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The Good Daughter

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Chapter One

“I don’t know what I would do without a good daughter like you, Angie,” my daddy told me while I nibbled on the spongy head of his dick.

“You would wank a lot, that’s what you’d do... hee, hee, hee, you’re so horny today and I love it,” I told him as I slurped the tasty bead of juice from the little eye.

“When’s Rita coming by?” He asked.

“Soon… soon…” I told him.

But the door chimes brought everything to a screeching halt, so I told him, “Better tuck it away. I’ll try to sneak away after she’s asleep,” and I trotted to answer the door.

We both squealed and hugged each other and I grabbed one of her overnight packs and carried it back to my room. It had been a month since our last sleepover and I was anxious to hear, in great detail I might add, about her stay at her uncle’s place. He had a farm outside of Herefordshire, raised livestock and had several acres of farmland where he cultivated vegetables and sold them at the fairs and markets. Then, there were the barley fields that supplied several of the local breweries. I thought he was hot from the picture she showed me and I was dying to find out if she had messed around with him.

Both of us were same age, eleven, but she had sprouted some titties. All I had were little bumps that you wouldn’t notice under my dresses or shirts. But hers were very noticeable under the tight tops that she always dressed with. It drove daddy mad when she wore them when she came over.

“So, are you still a virgin?” I asked somewhat pointedly.

“Yes, but I don’t want to be. I was so randy around my uncle, my panties stayed wet and I had to rub myself a dozen times a day. You don’t know what it was like for me to sleep in the next room over from him, all alone in my tiny bed.”

“You should have climbed in bed with him. I’ll help you fix your problem if you want.”

“How will you do that?” She inquired with enthusiasm.

“I can’t really say yet but I know what it was like before I lost mine and I will come up with a plan.”

“Angie, come help me a minute,” my daddy called out.

“Be back in a few,” I told my friend and had a feeling that daddy could easily be swayed to help her.

“My balls are so past full to the top they’re beginning to ache,” he explained.

“Can we talk for a minute first?”

“Of course we can. What’s on your mind?”

“You like Rita, don’t you? I mean really like her, you know.”

“Of course I do. What are you talking about?”

“I’ve seen the way you act when she wears those tight tops of hers and I was wondering if you would like to see what’s under them for real, in the flesh?”

“Sweetie, if she wants to show her bare titties to me, I won’t look away.”

“How far would you go? Would you let her see your hard dick?”

“Darling, I don’t like the way this is headed. Old Bill would smack me in the bang up if he even suspected that I thought about showing my dick to the girl.”

“What if she just had a peek at it and you didn’t know she was looking?”

“What do you mean, you want her to accidentally see it? In that case, I guess it would be alright. Did she put you up to this?”

“Well, sort of. She wants to see it so bad that all she can talk about sometimes is the bulge in your trousers.”

“Let’s get this clear, she wants to show me her titties so I’ll show her my dick?”

“Yeh, what do you think?”

“Well, sure… I guess it would be alright.”

“Thank you, daddy,” I planted a big kiss on his lips and said, “I’ll be back in a minute,” and legged it back to my room.

“How serious are you about becoming an ex-virgin?” I asked Rita.

She shrugged her shoulders and said, “I’ll drop my panties if the man is anything like my uncle. You know I wouldn’t do it with a silly boy who just wants to poke it in and squirt.”

“You like my daddy, don’t you?”

“I would never mention it to you because our friendship is too valuable, but since you’ve asked, I don’t know how many times I’ve frigged myself thinking about him.”

“I don’t mind, I want to help you out and I think I know a way to get his balls… hee, hee, hee, rolling. Would you let him see your titties, like if he peeked at them through a crack in the door?”

“I might, but how will that help?”

“He goes mad when he sees them poking out your shirts. I want you to let him see them bare so he goes hard. Wouldn’t you like to see his hard dick?”

“Of course I do, but you must realize, your daddy makes me wet and I want to do more than just look at it.”

“Let’s start by letting him see your titties and then we’ll see what it leads to,” and I rushed back to daddy’s room.

“What took you so long?” He asked me.

“Follow me back to my room and I’ll leave the door cracked. All you have to do is look in on us.”

Needless to say, he tread my heals and waited anxiously outside the door. “He’s looking through the door crack,” I told Rita, “It’s show time.” However, my poor friend developed a severe case of stage fright and was paralyzed. So, I stepped in to move things along. “You do want to do this, don’t you?” I asked.

She stared blankly at the floor and nodded her head, so I raised her arms and pealed her tight shirt off. But then she quickly crossed her arms over her chest and I gently pulled them apart. Like wow, I hadn’t seen her titties lately and I was so jealous because of how much they had grown.

“You must have been taking your vitamins girl,” I said as I reached out and had a squeeze. They were so soft but firm underneath and I tweaked a nipple until it popped out.

“That feels so nice,” she groaned, “I like to play with them like that when I rub myself.”

“Can I suck on them?”

“Are you daft? Girls don’t suck on girls titties. Why would you want to?”

“Can I, please? I like mine sucked on and I know you will like it,” I didn’t wait for an answer, but scraped my tongue over a nipple and not only did it pop out, but she tucked her hand between her legs and groaned. “Go ahead and rub yourself while I do it,” I suggested.

“Remember, your daddy’s watching,” she informed me in a whisper.

“Let him watch you rub yourself, he’ll love it.”

“This is embarrassing,” she told me, “No one has ever watched me rub myself before.”

“I’ll bet you want to watch my daddy pull on himself and make the spermies come out, now wouldn’t you?”

She nodded her head and asked, “Do you think he will do it for me?”

“I’ll make sure he does. Why don’t you take your panties off and lay on your back. Let him see your pussy while you rub yourself.”

“I feel so naughty doing this,” she said as she stood and let them drop to the floor, “I’m already dripping.”

Then, I eased her on her back and she was like putty while I arranged her legs, opened them up for daddy’s hungry eyes and I heard him groan. “Did you hear that?” I asked her, “Daddy groaned when he saw your pussy.”

Her reluctance vanished and she openly masturbated for daddy’s benefit. She moaned and squirmed while I sucked on her titties and I thought, “I wouldn’t mind doing this again.” The harder I squeezed and sucked her titties, the harder she rubbed herself until she trembled and sighed as her knees snapped together and a nice little cummy shot through her pussy. “Keep rubbing yourself while I check on daddy,” and I gently eased the door open only to find daddy mopping the floor with a flannel with his ‘alf hard swinging from side to side from his open trousers. “Did my daddy like the show?” I asked.

“What do you think? I squirted all over the door and the floor and now I have to clean it up. I wouldn’t have if we had finished what we started earlier.”

“I told Rita she could watch you squirt if she let you watch her rub herself,” I informed him.

“You must realize that my batteries need to recharge before I can do that,” he told me.

“I’ll charge them up real fast for you and I’m sure Rita will love watching me do it.”

“That’s not a good idea. What if word gets out?”

“It won’t, I promise, you needn’t worry about her. Now, take your clothes off and wait for me on the bed. I’ll join you when she’s finished.”

The plan was so good it made me shiver to think about it and I love a good plan that comes together like that. However, if I made daddy squirt again, I’m sure my shag would have to wait. I want her to watch daddy do me but he may not allow it. There’s another phase in the plan need to implement at bedtime. It will ensure that Rita joins the ranks of virgin-no-more which is a nice club to be in and I’m sure she will enjoy it.

Rita was sprawled across the bed with her eyes closed. The way she went at it, the poor girl had probably rubbed her bean raw. So, I gently roused and informed her, “Daddy squirted on the door when her saw your pussy.”

“He was pulling on himself while he was watching me?”

“What do you think? I want to tell you a secret that’s just between you and me and I trust you not to tell another soul.”

“You can count on me, Angie. You know that I won’t breathe a word to anyone.”

“I didn’t believe you would, so, before you find out another way, I want to tell you about daddy and me. We’ve been doing everything, and I mean everything, together for years now,” I blurted out.

“I suspected that but didn’t want to mention it. When you say everything, do you mean like you shag him also?”

“Yes, and a lot more. I was sucking on him when you rang the door chimes earlier.”

“I don’t know if I would go that far even with my uncle but I won’t mind watching you.”

“How do you feel about ‘avin your pussy licked?”

“I’ve heard about it, but it seems kind of gross and nasty.”

“Every night, daddy gives me his special kiss to help me sleep. Sometimes I get a cummy so strong I pass out.”

“Maybe I’ll try it. Do you think he would?”

“I believe it’s in the bag along with a lot more.”

Daddy was fast asleep and since it was so close to tea my tummy was grumbling, I woke him up. Since my plan had come together so well, I needed to fill him in on more of the details to keep things moving along.

“Daddy, oh, daddy, it’s time to get your coach moving.”

He lifted himself, pulled me in for a big kiss and thanked me with, “You are amazing. I’ve never been so excited before. I had to pull my dick out and wank when you pulled Rita’s shirt off and almost squirted when you sucked on her titties. But when you opened her pussy up, it was too much. You are the best daughter in the world.”

“It was fun for me too, but there’s more. Rita wants your special kiss… you understand, it’s just so she can sleep well.”

“How did you manage that?”

“We shared secrets and you don’t have to worry about her telling anyone. I told her about the kiss and she’s all for it. Do her first and then I’ll make you squirt for her.”

“You’re sure it won’t bother you if I do it?”

“No, I want to watch you lick her and then I’m going to make your spermies squirt out for her.”

“You know, if you do that, I won’t be up for a shag after she goes to sleep.”

“There’s always tomorrow,” I assured him.

“I love the way your naughty little mind works,” he told me, “Rather than cook, I’m going to pop out for sausage and chips.”

End Chapter One

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