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(Created page with "Some how Lisa stays conscious, both Fred and Mike start fucking her harder. Her ass is on fire as her throat is being fucked raw. She was starting to feel a pressure building...")
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Latest revision as of 09:36, 22 September 2016

Some how Lisa stays conscious, both Fred and Mike start fucking her harder. Her ass is on fire as her throat is being fucked raw.

She was starting to feel a pressure building, her whole body starts to quiver as this release was needed soon. One of her hands finds its way to her pussy as she inserts a finger.

Pushing her finger deep till it hit some resistance then pulling out and doing it again. She kept doing this, her whole body shakes and the release is felt as she has her first orgasm.

"Holy shit she just came" Fred says

"I got it on camera"

Lisa continues on fingering herself. A second release comes along which makes her body numb. Her hand goes down to support her self as the dick in her throat swells and shoots its load into her stomach.

Fred doesn't last to much longer after the second orgasm squeezes his dick harder than anything he has every felt and shoots his load into Lisa's ass.

Lisa coughs up some cum when Mike pulls his dick out and Leaks cum from her ass as Fred moves away from her ass.

"Better leave her virginity alone and leave"

Mike nods in agreement and they both leave Lisa on the ground as she slumps over exhausted.
