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The Goosie

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Chapter Three

Lovely cool air finally rolled in during the middle of the night and I had to close the window and crawl under the duvet. My naked daughter was so cold in her room she decided to climb in with me so we could share a bit of body heat. It was lovely to feel her snuggled against my back and we fell asleep while she gently held my cock in her hand. However, I woke early the next morning, and was delighted to find myself flat on my back and nestled between her slick folds while she hunched away. She was was a bit more randy than usual this morning, but that wasn’t anything new.

The nice little horsey ride worked us both up until she lifted herself up, popped me in her arse socket, and then dropped her weight down on me. That was probably motivated by her friend’s accomplishment so she felt obligated to do it herself. However, she tensed and gritted her teeth when the head of my cock pierced the tiny wrinkle and had to lift herself off.

“I thought I could do it but it still hurts too much,” she informed me with more than a bit of defeat in her tone.

So, I pulled her to me for a hug and kiss, then told her, “When you’re randy like this, you’re tense and it makes it difficult and painful. Why don’t I treat you to some nice cummies so you can relax a bit. It’s been awhile since we’ve tried, but we could try the front this time.”

“Hmmm, that sounds wonderful,” she agreed and then rolled on her back with her knees against her chest.

That was something her mother used to do. It was still painful for me to think about her after all of these years and she reminded me so much of her. It was and unconscious thing on her part but at that very instant, she was the most desirable creature on the planet and I wanted to be inside of her more than anything else.

The scent of her arousal filled my nostrils and not only made my cock pound with more urgency, it was hard for me to restrain myself from driving my cock into her like I did her mother when she invited me that way. But alas, I couldn’t entertain those thoughts, so I quickly sucked her clit between my lips as I slid a finger into her buttery pussy hole. Her well muscled tube snapped around my finger and chewed on it, just like it would have if it had been my cock.

She was already on the verge of orgasm and the first one trounced on her unexpectedly. Then, I patiently waited for her to relax before I introduced another finger. She was tight, really tight, and it took a lot of painstaking effort to twist two fingers in to the second joint, but something suddenly snapped and gave way. Did her cherry break? I hoped… I prayed… and… and… my fingers were in to the root inside her channel. If her cherry had busted, I expected some pain or even blood, but there wasn’t any of either. However, she squealed as another orgasm ravished her body and her pussy crushed my fingers. Then, her hips went into reflex piston hammer mode and she fucked herself on my hand until she reached yet another orgasm before she relaxed. I had never seen her do anything like that before.

“What just happened to me, daddy?” She asked.

I was bewildered with how quickly she reached three orgasms on the heals of each other. Yes, normally she could get them quickly, but never like this and never three in a row.

“Your little pussy likes my fingers.” I answered.

“I want some more of whatever you just gave me,” she told me as she twisted herself into my hand.

The lack of blood and pain removed a great stumbling block for me and I believed that was a good thing. At this very instant I was convinced that she could handle another finger and discovered that I was right. It slipped right in and she turned into a wild animal as she bucked and screwed herself into my knuckles. With my worst fears allayed, the thought of slipping her my cock not only seemed feasible, but very attractive.

“Daddy, do you think you can put it in me this time?” She pleaded. “I believe you can do it.”

Our eyes locked and I melted inside. I answered by easing her knees apart and climbing over her. I’m sure there was a lingering uncertainty or fear of pain or the unknown, because her eyes were as wide a saucers and her jaw hung open while I slicked myself in her furrow and then pressed into the little opening to her body. We both jolted as the head simply popped into the mouth of her pussy. Then, I watched a smile cross her face as I applied a small amount of pressure and began to sink into her. I had not traveled three inches before her eyes rolled into her head as another orgasm hammered her.

I wish I could say I gave her nice long fuck her first time and nailed her to the bed screaming in climax for an hour, but that didn’t happen. My fantasy about her pussy gnawing on my bone was fulfilled when she came. It surprised me when I finally experienced it and my balls simply drew up and the sperm gushed into that little virgin pussy of hers. It happened spontaneously and once it started, nothing could stop it no matter how much willpower I exercised. I sank into her so quickly between the tight muscular spasms, that second rope of semen flew through the opening in her cervix and splattered against the walls of her maturing womb. It was glorious.

Words can’t describe what it was like for me to fill her pussy with the same seed that made her all of those years ago. She was fully an extension of my wife beyond the grave and it warmed my heart to think of it that way. However, I couldn’t help but ask myself, “What took us so long?”

Of course, I knew the answer; it was my own fears and reservations. But that was no longer the case. My cock did not flag for an instant so I humped her arse into the bed while she experienced an unparalleled series of orgasms that left her babbling nonsensical things before I filled her a second time. Then, we both had a little kip and did it again.

After our lunch we contemplated another bout but Katy popped in unannounced and put a damper on our plans, or so I thought at first. Since it was a lot cooler today, I had donned a pair of joggers, sans pants, and a light shirt while my daughter displayed more modesty than usual and wore knickers. You should have seen how quickly she dragged Katy to her room and closed the door. I got the impression she didn’t want me to overhear the discussion. However, a considerable number of squeals poured through the door for awhile. After an hour had passed, I grew concerned and knocked. She quickly answered and dragged me to my room for an impromptu discussion.

“I told Mandy all about it and she wants to watch us do it. Can she, she really wants to?”

“What harm would it do?” I thought. However, as well as I knew my daughter, I suspected something else was up. They spent an awful lot of time discussing something as simple as her friend watching us, so I asked, “Tell me, what else do you have planned?”

“Katy wants to surprise you, but you have to play along with us if you want to find out.” That was not quite the answer I expected and it had an ominous ring to it. But, it did seem like a game they had hatched and I loved Katy’s last surprise. So, she continued, “She wants you to watch her do something.”

Yet more mystery and it surrounds the word ‘watch’. “What does she want me to watch her doing, after I fuck my daughter senseless in front of her?” I asked myself. “Hopefully, Mandy will still be able to walk after I finish pounding her.”

“Come on, daddy, I’m dying to do it, now,” she urged as she dragged me by the heels to her room.

It was a pleasant surprise to find Katy sitting naked on the edge of the bed while she anxiously awaited our arrival. She looked even sexier today than she did yesterday and more naughty thoughts floated around inside my head. I wouldn’t be surprised if she wanted me to fuck her next. Can you imagine going from no pussy for several years to rescuing two girls from their virginity in one day? However, it was questionable whether I would be up to the task after I fuck my daughter again, but my cock wanted to try and I would certainly give it my best.

“Let Katy undress you,” my daughter instructed in an authoritarian manner.

So, I held my arms out and Katy whipped my shirt off, and then in one stroke, my joggers were pooled around my ankles. She went to her knees as I stepped out of them but then she wrapped her hands around my cock and kissed it. I expected her to suck me into her mouth, but instead, she went to my daughter and kissed her lips. Then, kissed her way down to her knickers before she tugged them off. Since it was their game and I was just a player, I watched them act out their parts and was not disappointed in the least.

Then, she eased my daughter back in the bed and carefully arranged her legs before she planted a big kiss on her pudenda and then urged me to climb into the saddle. I felt like a puppet while she prepared the stage for me to act out my part. She seemed to know what she was doing as she moved me into position with the tip of my cock pressed against my girl’s slick lips. Then, she slid me through the honey filled furrow and popped me inside the slick, gaping hole.

The hot, wet heat in the tight little mouth made me more than a little humpy and I was ready to start without further ado, but Katy instructed me, “Only push a little inside and don’t do anything yet.”

It took every bit of willpower I had to only push a little way inside. Then, she spent a minute or two weighing my ball bag and inspecting between my cheeks. Then, she wiggled her soft, warm face between them and raked her tongue over my bum hole before she pushed it through the ring of muscle… oh, that was so good. But, nothing she did took my mind off of the rigid pole of meat that was partially buried inside my daughter and further inflamed my lust. Then she used both hands to shove me down and bury me to the root inside my daughter’s pussy.

I snorted like a stallion that had the scent of a mare in season as I grasped my daughter’s bum and laid the pipe to her. It was raw fucking at its very finest. Fueled and driven by my lust filled senses and only slowed when my daughter came and her pussy grappled me so tight I couldn’t move; which was bout every thirty seconds. I couldn’t and didn’t want to hold out for long and my deepest desire was to empty the busting load before my balls ruptured and my throbbing cock split its seams. Then, Katy’s finger drilled into my arse and my nuts blew so hard it knocked me back a notch and left me muttering incoherent nonsense before I quietly leaned over and collapsed.

Then came the surprise. My little waif guzzled my cock into her mouth. She didn’t suck or gobble it in, she gulped it in one big swallow until it was stuffed in her throat, before she sucked her way off. Like a squeegee, her lips and tongue skimmed away all of the mixed juices. In and of itself, that was thrilling, but I was thankful that I was still conscious and in command of a few of my senses when the next part came. She fastened her lips around my daughter’s sperm filled pussy and sucked it dry. However, what took place next made my balls go into dry heaves because there was nothing in them.

She hovered over my daughter like a mother bird about to feed her chicks, and let my sperm dribble into Mandy’s open mouth before she leaned down and gave her a fierce tongue kiss. Woe, woe is me, my cock tried to respond but the soldier was deader than a coffin nail and couldn’t respond. Then, without warning… everything went black on me.

End Chapter Three

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