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Chapter Four

“Dinga-linga-ling,” came the annoying jangle of the phone which broke me from my reverie.

I was so randy after my sister collected Nancy yesterday afternoon, I had a long meeting with the Misses Palm and her four lovely daughters. Unfortunately, my niece was not around and it was not quite as exciting nor very fulfilling. That prompted another visit with the old Misses before I called a night. The last two days were a Bacchanalian dream festival and I dearly missed the girl; she had brought a rather exciting beam of sunshine into my rather drab existence. I’ve done nothing but daydream of her since I opened my eyes this morning.

The telephone handset had not touched my ear before I heard, “Will, I need to come over right away. There’s some important things we need to discuss that can’t wait.”

My heart stopped that instant and I went into shock. The first thought that crossed my mind was that my sister had found me out and wanted to come by and forcibly detach my penis and testicles from my body... before she ran me over with her car. Possibly, she would would just hang me. How could I possibly convince her that my castration and death were not a viable solution?

“Ah, hiya, sis,” I managed to babble in a strained voice.

“Well, can I come over now?” She reiterated.

“Oh, sure, you’re welcome any time,” I managed to stumble, or should I say fumble?

“Click,” the phone went dead and I considered visiting a priest to have last rites administered.

Ten minutes later, I heard the squeal of rubber as my sister’s car flew into my drive and came to an abrupt halt, and then the crash of not one, but two car doors. Bugger, she had somebody with her… Old Bill, perhaps. When I looked out the front window I saw my niece scurrying over at a high rate of speed while my sister tried to catch up to her. Then came the little knock and I hesitated before I opened the door.

“Unky!” The little tart screamed as she flew into my arms and wrapped her legs around my waist.

Without a word, my sister mashed her lips to mine and tried to surgically remove my tonsils with her tongue, which was quite a surprise… considering. I was thankful she did not have a knife in her hand so she could amputate my cock. We snogged for a heated moment like we used to do years ago and eventually my frayed and tattered nerves calmed a bit.

At least until she did one of her daughter’s tricks and squeezed my cock, telling me, “You have no idea how randy I am right now. My knickers are sodden, wanna feel?” She asked as she tucked the balled up wet little things in my hand. Dumbly, I stared at them in disbelief. Was that the reason she had to see me right away? She could of just told me she needed a good fuck. I would have understood and not fretted ten years of my natural life away. It’s distressing, to say the least, for your life to pass before your eyes. “Remember the dildo you gave me when I married? Two sets, yes, two sets of batteries I’ve gone through since last night. The poor thing was smoking by the time I called you. I believe I fried the motor.”

“Jazz, you have no idea how worried I’ve been since you called me. I believed it was about something different.”

“Did you think it was about Nancy’s visit with you? It was and she told me everything. That’s why I burned up my vibrator. Let’s go to your room so you can fuck my brains out... now.”

“What did you say? She told you what?” But, she didn’t answer because she was busy dragging me by the heals across the landing.

When we got to my room, she quickly stripped off her dress, which was all she wore, before she popped buttons as she tore off my shirt. Then, she whispered something in my niece’s ear and the girl went to work on my trousers. Enthusiastically, and more proficiently this time, the little girl stripped me down while her mother watched intently.

You could see the disappointment in their eyes when they noticed the pitiful condition my cock was in. Did they believe I would somehow pop wood after I had the creeping bejeezus scared out of me? Then, there was one surprise after another since they arrived. What I needed now was a very tall whisky... washed down with several beers. If I did that, though, I would probably be too pissed to get it up.

“Uh, uh, sorry...” I apologized as I legged it to the kitchen and quickly returned with a bottle and two glasses. I poured a dram and handed it to my sister, and then two fingers for myself, which I gulped right down. The little ball of fire was pleasant as it worked its way down to my tummy… boom! “Now, where were we?” I asked the room.

Nancy jumped in my arms, with her legs around my waist and whispered, “We have to make it big and hard… so… so…,” she stammered.

“Tell him what he’s supposed to do after we make it big and hard. Go ahead and tell him, I want you to. Say: ‘So you can fuck mummy’s brains out.’”

“So… so…,” and then in a very low voice, “Fuck mummy’s brains out,” with a little squeal, “She told me I can watch.”

“Bugger me,” I muttered under my breath, “This is fucking unbelievable,” and then my niece slid down and dragged me by the cock over to her mum.

Jazz pushed me on my back, sat her daughter next to one hip, while she took the other and asked her girl, “Don’t you hate it when it looks like a fat worm?” Which was a bit cheeky and rude when she flicked it with her finger, “A shriveled up one at that.”

Nancy bit her lip and quickly nodded her head while her mum placed one of the girl’s hands on my cock and cradled my balls with the other. Then, there was life... the poor old decrepit patient’s blood began to flow… “Look mum, it’s growing,” my little niece squealed happily while she stroked and squeezed the wounded soldier.

The whisky had done its work on me and the room had a nice, warm fuzzy glow about it. Finally, I was relaxed enough that I could appreciate the little massaging hands… while her mum looked on. My sister’s fingers were busy too; frisking her slippery nubbin. The enthusiastic digits squished through her furry grotto and circulated her heavy pheromone laden fragrance far and wide. Nothing compared to the scent of my sister’s pussy in heat. In fact, it aided strongly in my recovery. One good whiff of her musk was all it took to transform the shriveled worm into a steely python that was prepared to strike.

“Doesn’t it look nice?” My sister asked her daughter with a wink, “I believe I should have a little taste.”

“What if it squirts in your mouth, mummy?” The girl asked in concern.

“Yummy! I’ll just have to swallow it, but I’ll save some for you if you like.”

She wrinkled her nose up in a frown and shook her head, but then asked in a low voice, “Then, is he going to… to... fu… fuck your brains out?”

After she slurped my cock in her mouth and popped it out, she replied, “Yes, he is and all of the yummy cream will go inside mummy’s fanny,” and then she sucked me back in her mouth so hard it lifted my bum from the bed.

Then, she handed me to her daughter and said, “Here, have a little taste.”

But, the girl scowled and vigorously shook her head before she quickly reconsidered and pushed her face in close. Uncertainly, she eyed it like a bug for a few seconds before she licked the bead of juice away from the little eye. Then, she surprised us all when she sucked the head between her lips and lapped her tongue around it. I’m not sure what was more exciting; her hot mouth or seeing it around my cock.

Then my sister laid back with her knees up and curled her finger at me saying, “Come on brother, it’s time. Nancy, put it inside mummy.”

The girl looked surprised and thrilled at the opportunity to be able to guide her uncle’s cock in. That would allow her an up close and personal look at how the bits fit together.

“Maybe,” the girl thought, “His juice will make a baby. It would be nice to have a sister to play with.”

Hopefully, my sperm would stay in my balls long enough to survive the course. I didn’t want to disappoint anybody… including myself. It had been awhile since I’ve been inside my sister’s pussy and I really looked forward to it… especially while her daughter watched. I really, really intended to fuck her brains out and pump every little wiggler deep inside her womb.

“Here,” I took my niece’s hand, put it on my cock and told her, “I think you know where it’s supposed to go.”

Seemingly baffled, she held my cock with a question in her eyes. So, I guided her until I was lined up with the hole and slipped inside. Now, her hand was trapped between my balls and her mother’s pussy. She looked carefully at where we were joined, and exclaimed, “Awesome!”

That also described how my cock felt. My sister’s pussy was custom fitted for my cock. A match that was clearly made in heaven.

“This is so much better than my dildo,” my sister informed me while she screwed her cunt up and ground it into me, “Get between our legs so you can see better,” she told her daughter, who then moved in so close my balls smacked her forehead.

Then, my sister locked her ankles around my waist and we were off to the races… the orgasm races, where she would try for a daily dozen of them before I blasted off inside of her. Let me tell you, she could do it every time. Number twelve, though, usually did her in. She couldn’t move after that last one struck her. That’s when her pussy became a cock milking machine that sucked sperm out from the farthest recesses of my body.

I was in for the long haul and fed her the long and deep ones while I used her tits for handles, and ground that extra half inch into her for all it was worth. Her twins were a good handful, but stopped growing when she was sixteen. They were very sensitive, though, and since she breast fed her daughter, the nipples were enormous. When stiff, which was most of the time, the little bullets projected over an inch. Of course, I helped with the breast feeding and made sure the extra milk did not go to waste. For her breast size, she produced an enormous quantity that caused her pain if it wasn’t emptied every four or five hours. When she was in hospital, after Nancy was born, I fell in love with my niece, and it happened to be over a drink; the baby girl nursed on one teat and I the other.

After orgasm eleven had past, my sister’s pussy, and my hips, shifted into overdrive. We both careened down the last stretch of road at a rapidly increasing rate of speed, while I nailed that pussy of hers to the bed. It turned into a violent, sweaty, wrestling match while we climbed up the slope to our pinnacle of release. She won and flung herself over the edge, grasped me tight and dragged me with her.

I shot off so hard and deep inside her, sincerely, I hoped her womb was not perforated in the process. But, I may never know unless she conceived again… which might be sooner than I would ever anticipate.

“You’ve given me a baby, brother dear. I just know it. You have no idea how long I’ve waited.”

“Yeah!” My niece squealed and broke out in applause.

“But, but, but, aren’t you taking anything?” I asked with a quiver in my voice.

“No, I’m not and I’m ovulating. Poor Jon couldn’t give me another baby, but you will.”

“Bugger… bugger… oh, oh, I’m buggered.” I muttered under my breath.

End Chapter Four

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