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(Created page with "They start walking back to the office, hand in hand. Lisa still feels the warm cum in her little pussy, dripping down her legs. She looks up and smiles at her dad "I love yo...")
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Latest revision as of 06:58, 26 September 2016

They start walking back to the office, hand in hand. Lisa still feels the warm cum in her little pussy, dripping down her legs.

She looks up and smiles at her dad

"I love you daddy"

"I love you to baby"

They get back to the office and Davids boss is there.

"Good your here. Where have you been this morning?"

"Went to check on the new Tiger. Didn't we sweety"

Its the first time his boss sees Lisa.

"Yes. Daddy showed me Tigers are not scary"

A big smile goes across her face as she looks at her dad. He smiles back.

"Good, I was just about to ask you to go there. She needs to be feed."

"Did that..."

They go on about the Tiger and a few other animals around the area. Diets and other things.

Bored Lisa: