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Revision as of 05:57, 14 January 2023

She may not be able to tell on you, but she might just throw another tantrum at any moment. If she starts screaming, you could be found out. Someone might even walk in on you for any other reason. No, it's better to get this over with and not have to deal with any more babies.

Even as you decide not to push your luck, your finger is still pressed between her puffy lower lips. You run your finger back to front until you feel a slight bump you guess is her clitoris. You steal one more swipe, this time you swear she's a little wetter than before, but its probably just from the wet wipe or you made her pee again. Grabbing another wipe just in case, you clean her pussy again and remember those diapers spread the pee all around, so you turn her around to clean her bum. She bends over for you like it's habit, offering a new view of her privates.

You told yourself you wouldn't take any liberties, but even just wiping her down like this makes your cock swell. Her tiny butt has such a nice squish to it as you stroke it through the wet, disposable fabric. You give special care to make sure she's nice and clean, especially between her cheeks. With this angle she's giving you, it's impossible to resist washing her plump lips again.

Finally, you instruct her to stand up and turn around so she can step into her fresh pullup. Your eyes are glued between her legs the whole time as she leans on you to step into it, until al last she is "modest" again. You can't get the image of her nakedness out of your mind though.

You probably could have managed to clean her up properly with just one or two wet wipes, but with all the "special care" you gave her, you ended up with a small pile of them. You gather them up and take her hand. Her used pullup is waiting for you just outside the door where she left it, so you stuff the wad of wipes into it and find a trash can to drop it all in on your way back to Aunt Sara.

Gem runs to her mom, "All clean now!"

Aunt Sara is just finishing with her other baby (who actually looks like they count as a baby) and leaves her shirt completely open for a moment while she gets the baby sorted. She just gets her shirt closed before Gem reaches her and with the view gone and your duty done, you take make your escape while you can.

It's about time to find somewhere at this camp where you can deal with the monster in your pants. Since no one really knows where you are at the moment, you consider disappearing into the trees to find some deep bush to hide in, but it's only a matter of time before someone comes looking for you. Jet hasn't shown his face around camp much, but there is a chance he left your remote cabin empty for a bit and you could get your rocks off in there. Of course, there would be no good way to explain yourself if he and his girlfriend came back to find you with your pants down.

The best option you can think of is to lock yourself in one of the outhouses. It's the only place in the camp with real privacy. You manage to sneak your way there without being spotted by any parents in need, aided by the fact lunch has all but finished now. Opening the door, you are greeted by a most unpleasant aroma. You remember they smelled bad the last time you had to use them, but not this bad. Something someone ate clearly hadn't agreed with them at all. You try the toilet next door to this one and it's almost as bad. Either their septic systems are all linked, or everyone ate something bad. So much for that.

There are no good options, but with visions of naked babies filling your head, you know you need to blow soon before this turns into some kind of new fetish. Looking around for anywhere you could go, you spot Yulia and May looking as lost as you. Before you have a chance to slip away, they spot you and move in.

"Have you seen our mom?" Yulia asks. You can't help picturing how you found her this morning.

"We have to ask her something." May contributes. The image of her searching her bag for underwear without a stitch of cloths returns to you.

"What did you need to ask her?"

Yulia casts her eyes down. "It's kind of private." You can help with privates. Stop it, she's your cousin! And even younger than Emma.

"We can tell Jay! He could help us." May pleads with her sister. A few thoughts start to come to you as to what they could need. None of them are remotely likely.

Yulia steps as close to you as she can and places a hand on your leg. "Can you keep a secret?"

A couple inches to the side and her hand would be right over your dick. "Yeah, I can keep a secret. I haven't told anyone what happened this morning have I?"

Yulia blushes crimson, but that seems to have convinced her. She motions for you to bend down so she can whisper. "It was an accident, okay?"

"I don't know what you did yet." you whisper back.

"You just have to know we didn't mean to get him so high."

"Who did you get high? How?"

"Batman!" May nearly shouts.

"Shh!" Her sister reminds her to be quiet. "Brayden has a Batman doll."

"Action figure!"

"Yeah, shh. Brayden has a Batman action figure. He wouldn't let anyone else play with it, so I distracted him while May stole it."

"I was a ninja!" May remembered to whisper, but it still sounded like she was trying to shout.

"Yeah and she was really good, too. He didn't even know it was gone. I think he still doesn't."

"Are you going to give it back now?"

"We can't!" May shouts again.

"It's way up in a tree. Once we had it we didn't want him to catch us with it. We had to hide it and the first place we could think of was in a tree, but the tree didn't have any branches we could reach, so we had to throw it. Now we can't reach it and he's gonna find out it's gone and he's gonna know it was us!"

"Now you need help getting it out of the tree so you can give it back? Maybe you shouldn't have stolen it in the first place."

"Please will you help us?"

"Please, Jay?"

Help the girls save Batman

You're busy looking for privacy, their mom can help

Some men want to watch the world burn, tell Brayden what they've done