was also moving it in and out super fast. He would shove it in as far as he could, as quickly as possible, then he would pull it out just as quick, and repeat the process.

Each time he went in, I cried out in pain, but the gag muffled it, he didn't know quite how much pain the brush was inflicting. He was playing games on his phone, and texting his friends, and other random stuff, all the while, he was fucking me hard with the hairbrush.

After many hours of constant assault by a hairbrush on my kitty, he stopped, and left to go make dinner. I laid in the bed, alone, crying, trying to fight through the pain, I couldn't move, or speak, or see, I was bored out of my mind, and in a lot of pain.

When he came back, I was on the verge of sleep, and I was startled awake when the door opened. He didn't remove my blindfold, just my gag, and he started feeding me. It was textured like mashed potatoes, but it tasted like meat, oh and his baby juices.

I could taste his juices in every bite, but it was a very small amount compared to the mashed meat potatoes. I wanted to know what he was feeding me, but I never found out, because he kept shoving another bite in as soon as I swallowed and tried to speak.

Once he was done feeding me, he put the gag back in, and left again. He left for five minutes, then came back and continued to watch porn. He remembered how I had said that I didn't want to suck on his wiener, when I saw it in porn, but he decided, since I had "no limits", that he was gonna try it.

He removed the gag again, but before I could say anything, and I was about to tell him I didn't actually want him to hurt me, he stuck his hard peepee into my mouth, and started moving in and out. I choked on it as he made it go deep, and I had a hard time stretching my mouth around it, and my jaw became tired.

He didn't take long to squirt his juices in me, and I spat it out, not swallowing any of it, to the best of my abilities. It dripped down my cheeks and chin, and down to my hair underneath me, and my neck.

He kissed me and put the gag back in, then proceeded to fuck me, and squirted for the fifth time today. He then fell asleep on me, but I wasn't tired at all, and I just laid awake, unable to do anything, as he laid on me.

I eventually fell asleep, and woke up to him fucking me, he appeared to have just woken up, and he had renewed strength from his rest, which allowed him to fuck me harder. I cried, I wanted to tell him that I didn't actually want this, mommy was coming tonight, so at least he would have to let me go eventually.

He got up, fed me breakfast again, then gagged me back up, and fucked me again after breakfast. Once he finished fucking me, he removed the blindfold, my face was wet, and he smiled at me. He slowly removed the gag, and I was quick to start talking.

"I never wanted you to hurt me..." I said quickly, wanting to get that out before he had a chance to silence me again, but he was actually gonna let me recover for the rest of the day.

"Wait, what?" He said in shock, "But the note... it said you wanted me to hurt you... did you not mean it?" He asked, wondering why I would write such a thing, and not be serious about it.

"I didn't write the note..." I said, but before I could explain, he interrupted.

"What? Then who did? Was it one of the people from my birthday before they left? Wait, does that mean you didn't even want to be tied up?" He asked, he was panicking a little, from the thought of hurting me when I didn't actually want him to, but also from the thought that someone else might have done this to me against my will.

"If you would stop talking, I could tell you!" I said, before he could say anything else, "I was tied up by Jessie, I asked her to do it, for you, of course. She also wanted to write the note, and I allowed her to, not expecting her to try and get you to hurt me." I explained.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I should have asked you!" He said, and I knew he was truly sorry, he didn't actually want to hurt me that much, even after I asked him too, he just did it, assuming it would make me happy.

"It's ok, I understand, I'm not mad at you, or anything... I am mad at Jessie, not you... what did the note say?" I asked.

"Umm, hold on..." He got up and read me the note.

"I wonder why she wanted you to hurt me? I'll ask her next week at school..." School was gonna start next Monday, today was the Monday before.

He rubbed me a bit, and I moaned, he brought me to my orgasm, and then proceeded to squirt his juices on my face and in my hair. He then gave me a bath, getting all his dried juices and my dried, and not dried, blood off of me.

Once he got everything off of me, he drained the water, refilled it, then got in the warm bath with me, so that we could relax for the rest of the day. We stayed in the bath for a few hours, refilling it occasionally to keep it warm.

He rubbed me multiple times, and I was more relaxed than I had ever felt in my life. He had also squirted on me twice, and both times, he lifted me out of the water before squirting on me, then lowered me back in, for it to get washed away in the water.

We finally left the bathroom, got dry, and he put on some shorts and a t shirt. I put on a skirt and a t shirt, the skirt barely went an inch below my crotch, but covered it if I just stood, not moving. Of course, neither of us wore underwear.

We went to the park, and started playing random games. At one point, we were playing hide and seek, and I hid pretty well, so I had time to rub myself before he found me. Once he found me, I was just about to climax, and he put his mouth on my crotch, and brought me to an intense orgasm.

Later, a group of kids, all closer to Ethan's age, wanted to play with us, so we accepted, and we all started playing baseball. We set up a spot in the park for where the bases and stuff were, using paper plates, that one of them had brought, knowing they were gonna play baseball, even before they found us.

It was boys versus girls, on the teams, but there weren't that many people, so there were only five people on each team. We made due with the small amount of people, and the girls ended up winning, mainly because when we were at bat, all the boys were distracted by the two girls in skirts, especially me, because it was clear I wasn't wearing any underwear under it, because of how short it was.

When the game ended, the boys weren't even sad that they had lost, they felt like they won after seeing me naked whenever I ran. The sun was low in the sky, and Ethan and I headed home shortly after the game.

He proceeded to rub me as I started rubbing his wiener. We sat on the couch, both completely naked, and we were watching porn on his phone. The girl was laying on the bed, sleeping, and naked, the guy, who was supposed to be her brother, came in the room, not expecting her to be asleep, and he started fucking her in her sleep.

She woke up, but didn't seem shocked that she was getting fucked, she just bit her lip and encouraged him to fuck her harder. I eventually reached my orgasm, and while I was lost in the pleasure, I let go of Ethan's wiener, and he had to take control.

He was getting close, and he pointed it at me, and as I came back to reality, I watched and waited for him to squirt. He then stopped rubbing himself, and lined himself up with my kitty. He slowly pushed it in, and I gasped, there was still a fair amount of pain, from being fucked over the weekend, but I didn't try to stop him.

As soon as he had gotten in, he started squirting into me, and I could feel his juices filling me up. He kissed me and then pulled out, he didn't notice this, but him putting himself in me, had caused me to bleed again, not because he did it too hard, but because I hadn't fully recovered yet.

He gave me a bath, and then ate dinner, we didn't know when mommy would be home, but decided not to do anything else like rubbing eachother for the rest of the day. We got into our pajamas, and waited for mommy to come home.

Ethan was wearing shorts and a t shirt, not pajamas, but I was wearing my night shirt, no panties. It wasn't obvious I wore nothing under the shirt, because it was long enough to reach my knees. Little did either of us know, that my kitty was bleeding from earlier, and even after the bath, there was still some blood that was starting to become visible on my crotch.

Part 3