Difference between revisions of "The Zoologists/Page goes down on Lisa"

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Revision as of 07:59, 21 September 2016

Lisa embraces the hug, but not to long after her sister is drops down and removes Lisa's little panties. They get pulled down to her knees and then feels a wet link as her sisters tongue goes down from the bottom of her pussy to the top.

Page's tongue starts playing around with Lisa's clit. This makes Lisa shudder with pleasure and a moan escapes her lips.

Page takes a minute to look up at her sister, a smile going across her faces knowing that she is making her little sister feel this way and quickly goes back to ravishing her clit.

Lisa moans and shudders as Page gives her her first orgasm. Lisa slumps over and Page quickly catch's her. She picks her up and carrys her to her own bed.