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(Created page with ""We just found it here, up in the tree." You lie. "Sure you did." Your sister replies. "How did he get there? He just climbed up the tree by himself, huh?" "Yeah, he must ha...")
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Latest revision as of 03:09, 20 March 2023

"We just found it here, up in the tree." You lie.

"Sure you did." Your sister replies. "How did he get there? He just climbed up the tree by himself, huh?"

"Yeah, he must have!" May pipes up.

Yulia grabs May and tries to cover her mouth. "Shh, don't say anything!" She whispers. May clasps her own hands over Yulia's, knowing she messed up.

"You three stole him didn't you!" Emma runs off toward camp. "Brayden! Brayden! Jay has your action figure!"

You try to chase after her, but Asha gets in your way. Yulia and May use your distraction to slip past. They catch up to Emma and try to hold her back, but your sister is too nimble for the little blondies. You pick up Asha and rejoin the pursuit, slowed by Asha's constant flailing. You lose sight of the other girls for a moment until they return again, running back toward you.

Brayden follows right behind them and you nearly drop Asha when he barrels into you. "Where is he? Where's Batman?" he demands.

"Right here." You hand him the figure and put Asha back on her feet. She and Emma both look proud of themselves for getting you caught red-handed.

"Why did you have him?" Brayden clutches the toy to his chest, then quickly poses it heroically and holds it out. "You stole him 'cause he's so cool, didn't you!"

You consider claiming it was you who stole it. Judging by this reaction, he would likely be flattered to hear you were the one who stole his toy. Standing just behind him though, you see the Blondies shaking their heads as hard as they can. "No, I just found it in a tree."

"Oh." Brayden looks crestfallen. "How did it get there?"

Yulia leaps forward. "It must have been Beth!"

"Yeah, Beth stole it and through it up in the tree!" May echoes.

Brayden bolts back to camp. "Beth-aa-nyyy!"

He's hardly out of earshot when the Blondies break into laughter.

"Wow, you were pretty quick to frame his sister." Your sister says.

Yulia recovers from her giggle fit to gasp out a, "Thanks."

"So you did steal it!" Emma grins.

Yulia sobers up. "Yeah. You gonna tell?"

"Naw, this is way funnier. Let's go watch!"

Walking back to camp, you ask your sister, "We both know why I was all the way out here, why were you two out here?"

"Oh, that's right! We were looking for you. We wanted to go exploring and since you've been here before, we thought maybe you could take us on a little hike or something."

"Oh yeah, definitely. Nothing a I'd rather do than take my sister and some other little girls out into the woods. I can't think of anything more... annoying."

"Come on! We can bring Nicole or Wade so you have someone older with you" Emma whined

Your conversation was cut short when you arrived at camp. Yulia shrieked and doubled over with laughter, pointing at Bethany. Bethany ran past wearing nothing but a shirt, trying to reclaim her shorts and underwear that Brayden was waving in the air as he ran away from her. They ran right past a group of parents, including their own dad, all of whom barely rolled their eyes like this happened all the time. Eventually, Bethany tackled her brother to the ground and snatched her clothes back from him. She wasn't focused on getting them back on however, as she tossed them away and went for her true prize: getting even with her brother. She grabbed the hem of his shorts and did her best to wrestle them off of him the way he must have done to her earlier.

While it's hard to turn away from this spectacle, you're afraid what might happen if anyone finds out you were in any way involved. Spotting Nicole approach and grab her attention.

"Hey, Jay. What's up?" She is clearly trying to act like she wasn't just watching her younger cousin get pantsed.

"Emma asked me to take her for a hike and I wanted to know if you want to come along?"

"Oh, um, sure. Yeah, a hike would be fun. Right now?" She looked past you to see Beth was now the one being chased, carrying Bray's pants and her own clothes.

"Right now." You see the young audience take chase as B&B run farther away. "Emma! Still want to go on that hike? Let's go."

All four girls stop in their tracks. They hesitate for a moment and you start walking away. They catch on that it's now or never and you lead them up a path you remember will be a short hike. Your hopes of no one else finding out about your involvement in the Batman situation are dashed when May all too excited to recount the whole story to Nicole. Yulia jumps in here and there, but the way May tells it really makes Yulia the hero and mastermind of the story, so she doesn't take over. Nicole does her best to show her disapproval as the older cousin, but she can't hide that she's a little impressed by the girls' ingenuity.

Further down the road, Yulia tells everyone she already knows a lot about camping because she used to go with her parents when May was a baby. They hadn't gone in a long time though because she got really sick the last time they went.

"I got something called Jungle Fever. It's real scary. It's when you spend too much time in the wild that you start to turn wild."

"That's not real!" Asha rebuked.

"Yes it is! People are just animals that live in cities, you know. So if a person stops living in the city, they'll turn back into an animal. Before I got the medicine, I had whiskers and a little nub of a tail, like a hamster."

"That can't happen." Asha insisted.

Yulia grinned. "It did though. You have to be careful to catch it early or you can get stuck that way. You have to know the signs."

"What are the signs?" Asha stopped walking.

"Well, growing a tail doesn't come until later. First thing you'll feel is an itch on your face where the whiskers want to grow. Then, you're nails might get really long, like claws. The best way to test it though, is if your hands start getting bigger. You'll know you definitely have it if your hand is bigger than your face." Yulia jumped out in front of the group to demonstrate holding her hand to her face to measure.

Asha squinted skeptically at Yulia, but she was too far away to be trying to pull something so she brought her hand to her face to check. "Hey!" she called out as her hand was shoved into her nose by a much smaller hand. She looked down at May with disbelief.

Emma laughed at her friend. "They got you so good!"

"You tricked me? That wasn't a real test? How am I actually supposed to check if I have Jungle Fever?"

Emma put a hand on Asha's shoulder to break the news. "There is no Jungle Fever. That was all part of the trick."

Once Asha was clued in on the whole joke, she was a good sport about it. She laughed it off and tried to play her own trick on May, but May knew that thumb was not her nose. The four kids spent the rest of the hike trying to outwit each other. It was much harder now that they were all on guard, but every now and then they pulled a fast one. Asha was by far the easiest target, but May fell for at least half as many.

The trail meanders up a hill before reaching a cliff. Here, the trail intersects with another that runs along this ridge, so you can continue up the hill where you know there is an excellent view or take the downward path back toward camp. You planned for this to be a short hike, so you leave the views for another day and lead the group toward camp. It's a much steeper slope here, making a break in the conversation and antics so everyone can focus on not slipping.

Before long, the path comes down along the river and levels out. Something catches Yulia's eye and she runs to the river's edge. "Come look at this!"

Emma is the first to run over. "What is it? I don't see anything but water." She has to balance on a pair of rocks to stand next to Yulia.

"You're too tall." Yulia claims, "You'll have to bend down."

"Asha, do you see it?" Emma steps aside and Asha takes her place beside Yulia.

"Asha, wait." Nicole interrupts. "It's just another trick. Don't fall for it again."

Asha backs away and Yulia does not look happy. "It's not a trick, there's really something there!"

"Yeah, I think I see it now." Emma offers.

Asha doesn't move. May is happy to risk it though and steps out on the rocks. "Where?"

"It's right there." Yulia points at the water.

"You may have to bend down." Emma adds.

May squats as best she can on the rocks, but nearly loses her balance. Yulia motions to Emma and she gives May's butt a slight push. May topples into the water, landing on her hands and knees. It's not a hard fall and she mostly saves her clothes, until she turns to stand up and slips back on her bum. Defeated, she flops back to float in the shallow water. She doesn't rest long before jumping up to chase down her sister. "You got me all wet!"

"No! It was Emma! It was Emma!"

"I don't care who pushed me, you got me wet!" May catches her sister and gives her a big wet hug. "Now you're wet too!" Satisfied, she spun toward Emma.

"Okay, that's enough!" You grab May to keep her from getting anyone else wet. There is still a fair distance left in this hike and you do not want wet clothes making everyone grumpy.

As soon as May cools down, it seems she has similar thoughts as she tugs at the clothes clinging to her skin and stomps in her swampy shoes. A moment later she peels her shirt over her head and drops it on the ground. "You even got my undies wet!" she declares before shedding the rest of her clothes. Freed from that discomfort, she marches down the trail.

You look at Nicole who returns with a shrug. Yulia pulls at the wet spot on the front of her dress before announcing it will dry. You collect May's wet clothes for her and everyone continues along the trail. May doesn't seem the least bit bothered to be hiking naked, if anything you think she seems excited about it. No one seems interested in any more pranks, afraid to escalate further lest they lose their own clothes or worse. Emma and Asha are content to chatter away with each other about whatever it is they talk about. You walk beside Nicole not knowing what to say, but she doesn't say much either. Mostly you watch the Blondies flit about in front of you, excited about different plants and rocks and even a lizard one time. You only pray Nicole doesn't notice your eyes tracking May's little butt the whole time. You try to check her face to see if she's watching you, but as far as you can tell her eyes stay forward. You almost wonder if she's watching May as much as you are.

"Berries!" May runs up to you with a branch of little red berries. "Look, I found berries!"

"Don't eat them." You smack one out of her hand before she puts it in her mouth. "They could be poisonous."

"I know. I was just joking." It's hard to tell if that's true.

"Let's wash your hands just to be safe. Don't want you eating later with poison berry juice on your fingers."

You toss the branch of berries back into the bushes and lead her to the river to rinse off her hands. It's probably not necessary, but it does offer you an excuse to get closer to a naked girl. She squats down to reach the water which doesn't give you much of a view, but you crouch next to her and help scrub her hands, getting close enough to feel the heat coming off all her bare skin. With her hands clean, May stands up and turns toward you. Face to face with her naked frame, you can't resist pulling her toward you and blowing a raspberry into her belly. She giggles and squirms away to rejoin the others.

As you get closer to camp you can hear a couple voices having fun up ahead. Up at the front, Yulia stops and turns to everyone with wide eyes and a finger on her lips. Nicole thinks it's another trick and keeps moving forward. Then you recognize Jet's voice. You remember this path runs right past the cabin he took from you. You reach out to stop Nicole and put a finger to your own lips. You should still be some distance from the cabin, but you can definitely hear both Jet and his girlfriend's voices. Sneaking up to the break in the trees where Yulia stopped, you peer out to see them out in the river.

"So what?" Nicole asks, not quietly.

"May's clothes are still wet. We should try to get back to our cabin without anyone seeing her." You whisper.

"I can do that! I'm super sneaky, like a ninja!" May whispers loudly.

Nicole lowers her voice. "She could just put her underwear back on. Just that wouldn't be so bad."

May wrinkles her nose. "No. Besides, it's fun to be a ninja."

"A naked ninja." Nicole gives in.

Yulia waves her arms, still silent. She points back at the couple in the water. You look out to see Jet lifting his girlfriend up out of the water, exposing her boobs. "They're swimming naked." Yulia giggles.

You all move into the trees on the far side of the trail to sneak as close as you can to the skinny dippers. After watching them for a few moments, it's clear the best you'll see is an occasional flash of boobs. Yulia darts out of the trees. It takes a moment to understand her target. She stops at the water's edge and runs back with a bundle of clothes.

You pat her on the back. "Let's go."

"I wanted to wait and see them find their clothes are gone." Yulia pouts.

"I don't want to get caught with their clothes."

"Fine." Yulia hands the bundle of clothes for you to carry and marches through the trees beside the path.

You stop her and lead the group deeper into the trees. You are close enough to camp to find your way without the path and soon lead everyone to a clearing with the cabin that should have been yours. You dart out to leave the clothes beside the cabin and return to the cover of the trees. Traversing around the clearing, you reach a portion of the path that grows so thin, you wouldn't even recognize it as a path if you didn't know what you were looking for. You cross the path here to the woods on the other side where you soon come right up behind the kids' cabin.

You've made it this far with no one spotting May, but the only door is in full view of the center of camp. Nicole suggests someone go in and bring clothes out to her, but she insists she has to finish the mission and make it all the way into the cabin. While everyone deliberates, you hang May's wet clothes in the trees to dry. Emma suggests sending her in through the back window and offers to go in and open it from the inside. Once she has it open, May runs over and you help lift her up into the window. She stops halfway through, with her butt in your face. She's afraid she'll land on her face if you shove her through like this, so Emma comes over to help catch her. It takes longer than it should with Emma a bit too short and you distracted by May's butt and pussy staring at you the whole time. When you finally do get her through, she crashes down on Emma. Thankfully the floor full of mattresses cushions the fall. Everyone else joins them in the cabin while May gets some new clothes and you all take a moment to sit and rest.

When you emerge from the cabin, it is a lot darker than when you went in. The parents have already begun making dinner and it's not long before it is ready. You once again find yourself eating at the kids' table, but it doesn't seem so bad any more. Nicole sits across from you and tells you about the book she's been reading. You don't really follow, but it seems like it might be interesting if you were more of a reader. Before you know it, everyone has finished eating. Looking at all the faces covered in red sauce, you question whoever made the decision to serve spaghetti to this group.

The Blondies' mom, Aunt Debbie, comes around to collect dishes when she spots a noodle on Yulia's dress.

"Oh dear, that's going to stain. Take it off, take it off. I need to wash it right away."

"But mom..."

"But, but you should have been more careful with your food. I can't have you losing or ruining any more clothes. Take that dress off so I can wash it."

Yulia lifts her dress only to be interrupted by her mother wiping off her face. Her face now clean, she is allowed to finish removing the dress. For all the fuss she made about taking the dress off, you are surprised to see she doesn't run back to the cabin to get dressed again. Instead, she takes a seat by the firepit wearing only her panties. It is a warm summer night, so you figure she'll be okay for a little while longer and if her mother doesn't mind, you certainly won't tell her to cover up. You find your own seat on a log as Uncle Dave brings out his guitar. Yulia sees you and joins you on the log. The air is growing colder, so she snuggles up closer to you and May cuddles her other side. Nicole brings over a big blanket for her and takes a seat on your other side. The activity of the day catches up with you as you stare into the hypnotic flames and listen to the chatter around you. At some point, Jet's girlfriend pulls Nicole away and they dance to Uncle Dave's guitar in the firelight. You don't know much about dancing, but you can see Nicole is really enjoying herself. She may be your cousin, but after everything that happened today you can admit to yourself that she looks hot dancing like that.

At some point Yulia stirs and tells you she's tired, so the three of you head back to the cabin. May still has plenty of energy and bounds into the cabin, quickly shedding everything but her panties. Yulia slips on her night dress and crawls into her sleeping bag. You follow her lead, changing into your boxers and slipping into your sack. Your departure must have signaled bed time because the rest of your cousins slowly file in and get undressed for bed. The excitement of everyone filling the room wakes up Yulia. She gets up and joins the chaos.

Eventually, Everyone but Nicole has returned to the cabin and Emma realizes Yulia is the only one wearing more than her underwear. Even Asha has succumbed to the trend in spite of the resistance she put up last night. Emma points out she was already in her underwear in front of the whole family earlier tonight. Now you understand the issue. You should step in, but you also want to see where this is going.

Leave her to the wolves

Defend her