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The Supergirl - Chapter 8a - THE PROPOSAL


David welcomes Doc into his office.

"So, what's up, Doc? You wanted to have a chat with me.”

“What’s up... Doc?”

“Yeah... never mind... I saw that in a cartoon with some stupid rabbit the other day in the girl’s storage. I approved several TVs to be installed in the girl’s storage.”

“That is very nice of you, Sir.”

“Hah... it has nothing to do with my softer side... the guards suggested it was better for the mental health of the girls to have at least something to do during the day instead of just waiting for the day they are sold. There is still interest in the girls, but our customers have been afraid of purchasing a unit because of Supergirl... I hope that once they know she’s out of the picture that they will buy again. The longer they are kept in stock the lower their value becomes!”

“Yes, I see. Not a shred of compassion in your soul, Sir?”

“Well... I wouldn’t say that... it’s just that you’ve never seen me be compassionate towards bitches... frankly... neither have I...”, he gives Doc a wink before throwing a magazine on the table.

“Look... they have a special about Captains of Industry. Praising those cash-grabbing dirt-bags as heroes of the modern world... you believe that? Over half of those featured in this article used to be regular customers! I’m sure they wouldn’t be covered in there so positively if they found out about their particular kinks when it comes to little girls! One of them is almost as bad as me! He used to be one of my best customers!”

“I see...”

“What about me? Huh? I’m a captain of my industry... the unsung hero of the supplier of products that make those men able to sacrifice their lives to benefit society in the long term. They would kill themselves without our products... there would be no industry they built up! I’m sure I would not be heralded as one of them. It’s just socially unacceptable... but I should! The lengths that I went to in order to supply enough pretty girls for those dirt-bags! The times I had to come over in the middle of the night to clean up their mess when a new customer is so happy he can finally fuck a little girl that he accidentally killed a girl in his enthusiasm during sex... it’s not unlike premature ejaculation to me... ending up with a dead product less than a week after delivery! I even instructed them to hold back with those really young ones... it’s true inexperience... if you use those cunts enough close to the limit, you can eventually fuck them as hard as you like, but it takes about a year for a seven year old. Of course... it all depends on the size of your dick too!”

“Yes... very interesting, Sir. There is something else I need to discuss. I know you want to keep Supergirl for a long time, but I think you should reconsider."

"Why? That bitch that nearly destroyed me! I love having her around and make her suffer!”

“Yes... so I’ve noticed. As much as I think you deserve your revenge, there is a problem arising.”

“What kind of problem?”

“The emitters, Sir... they are wearing out much faster than expected. I’ve had to replace critical parts on most of them already. We only have a few left. At this rate we will run out in less than a month and we don’t have money to buy new ones. And when they stop... well... she will have... ALL... of... her... powers... back...!”

“Ohhhh... yeah... that... IS... a huge problem. We can’t allow that to happen. After all we’ve done to her... she wouldn’t just kill us... she would take her time... doing it slowly and painfully... I saw that in her eyes... she is no longer the benign goddess that she was when we captured her! I doubt the other criminal organizations will donate more money to keep Supergirl as MY toy. They donated what was necessary to capture... and KILL her. That was the deal... they wanted her DEAD!”

“Then we must kill her, Sir.”

“Yeah... well... you see... ehm... how would we do that? I’ve killed her several times now, but she always comes back as new! She survived having run a wooden stick from her pussy to her mouth, I’m sure she couldn’t breathe... I removed all of her organs and yet... at the end of the party she was still alive. Then we burnt her to a crisp. Her entire body was pitch black coal!!! The next day she was back in the dungeon!!!”

“Yes... I see... she also always seems to pop up again where she died. We should not try to kill her out in the open. She may appear somewhere outside of the range of the emitters.”

“DAMN... YOU’RE RIGHT. I didn’t even think about that!”

“I request about two to three weeks to gather more measurements and data for my research.”

“Are you going to figure out how to kill her? Or what do you hope to achieve with your research?”

"I would love to know the reasons why she heals so fast and see if we can reverse-engineer the technology. It may seem like magic to us, but it's just Kryptonian technology. Even if we cannot replicate it completely, we could learn so much from it. We could help so many people with it!“

"Yeah yeah... so what? I don't fucking care about helping people with the technology, what's in it for me?"

"Sir, with all due respect... imagine a device that could repair a little girl after you damage her body. Would you not like to be able to repair completely after you went to town on her pussy? Think about customer satisfaction... would your customers not enjoy their product even more if they could repair it after heavy abuse?”

"Hmmm... I guess, but that's bad for business if they can keep their product much longer. My core business is to supply them with NEW girls on a regular basis, since they wear out from damage or simply die.”

“Okay... let me put it this way... how long do you think it will take to become a millionaire again selling girls and a little bit of drugs?"

"Uhm... considering the debt I have with the other organizations, I guess maybe ten years."

"Sir, this technology would easily make you a Billionaire in the same time-frame!”

"Yeah... IF we can crack the Kryptonian tech that is... and that’s a big IF!”

“So much is true."

"So, how much can you guarantee me that you will be able to crack it?"

"I cannot give you any guarantees, but I think I could speed it up if we bring in the big guns."


"Well, by bringing your brother to the table. He is a brilliant scientist, you know?"

"My brother??? He doesn’t want to speak to me anymore. I haven't spoken to him in years. What makes you think he would be interested?"

"Isn't he trying to break through with his Pharmaceutical company? This technology will mean his ticket to fame!"

"Well... that's cute and all, but again... what's in it for me?"

"Sir, listen... what if it were possible for you to rape every beautiful girl WITHOUT THE NEED to hold back, tearing up her pussy the way you like. After which you can repair her vagina before she ships to her new owner? You could torture little girls endlessly without them wearing out! Think about that!”, some muffled sounds come from David’s desk.

"Hold on... one moment, please.", David moves his chair back from the table, exposing a little girl's head from beneath the table. She eagerly does her best to not let David’s dick flow out of her mouth to avoid punishment.

"Ehm... girl... I forgot your name... didn’t I tell you not to speak with your mouth full? We were talking about other girls, understand? You are very good at sucking my cock and I would never torture you, hmmmkay?", she nods carefully with his dick in her mouth while looking into his eyes. Hoping he is telling the truth.

He shoves the chair forward again, hiding the girl underneath the desk. He makes a gesture to the Doc with a smile letting him know that it was a white lie... she will be tortured to death regardless of her sucking performance.

"Hmmm... if I had know you would bring up torture I would have stored her in another room, but go on... you have my full attention now."

"Don't your customers often complain about the vaginas of the products wearing out too fast?"

"Yeah... I hear that a lot. But that's what you get if you have a big dick and enjoy tearing up small child-cunts with your manly rod. Funny enough those frequent complainers tend to be my most loyal customers."

“Don't you think you should do something about that from a customer service perspective."

"Again... that will actually hurt my business."

"If we succeed in healing people, I can guarantee you that money will be the least of your problems! Selling little girls won't be your core-business anymore. You could still keep running the 'Cock Ring' purely for fun if you wish. You know... like a hobby...”

"Hmmm... that is an interesting thought... you’re a smart guy after all, Doc!"

“Thank you, Sir. On a different note... have you noticed something odd with some of the body-parts that you removed from Supergirl?"

"Well, only that they somehow grow back miraculously."

Then the Doc puts a few pieces of bloody meat in a metal tray on the table.


"Dude!!! What the fuck!"

"These are the first Supergirl breasts and womb you threw in the corner of the dungeon two weeks ago. Just feel them and tell me if you notice anything peculiar.”

"The hell I will... I’m expecting potential new customers and I’m wearing my last Italian designer suit!"

"Okay, look...", the Doc picks up the womb gently.

"Look... it’s still in perfect shape. Like it was just removed, but you tore it out two weeks ago. Here... same goes for the breasts... they are soft and fresh... even the blood is still seems fresh. I don't know how! No flies, no maggots. These removed body parts remain soft and intact. Amazing!"

“That IS special, but what good is that to us?"

“I’ve noticed that you sometimes keep something... as a trophy... Would you not love to be able to keep body-parts as trophies? You could have a gallery with trophy body-parts or even complete bodies of girls you killed!"

“THAT... IS... VERY interesting, actually.", David looks up at the ceiling shortly daydreaming of a trophy room filled with dead little girls and body parts all over the place.

“Ehmmm... ah... just a sec...”, he closes his eyes as he ejaculates into the little girl’s mouth.

“Man! Fantasizing about a big room filled with girly trophies took me over the edge... let me just finish filling her mouth with testicle-juice... hold on... just... hmmm... gimme... a sec...

... oh... ... ... go ahead... swallow it this time... that’s it... keep it in... keep it in... there you go... good girl...”

David reaches under the desk, stroking her head to reassure her that she did well and does not have to fear punishment for the moment.

“Good girl... now just keep your mouth over my penis and keep it from leaking on the chair, mmkay?”, David tells her in an exaggerated sweet voice to the eight year old slave-girl.

“Okay, Doc... I guess you have a point. So, what will you need for this? I doubt we have the money to buy additional equipment for you.”

“Sir... it really makes me uncomfortable when you have a little girl under the desk attending to your sexual needs when we have a chat."

"Well, you asked for a meeting on really short notice. She was already under the desk two hours ago."

"Fucking hell... two... you had... her... two hours... uhm... whatever. Your brother probably has most of the equipment we need, please ask him."

"Okay... everlasting virginity... quick repair of gruesomely tortured girls... making billions in the process... you convinced me... I’M IN! We should at least give it a try, right? But if it looks you're getting nowhere, I kill her with at least one week to spare until we run out of emitters. At least... I’ll TRY to kill her!”

"It's better than nothing... I'd better get to work then.”

"Yeah... you do that... I'll just have some more fun with my female guest. I think I’m ready to feel that tight cunt again! Oh... and take this tray with the bitch's meat with you and feed it to the pigs!"

"Right away, Sir!"