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Latest revision as of 02:14, 2 January 2023

You look back to see a table of kids staring back, awaiting your return. They all like you at least. Would being the baby sitter really be that bad? Being the authority figure might be nice for a change. The parents should leave you alone if you can make the kids leave them alone and the kids will have to do whatever you say. This could actually be great in it's own way.

You return to the table and start to suggest some games that might be fun for you, but the girls quickly "remind" you that you already agreed to play princesses with them. Maybe you should have payed more attention to what they were saying at breakfast. Sensing a brewing riot, you agree to play, but declare you'll choose the next game.

All the girls announce which Disney princess they want to be. You tell May you're not sure Tinkerbell counts as a princess but everyone else shoots you down, then you silently wonder for a moment if it's a little bit racist that Emma tells Asha to be Dolores from Encanto, but brush that aside when Beth says she'll be Raya and no one bats an eye.

Brayden finally finds somewhere he could fit in. "If you're Raya, then I'll be her dragon!"

"You can't be Sisu, she's a girl!" Beth informs him.

"Fine, I'll be a different dragon then."

Yulia steps up next to Beth, hands on her hips. "You can't be any dragon! The boys have to be princes so we can marry them."

Emma runs in to face Yulia. "We don't have enough boys though, so I'll be Mariano."

Brayden is clearly fuming about not getting a choice in the matter, so you hope you might be able to get him to buy in. "Well I'm in charge here, so I think I should be a king not a prince and Prince Brayden can be my heir, first in line to the throne!"

It works. Brayden warms up to the idea of being prince when he sees that gives him extra authority. Yulia clearly doesn't like the arrangement, but Emma jumps on the idea. "Yeah! You're the King and Nicole is the Queen, but you're dying so Prince Brayden has to decide which of us princesses he's going to marry so he can become the new King." It seems she is back to being a princess.

Brayden is a little grumpy that the story has gone back to him marrying one of his cousins, but at least it's for political reasons. All the princesses line up to make their case on why they should be chosen as the next queen. May promises to make Brayden fly with her pixie dust, Asha says she can hear all the castles secrets, Yulia says she's the fairest in the land, Emma says she can grow food for all the people, and finally Beth says he should marry her even though she's his sister because otherwise she'll take away all the dragons.

Brayden chooses the dragons and the girls insist that now he has to kiss his sister to make the marriage official. To your surprise, Brayden doesn't put up much of a fight. They must have finally broken him. He gives his sister a quick kiss on the lips, making the girls laugh and cheer.

Brayden jumps up onto a rock. "Now I'm the king!"

Beth, his sister-wife, tries to pull him back down. "But King Justice is still alive, so you can't be king yet!"

Looks like another fight is about to start. You settle their debate with your best old man heart attack impression. "Oh no, I'm dying. Ah, the old king is dead, long live the king—Ack!" You collapse to the ground.

"Long live the King!" May rushes over to wave a stick around and taps your chest with it. "Abraca-heal! The King lives, Justice is still the King!"

"Not for long!" Brayden grabs a stick of his own and brandishes it at you. Battle lines are drawn and Brayden is severely outnumbered.

You can see no one really wants Brayden to become King, Emma only joined his side so she could be tragically on the opposite side of the war from Asha and Beth is only there as his queen. You know Brayden won't be happy in this game unless he becomes king soon, so you proclaim it's time to move on to the next game. Your decree is met with some groans, but the King's word is law and everyone sees this game is going nowhere good. You want to stretch your legs a bit, so you start a game of tag.

You catch Nicole by surprise and she in turn catches May. May struggles to catch anyone, so you let her tag you and soon tag Asha. The game goes on for a while with no one able to tag you unless you let them, though Nicole comes close a few times. Everyone is having fun until Brayden calls his sister a cheater.

"You're it, I tagged you!" He shouts.

Beth refutes him, "Nu-uh!"


"No, you only touched my shirt!"

"That counts, you're it."

"That doesn't count, you have to touch my body. Like this."

"Jay! Beth hit me!"

"Did not! I just tagged you. Don't push me!"

Well this is just great. It's not even lunchtime yet and the brats are already starting to throw hands. These two have been bickering since they got off the bus, but now they're actually fighting? You could probably deal with this easily enough on your own but do you really want to keep running interference all week? Watching over them and keeping them entertained is one thing but maybe violence is where you can call in reinforcements.

Send them to their parents

Deal with them yourself