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Revision as of 02:18, 24 March 2023

"But I like my nightie."

"Don't be weird about it, Yulee! You being weird makes the rest of us feel weird!"

"But... I just don't want to."

"Okay. I can do it for you if you're so scared."

Emma grabs a fistful of Yulia's nightie, who immediately holds down her long night dress, your sis continuing to pester her to strip. You don't blame your sister's logic. It's hard to say why Yulia sat in nothing but her panties in front of the whole family but now is too shy to do so inside the relative privacy of the cabin. Still, Emma really shouldn't be so pushy about this. It's like she already forgot what happened last night when she tried this with Asha.

Then again... just because you saw Yulia put on her nightie over her panties doesn't mean she didn't take off her underwear afterward. That's how she sleeps, after all. So maybe she isn't wearing her panties right now. That makes more sense.

While you ponder this, Emma puts a second hand on Yulia, causing the younger girl to start squealing. You like where this is headed and settle in for a show.

Yulia manages to twist her way out of your sister's grasp, but not for long. Busy fighting off Emma, Yulia doesn't see Asha slip behind her until her nightie gets flipped over her head. Yulia spins on her second assailant. Asha is too stunned by the bare cheeks she revealed to react. Yulia yanks Asha's underwear down her thighs. Emma loses the opportunity to strike when her panties fall to her ankles. May squeals with excitement at her accomplishment and runs away. Asha fixes her underwear and tackles Yulia to the ground. Yulia wriggles from her grasp and grabs at Emma's panties. Emma evades Yulia but trips on her cotton shackles. May runs around the confusion to steal Asha's underwear and pull the trophy over her head, offering no resistance when Asha retaliates. Yulia makes another grab for Emma's panties but can't reach her. Emma pulls her panties back up and stands ready. May steps out of the undies at her feet to lunge at Emma. Without the element of surprise, Emma quickly counters her and steals back Asha's underwear. Asha grabs Yulia's ankles and drags her across the mattresses. Yulia wiggles against Asha's grasp but is too distracted by her nightie riding up. Bray and Beth step in and finally relieve Yulia of her dress.

Then the door opens. Everyone freezes. Nicole dances in, hardly noticing the outrageous scene she is walking through to flop down on her bed. Emma throws Asha her underwear. May dives into her sack. Bray hides the nightie. Yulia panics. Beth finds May's undies for her. Nicole pulls an oversized, comfy T-shirt and sleep shorts out of her bag before looking around for a convenient way to change. Asha puts her underwear on. May moves around in her duffle. You hope she is putting her undies on. Emma offers Yulia a pair of her panties. Yulia takes them.

Nicole blinked at the room with a suspicious grin. "Huh? What is it you're all doing?"

"Everyone is wearing just their underwear to bed tonight!" Emma explained. "You have to do it too!"

"No! I can't do that! I'm not-I mean you can because you're-I just can't!" She flustered,

"Look, Justice is doing it! He did it last night too. You would be the only one left out. Come on. You have to!" Emma grabs her hands and swings them back and forth.

Nicole looks around the room full of expectant faces. "I guess you're right. Everyone else is doing it."

Emma guides Nicole to her feet. "So you'll do it?"

Yulia doesn't wait for an answer. She tries to help Nicole out of her shirt but only has one hand because the other is busy holding up the oversized panties she is wearing. Her clumsy fingers tickle Nicole's side, making her pull her arms in. Emma sees her opening and yanks Nicole's shorts down.

"Okay, okay!" Nicole relents to great applause. She steps out of the shorts and pulls her shirt off.

"This too!" Emma yanks up on Nicole's training bra. Nipples pop into view, and bonafide titties consume your vision. They may be small, but they are breathtaking. At least they take your breath away. The rest of the cabin erupts with cheers, especially Wade, from up on his bunk.o

Nicole pulls her bra back down and knocks Emma on her butt. "No! Definitely not!"

"But everyone else is wearing just their underwear, no bras." Emma reasons.

"No one else has a bra. Besides, a bra is underwear, so I'm still just wearing my underwear."


"Good night." Nicole reaches up, turns out the lantern, and falls back to bed.

With the lights out and the vibes dead, everyone goes to bed. Lying in the darkness, you curse the sudden silence. The last thing you saw before the lights went out was Nicole's boobs, and the image of them is still imprinted on your eyes as you begin to dream.


You wake up to the dawn light seeping into the cabin and navigate the minefield of young cousins to get to your clothes. It was hot again last night; very few are still inside their sleeping bags. Yulia wins the award for the most mobile sleeper. She began the night in the back of the cabin closer to you, but now you'll have to step over her to get out the front door. She found it hard to sleep with her undies on as they have disappeared, and she now lays naked in the door frame. You saved her from humiliation yesterday, but if she insists on sleeping this way, you can do only so much for her. A cold draft of morning air blows in when you open the door, but she hardly shivers, still dead asleep.

You find Uncle Dave brewing coffee again and join him for a cup. He's deep in a conversation with Uncle Mike about some old memories, so you sip your coffee and watch nature wake up. Poorly whispered voices draw your attention back to the cabin. You recognize Asha's panties as her butt sticks out of the door. She's bent over and struggling with something. You watch for a few more minutes until the edge of a mattress follows her out the door.

"What's going on over there?" Uncle Mike asks.

You reply, "Looks like Asha finally found her chance to be the prankster instead of the fool. I think she's dragging Yulia's mattress out the door with her still on it."

"I hope she wakes up more decent than yesterday."

"No luck. She wiggled all the way out of her clothes this time. Not a stitch on her when I woke up."

Uncle Mike turns around. "Well, this oughta be interesting."

Your sister pops out the door to help, and the two girls make short work of their task. Yulia's head pops up from the mattress, taking a moment too long to clue in on what's happening. Asha and Emma dash past her and shut the door.

Yulia throws herself at the door. "Let me in!" she shouts loud enough to wake the camp.

Standing up, you say, "Guess I should do something."

"They'll work it out." Uncle Mike assures you.

You make your way over to the cabin as Aunts and Uncles begin to emerge from their slumber. Yulia stops banging on the door to explain everything that happened like you didn't just see the whole thing. You let her tell her story, standing there with her hand over her crotch before you knock on the door. "That's enough. Let her in." The door flies open, and Yulia rushes inside to find a room full of laughing kids. She skulks over to her bag and digs around for some clothes. Meanwhile, you start dragging the mattress back inside. "Emma, Asha, can you two help me with the other end?"

With their prank finished the girls are happy to help clean up and run outside to lift the other end of the mattress. That's when you drop your side and shut the door. The room erupts with cheers. As the girls pull at the handle, everyone rushes forward to help you hold the door. You watch Yulia pull on a pair of yellow panties, but she has difficulty finding the rest of her outfit.

Outside, the sounds of struggle stop. You hear a heavy knock, and your dad's voice says, "Mom says you need to let the girls back inside."

"Yeah, maybe I should. What do you say?"

"I say they deserve worse."

"Dad!" Emma shouts.

"Don't make me take your undies." Dad threatens.

"You wouldn't do that!" she laughs but doesn't push the issue any further.

Yulia wrestles on a pair of denim shorts that might be her sister's. She tries to close the snap, but it keeps popping open again.

"I'll let them back in once Yulia finishes getting dressed." You bargain with your dad.

"Sounds fair to me," he agrees, "Though I have to let you know, I'm putting on a show out here to keep your mother happy. She has to think I'm trying."

Yulia gives up on the button and fishes out a frilly top.

You call back to your dad, "You can tell Mom that I stopped holding the door. It's the other kids keeping it shut now." Then, you back off the door to make your statement true.

The door cracks open and slams shut again as Emma and Asha try to force their way inside again. Your dad tries to tell the girls not to be so rough with the door because it's old, but they keep at it. Once Yulia has her shirt on, you signal your cousins to stop the tug of war with the door, sending the girls on the other side toppling over the mattress behind them. Then, you take Yulia out to join the rest of your family gathering for breakfast while the other kids dress themselves.

The early morning action is the only thing anyone wants to discuss, especially Yulia. She doesn't feel ashamed at all. In fact, she takes pleasure in telling her aunts and uncles how Emma and Asha were horrible and how you came to her rescue. Your dad does his part to help downplay your retaliation against the girls and run interference with your mom. By the time Emma comes out to share her side of the story trying to make you the villain, Yulia has successfully won over all the adults to crown you the hero.

After breakfast, Beth and Yulia begin organizing a game and cast you in a starring role. You are Sir Justice, a knight who must save the princesses Yulia and May from the high tower of the enchanted castle. Brayden gets to be a dragon this time, but he wants to be a good dragon so he can be on your side. You like the idea of riding a dragon into battle. If Bray gets to be on your team, Beth wants to be. So instead of playing the witch who trapped the princesses, she becomes the wizard who helps the brave and cunning knight.

Everyone's roles are decided, but there is one problem. No one is playing the villains. Up until now, Emma and Asha were kept out of the game. It's decided they can play as long as they agree to be the villains. Emma chooses to be a black knight, and Asha wants to be a dire wolf. Emma wants a dragon since she has to fight a dragon, but Asha insists on being a wolf. They leave to find a dragon. Emma comes back riding on Nicole's shoulders, declaring a dragon rider is far more powerful than any knight.

You were supposed to be riding your dragon too. After a few comical attempts to act that out, you have to concede Emma is a better dragon rider. Brayden suggests you be the dragon so he can ride you, but Yulia insists you have to be the knight who saves her from Emma. Beth teases Bray that the problem isn't you're too big for your dragon, but your dragon is too small for you. She's right, though. Emma is not more powerful just because she can ride a dragon. You are so powerful that your dragon rides you! You lift Brayden onto your shoulders and charge into battle as Sir Justice Dragonmount.

As you approach the high tower of the enchanted castle, you see Emma waiting for you with her black armor, sword, and shield. In her wolf form, Asha lurks in the shadows, ready to attack. You and Brayden fly toward Emma, and as you get closer, she raises her sword and challenges you to a duel.

"You dare to challenge me? I am the greatest dragon rider in all the realm!" Emma taunts.

"I do," you reply with a grin. "For the honor of the princesses, I will defeat you."

Emma spurs her dragon forward. You meet her on the battlefield, letting the dragon on your back grapple with her. Their tussle knocks you and Nicole back and forth, yet you stand firm. Your riders know this is not a joust to unseat the other.

Meanwhile, Asha stands proudly in the center of the clearing. Her arms stretch wide, head tilted back, howling at the sky.

Bethany approaches, twirling a wand in her hand. "You better watch out, Asha! I am a powerful wizard, and I won't let you stop me from rescuing the princesses!"

Asha charges forward. The moment she is close enough, she lunges at Beth to claw at her shirt.

Beth sidesteps the attack and counters with a spell, "Bippity boppity pop! These bubbles will make you stop!"

"So many bubbles!" Asha growls. She covers her eyes to shield them from the magic soap. When she recovers, Bethany has made it all the way to the tree, or rather the high tower, where the Princesses Yulia and May are trapped.

You try to break the riders apart so you can be mobile again, but Brayden loses his balance. You awkwardly slow his fall, but you are powerless to stop it.

"I can handle the dragon rider on my own. Go stop Asha!" You instruct Bray.

Emma looks back to see how close she is to defeat. "They're gonna get away! Nicky-I mean dragon, fly back to the tower!"

With a rider on her back, the dragon is slow. You effortlessly run around them and block their path.

Bethany waves her wand at the branches of the tower, "Aloha, Moira! You're free. You can come out of the tower now."

While the Princesses scramble out of the tower, Brayden tackles Asha to the ground. You do your best to keep Emma and Nicole from advancing. Still, you can only get so physical without threatening Nicole's balance. They get past you and head straight for Bethany.

Bethany plants her feet and grips her wand with both hands, "Avada Kedavra! Die dragon!"

Nicole stops in her tracks. Slowly, dramatically, she falls to her knees. Then, without dropping Emma, she slides to the ground until they both lie in the grass.

"Hey, no fair!" Emma shouts. She points her sword at her dead dragon, "Dragon, I raise you from the dead!"

Nicole sits up with her arms stretched out, "Ughh, Zombie Dragon!"

"You can't cast spells! You're a black knight!" Bethany argues. "Even if you could, only really powerful magicians can bring people back from the dead!"

Nicole stops rising. "Ughhmm, uh, Zombie Dragon has no legs!"

"I can cast spells because I'm a dragon rider." Emma claims.

"Okay, but your dragon is dead, so you lost your powers." Bethany counters.

Brayden sees an opening with Asha distracted by the argument. He throws his arms back and leans forward, "Dragon breath!"

Asha yelps, "No, you can't!" She grabs May and holds her as a human shield, "You'll hurt the Princess you're supposed to save!"

This inspires Emma. She pushes through everyone to grab Yulia and pushes her down to her knees. Then, raising her stick sword to the Princess's throat, she declares, "Surrender! If all of you leave now, I'll let her live another day. Otherwise..." She presses the sword against Yulia's neck, eliciting a genuine groan from the more petite girl.

"Emma, You're hurting her." you plead. "It's just a game. Why are you being such a sore loser?"

"You won't surrender? Okay." Emma drags her stick across Yulia's throat.

The rough stick makes a few tears wet Yulia's eyes, but she remains committed to her role. She flops to the ground for a gruesome death that includes a pantomime of blood gushing out of her jugular and a throaty death rattle. With one last twitch of her leg, she lets her head rolls to the side, and her tongue lolls out. She is dead.

"I can save her!" Bethany announces and waves her wand over Yulia, "Kedavra Avada!"

"Magic can't raise the dead!" Emma reminds her.

Yulia sits up and shouts, "To Blove!" before flopping back down with her tongue out.

"What?" several kids say in unison.

"Ha! She's still dead." Emma taunts and kicks Yulia's foot for good measure.

May holds her dead sister's head in her lap. "True Love. She said, True Love!"

"That's it!" Bethany shouts, "True Love is the most powerful magic. True Love's Kiss can bring her back to life!"

Everyone looks at you. "Are you sure she didn't say, 'to bluff'? Maybe she's not really dead."

"You have to kiss her!" May pleads.

You bend down over your young cousin. It's hard to say she looks pretty with her tongue sticking out, her clothes and hair disheveled. Still, there's also something hot about how vulnerable she looks. Not to mention her shorts are entirely unfastened. They show enough underwear to see the entire picture of a Belle on them. You lean in and give her a chaste kiss on the cheek. Nothing happens.

"You have to give her a real kiss. On the lips!" May explains.

You move her tongue into her mouth and turn her face toward you. Her tongue slips out again. You push it back in. It stays long enough for you to give her a peck on the lips. Her tongue comes back out. She's still dead.

"A real kiss! Like you love her!"

You wrestle her tongue back into her mouth and hold her jaw shut. Pressing your lips against hers, it certainly feels very real for you. The audience oohs at you. You relax your grip on her chin and loosen your lips. She kisses you back. Then her tongue sticks out again, this time into your mouth. You give it a little suck. She was not expecting that and breaks into giggles. You help her to her feet, then lift her high in victory.

Emma is slightly stunned watching the kiss, but she's still bitter. She thrusts her stick through May's side. May clenches it with her arm and falls, impaled by the sword. Her tongue emerges as the final sign she is dead. You kneel down to kiss another even younger cousin. Tilting her head toward you, her tongue retreats behind her lips. You give her a nice long smooch and finish with a loud smack of your lips.

Having killed both the Princesses, Emma is in a better mood. Though she is not done killing. She retrieves her sword from May's side, and Bethany practically runs into it. While you are still kissing Beth, Emma dispatches Brayden. You've already kissed enough cousins; kissing a boy almost feels less weird. So you plant a proper one on his lips, to great applause and laughter, and hold him down to make it a good long one.

"Isn't Nicole still dead?" May points out.

Nicole's eyes go wide. "Zombie Dragon is zombie. Zombie Dragon doesn't need a kiss."

Emma plunges her sword through Asha's chest. "We've lost. I can't let them take us alive!" Emma withdraws her sword and turns it on herself.

With both the villains dead, you walk back toward camp.

"We can't leave them like that!" Bethany pleads.

"You have to save them too!" Yulia insists.

You wheel back around and crouch over Asha. You put one hand under her head and another to lift her shoulders. You must admit to yourself that you're getting into all this kissing. You make out with Asha until she pulls back, blushing.

Next is your sister. You bend over her upside-down, sort of Spider-Man style, and go in for a quick one. She's ready and doesn't let you get away with it. She grabs your head and holds your face against hers. Going this long without a chance to jack off is doing weird things to your head because this kiss with your sister feels like the best one yet. She releases you all too soon and bolts up. She grabs Asha's hand, rushing back to camp, and everyone else follows.

The game lasted longer than you thought. When you get back to camp, the adults are already preparing lunch. Yulia glues herself to your side, holding your arm and occasionally looking up into your eyes. She's not the only one acting strangely. Your other cousins take a seat at the same table as you, but for once, they are quiet. Even Emma isn't saying anything. Finally, lunch is announced, and everyone gets up to grab food.

You stand in line behind Auntie Grace. She strikes up some conversation, "I see they've been keeping you busy. Are things still tense after this morning?"

"I guess so." you say.

"If you need some time to yourself, I can take them all down to the river after lunch." Auntie Grace offers, "You know me, I'll be there all week or as much as I can manage. So send them my way anytime you need a breather."

It seems everyone was just hungry. Once they have food in their bellies, the kids return to their usual obnoxious selves. Brayden and Beth overheard Auntie Grace mention the river and get everyone else excited to go for a swim. As much as they can be a pain, you have started to enjoy yourself. The river is starting to sound nice to you too. You are curious to see everyone in their swimsuits. But, on the other hand, you are in desperate need of solitude.

Join everyone at the lake

Get some alone time