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!!! WARNING !!!



The Supergirl - Chapter 3 - SWEET REVENGE

Kara opens her eyes. Her vision is blurry, but she can see a face close to hers. Probably David, judging by the missing tooth. She can barely move. Her wrists and ankles are well secured. She’s fastened to something that feels like wood in a room that doesn’t seem to have any windows.

“Well well well... Supergirl... Kara... I can’t say it enough that I’m so thrilled that you dropped in.”

“LET ME GO! Why am I so weak??? Wh... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME???”

“Yes... you are... weak... weak like a girl. We took your powers from you... that’s all we did to you. You had to be stopped. All our operations in the past six months were part of a carefully staged plan. You could see it like a personal invite... and you took the invitation...”, David tells her in a calm voice.

“Wh... what do you mean???”

“Everything we did... was a plan to capture you! We created decoy compounds and made it look like we were doing ‘business’ from there, but we actually weren’t. We wanted YOU to come try save the girls, not some agents. So we staged a horrible death for a a couple of girls to make sure it was you who would come.”

“The grinder? You sacrificed a couple of girls just to make a plan happen?”

“Not entirely, Kara. Those were girls I needed to dispose of anyway. They were the trash that needed to be taken out. You see, most of my staff are pedophiles. I need to keep them happy with... well... secondary benefits... if you catch my drift. But objects that get passed around don’t last as long. Girls, like any other object... especially under ten... wear out quite fast. They usually last less than a year. Seven or eight-year olds wear out in about six months. They are the best to fuck, but those fragile super tight pussies don’t last. They get damaged too easily. Even though it feels good to damage tight little child pussy the vaginal scarring makes the vaginal degradation noticeable after a month or so of intense use.

So, those girls that went through the grinder were worn out. I disposed of them by making them go through the meat-grinder very slowly. It was just a matter of using resources efficiently and not wasting precious material. But their sacrifice made it possible to catch you!”


“Heheheh... as entertaining as it was to see them slowly get minced, feet first... to make them live through as much of the process as possible... the agents were coming. So I had to leave early. I didn’t see their vaginas get minced. But it caused me to buy my own meat-grinder. I’m gonna use it occasionally to ‘process’ girls that I no longer need. I want to witness her feeling her pussy and womb getting minced!”

“How can people like you do this?”

“It’s simple, Kara... I am on a mission to reduce overpopulation. The simplest way is to kill people at random, but removing birthing vessels from the equation is much more effective and a whole lot more fun. Couple that with a sex-drive that is solely fueled by little girls and you can see where it leads to.”

“What do you want with ME?”, Kara asks in fear.

“HA!!! WHY you ask??? Really, you have no clue as to why we captured you?”, he says somewhat agitated.

“You must not be as smart as they say! You STUPID GIRL! You were destroying my business the last two years, killed my father, imprisoned most of my men that you didn’t kill and I’m almost completely broke now, because of you! You’ve interfered with my mission... with my life’s work! You needed to be removed.”

“Your father was a violent drug-lord responsible for the death and torture of many!”

“He meant the world to me!”

“You are only low-life criminals, causing so much pain and damage to society! All of you must to be stopped!”

“Well... let’s agree to disagree on that one, shall we?”

“I don’t care, you guys are scum of the Earth! You guys sell drugs that destroys millions of lives, sell innocent young girls to perverts to be raped and tortured. You take pleasure in making others suffer for your entertainment. You don’t deserve to live! You are a CANCER of humanity!”

“Just look at it this way... the world is overpopulated. Have you ever considered us to be one of nature’s many ways to prevent overpopulation? You know that nature is extremely cruel? It just happens to be the case that my customers and I really enjoy doing nature’s work!”

“You are so SICK!!! ALL OF YOU!!! I would kill you right now if I still had my powers and I’d make you suffer in pain for a long time before dying.”

“Heheheh... so... you admit having similar feelings, just with different motivation. You would enjoy watching me suffer in pain. It’s not very different from me enjoying to see girls suffer. For you it would be entertainment... for me it is sexual entertainment, but it’s more similar than you think.

But ever since you killed my father, my brother, sister and I struggled to keep the business going. Trying to keep his spirit alive so we could say one day that he would have been proud of us. But we didn’t really get along doing business together. My sister was really bossy, ending up running the drug ring herself, my brother decided that he had more interest in science than running a drug cartel. And me? Well... I wasn’t feeling the drug business very well. It was destroying the lives of my customers, you know. I want my customers to enjoy life. My clientele are men who are unable to get off on adult women and need some toys of their own. At least those who can afford them.

Life’s short, maybe not for someone like you, but for us mortals it is. It’s just a lot more fulfilling. I bring joy and happiness! To a few lonely men anyway. One of the best perks is that I get to keep a harem of girls for myself and I get to pick which girls. That’s one of the benefits of being the boss in this business.”

“You FUCKING sick BASTARD!!! Just wait until I have my powers again! I’ll make you pay for all the girls you raped and killed.”

“Here’s the problem... you won’t get your powers back before we kill you! Until we decide we’ve had enough of you, we will keep you around and have some fun.”

“FUN??? What kind of fun???!!!”

“Heheheh... you can’t be that stupid. There are many people that would love to take revenge on you, including myself. And when you’re a beautiful young lady like you... initial revenge for a man is... well... let’s just say... predictable. I’ve got over a hundred men that will be lining up to take their ‘revenge’ out on you. After that I might find some enthusiasts who would love to rape Supergirl! I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to do that. But I am going to enjoy watching you suffer for a while. It seems like you now feel pain like any other girl. We will use that trait extensively to make your stay here more entertaining for us!”, Kara cries. Knowing without a doubt what will be in her near future.


“I already touched you! When you were laying on the floor I touched your breast and your pussy. When you were out cold I explored your vagina with my fingers and it feels like a tight teenage pussy to me. I normally only fuck children, but I’m looking forward to doing ‘it’ with you!”


“I’m sure you would, Kara. But how exactly are you going to do that without your powers? You are like any other teenage girl now. Hehehe... that look on your face... when you realized your no longer had your powers... priceless!!! Let me tell you how we did it. I got access to special technology to do that. The condition is progressive, we didn’t know in which order you would lose your powers, but we knew that we could prevent you from seeing inside those rooms with your x-ray vision”, he smiles looking at her reaction.

“So... for the time being... you’re just a girl... a beautiful... helpless... powerless... harmless... fragile girl... who is going to use her body to make A LOT OF MEN feel very happy.”, David smiles with a big grin. Unable to hide how happy he is with the current state.

“Who gave you this technology?”, despite her fear in the current situation, she still wants to find out the details. Maybe there’s a way for her to get her powers back.

“Let’s just say it was a giant joint-effort from cartel-leaders around the world. You see, if would disappear, you would become a threat to other cartels. Even though we are all rivals and enemies, it gave us a shared interest and a common enemy. So, until you and all other threats have been eliminated, we are one big group of people with a mission to neutralize threats to our businesses. You have in essence created a global criminal super organization!

We knew your weakness is Kryptonite. The only piece known to man is heavily guarded by the government so we could not use it. However, we heard of a legend that the Mayas had a special stone as the centerpiece in one of their temples. The way the legend described it we thought it could be Kryptonite. We contracted a specialist to find us this stone. It was disappointing when she brought it to us. It was not larger than something you would put on a ring. It would only be enough to weaken you slightly. However, we analyzed it and found some very interesting properties of the stone. It has interesting radiation. I still don’t get the physics behind it and I don’t fucking care... it works. We were able to create a device that emits a similar radiation. So now, I have a device that turns Supergirl into a sex-slave.”

“Why don’t you just kill me? Let’s get it over with. Don’t make me go through all of that.”

“My task actually is to kill you, so let me be very clear on that point... I WILL kill you.”. David smiles.

“Then why don’t you? Just go ahead and do it!”

“Heheheh... well... you see... you have caused me and my men a great deal of pain. We don’t like to be on the receiving end inflicting pain. We enjoy being the ones causing pain. So, we want to indulge in revenge and make you pay for what you’ve done before we kill you. It wouldn’t be fun if you were dead. I’m sure you understand the psychology of that!’, David’s eyes are sparkling with delight as he says this.

“Revenge? Isn’t killing me revenge enough?”

“You’re pretty stupid for a smart girl... you clearly don’t understand men! Besides... after what you have done to us, killing you is not considered revenge! Not even close. Killing you makes sure that the business will thrive again. But we’ve now made you completely harmless now, which essentially does the same thing. For revenge I want to see you humiliated beyond belief. I want you to suffer for me... beyond belief.”

“What will you do to me?”

“Heheheh, you are a remarkably beautiful girl... I’m in the business of raping beautiful girls and offering the same pleasure to many other men. It runs deep inside me. Saying that I enjoy it wouldn’t do it justice... I LOVE raping beautiful girls. Although you’re much older than what I normally rape I can’t deny your beauty and your body’s perfection. I cannot deny myself the chance to go down in history as the first man to humiliate and rape the Supergirl! Besides the personal gratification... it would make me legendary in my business!”

“YOU SICK BASTARD!”, Kara shouts.

“Yeah... you are absolutely right... I AM a sick bastard! Girl... you have no fucking idea just how sick I am, but you’re gonna find out! I bet you never thought that you could be raped by a mere human, did you?

When we’re done having sex with your fantastic body we will torture you to death, slowly. We will record everything we do to you and send the footage around the world as proof that I captured, humiliated and then destroyed you. Your death will make me a criminal legend!”


“Shut your filthy mouth, girl. It’s soooo not YOU to utter profanity, but I understand that you are in a bit of a predicament. Well... it’s time to have some fun! It feels almost like Christmas when I was a child. I’m going to unwrap my present now”, David started cutting away her clothes, gently to not damage her perfect skin. He didn’t bother removing the clothing from the arms and legs.

“DON’T YOU TOUCH ME!!!”, Kara looks very angry.

‘You fucking stuck-up bitch... what are you going to do about it, huh? You can’t stop me, fukkin’ shit-head! I will take from you what I want and right now I want to be the first one to rape you!”, David keeps cutting away the packaging to the present’

“DAMN girl!!! Look at your perfect skin! Look at your breasts!!!”, David runs his hands over her body to take in the softness of her perfect skin.

“And DAMN!!! That pussy! I’ve never seen such a nice pussy on a woman ever!!! It’s like you have a preteen pussy!”, he then cups her vulva to caress her gently. Then starts to gently and lovingly rub her cunt, in between her cunt-flaps and moves his fingers into her dry vagina.

“You have such a lovely pussy, Kara. We’re going to have so much fun with you... you have no idea! And this right here... the pleasure center of your vagina... will be used as a tool to hurt you! I’m going to make you scream, lovely Kara!”


“Now... that’s language I’ve never heard you say before, Kara... shame on you! But don’t kid yourself... you can spare yourself a lot of embarrassment and unjustified effort not to scream just to deny me the pleasure of hearing you suffer... I’m an expert at making girls scream... you... WILL... SCREAM... for me... I promise! I never make a promise I don’t know I can keep!”, the evil smile on David’s face shows Kara how serious he is and the look on his face scares her. She can’t remember ever, not even as a child to have been so scared before.

Suddenly, David grabs her clitoris between his fingers and pinches as hard as he can. It almost elicits an involuntary scream from Kara since she was unprepared for the pain. The contrast from the clitoris feeling good to intense pain like she’s never known in her entire life caught her off guard.

“Haha... almost had you there, didn’t I?”, he pulls her clitoris, twists it and pinches it as hard as he can, but is not able to make her scream despite Kara feeling the need to scream so much with her clitoris being tortured like that.

“Well... let’s leave that for another time, just know that this pain is merely a mild starter compared to what I’m prepared to do to you to make you scream for me”, those words really scare Kara since at that moment it was about as much as she could take. And here is a man that prides himself on being able to make any woman... any girl scream for him... for his entertainment. This man was really a monster she thought!

David undresses completely. Then shows his penis. Two men unfasten her from the wooden X. She’s standing in front of David.

“Kneel...”, one of the men commands her. She doesn’t respond.

“KNEEL...”, the man repeats.

“KNEEL!!!”, the men kick her knees to bend her legs to force her to the ground... kneeling before David.

“This man is your new Master!!!”

“Kara... look at this... the penis is special. It be will the first one to enter your body without your permission, but it will certainly not be the last! You might as what's so special about it. You cannot see anything special about it, can you? It looks like a slightly above average adult penis. What makes this one special is that, unlike most adult cocks, it has been deep inside the pussies of many children. And not a single one was voluntary. It was all rape! It has been used to rape hundreds of little girls. And thanks to your failure to stop me... it will rape hundreds more!”, David loves the way those words affect Kara’s spirit.

“Guys... get the camera's rolling. Make sure we have enough tape. I want the criminal world to see me enjoy the humiliation and sexual degradation of this female former superhero! Untie her, put her on the floor and hold her down. That will make it more dramatic! The Supergirl being pinned down to the floor by merely a few men while she is raped!'

Four men take different positions with big professional cameras to get good shots of this humiliating rape.

“Make sure you capture her facial expressions when I push myself inside her. Try to capture her helplessness, her humiliation, her defeat... her decimation!”

David mounts the young woman. She tries to resist with whatever little she can, but it’s completely useless to even try to put up a fight without her powers while two strong men hold her down.

“Kara, you have no idea how much I've been looking forward to this! Even though I really enjoy the victory over my enemies... there’s just something special about bringing a goddess to her knees to humiliate her to the core of her feminine being.”

“Please, David... you don't have to do this... please don't do this!”, Kara pleads.

“Stupid little bitch! Begging won't get you out of this one! There is nothing you can say or do to change what is about to happen to you. Your body is going to give your worst enemy immense sexual pleasure and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to prevent that. That’s so poetic. The only thing you can do is BE here to pleasure me. You’re not just gonna get fucked... you’re gonna get ‘porked’... I bet you never heard that term. That’s what we call it when a girl gets violently raped by a fat man like me... so get ready to be porked, baby!”

David presses his penis hard into Kara's vagina. Attempting to make it hurt. She gasps for air, her pussy is in pain, but she’s able to keep from screaming. David, in turn, moans in pleasure. Humiliating her. It’s almost like things move in slow-motion. He’s totally capturing the moment while his penis slowly, but powerfully slides into the vagina of his enemy.

The camera's capture the moment beautifully. They focus on the facial expressions of both when David enters her pussy. Their faces tell all about what’s going on! Kara’s vaginal and mental pain... her defeat really hit home in that moment...





David’s expression reads confidence... pride... accomplishment... pleasure...


enjoying playing with his prey!

“Whoaaa... you feel like a virgin, Kara! Did I just take your virginity?”

The men hold her down firmly while David continues the brutal sexual assault. Doing his best to hurt her vagina.

He can’t hurt her pussy as much as he likes though. She has the body of an eighteen year old girl. It’s much easier to hurt a preteen girl. In frustration he squeezes her breasts hard. Ramming his dick hard into her with every thrust, yet he's not causing enough pain. Even mauling the breasts doesn't do it for him. It’s clear that she’s in pain... it’s just that... well...

“YOU FUCKING BITCH!!! Scream for me! Stupid fucking CUNT!!! STOP TRYING TO BE A HEROINE!!!”, Kara does her best even though she cannot hide the pain from her face!

David punches her in the face. With all his strength he strikes a couple of blows to the beautiful face of Kara. Each time calling her all kinds of names for not screaming for him.

Seeing her face bleed and seeing her in physical and mental agony brings David to ejaculate into Kara's exquisite vagina. Enjoying being the first to stain her vagina with human sperm.

“There... that's what you're good for, girl! Pleasuring a man’s cock with your goddess body! You're NOTHING but a stupid cunt! You didn't scream, you arrogant bitch... I'll give you that. Don't think you're getting away with that. I ALWAYS get my girls to scream for me! I’ll beat that misplaced arrogance out of you.”, he finishes by spitting in her face.

He fucks her again, this time ejaculating in her bruised face.

“Hey, you know what? You wanna suck my cock? Huh?”, David asks the rhetorical question.

“I bet you'd bite my dick off, wouldn't you? Well, I'll just have to be patient. I will make you suck my dick before I get rid of you, Kara! And you WILL swallow my cum. I promise!”

“Okay, guys, let's put her back up there.”, the men strap the wounded girl back onto the wooden X.

Then David plays around with her vagina a bit. Catching most of the sperm that leaks from her vagina and rubs in in her face.

“That should help you heal your pretty face a little bit. You can thank me later.”, he then proceeds to fiddle with her vagina a little bit. After a minute or so he grabs a brass knuckle and hits her pussy as hard as he can with it.

The sudden extreme vaginal pain catches Kara by surprise and it makes her scream for the first time.

“Haha... there you have it. It was short, but I made you scream! This is only the beginning, sweet Kara. I will make you sing for me!”, then continues beating that fragile pussy. Drawing blood with every blow.

He spends almost a full minute beating her pussy to pulp.

“Well... that's just about enough fun for one day, don't you think?”, he turns off most of the lights and leaves Kara all alone in the dark room.