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(Created page with ""Yeah, sure, sure, whatever," you say, waving your hand at Beth dismissively. "But first... follow me." "Why?" "I wanna see something." "What?" "Nevermind. Just c'mon." "...")
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Revision as of 07:27, 3 March 2023

"Yeah, sure, sure, whatever," you say, waving your hand at Beth dismissively. "But first... follow me."


"I wanna see something."


"Nevermind. Just c'mon."

"Yeah, Beth. C'mon. Geez."

With breakfast ending and people dispersing, you scuttle away with your young bunkmates in tow. You almost make a straight beeline for where Jet disappeared but you can't just stroll inside his cabin. You're trying to play spy, although really it's peeping tom. You pivot and swing around another cabin just to be safe then sneak along the trees to the back of Jet's cabin and spot a window there that should allow you to peep for a minute or two with little chance of being spotted by any grownups.

"Where are we g-?"

"Shh." You are quick to silence Beth, in part because it looks like the window you're approaching is cracked and the last thing you want is for one of these two to start complaining or bickering and get you all caught. Crouching forward, you pull Brayden past you so you can separate the siblings then pop up just high enough to peer over the windowsill. The first thing to catch your eye are the shorts Hannah was wearing at breakfast, except they're hanging from the handle of the door. That leads you to find Hannah sitting bottomless on the floor carefully brushing sections of her hair.

"But you look cute with your hair down."

"Well if I wanted to look cute that's how I'd wear it."

Hannah still isn't cutting him any slack. Jet is standing next to the door with his hands on his hips. Lizzy is still in her thong, standing next to Hannah. Auntie Grace is sprawled out on the floor laying on her stomach on the opposite side of the room presumably staring down at a book atop her sleeping bag. It's hard to see all of her from the angle you have, but you spot her feet in the air, ankles crossed, and her elbow planted on her bunk to prop up her chin.

"That's not how you get a girl wet, Jet," adds Lizzy.

"Shut up, Chopsticks. She looks wet to me."

Chopsticks? That's a weird nickname. You haven't heard anyone call Lizzy that before.

"Yeah? Well I was wetter, but I dried up real fast," snarks Hanna. Auntie interjects then.

"I love a good swim, but it's still my second favorite way to get wet."

"What are they talking about?"

You shush Beth and mouth "no talking" to her. You can explain things later. Right now you want to listen.

There's a bit more back and forth, Jet trying to defend himself while his roomies gang up on him. But then, out of nowhere, Liz walks up to Jet and sticks her fingers just inside the waistband of his droopy waterlogged sweats, exposing more of her cousin's thick cock as her digits start to wrap around it.

"Aw, is poor Jet all bent outta shape cuz his girlfriend's not going to give him any?"

Jet gently pushes his hips toward Lizzy, as if offering her his junk, then confidently crosses his arms. "Are you looking to do something about that?"

"Hmm... I dunno... I'm not sure I want to if you don't know how to get a girl wet."

Despite her indecision, Lizzy starts tugging on his cock, working two inches of his tree trunk right from the root. You can already tell he's bigger than he was outside, gradually pitching a towering tent in his wet sweats while Lizzy's lazy stroking sends soft waves rippling through the heavy cotton still hanging onto him as his growing erection pushes it further away from his body. That magic levitation act seems impressive until you catch that Lizzy only has 2 fingers and a thumb inside his waistband. Her other two fingers and the rest of her palm are gripping him over his pants, keeping them from going anywhere. If her hand was all the way in his pants you'd bet his bottoms would have no chance of staying on, but stroking him half under and half over his sweats helps him keep a shred of modesty.

"Woah..." whispers Brayden, elbowing you. You just shush him. Then Beth asks what Brayden said and you both have to shush her. You don't want to get caught, but even more importantly you want to see where this is going.

"Just fuck him already," snips Hannah, rolling her eyes at the flirty cousins while she starts messing with her makeup.

"No, I'm with you Hannah," notes Lizzy, still sluggishly tugging. "He doesn't deserve it, does he? But... it's fun to tease him anyway."

"This is teasing to you? Trying to jerk me off? What boyfriend taught you that?" It's a fair point, but you sure wouldn't be teasing Lizzy about it if that were you. Jet meanwhile is super comfortable with having his cousin yank on his junk. He unfolds his arms and reaches behind Lizzy to grab a handful of her ass in kind. You consider that feat might be harder for him to do with Hannah given how much shorter his girlfriend is, but he can comfortably reach his older cousin's butt without even having to lean for it.

"One of yours probably," she replies to Jet's quip as he pulls her to his side, her hip bumping into his.

"I bet you think first base is a blowjob."

"Well... I never did learn anything about baseball."

"Yeah, or how to use your fingers apparently."

"Hey, I'm just not into girls! Okay?"

"Aw, but you and Hannah were so cute last night..." notes Auntie.

"Um... anyway," Lizzy continues, ignoring that comment. "I mean, hello?! I don't think you should be complaining right now!" she says, gesturing to her own hand.

"Nope. You keep 'teasing', Chopsticks. As long as you want."

As the cousins flirt, Auntie Grace rolls onto her back. From there she stretches out her arm and snags the leg of Jet's sweats. She gives a solid pull and it only takes a second before Jet's pants slip out of Lizzy's grip, off the end of his lengthy member, and down to his ankles with a soft thud from how heavy they were.

The cousins look down to find Grace below them, staring up from her back with a mischievous grin. She's openly checking out Jet from below, but you're checking her out in much the same way. Auntie's legs are facing the window and parted more than enough for you to spy a well kept pussy, immaculately groomed, free of all those tan lines she seems to hate. Your dick twitches at the thought that she must not have been wearing panties at breakfast, not even to the kids table. Maybe you did spot some buttcheek when she was grappling with Uncle Mike.

Lizzy is momentarily surprised to have Jet's entire cock in her hand so suddenly. She may not have been willing to remove them herself, but once Jet's pants are no longer in her way she does give Jet some longer, fuller strokes to take advantage of the improved access she has to his unfurled package.

"You better appreciate me teasing you... cuz I'm not gonna give you any..."

With a nearly evil smile, staring right into his eyes, she tugs him from his base all the way to his glans, smoothly gripping and savoring his full length as her fingers glide along it. Jet merely scoffs and grabs her tit over her sports bra, kneading ass and boob at the same time.

Both Beth and Brayden whisper and giggle at all this, but you're almost as interested as Lizzy as you are "in" Lizzy. Jet's dick is massive. Is he 9 inches? A foot long? Probably not. Is anyone that long? He's still huge either way. You bet Liz could get both of her hands around just his shaft with plenty of room for Auntie Grace to also lend a hand.

Speaking of which, Grace is only briefly content to stare up from her back. Auntie rolls onto her stomach then rises to shuffle toward them on her knees, squaring up with Jet's junk head on. Lizzy doesn't notice this until Grace gives a soft kiss to the tip of Jet's cock and Lizzy's stroking brings her wrist to bump Grace's forehead. She lets go at that point, but that's not the only reason why. Jet just transitioned from grabbing her boob to grabbing her pussy, rubbing her through the front of her thong. She can't take it as well as she can dish it out as that seems to throw her for a loop. That or Lizzy is skittish about double teaming him with her aunt.

"That's... all... y-you're getting out of me!" states Lizzy, unable (or reluctant) to pry herself out of Jet's grip right away. It's only when Auntie fully grips Jet's cock, officially subbing in, that he lets go of Lizzy. Auntie Grace proves she's already a better "teaser" as she starts planting kisses down the length of Jet's shaft right away.

"Jay! Jay! Auntie is Jet's girlfriend too!"

"Okay! Shut up!" you hiss through clenched teeth, trying to settle Beth.

Indeed, Auntie starts to "kiss" the tip of Jet's shaft rather aggressively, speaking to him between each kiss, but too quietly to make much out. Both Lizzy and Hannah are watching though, the former with longing and the latter with a saucy grin. One of them even groans when Auntie Grace suddenly swallows over half of Jet's enormous dick, his hand instinctively moving to the top of her head.

Beth holds back giggles and Brayden breathes another "woah" as you all watch your Aunt blow your cousin, her hand pumping his base while her mouth smoothly dives up and down behind his glans. Jet puts a second hand on her head to slow her pace, Grace getting into it very quickly. She restrains herself a little, then pulls all the way off and chuckles.

"God, the men in this family... when did you get so big?"

"I dunno. I think 7th grade."

"Oh my god," gasps Grace, pumping her spit down his length. "Unreal."

Seriously though. Is he for real? Fuck. You hope that's how your next growth spurt gets used up.

"He loved to brag about it, too, after he " adds Lizzy, shaking her head. "He shoved it in everyone's face."

"Well... not literally..." Jet is quick to clarify.

"No, literally," counters Lizzy, sharing a far fetched story with Hannah from a few years ago when she and Jet were hanging out with some mutual friends and making friendly wagers.

Auntie rises to her feet but continues to pump Jet's hard cock. She takes up a position next to him, similar to how Lizzy was, but she cuddles him a little closer to start whispering in his ear. His hand unconsciously slips under her nightie and up her back, lifting the front of the satin garment up her hips and sharing with your fellow peepers that she's missing any kind of underwear. But from there Jet just listens, his hand on her back, the two of them eyeing up the other girls.

Hannah went back to doing her makeup while chatting with Lizzy, weirdly content with everything that has been happening with her boyfriend. Liz awkwardly continues smalltalk with Hannah, trying not to stare at her cousin but still totally checking him out. Jet meanwhile seems transfixed by Auntie Grace's words and starts following her orders. He steps out of his sweats, nods his head a few times, and lets Auntie keep him fully hard over the next minute. You worry that things aren't going anywhere and that Jet is either going to pop or get changed, but then Auntie releases him, slaps him on the ass, and Jet walks over to his girlfriend guided by his third leg.

Your cousin's cock monster hovers over Hannah's head. Lizzy moves out of the way, afraid to be in the line of fire. Jet's sassy girlfriend peeks up over her shoulder at him through her freshly brushed eyelashes, then says, "And what are you planning to do with that thing?"


With that terse reply, Jet squats, hooks his hands under Hannah's butt, and flips his bottomless girlfriend forward. She barely catches herself, getting her hands onto her sleeping bag ahead of her face, as Jet already lines himself up with her upturned ass.

"AHH! You big- Augh!" Hannah tries to right herself but Jet plants his hand in the center of her back and pins her to the floor. His other hand steadies his ramrod to help push himself inside of her. The annoyed expression on Hannah's face instantly flips, her eyebrows raising and jaw dropping open in shock. "Fu-fuck!"

Jet, made ready by his aunt and cousin, rams his long rod deep inside his girl and stuffs her short frame with as much cock as the petite teen can take. Diving into her from a low squat, he delivers sharp weighty thrusts and she immediately times the exhale of each breath to each of his unchecked jabs, her breathing accompanied by a whiny moan. Jet leans into her, sliding his hand up the center of her back all the way to her neck, slipping under her crop top and pushing it up past her shoulder blades letting you catch a glimpse of the side of her perky tits.

You wouldn't say Hannah is fighting him with her ass held high in the air, but she's very passive. His cock steadying hand no longer needed, he spreads her ass aside while he plays "hide the gargantuan sausage inside the tight wet hole," which must be a nearly impossible challenge for a guy like him given his sausage's immense size. But it's quite a sight to see that huge dick of his drive itself in and out of the cute and willing fuck puppet named Hannah, a sight that surely everyone would want to see, whether they know it or not.

Everyone bearing witness to this proves you right. Auntie has dropped back onto the floor and tucked her hand under the front of her nightie. Lizzy went to pull a pair of shorts from her bag when Jet flipped Hannah over but now she's just holding the bottoms in front of her, biting her lip while she gawks at his pistoning cock. Glancing at your compatriots, you find them similarly spellbound. Beth has put her hands over her mouth (finally) in surprise. Brayden looks anxious, but the bulge in his briefs is nearly as big as yours. He's right to be anxious, though. It wouldn't take much for someone to catch you here, staring into the cabin as Jet's fuckstick pounds-

"What are you doing?"

Fuck. Okay. This must be what a heart attack feels like. Your head whips to the side to spot your sister walking behind the cabin. You're pretty lucky it's just her but you don't feel it. You're going to have to leave now thanks to her. Why is she always so loud?

You angrily wave Emma away and try to turn your attention back for one last glimpse of the action when you lock eyes with Auntie Grace. Okay this is what a heart attack is like. You have a fraction of a second before Lizzy also starts to turn so you grab Beth and Brayden and duck out of sight, pushing them both toward your sister.

"Are you spying o-"

"Go! Go!" you stress, giving your sister's arm a tug as you pass her.

All of you run from the cabin and out into the woods, your idiot sister laughing as you weave through the trees. Of course she would be the one to ruin this for you, interrupting what has to be the craziest thing you've ever seen in your whole life, perhaps moments away from witnessing an all out orgy. You really hope they aren't going to chase you down and murder you now. They probably won't have to if they tell your parents because you'll just go ahead and die of embarrassment.

You stop running once you're satisfied that you're far enough away to peek back from where you came (to make sure no one is coming after you) but the others keep going, blowing past you. They continue to frolic deeper into the forest which puts you well behind them. You're forced to catch up as they circle the camp and soon find their way to the kids tent.

"What were we running from?" asks your sister, turning to Beth for all the details just as you catch up. "What were you doing back there?" It's only now you notice that she's still donning Asha's bikini from yesterday and for whatever reason it looks quite a bit better on her today. That's got to be your erection talking as you're still pretty hard despite all the fear and running.

Beth tucks her hands under her chin with an excited smile. "Nuuuuuh-thing!"

"Yeah, it's none of your business," you state spitefully.

"That was Jet's cabin, right? You weren't spying on 'nothing'? Who were you watching?"

You cough and share a stern look with Beth and Brayden. Your sister doesn't deserve to know a damn thing, especially with the way she interrupted you. You're pretty sure these two get the message so you turn back to Emma with a hard scowl.


"We saw Auntie Gra-"

"Beth! Shut up!" you shout. Okay, she didn't get it. Or she's too excited to share and just can't keep her mouth shut. You kind of agree in a way. It's pretty wild that your cousins and your aunt are all screwing around out here. You wouldn't mind talking about it, but you're way too mad at your sister right now to give her any of those juicy details. You're not even sure you could trust her with them.

"Yeah, Beth! Shut it!" parrots Brayden, taking your side.

"God, Beth! Come on! It wasn't... We didn't se-"

"Auntie?" asks Emma. "What was she doing in there?"

"Nothing! Okay? We didn't-" you catch yourself, your voice rising a little too loudly for your own comfort. You take a breath and start waving your finger, your digit channeling your frustrating. "No. We didn't see anything, okay? Just leave it."

"Were you watching Auntie chaaange?" teases Emma, playing with her bikini bottoms as if about to take them off.

"If you think we're telling you anything you can just go to hell. Go... jump in the river," you fume, already exasperated, and start pacing. You're trying to process how much trouble you're going to be in, if any at all, but you can't stop picturing Lizzy and Auntie attending to Jet's colossal dong.

Beth meanwhile is giggling watching your sister thumb her bikini. Overwhelmed by her own compulsions, Beth reaches out a hand and flicks downward at the stretched edge of Emma's swimwear. She doesn't accomplish much past getting your sister's attention. Emma tries to look offended and takes a step back, but she wears a big smile.

"Wanna play peekaboo?" asks Beth through her giggles.

"RIght now?"


"Umm... okay. Sure!"

Beth prances up to you hunched over with a naughty grin. That worries you until you notice your sister trying to circle to the other side of you. Stepping in Emma's way, you stop her dead. "Huh? What's that? What are you playing?"


Beth pants you. Just like that. You should have been ready for it. Nightmares of gym class rush back to you, middle school trauma. Although you've long since shaved away the massive bush that had brought you so much ridicule, you still cower and swipe blindly at the air behind you as your prominent semi flops out.

Great. Now you've been pantsed in front of your sister, too. It might be a bit more embarrassing if you were soft - at least Em can't say you're 2 inches or something - but you don't want to be flashing your junk in front of your sister either way.


The teeny gremlin cackles as she spins away and taunts you from outside of arms reach. Brayden spends just as much time laughing at you which makes him an easy target for Em who swiftly drops his undies as well. Looks like it's game on.

The next few minutes devolve into a grabby slapfest, all of you running around jerking on each other's underwear. It's not really a fair fight though; Brayden tries to get you as often as Beth does, which frees up your sister to attack with impunity. Even without that advantage, Emma seems weirdly good at this game and after a couple of small wins scores big.

Emma manages to get Brayden fully tripped up in his undies. He goes careening to the ground when his ankles are suddenly bound, but Em takes no time to relish that. She immediately drops your boxers to your knees while you're stuck grappling with Beth. Beth seems to think that means it's boys vs girls as she stays locked to your hands and circles closer to Em fpr help only to find herself baring her cooch a second later. Or maybe Beth felt left out, who knows, but she made herself an easy target either way. And with all three of you flashing your privates in the forest at the same time. your sister proclaims herself the winner and begins bragging about how easy you all are. But that was the wrong move. That just pits all of you against her.

It takes some effort to chase down Em. Your slender sister weaves through the trees so effortlessly, perhaps experienced after playing this same sort of game last night. She's always just out of your reach, but Brayden manages to get ahead of her, anticipating her next move and cutting through a gap to snatch her wrist. That slows her long enough for you all to catch up and drag her to the ground.

You're all panting and sweaty as you fight for control of Emma's limbs and try to force her out of her bikini. She alternates between giggles, shrieks and shouts as she fends you off. Her cries get a little too loud, startling you and helping her wriggle away from one hand or another, but when you cup yours over her mouth to keep her quiet she calms down a little. She instead starts licking your palm trying to gross you out, but that isn't going to save her.

You help Beth lower your sister's bikini bottoms while Brayden tries to hold both of Em's arms still. It's so exciting seeing another girl's smooth raised mound come into view, a tiny bit of pink poking out from between her lips as her legs writhe about, that you almost forget that it's your sister you're staring at. It takes a moment for you to remind yourself of that fact, but your cock swells a little more before the guilt hits you. Since you've "won", your sister's popping pussy finally exposed, you move higher and lift her bikini top up her chest to finish her off.

You're not trying to be too mean. You're plenty satisfied once Em's top is lifted to her armpits. She's got to be plenty embarrassed now. But when you glance down to take in her pussy again you realize Beth has stripped your sister of her bottoms completely, the younger girl in her twisted panties hopping joyously to her feet and waving the removed article in the air. That convinces you that you haven't been mean enough and follow Beth's lead, tag teaming with Brayden to work Emma's top over her arms and past her spastic hands, leaving your sister laying totally naked in the forest when you all back away from her.

Emma is quick to stand, and just as quick to adopt a whiny pathetic tone as she approaches you, begging for her bikini back. Some weird part of you wants your sister to chase after you, desperate to get her clothes back, but when you back away to keep her at a distance she's weirdly accepting of her predicament, or at least unwilling to humiliate herself more than she has to.

With a nervous smile, she keeps at least one hand covering her vagina while she repeatedly asks for the bikini back. You tease her a little, that she shouldn't have it since it's not even hers, but Beth has a change of heart and wants to give the bikini back before too long. After some haggling, it's decided that Em has to put her hands in the air, take 10 spanks, and kiss all of you (Beth's idea for some reason) before she can redress.

The kiss is what really gets to you. Kissing your sister is weird enough, but you thought it would be funny to draw out her other tasks so she had to hold her arms over her head as long as possible. Slow spanks are funny, but a slow kiss is different. You still try to drag it out, repositioning your hands on her bare hips over and over, asking B&B how you should kiss her, making a big deal about kissing your sister, but then all of a sudden you find yourself with your hands gripping your little sister's naked body, staring into her eyes, heart beginning to race, nowhere else to go, your boner pressing into her stomach when you pull her closer...

The kiss itself was quick, but everything else that went into it made you feel way too funny, your cock painfully hard. Brayden's kiss is nearly as short and sweet, but Beth's gets a little weird. She keeps insisting she's not done and going in for another and another "like how Jay showed me" until your sister gets pushed too far, lowers her arms, and demands her bikini back. Maybe Beth was just trying to copy you and embarrass your sister a little further, but you can't help thinking she was trying to show off her skills a little too.

"So are you going to tell me what you saw," starts Emma as she turns her bikini bottoms inside out like she's unsure of how they work, "or do I have to ask Auntie Grace?"

Call your sister's bluff. She's not going to rat on you.

Try to satisfy your sister's curiosity