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Barefoot Beauties

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Chapter Seven

After I dried myself, I scooped Sandy into my arms, carried her to my bed and laid her down on her back. Then, she held her legs back while I inspected the goods. Her hole looked so tiny I wondered if I would fit. I knew it would stretch because I had three fingers in there, but just how far?

“Are you sure I’m not going to hurt you if I put my cock inside?”

“Sure, I’m sure, now get some wiggle on it. I’m dying to feel you inside me.”

That didn’t relieve me of all doubt, but it gave me enough confidence to give it a go. I crawled over her and ran my cock through her very slick split, sodden would be a more accurate term, and then wedged my cock head in her little notch. It was tight… very tight, but I felt myself slip inside her without any effort. After about two inches, it was so good I could no longer restrain the groans. I was even more surprised at how quickly my ball sack nestled itself into her bum crack. When she realized I was buried to the hilt, she shoved her cunt into me, wrapped her legs around my waist and did a slow grind into my pubic bone. It was so good I ready to unload without further prompting. However, it would be a sin if I couldn’t thoroughly enjoy our first fuck.

The muscled fist inside her grappled me so hard, I had to wait for it to relax before I could get to the old in and outs. It was still so tight after she eased up, I pulled her arse across the bed as I tried to withdraw; her pussy didn’t want me to get away. Suddenly, I slipped out until only the tip remained, and then hammered it back into her. She squealed when our pubic bones collided and I grasped her bum cheeks and nailed her arse to the bed.

Millie’s little bum hole was wonderful but Sandy’s pussy was stupendous. I have to say, it was the best I had ever been inside of. I looked at her face and enjoyed all of the pleasurable contortions and undefinable facial expressions that washed in waves across it. It was a constant sea of motion.

Of course, Millie decided to join us and devoted her undivided attention to what transpired before her eyes. She had her face very close to the proceedings… the nosy little cow. I groaned when a little hand grasped my swinging ball bag and it distracted me so much I slowed and looked around, only to find Millie’s beaming face.

“I’ll bet there’s lots of juice in them,” she told me while she gently kneaded the eggs around in their hairy bag.

Sandy’s pussy never slowed or eased its tight grip on me. The sweet little tube continued to wank me and the extra stimulation Millie afforded my balls, dragged me even closer to my pleasurable pinnacle. There was so much sperm inside my balls now, they were ready to burst any second and I threw my head back and enjoyed the moment. Sandy was not so happy though because I had neglected the fuck she had enjoyed until we were so rudely interrupted.

“Move your coach,” she demanded, “I’m ready to do it.”

I sympathized with her because I was ready to ‘do it’ too. So, I kicked the lever up to full throttle and gave her little pussy the pounding it well deserved.

While I hammered away inside Sandy’s juicy snatch, Millie decided to entertain herself. When I glanced back, I noticed Millie’s fingers dance around in her little slit and from what I could see, she was making good progress.

“Do it with me… do it with me,” Sandy urged while she screwed her little cunt into me and ground our pubes together.

The sperm churned in my tightening sack, warning me a fresh load was on its way and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Sandy’s little snatch went into full suction mode as her orgasm ravaged her. Then, my little cannon blasted ten pound balls of slimy white goo through her cervix and up into the hallowed chamber of her young womb.

Stars burst behind my eyes and a bright white fog filled the room while the girl’s cunny sucked every little drop of semen that remained in my balls. She threw her arms around my neck and informed me, “That was super and I feel so squidgy full inside.” I’m glad that she felt that way because she certainly emptied me out.

Sadly, we had to dress before going to lunch at Emmet’s Inn. The girls had toasted cheese sarnies and chips while I had their delicious pasties and pinched some of the girl’s chips. Since it was after noon, I had a pint of the local bitter which turned out to be a great compliment to the pasties.

After lunch, we strolled through the square and nibbled on ice lollies from the little ice cream stand. Then, we took a trip to the grocer’s to stock up with food, lots of fizzy pop and sweet treats for the girls. After we packed our carrier bags in the boot, the girls piled in on the bench seat next to me. I had started the motor, shifted in reverse and was backing out when Sandy caught me off guard. She had my trousers open and a hand in my pants before I could stop her.

I grabbed her wrist and scolded her, “Are you mad? Can’t you see how many people are milling around out there? Wait until we get back to the house.”

“You’re no fun,” she informed me, “Nobody will catch us.”

“We’re right out in the open.”

“I know a good place not far from here,” she told me as she stripped off her dress.

I was aghast at her brazenness and did not foresee a good outcome if I was caught with a naked nine year old girl in my car that probably still had my semen leaking from her pussy. Especially, with my trousers open and my dick hanging half out of my pants. I pushed her down a bit and quickly made an exit.

“Go to the common near the pull-in. There’s a good spot there,” she directed me while Milly stripped off her dress, and then Sandy took a good grip on my cock. Needless to say, I almost drove off of the road.

The outlandish, but titillating experience made my heart race and more than a little of the blood found its way to my rapidly developing member. She seemed to want to help my boner along and sucked the tip into her hot mouth. That was too much for me to handle while driving, so I slowed and pulled off into the little single track country road bordering the common. We were out of traffic now and in a quiet area. The only signs of life around was a few people having a picnic out on the green and a group of children kicking a ball off in the distance.

I ran my fingers through the girl’s hair while she nibbled and sucked on my cock. All I could do was lean back and enjoy.

“What’s gotten into you?” I asked her, “You almost made me smash the car.”

She looked up at me with blazing eyes, ran her tongue over the tip of my cock and asked, “You like it, don’t you? It’s fun doing this in the car.”

“You always catch me by surprise with these stunts. I’m just afraid we’re going to get caught,” I told her while I caressed a bare bum cheek.

“That’s why it’s so much fun. Now drive up to the toilet blocks behind the pull-in and take the little path along the hedges so I can show you my favourite spot in the whole world.”

There was a copse of trees that grew in a circle, which obscured a small, green meadow in the centre that was circled with large, smooth rocks and a tiny stream. It was like we had entered a different world. I had lived in the area for many years, visited the common often to play with my dog and never knew it existed. The spot was intrinsically beautiful and reminded me of a Japanese Zen Garden. I could visualize a group of monks sitting in the lotus position while meditating here.

The girls ran over to the stream and splashed their feet through the water before having seat on a large, flat rock. “You need to get naked and sit with us,” Sandy called out while she ran her toes through the water.

I’m not a naturist by any means and don’t believe I’ve ever been nude out of doors. Sure, when I was young, very young, I used to skinny dip with my cousins in their pond. But, that was a very long time ago. However, since nudity was the rule, I’ll have to strip down and find out why we are here and what the girls have in mind for me. As with all of their plans, I’m sure it will prove interesting.

“Look Millie, it’s gotten all little again,” which wasn’t completely true but I had lost about half of my rigidity.

“Come here and sit between us,” Millie asked.

After I did, she bent over, wrapped her fingers around me and raked her tongue over the bell end of my cock, which sent shivers up my spine. Then Sandy bent over, sucked me a little, pulled off with a plop, and pointed out to her sister, “It’s getting nice and big now.”

“So, tell me why you stripped off in my car, exposed me, nearly made me have a smash up, and then bring me to this little paradise?”

“Millie has something she wants to ask you,” Sandy told me.

Then Millie bit her lip and went all rabbit eyed on me, so I prompted her, “So, spit it out. What is it you want to ask me?”

Still no answer, so Sandy blurted out, “She wants you to do her in the front. It’s because she’s jealous you did it with me.”

“Is that true, Millie? I would really like to do it with you, but I doubted if I could do it with your sister and you’re way smaller. It would probably hurt you a lot. Frankly, I don’t know how I fit in your bum.” She hung her head in disappointment, so I pulled her into my lap for a kiss and hug, reassuring her, “I promise we will do it as soon as you are big enough and it won’t hurt you,” but the poor girl was crushed.

“Bagsy!” Sandy called out as she pulled her sister from my lap. Sisters can be so cruel to each other. I thought Millie would start crying any second, but that was not the case. She looked relieved when her sister took her place, lifted a little and told her, “Quick, put it in me.”

In what appeared to be a rehearsed movement, Millie popped me into her sister’s slot and Sandy dropped her weight down on me. It all took place faster than the blink of an eye. She was so slick inside, her bum smacked against my thighs when I was buried to the hilt in her steamy little oven.

Then she looked me in the eye and told me, “This is what I wanted to do in the car park.”

The sudden maneuver she had just performed left me speechless and was so extraordinarily pleasurable, it’s a wonder I didn’t blow my load before I hit bottom. I tried to remain as still as I possibly could, but she wasn’t going to have it. She twisted her little cunny around on me, wrapped her arms around my neck to lift herself, and then dropped herself down on me again. Let’s say she was good and knew just how to fuck herself on my cock. I was not in a position to move very much, so I let her do all of the work and she did a brilliant job.

While I cradled her bum in my hands, she did a quick little bunny hop on my pole that brought the sperm in my balls to a rolling boil. Since I was on the five second countdown to blast off, I circled my finger around her wrinkled rosebud and when I felt the semen climb in my shaft, I buried the finger in her arse. It was electric and her body shook like she was plugged into a live wire while her little pussy milked me dry. I don’t know if it was her youth or the fact that she was female, but she was still wound and ready for another round. When I fell out of her, she quickly discovered that was not an option.

So, she climbed off of me and a giant clump of sperm slipped out of her hole and landed on my leg. Then she demanded, “Millie, you have to lick me, now.”

I was so drained my cock didn’t even twitch while I witnessed one of the most erotic sights I have ever seen. Millie scooped my sperm out of her sister’s snatch and brought her to a very healthy orgasm in the process. It’s the stuff dreams are made of.

End Chapter Seven

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