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You look at your old diary. It is exactly as you remember it, a plain brown leather diary, from a time when you were known as Tom Riddle.

Holding it in your hand, you can feel it’s spirit resonating with yours. It is without doubt of of your Horcruxes. The first Horcrux in fact, from your time at Hogwarts in the 1940s. Simply having it in your possession is immensely satisfying, and also makes you feel safer and even more secure than you did before. With your Horcruxes, you truly are immortal.

File:Tom Riddles Diary.png
Your diary is just as you remembered it

You sit down to read the diary, intent to check if it is the same in this timeline as it was in yours. Bellatrix being free, rather than imprisoned in Azkaban as she was in your timeline has disturbed you somewhat. You expected that this timeline could diverge from you own after you arrived, after all, what would be the point of using a Time Turner if it could not? The thing that concerns you is that some events seem to have occurred differently in this time line from a time before you arrived here. That doesn’t fit with your understanding of Temporal Mechanics, so you are obsessed with learning what else differs in this world. The diary gives you a chance to measure things against your own memory.

Reading it is reassuring. So far as you can tell, it is exactly the same as you remember. To others it appears as a plain and empty diary, but to you, the words are illuminated with an inner light. As you read words you wrote many decades ago, you feel the soul fragment within the book stirring. It is a far smaller fragment than that which comprises yourself within the vessel of Emily, but perhaps it too longs for a body of its own?

In your timeline, it was kept safe by Lucius, until that damned Weasley boy destroyed it with the Sword of Gryffindor. This time, you will keep it safe.

  • As you can read the diary or examine the Horcrux at any time, click back to return to the option that brought you here