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!!! WARNING !!!



The Supergirl - Chapter 8b - THE GREAT ESCAPE

“Please make sure all the information is correct on this certificate... it is only valid if all the info is correct.”, the customer looks over the paper for a moment.

“Uuuuuuhhhhmmm... oui... ehhh... yeah... it looks good, non?.”

“That’s great... then sign here... here... and here... yeah... that’s it then... congratulations Mr. Anouilh... you are now the proud owner of a gorgeous nine-year old girl! I’m sure she will bring you a lot of joy in your life. Now... there are still a few options that we can offer you.”

“Options... what options?”

“Well... according to the paperwork you filled in... it seems like you lose interest around age eleven... so what will you do with her after that?”

“Oh... mon Dieu! I don’t know... I did not think about that... it’s almost two years from now. Do you have any ideas? Can I sell her back?”

“Well... we don’t do that anymore... the state in which the girls were returned often meant we couldn’t sell them anymore for a profit... it always meant selling them at a loss, so I’m sorry, but no. You can sell her if you wish, but that is high risk.”

“Oui... d’accord... but then what can I do? I cannot set her free... no?”

“That would be a very bad idea... some of my customers kill the girl.”

“Je ne jeux pas! I cannot kill her! I only want to rape her... I’m not a murderer!”

“Then we also offer a disposal service... we will get rid of her when you’re done with her. There are several options for that. We can make it painless... we can make torture her to death in many ways. If you choose the second option, you will be given a videotape of her disposal. That also gives you the option to receive something to remember her by... you know... leather gloves for instance... made from her skin.”

“Non... I don’t want her to be in so much pain, but yes... I would like you to get rid of her for me. Make it painless. But she must never surface after that. I want her dead and not in some brothel!”

“You have my word!”

“How much is it?”

“If you decide now, it’s $50.000 for a quick kill, double that for the full torture package including the video and leather gloves if you pre-pay now. If you decide later the prices are doubled.”

“Ok... I pre-pay for ze painless package.”, the men shake hands with a smile. Mr. Anouilh walks to the door.

“Mistur Davidd... I must commend yu... yu have the best-looking girls I have ever seen...”

“Thank you very much, Mr. Anouilh... I hope the product will be to your liking and that you come back for more. Oh... please don’t forget your certificate of ownership!”

“Sacrebleu... merci!”, David walks him to the surface where his car and driver wait for him. The driver is standing at the rear of the car with the trunk open. Two men are putting his purchase in the trunk, mouth gagged, wrists tied behind her, ankles tied close to her wrists.

“Mais non... I want her to sit next to me... I want to play a little bit with her.”

“As you wish... the customer is always right...”, the girl is untied, sat in the back-seat next to her new owner. He’s already opened up his pants to uncover his raging boner.

He grabs her head by the hair and directs her face into his crotch. The girl is afraid to offer any resistance and puts her mouth over her owner’s cock-head. He caresses her head... strokes her hair.

“Don’t be afraid of me, little girl... just make me a happy man and I will not hurt you much... okay?”, she nods keeping the penis in her mouth. He winks at David, the door closes. The car leaves with two honks. The men wave goodbye.

“He’ll change his mind... I’ve seen many like him... they pretend to be good guys, but soon... when he feels that child-pussy on his dick... it will unleash the beast deep down inside him... I wouldn’t be surprised if he’ll order the whole package... leather gloves and all.”

“Who knows, Sir. Not if he lives up to his last name...”, David looks at Doc with one eye half frowned down and one eye frowned up.


“You do know that his last name means ’slow worm’?”, David is flabbergasted. That cracks him up. He grabs Doc by the shoulder, laughing with his eyes tightly shut from laughter. That even makes Doc laugh for the first time in weeks.

The men walk back to the office building.

“Wait...”, Doc says.

“Wait...? What do you...”

“Shhhh...!!!”, he holds his finger in front of his mouth. David moves his mouth as if to ask ‘WHAT’?

“Something’s wrong...”

“What is it, Doc?”

“The A/C... the A/C stopped... lemme check...”, he walks fast to the next building. David runs after him.

“DOC... WHAT???”

“Listen... this A/C also stopped!”, the men run to the next building.

“Here it also stopped!”

“Okay... so what? Maybe we have a power outage.”

“THE EMITTERS!!!”, Doc screams. David looks at the instant sweat appearing on Doc’s forehead. Then sweat instantly appears on his own forehead...


“How long?”



“HOLY FUCK!!! EXECUTE EMERGENCY POWER OUT PROTOCOL!!!”, David runs back towards the office building. But he’s not very fast with is out of shape body. His belly visibly flopping around as he runs. Pretty much the only exercise he gets is walking around town and raping.

“ALARM... ALARM... SOUND THE ALARM!!!”, seconds later the town bell sounds loud that can be heard all over town.

In a matter of moments, the village is filled with people running all over the place. Preparing for battle. Guns, rifles are handed out, the tank starts the engine, ammo is put on strategic places. Little girls are grabbed out of storage to serve as human shields... bound to the front of gun turrets or placed in front of a group of men.

When David is halfway to the office building, rumbling can be heard. Small tremors can be felt. Seconds later, the rumbling gets louder. It’s almost like an underground explosion. Followed by powerful tremors resembling an earthquake. Many running men trip and fall. Then it really feels like a big earthquake. The water tower tips over. David drops to the ground close to the building and rolls in the dust. Dumpty gets him back on his feet and the men storm into the building that gives entrance to the office. Humpty has the door open for the two.

Then just after the largest tremor yet, David looks outside the window. A dramatic large explosion causes a lot of sand and debris to fly into the air. Something comes out of the dust-cloud. People shout incomprehensible words. There’s also some screaming... and then...

A man screams from the top of his lungs... his voice coarse... crackling from extreme stress... more men scream in a similar fashion...

“SUPERGIRL!!! SUPERGIRL!!! OPEN FIRE!!! OPEN FIIIIIIIRRRREEEE!!!”, the peaceful little town is instantly turned into a war-zone! Small-arms fire and larger caliber guns rattle away in a futile attempt to shoot her down. Tracers fill the sky. Occasionally huge explosions announce the use of a tank and anti aircraft artillery.

David sees the true mighty goddess in action... restored to her full omnipotence... fire in her eyes... anger... revenge... hate... things nobody has ever seen before in the look of this once angelic being... certainly not like this! Her eyes light up... blazing red. She recognizes the men that beat her face to a pulp during several hours of gang-rape in the dungeon. Who clearly enjoyed destroying her pretty face. She blasts them away so easily since they were too clumsy to to put their human shield in place in time. She targets the cannon they are standing behind. It explodes in a fraction of a second, causing a lot of shrapnel going in all directions. Instantly killing one of the guys, but deadly hurting the others. The girl they intended to use as a shield escapes the blast while she hid behind a rock. She now runs around, looking for shelter. The bullets ricochet off of Supergirl’s body. Even the tank can’t make a dent in the skin of the naked goddess.

She sees a guy who enjoyed torturing her very much. For some reason standing alone in an open field. Not very tactical!!! She flies to him in an instant. He’s flabbergasted by the speed she’s suddenly standing in front of him... naked. He stops shooting at her... it is no use... the bullets don’t even cause a slight itch or any level of discernible discomfort. The others also stop shooting to prevent hitting their friend.

She grabs his nut-sack.

“You... you enjoyed raping me... degrading me... you enjoyed fracturing my arms, legs and face with a metal spiked baseball bat before having the time of your life destroying my vagina with it...”

“Please please please... Kara... please...!”

“Now... it’s my turn to have some ‘fun’... and just know that I’m being very merciful with you!!! Your days of raping little girls are over!”


Her hand slowly closes around the scrotum. Slowly crushing it with her strong hands. The man screams like she’s never heard a man do before. She’s killed men before... but always at a distance or or at least swiftly and it was always out of necessity. This time it’s different... this time... she has a grin on her face. A big grin. Feeling the sensitive testicles and penis in her hands. A penis that was inside her several times... these testicles that produces ample white goo that she was forced to swallow. Her grin becomes wider while crushing his testicles. His jeans stain red around the groin area. He needs to crawl into a fetal position, but can’t. He ends up lifting his legs, crawling into a ball on her arm. She lowers him onto the ground... holds his body in place with her other arm to slowly pull his genitals from his body.

“You never were a real man... now you’re going to die slowly without your beloved ‘rape tool’... you’re a nothing now! Enjoy your last minutes on this miserable planet!”, throws his genitals at some men behind a shielded gun.

“ALL OF YOU... ALL OF YOU WHO TORTURED ME... I’M COMING FOR YOU!!!”, in a panic the men start shooting at her again. They’ve all heard her... they fear for their lives... they fear the pain of being slowly castrated shortly after having their balls crushed.

She cuts the shielded gun-turret in half. Two men are grabbed by the balls. The other two run away screaming. The two men suffer the same fate.

She’s no longer the benign Goddess she used to be. Killing only if no other option was possible. She’s going after the men who tortured her... who raped her, but prioritizing the cruelest men. Those who really enjoyed making her suffer. In her mind also taking revenge for all the girls they most likely killed.

Almost twenty men die a horrible death by the hands of Supergirl... she ascends into the air above the dreaded center stage. Drops from the sky, completely destroying the stage on which she was publicly humiliated and tortured. Where she was impaled... from which she was paraded through the streets and where she was featured as an ornament for hours.

After it is completely destroyed, she flies up again. Starts shooting away with her eyes. Destroying weapons, buildings... men...

“SIR... WE HAVE TO GO... SIR!!! THE OFFIZ IZ DE ODDER WAY!!!”, David walks towards the window.

“LOOK AT HER... WOW... WHAT A POWER!!! LOOK AT THIS MIGHTY GIRL!!! IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!”, tears flow from his eyes. He raises his hands upward... almost like making a gesture to the divine... a gesture of deep respect and awe...

Even though he’s watching her destroy the village that he built... the killing of his men. He can’t look away... he is overwhelmed by the display of almost limitless power. Mesmerized by her magnificence... her eminence. Such POWER! Power he will never have... will never know... He wipes his tears to have a clear view of her in action. Tears from a deep emotional impact. Like when someone sheds tears while listening to magnificent, intense music. He is almost hypnotized by seeing her like this.

Suddenly she looks straight at him. David looks in awe... his mouth drops open... raising his arms towards her as if to say ‘take me... I’m yours’. He’s waiting... almost asking her to incinerate him with her eyes... expecting her to kill him or remove his genitals like the other guys... she doesn’t. A moment of silence. The gunfire diminishes. Not much more than the wind can be heard... faint distance crying of girls... some guys crying for a medic, but the two don’t lose eye-contact. It feels like minutes of staring at each other, while only half a minutes passes.

The two guards grab him by the shoulders, forcefully dragging him away in a hurry.





The men disappear underground and lock themselves up in David’s office. After David comes back to his senses, he grabs his gun. Humpty and Dumpty already have theirs ready to fire.

“I... I’m so sorry guys... I don’t know what got into me... I don’t want to die... I still have so many girls to...”

The metal shell around the office is pounded. It’s not much of a protection against her. It merely slows her down a little bit. A second later Supergirl comes blazing through the door with her fists in front. Ready... to fight...

ready... to kill...


Then... suddenly...

she stops...


Heavily panting... eyes wide open... like a deer about to be hit by a truck...




“No... NO!!!... this... this can’t BE!!!”, she’s looks like she’s frozen in time.








“NOOOOOOOOHOHOHOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!”, she puts her fists in front of her face... drops to her knees screaming!

“YOU... LOW-LIFE BASTARD!!!”, she looks down... her radiating halo of power diminished into an aura of submission... tears falling... the powerless omnipotent being... brought to her knees... again...

“HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA... SURPRIIIIIIIIISEEEEE! And you thought you could just barge in here and kill me... huh? You didn’t see this one coming... did you??? You didn’t see through the lead around my office.

You can only kill one, but not all three of us before we end the life of one of the little ones! Do you have what it takes to save one... maybe two? You choose who gets to live... who gets to die...”, she’s panting... looking at the three girls in sequence... as if she’s weighing her options... choosing which one lives... and... who dies...

The men don’t have their guns pointed at Supergirl... all three have them pushed against the head of three extremely beautiful little girls. The only three little girls in town that aren’t naked.

“So... Kara... I guess I should address you as Supergirl again... hah? For now at least... what’s it gonna be? Make a decision... who gets to live?”

“YOU... YOU MONSTER!!! To go this far... even for YOU!!! Do you have no code... no honour?”, she looks at the floor... eyes closed... tilting her head forward... shakes her head in submissive silence.

“Yeah... thought so...”, the men point their guns at the head of the oldest girl and release the younger two. They immediately run to her in tears.

They hug her lovingly. She hugs them back in tears.

“MOMMYYYY!!! We missed you so much! We were so worried... we thought you were dead! Why don’t you have any clothes on? Did these bad men treat you bad?”, again... she shakes her head.

“Yes... no... yes they did... they did... I... I missed you so much too... you have no idea... no idea...”, then she has a teary mental breakdown when the gravity of the situation sinks in.

“Hehe... that’s right... they have no idea... but they gonna find out soon enough!”, Kara looks at David very angry. Her eyes start glowing red again. It makes him feel a bit uncomfortable, but deep down he knows she’s not going to do it. Moments later, the red glow disappears.

Doc slowly and carefully peers around the corner of the hallway.

“Doc... we’re safe for now... get the power back up quickly! We can’t keep our guns pointed at this girl for hours!”

“Yes, Sir!”

“Awwww... isn’t that cute... a family reunion! You know... I was going to ‘use’ them them in front of you... making you watch! I realized that the only way I could hurt you even more than I already did was to have you watch me hurt them! But Doc convinced it was better to keep them as an insurance policy for a moment like this. I’m so glad I took his advice.

I found them about three weeks ago. Do you have any idea how much restraint I needed to muster to keep from ‘using’ these girls that I can only describe as little goddesses? I should get a medal for that! So don’t worry... they’re still virgins... even though I couldn’t help myself to explore their bodies with my hands. Needless to say... I’m very much looking forward to be the first to defile them!”

Doc enters the office through the hole in the metal door that Kara made.

“All is back up and running, Sir. She should be disarmed very soon.”

“Excellent! Test it, Doc!”

“How should I do that, Sir?”

“Dude... you’re the scientist... poke her with a knife or something... for fuck’s sake!”, Doc takes a knife and it’s unable to penetrate her skin. Shakes his head at David.

“There you are... the lioness... and her kittens... you know... what’s funny... in a way... nobody in the criminal world knew you had children... until you disappeared. Luckily I was able to obtain them before anyone else. And I feel so lucky that they’re all girls! I have to say... like you... they look they were genetically engineered... they’re like smaller versions of you... it’s as if their designer collaborated with pedophiles to produce their ultimate wet dream!

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I first saw them! They are the epitome of PERFECTION!!! FLAWLESS in every way! Being your daughters I’m sure they would fetch a hefty price on the market. But don’t you worry... I intend to keep them for my personal use... I will give you the opportunity that many parents never get... you’ll get to witness your daughters first time being intimate with a man... being intimate with MOI!!! Not that parents are interested in that sort of thing... still it is a unique opportunity for you as a parent.”, he grins from ear to ear.

Doc pokes her again with the knife... easily pushing it into her skin this time. Easily drawing blood. He nods this time. The men lower their weapons.

“Go ahead...”, David tells the frightened girl.

The girl runs to her mother and joins the once so happy family. David walks over slowly. Sits in front of Kara, lifts her chin.

“Today... I witnessed power beyond belief... beyond my comprehension... and that from a GIRL!

In THAT moment... I saw the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!

In THAT moment... I was in LOVE! I felt BUTTERFLIES!!!

Your magnificence brought me to tears! I can’t even remember the last time I had that. It must’ve been decades! If you had killed me right there and then... it would’ve been an honorable death. I would’ve died a happy man. I would’ve been at peace with my life ending by the hand of such a powerful creature as you... Kara... But I guess you didn’t want to kill me yet... you changed... I’ve seen you un-man many of my men. Men that I respected. You enjoyed slowly removing their genitals.

And I saw it in your eyes... you wanted to torture me to death... like you said you would...

That... was a mistake... you got greedy... you wanted revenge... I know the feeling! I just happened to get lucky to be able to have my revenge before killing you.

What I don’t understand is your choice... you should’ve killed all your daughters. That would have been the best for them. To end their lives in order to prevent the horrors that life has in store for them. I promise you... the life they are going to have... is not one worth living! You failed to save them from that life. You have given me implicit permission to keep them as my property. To be my sex-toys. You are mentally weak. You failed to do what you had to do. I was right... without your powers... you are weak... just a pathetic female. Made to be consumed by men. As are your daughters.

You should’ve killed me when you had the chance. Now... your girls are going to suffer from your ill-placed desire to torture me to death. I can’t help to wonder... do they heal the same like you? Can I fuck them without holding back? That would be interesting, especially with the younger two... seven and eight... they normally die when I fuck them without holding back unless they get medical attention.

Tell you what... it’s been quite an exciting day... Kara... you will help my men to rebuild this town with the help of your powers. I will keep your girls as an insurance policy. If you do this... I will give you and your children one week together... one week... nobody will touch you... nobody will lay a finger on your girls... Will you help my men?”

She only nods her head slowly.

“Sir... we should keep a guards with them at all times... I found the reason for the power outage... she caused a short-circuit in the room with a paperclip... we can’t cut-off power to the room, because of the emitters.”

“Yeah... well... I don’t trust any man to supervise these girls... get some of the women to guard them. Keep a twenty-four hour rotation schedule. I want to have two guards at any given moment! Come... let’s go see who’s still alive and see what damage is done to the town.”

“Yes Sir... right away...”