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(Chapter 5: Headed Southward)
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Princess Lilly, of the Cat Kingdom

Chapter 5: Headed Southward

I woke up, Princess Katherine and I had become friends, because she saved me. She was sitting awake, at the entrance to the cave, looking out. The sun was just starting to rise, though I couldn't see it, we were facing the west.

"Why are you awake?" I asked quietly. She got startled and turned around, she calmed herself down before she spoke.

"I couldn't sleep, I was scared about if someone finds us." She said, apparently she hadn't slept all night.

"Oh... well, do you need to rest before we go?" I asked, she shook her head, so we set out, going down the mountain, then turning south, and going towards the Cat Kingdom.

"I have never been to the Cat Kingdom before." She said after about an hour.

"Well, right now is not the best time, it will be crawling with wolves." She looked offended a little, but didn't say anything, she knew I didn't mean it like that.

"Yeah, I haven't even been this far from Lupin before... and definitely not naked!" She said, pointing out that both of us were completely naked, running south, not trying to cover ourselves at all.

"Yeah, I was trying to ignore that, but I don't think we will be able to get clothes until we figure how to take back Felin." I said, again not taking note that she was also a wolf, even though it was obvious, she was the size of an adult to me.

"Maybe we should be at peace." She suggested, not wanting any more deaths.

{{tab}"Good luck trying to get them to listen." I was obviously talking about the wolves, and this time I realized, just a little too late, that she was part of what I just said. She grew angry, and tackled me, she didn't like me practically calling her ignorant, so she was really angry.

I gasped as we both fell to the ground, she was much bigger than me, so only her torso was even in my view. She scratched me and growled, she then bit my ear, and it bled, thankfully she didn't bite it off.

"Ow, no! Please stop!" I begged through tears and screams. In response, she stood up, and started kicking me all over, everywhere from my crotch to my head. I was curled into a ball, as she continued kicking, I was no longer begging her, I was too busy crying.

She then grabbed my tail, and pulled hard, as if she was trying to rip it off. She finally calmed down and stopped, I didn't even try to get up as she flopped down next to me. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." She said.

I didn't respond, and she, laying on her back, pulled me into her arms, so I was on her chest, and held me tight. I was curled, so my entire body fit on her chest, and she pet me to make me feel better.

I purred through my tears, I was now crying silently, and she rolled over onto her side, so we were next to each other. We were just laying in the middle of nowhere, still in the Wolf Kingdom, so wolves could be nearby, but neither of us realized that.

A wolf came to where we were, he at first just noticed Katherine, and recognized who she was, then saw me next to her. He quickly got above us, pinning both of us down before either of us noticed he was there.

We both opened our eyes, he smiled, seeing the fear, and he rolled us over so we were both on our backs, naked under him. He proceeded to strip, while still pinning us both to the ground, nobody said a word, though both of us knew what he was about to do.

Katherine soon remembered who she was, "I order you to let us go!" She pushed away from him, but even though she was the Princess, he kept her on the ground.

"Which one of you should I fuck first... I am gonna fuck both of you, either way." He said, and looked at my crotch, then at hers.

"Her!" Katherine said, and I was shocked, though she said it because I was smaller and would get hurt more, and therefore need more time to recover before we could keep going on our journey.

It didn't take long for me to realize why she said it, as he got above me, and lined himself up. His wiener was around average for adult wolves, at 16 inches, so when it comes time to fuck Katherine, she would be used to this size... not to say it wouldn't still hurt, it hurt every time she was fucked by her brothers.

The wolf above me, still holding Katherine still, started fucking me hard and quick. He fit a surprising amount of himself into me, though that was because he was not caring how much he hurt me, and I was crying out really loudly.

He didn't take long, and finished deep in me, then moved on to Katherine, not bothering to hold me still, I wasn't going anywhere. He lined up with Katherine, then fucked her harder than he did me, he fucked her so hard, it hurt more than when her brothers did it, because they still loved her, and restrained themselves a little, though it was nowhere near the amount of pain that was caused by the world record holder for the longest penis.

Surprisingly, she passed out, but I didn't, she passed out only thirty seconds after he started, so he pulled out and finished in me. He switched to me because he wanted to see us in pain, and when we weren't conscious, we didn't show our pain.

He was mad that she passed out, so he fucked me even harder than he did with her. I passed out shortly before he finished, and woke up to Katherine hugging me tightly.

The sun was setting, and we had been moved into the bushes, by the wolf who fucked us. I didn't try to get up, I just put my arms around her, and held her tight. Tears started coming from my eyes as the pain from being fucked a few hours ago, came back and overwhelmed me, though I stayed quiet.

We rested to recover more for the rest of the night, but got very little sleep, due to the pain. The next morning, we got up, and continued southward. We made it to the border with no incident, and it was empty, not a wolf or cat in sight, everyone was either deep into the Cat Kingdom, or still in the Wolf Kingdom.

I located my sword, and held it, invisible, in my hands as we continued. We passed the border cautiously, not knowing exactly how it would look. We didn't see any wolves until we were only five miles from Felin, they didn't see us.

We kept going towards the city, and we hid in bushes just outside Felin, to assess the situation. The city, and the surrounding area was crawling with wolves, not a cat in sight, though no doubt Henry was still on the throne, despite what had happened.

I got angry, thinking about what Henry had done, and was pulled out of my thoughts by Katherine pulling me forcefully into a thick bush. She held a hand over my mouth so I didn't say a word, and she looked out.

I tried to look out, but it was difficult in my current position, and not being able to move, for fear of making noise. Katherine calmed down and released my mouth, but I continued to say nothing, she whispered to me, "It is a cat." She was so quiet, I had to strain to hear her.

My ears perked up, and I jumped out of the bush. The cat in question turned to me, holding a sword, and immediately it was at my throat. The cat was only two and a half to three feet tall, covered in a dark hooded cloak, that covered the entire cat, and I couldn't even see it's face.

I could tell it was staring at me, but then, it recognized me, and the sword fell out of its hands. Katherine was now standing behind me, not knowing exactly what was happening, but she remained still, even as the threat of the mysterious cat's sword was no longer a thing.

I heard a sniffle come from the cat, it was crying, then ran to me to hug me. It gasped and froze, my invisible sword was held in front of me, because of its sword, so when it ran to hug me, my sword impaled it in the leg.

It hadn't even knelt down to hug me yet, it just restrained itself from crying out from the sudden pain. I gasped and froze, knowing exactly what happened, and let go of the sword, not pulling it out.

"What just impaled me?" It asked, definitely a feminine voice, and she slowly reached down for the invisible object in her leg. She pulled it out and fell to her knees, she gasped in wonder at the invisible sword, but she carefully laid it down elsewhere and ripped the sleeve off of her cloak, her fur was like mine, white and soft.

She opened the front of the cloak, she was naked underneath, and we both looked away, though she didn't seem bothered by being naked in front of us. She remained hidden in the face, her hood was doing a good job at shadowing her face.

She took the piece of fabric from her sleeve that she had ripped off, and tied it around her leg to stop the bleeding from the wound. She picked up my invisible sword, and handed it to me, I was still frozen from what happened.

"I guess it's time I tell you who I am, but first, why is she here?" She asked, pointing to Katherine.

"WHAT??!!??" I was absolutely shocked that she wasn't dead, it had been plenty of time for the magic to have killed her, and she was properly impaled, not just a small slice.

"Umm... Did I offend you?" She asked, not exactly knowing what just happened.

"You're supposed to be dead! How are you not dead?!?" I asked, and put my sword back in my sheath.

"Oh, so you know who I am..." She said, which confused me even more, then I realized she had no idea what the sword was supposed to do to her.

"No! I have no idea who you are!" I said, and she looked very confused, "My sword! How did you survive? It is supposed to kill you if it just breaks the skin."

"Oh, well, I am not dead, but I seriously thought you knew who I was." She said, and pulled her cloak back, to reveal her face, not that it helped me, I didn't recognize her. The last time I saw her, I was two, so I don't even remember her from back then.

Then, my mind started putting things together, she looked nearly identical to me, just a teenager, and she would be that age now, if she wasn't dead, and she was the only person I knew, he was dead, and fit these criteria...

"Oh, wait! WHAT?!? You- there is no way..." My eyes went wide.

"So now you know who I am!" She said with a smile.

"Umm..." Katherine interrupted, "I am completely lost here, what is your sword supposed to do, and who is she?" She asked.

I explained the sword to both of them, but didn't say where I got it, even when they asked, "That is not for you to know." Is all I said. "And as for who she is..." I started, "She is... my sister... Natalie." Katherine had heard of Natalie, and how she died five years ago, from an attack by the wolves.

"If your sister isn't dead, what about your mother?" She asked, knowing that the queen was also killed in the process.

I turned to Natalie, she looked down with a sad look in her eyes, "She didn't get killed by the attack... while we were fleeing, she tripped over me, and hit her head on the hard ground... and died..." A tear ran down her left cheek, she wiped it away and regained her composure, pushing the memory of that day out of her mind.

Natalie returned to her previous question, "So why is the princess of the wolves here?" She asked.

"Oh, she saved me from her father, who tortured me to try and ask where the sword was- OH! Right, I forgot, how did you survive?" I asked, referring to when Natalie was impaled in her leg.

"Umm, well after some thought on it, while we were talking, the only thing I can figure, is that it has something to do with the royal bloodline." I looked at her and tilted my head. I didn't think so, based on where we came from, seven hundred years ago, but I couldn't really say that.

Natalie continued, "Only one way to find out..." She said, reached for where the sword was in its sheath, invisible. She pulled it out, and I realized she was about to try and cut me to test her theory.

"What?! No!!" I said, backing up, and bumping into Katherine, who held me up before we both fell backwards. Katherine didn't hold me for long, allowing me to keep going back if I wanted to, but Natalie didn't try to follow me, so I didn't try to go further.

She pulled the ring off, "Just one test, unless you can think of a more likely answer." She said and abruptly stepped forward and cut my shoulder, not very deep, but she drew blood. I put my paw on my shoulder as soon as she pulled the sword away, and gasped.

"See, you're fine!" She said and slowly put the sword back in my sheath. I waited a minute, and when I didn't die, I started to believe her, though I was confused as to how it was even possible.

"Ok, well enough trying to... not... kill each other!" Katherine interrupted when I looked relieved, "Let's figure out a way to have peace between wolves and cats." She said.

"Yeah, good luck!" This time it was Natalie who said it.

"Yeah, she is definitely your sister..." Katherine said, restraining her emotions, so she didn't hurt Natalie.

"Ok, well, I am gonna remove my cloak completely, because both of you are naked, so I should be, too." She said and dropped it to the ground, so the only clothing she had on left, was the bit of her sleeve that was tied around her leg to stop the bleeding.

Now that all three of us stood naked in the woods, just outside Felin, "Come, let us get further from the city." Natalie said and started running in the opposite direction than Felin. She led us to an old shed, that seemed to not have been used in years, and we rested there for the night.

Chapter 6: Princesses' Pursuit for Potential Peace Perhaps?