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Your nanny looks really hurt now.  Servus doesn’t look hurt though, he just looks sad, and in some ways disappointed in you.  They both sit in silence for a moment, not making eye contact.  Inwardly you can feel the girl raging and crying at you for speaking to them so awfully.  It’s apparent she loves them like family.  A family she never had.
Your nanny looks really hurt now.  Servus doesn’t look hurt though, he just looks sad, and in some ways disappointed in you.  They both sit in silence for a moment, not making eye contact.  Inwardly you can feel the girl raging and crying at you for speaking to them so awfully.  It’s apparent she loves them like family.  A family she never had.

After a moment you feel uncomfortable and leave the dinner table, walking back out into the hallway.
After a moment you feel uncomfortable and leave the dinner table, walking back out into the hallway.  As you reach the bureau, you decide to safely lock away you family vault key, back in its hidden compartment.  You decide that you will pay another visit to the bank sometime soon, but that you will take your Aunt Bellatrix along with you next time.

You think about how best to use your time, and realise that other than via Emily’s memories, you have not properly explored the Manor itself.  There may be secrets to uncover here that the girl does not yet know of.  Generations of the English Lestranges have lived here, and such an old pureblood Wizarding family may have all kinds of secret knowledge hidden away.  You decide to explore.
You think about how best to use your time, and realise that other than via Emily’s memories, you have not properly explored the Manor itself.  There may be secrets to uncover here that the girl does not yet know of.  Generations of the English Lestranges have lived here, and such an old pureblood Wizarding family may have all kinds of secret knowledge hidden away.  You decide to explore.

Revision as of 20:53, 5 February 2023

Your nanny calls you for the third time, and you run down the stairs. As is traditional on Fridays, you are eating in the servants kitchen with Nanny and your House Elf. You have no idea why Emily follows this strange tradition, spending time with her servants, but you decide it would be odd, no suspicious, to change the habit of a lifetime.

Running down the stairs is also something you would never normally do, but seems to be something of a habit for the excitable girl whose body you are possessing. Many times it’s easier, and less suspicious if you simply sit back and ride the girl’s mind, letting her do as she will, when her desires are not in conflict with yours that is. So long as you don’t lose track that is…of what you’re doing, or who you really are…

“Nanny, you have to see the Extension Trunk Suite I bought!” You cry excitedly as your Nanny motions you to sit and eat, “its like a Parisian hotel room! Or a cruise ship cabin on the Mediterranean Sea!”

Your Nanny and Servus both make polite conversation, asking you how your shopping excursion to Diagon Alley went, and for the most part you enthusiastically tell them what you did. Just occasionally you have to re-exert control over the girl, and she hesitates then, not knowing what to say. Your failed attempt to visit the Lestrange family vault and enquiries about Time Turners are not discussed, but clothing and wands and magical trunks are fine to tell them about.

You groomsman, Henry, also joins you, but doesn’t stay long after finishing his meal. You recall that it’s very unusual for pureblood families to eat with their staff, and you have never known any of your pureblood friends like Daphne or Pansy, to eat with their House Elf. Cousin Draco would never dream of doing so.

You finish your food and have a rich desert of sticky-toffee pudding and custard, a favourite of Emily’s and a favourite for Servus too. Your Nanny pours you a glass of milk and looks at you kindly, but with worry in her eyes. Servus seems similarly concerned.

Your Nanny seems very worried about you, you recall that she has no children of her own, and almost thinks of you as her adopted daughter
Your House-Elf Servus seems to share Miss Lancel’s concern

“What’s the matter?” You ask them both, finishing your last spoonful of desert.

Nanny sighs, “We’ve just realised is all,” she says, “in just over a week you’ll be going to Hogwarts. Things won’t ever be the same around here. We shall all miss you terribly.”

You are surprised for a moment, and don’t low what to say, then you reach out and place your hand on Miss Lancel’s.

“I’ll miss you too Nanny,” you say, realising that you actually mean it, “and you too Servus. You’re my family.”

As you look at the House Elf, you are surprised to see he is blinking back tears.

“Servus is very sad Mistress. Servus has grown very fond of Miss Emily…”

“I’ll be back for Christmas,” you say, not knowing how to deal with a distressed House Elf, “and all my holidays. It’s not like I’m going forever.”

“Oh we know,” your Nanny nods, “but things won’t be the same. We will keep your household in order of course, and we will always be here for when you need us. Which brings me to the other thing.”

“What other thing?” You say, worrying that you might be in trouble.

“What happened last night Emily?” Miss Lancel simply asks, kindly rather than angrily, “We had a visit today, an Auror, from the Ministry. She said there were intruders here last night, in the garden. She said you cast some spells Emily. She’s already spoken to your Aunt Bellatrix, and you’re not in trouble, but…”

“They spoke to Bellatrix?” You ask, interrupting her, “what did she say?”

“The Auror said that they detected some underage magic being used, some protection charms. Then she said that Bellatrix had told them about the intruders, and that under the circumstances, they won’t take any further action.”

“Oh,” you say, relieved, “so it’s ok then?”

“Well, yes,” your Nanny agrees, “but we’re very worried. We knew Miss Bellatrix was here last night of course, but neither you or she said anything to us about any intruders. We should have…”

“You should have what?” You snap at her harshly, “been told? What would you have done exactly? You can’t use magic Miss Lancel! What use is a Squib if my enemies come for me?”

You see a sudden pain of shame flash in Miss Lancel’s eyes, at both her lack of magical ability and her surprise at your sudden change of demeanour.

“You have done many things for me Nanny, over the years. But one thing you cannot do is lecture me on the use of magic. You cannot protect me. I must do that for myself. What if those criminals had wanted to rob me? Or rape me? Should I just lie down and die? No, I will defend myself. I cannot always rely on Bellatrix Apparating to the rescue.”

Your nanny looks really hurt now. Servus doesn’t look hurt though, he just looks sad, and in some ways disappointed in you. They both sit in silence for a moment, not making eye contact. Inwardly you can feel the girl raging and crying at you for speaking to them so awfully. It’s apparent she loves them like family. A family she never had.

After a moment you feel uncomfortable and leave the dinner table, walking back out into the hallway. As you reach the bureau, you decide to safely lock away you family vault key, back in its hidden compartment. You decide that you will pay another visit to the bank sometime soon, but that you will take your Aunt Bellatrix along with you next time.

You think about how best to use your time, and realise that other than via Emily’s memories, you have not properly explored the Manor itself. There may be secrets to uncover here that the girl does not yet know of. Generations of the English Lestranges have lived here, and such an old pureblood Wizarding family may have all kinds of secret knowledge hidden away. You decide to explore.

What do you do next?

Emily Lestrange
Emily Lestrange with Hastur.png
Ethnicity: Pureblood Witch English/French/Italian
Sex: Female
Age: 11
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 92 lbs.
Build: Slender
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Spells in effect
1: Protego Corpus
2: Protego Psyche
3: Protego Anima
4: Protego Animus
5: Psyche Obfuscatus
6: Obscurus Magicae
7: None
8: None
Soul Fragments
1: Your Diary? (Lucius?)
2: Hufflepuff's Cup? (Vault?)
3: Ravenclaw's Diadem? (Hogwarts?)
4: Slytherin's Locket? (Cave?)
5: Gaunt's Ring?
6: Gryffindor's Sword?
7: Unknown
8: Unknown
Emily (vessel)
Magic Items
Mother’s wand, Broken Time Turner, Bellatrix’ Locket, Shadow Cloak
Other Items
Hastur snake familiar, Tailored clothes in black and dark emerald green, black leather knee high boots, purse with currency, Extended Luggage Suite