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Revision as of 10:04, 6 August 2023

Mary took another bite of the bright red apple, sweetness filling her mouth as she chewed from her perch lounging on her back way up in the largest branches of the big apple tree. Gazing out at the orchard that rolled a mile down the hill from the family estate, she sighed happily. This was her favorite spot on the grounds. From here you could see everything on their family's English country estate, from the apple and peach orchards to the horse barns, all the way down the road to the front gate.

The little girl had been climbing this tree since she was barely old enough to walk, and since she'd turned seven years old last month she'd been coming to visit the place more and more often. With her birthday came her governess' decree that it was time she learned how to act like a proper lady, not a "wild child", as she had put it. Mary made a face, taking another bite out of her apple. She hated wearing skirts and petticoats, and took every opportunity to get out of them and back to her usual outfits. Whenever her etiquette lessons were were over each day, Mary would race back to her room and take off the hated women's clothing, exchanging them for overalls, a boy's tunic, and a flat cap before sneaking out her window and shimmying down the drain pipe into the garden below her second story room.

Today, Mary had decided to sneak away to the garden before her lessons. She hates sitting in that dusty room with Mrs. Peridot droning on about manors, how to attract a husband at court, etcetera. Boring, boring, boring! Nobody would find her up in her favorite tree, dressed like a servant boy. She smirked at the thought of how much trouble she was going to be in, the thought triggering her rebellious nature. Let them punish her, it was worth it.

Wind rustled through the young girl's sandy blond hair as she closed her bright blue eyes and breathed in the scents around her. Freshly cut grass... the roses from the rose garden... and... pipe tobacco? Mary opened her eyes, blinking in the afternoon sun as she shielded her eyes and gazed down at the base of the tree that nestled her in its branches.

"Nice try, Mary." Her older brother Tom stood with his arms crossed. He was the only one who knew about her favorite spot... she'd just assumed he would be out practicing falconry with their father. Mary's shoulders drooped, and the little girl sighed. Turning her face back to the sky, she threw her apple as far as she could, watching it soar over the next tree over and roll down the hill into the orchard. "Mrs. Peridot is waiting for you." Mart made a face at her brother, her well-freckled pale skin catching the light. swiveling to sit up and dangle her bare feet over the branch, she kicked her gangly legs against the branch.

"Aww, c'mon Tom! Why'd you go and rat on me!" Her brother reached down and picked up a half rotten apply and tossed it up at her. Mary giggled and dodged it, swinging down to a lower branch. "Because father asked me to bring you to your lessons personally." Mary's cheerful expression faded, what little color in her skin draining. "F-Father... t-told you to..?" Shaking a bit, she stumbled and missed her grip, falling out of the tree with a yelp. Tom reacted fast, his cricket reflexes kicking in as he skillfully caught his little sister. Mary's heart raced as she tried to catch her breath, gazing up into her concerned brother's face as she dangled with one of his strong arms under her knees and the other propping up her back.

"Mary, you need to be more careful!" Tom knelt down, gently setting his little sister propped up against the base of the apple tree. He peered in and looked in her eyes, his green eyes framed by his freshly shaved face and short cropped brown hair. Tom was nine years older than his little sister, the first child and eldest son of their father, Lord Byron of Redwood. Ever since she could remember, Tom had been looking out for her. He'd saved her from drowning in the river when she was four, again when she was six he'd found her after her pony had thrown her into a ditch and broken her ribs.

"What am I gonna do with you sis?" he brushed a sandy lock out of her face. "Dad's talking about sending me back to boarding school next year, you know." Mary's eyes went wide. "But... they said you'd graduate early!" Tom sighed and scooted up next to her, putting an arm around her thin shoulders. "Well he said he was 'dissatisfied with the level of knowledge of estate management worthy of his successor' or something like that." Mary made a face - their father was practically impossible to please. "Nothing makes that old wind bag happy..." she grumbled under her breath. Tom punched her lightly in the shoulder. "That's our father you're talking about! Show some respect, sis. He is still the lord of Redwood, you know."

Mary rubbed her shoulder, the picture of childish dejection. "Its not fair... you just got back." Tom sighed. "You'll still have father... maybe you could try-" Wendy cut him off. "He hates me! He hates me for taking mom away from him!" Tom sighed and turned his little sister to face him. "Mary, that's not..." she cut him off again, looking up with teary eyes. "Yes, it is! He told me so! He said if I hadn't been born she'd still be alive!" Tom visibly flinched. He knew their father was cruel, but to say that to her face. "I.. didn't know. He shouldn't have said that to you..." Tom gave her another hug, stroking her blonde head. "He didn't mean it... he was probably just angry." Tom knew that likely wasn't true, but he would happily lie for the sake of his favorite sister. As the youngest sibling of four, Mary was too often given the short end of the stick in Tom's opinion. He didn't much care for their older sisters - they were cold and proper ladies, the pride of their governess. But he would do anything for Mary. She'd never ask for any of this.

Mary sniffled, wiping her eyes. She would never admit it to him, but she loved her older brother more than anyone in the world. With their mother dying in childbirth and their father being cold, distant, and too often cruel, she sometimes felt like her older brother had raised her more than anyone else in her life. Even their governess was a heartless old crone, obsessed with proper etiquette and piety above all things. Tom gave his sister a big hug. "I said he's 'thinking' about it. Hopefully he'll forget about the idea in a day or two when he recounts the family fortune..."

Tom stood up and held a hand out to his sister. "Come on, before they send someone else out to look for us and we both get in trouble." Mary took her brother's hand with a blush, letting him pull her to her feet. She idolized Tom, and privately couldn't wait for the day her cruel father died and he inherited. Tom was everything their father was not: kind, caring, and compassionate. Her preferred choice of clothes was because of him, always trying to imitate and follow in his footsteps, no matter how many times he told her she should start acting like a girl.

Mary let Tom hold onto her hand as he towed her back into the imposing Redwood manor, heading for the kitchen entrance. At three foot nine, Mary had to trot to keep up with the longer legs of her five and a half foot brother. Several dogs sat outside the kitchen door, waiting for any scraps the cooks might give them. Mary scratched the pointed ears of a big, black wolf hound as they walked past, smiling at him as he panted and preened.

As they entered the kitchen, Mary saw that the cooks were hard at work preparing the evening meal. Most paid them no mind, focusing on their work chopping vegetables and stirring pots. The head cook, a no-nonsense Scottish woman in her late early thirties named Gloria looked up from where she was busy plucking the feathers off a pheasant. "Oyy, ya found the little piece o' dog meat. Better get 'er to the mistress be'fer she 'as me skin 'er fer being late again." She grinned at Mary, holding up her bloody cleaver. The little girl only stuck her tongue out at the imposing woman, which made her cackle. "Ya got spirit, lil one. Be sure tha' old crone dun' beat it outta ya."

Tom pushed his sister's back, moving her along as he sighed. "Don't fill her little head with yet more rebellious thoughts, Gloria. Fill that pheasant instead." Gloria bobbed a polite curtsy to Tom. "Aye, young master. I shan't encourage her any further." Wendy saw the cook give her a wicked wink as soon as her brother's head turned the other way. She grinned back at the woman as Tom pushed her into the house proper, and pointed to the door at the end of the hall. "Lessons, Mary. You don't want me to tell father you ran out again, do you?" Mary nodded, her face pale. "No, I won't... I'm sorry Tom... I'll be good and go to my lessons, p-please tell him that..."

Tom pulled her back into a tight hug as she turned to race down the hall. "I worry about you, Mary... Do try to be good, alright? I might not be here to protect you come autumn. And don't let that horrible old woman break you too much, okay?" Mary blushed and nodded, mumbling her thanks as she turned to race down the hall. Composing herself as she got to the door, she stood up straighter and tried to scrub some of the tree sap off her tunic. The door yanked open before she finished, making the little girl jump. "In. Now!" A bony old hand reached out and grabbed Mary by the arm, pulling her into the room. As she stumbled and tried not to crash into a desk, the door shut behind them.

"You are a disgrace to your family name, lady Wendy of Redwood." Wendy whirled to see the angry, wrinkled face of Mrs. Peridot, the family's long-serving governess. She'd been around so long she'd even schooled her mother when she was her age. "I was just coming to see you, when-" Mary began, but the crack of the old crone's short crop made her go silent. "Save the excuses. I just came from a talk with your father. This unladylike attitude you have been allowed to indulge in ends today."

The old woman walked forward, flicking Mary's flat cap off her head with her crop. "Take these boyish clothes off at once. I have prepared proper clothes fitting a lady of your distinguished heritage for you." She pointed her crop at a dressmaker's dummy against the far wall of the poorly-lit classroom. It held an embroidered pink skirt lined in lace, and a petticoat of the same color and fabrics. Wendy made a face, longing to throw that stupid crop in the garbage heap out back. It wouldn't have been the first time she'd done that to the governess' tool of oppression, though the old lady had never been able to prove it was Mary who'd taken her crops. She always just got another one, unfortunately.

"Strip, Lady Wendy. Or I shall strip you myself. Now!" Wendy slowly did as she was told with a sour look on her face, unbuttoning the straps of her overalls and sliding them down to her ankles. She wore only a linen loincloth underneath the overalls, to Mrs. Peridot's annoyance as she stepped out of the cuffs. "Disgraceful, to wear nothing underneath this common peasant garb!" The crop flicked out to strike Wendy on the rump before she could straighten back. Wincing, she began unbuttoning her tunic. As the buttons came loose, the little girls' flat, freckled chest uncovered. As she shrugged out of the arms of the tunic, the governess pushed the crop against her chest between her nonexistent breasts. "You are no longer a babe, your chest is your chastity and you will NOT go around unclothed any longer." The old woman bundled up Wendy's boyish clothes in her arms and tossed them into the wastebasket.

Wendy scowled at her governess, crossing her arms over her thin chest. "I HATE dresses! They itch, and I can't run in them and-" The crop struck Wend on the cheek, making her gasp. "ENOUGH! What would your mother say if she saw you now, lady Wendy?" Wendy stamped her foot on the ground. "I don't know! I never even knew here, you old bi-" The crop struck the little girl's face again, knocking her against the desk. "I will wash your mouth out with soap, you uncouth brat!" Mrs. Peridot grabbed Wendy by the arm and pulled her forcefully over towards the wash basin.


Wendy sat silently as she picked at her roasted quail as she sat alone at the end of the large table inside the family's ornately decorated dining hall. Tom eyed her from his seat at the opposite end of the table, next to his father who sat seated in the gilded chair at the head of the table. Mary tried her best not to fidget, though the itchy fabric of her girly skirt made her want to scream and run off into the field. It didn't help that Mrs. Peridot had forced a breast band onto her on top of the stupid petticoat. It was made of coarse, new linen and itched horribly. This was all Mrs. Peridot's attempt to break her spirit, forcing her to wear the annoying badges of womanhood early. The dejected little girl watched her father from the other end of the table as he conversed quietly with Tom.

Mary felt something hot on the legs and looked down. The big black wolf hound from earlier had managed to sneak into the dining hall and sat panting at her feet. She smiled, and skillfully snuck him some of the quail under the table. He eagerly licked the meat out of her open hand, making the little girl snicker. She fumbled the next piece and accidentally dropped it on her lap. A big head leaned forward, the huge tongue licking out at her groin as Mary gasped. She felt weird at the pressure of the tongue lapping against the cloth over her privates, but not in a bad way. Mary didn't push the big dog away, and instead let lick the area clean until he was satisfied. When his had disappeared back beneath the table, she sat still for a moment, wondering why that had made the spot between her legs feel itchy.

The big black dog decided to lay down under the table after that, satisfied with what he'd gotten. Wendy continued to pick at her food, barely touching the pheasant until the cooks brought out the next course. The plate of pheasant was picked up by a servant, and a plate of some kind of pudding was slid in front of her. Mary glanced up into the eyes of the head cook, Gloria, who gave her a thin smile and gripped her shoulder warmly while her body was blocking her from view of her esteemed father. "Hang in ther', child." she gave her shoulder a squeeze and carried off the half-eaten quail.

Mary scooped up a bit of her pudding and gave it a sniff. It was tapioca, her favorite. Smiling a bit, she began to eat. It tasted wonderful, and by the time she was done eating her father had retired from the dining hall. Wendy heard footsteps and looked up, seeing her brother walking over to her. "Father wishes you to attend to him in his study in one hour's time." Tom's voice sounded reluctant, which set Wendy on edge. "Tom..?" She got to her feet and stared up at him with wide blue eyes. "I... don't know, Mary. He doesn't seem angry... and that bothers me. Everything makes him angry. When he gets calm like this..."

Her older brother shook his head and forced a smile onto his face. "Sorry, I'm sure it's nothing. Just be polite and respectful, okay? I know that's hard for you, but... please, do it for me?" Mary saw the worry in Tom's tanned face, and shivered. "I'll.. okay, Tom. For you..." Tom knelt down and pulled his little sister into a tight embrace. "I love you, Mary. No matter what happens, I'll look out for you. Got it?" Mary nodded, her eyes wide with fear. "O-Of course I know that, Tom... You're scaring m-me..." Tom let his sister go reluctantly, and ruffled her hair. "Remember, one hour. Listen for the bell, and you'd better keep those clothes on. Sorry..."

She watched him walk off towards the family library, his hands in his pockets. What had gotten him so worried, she wondered? Tom knew their father much better than she did, after all.


Mary's heart pounded as she climbed the grand staircase towards her father's study. She'd spent the last hour in the rose garden thinking things over, and had decided that maybe she should at least 'pretend' to do the girly stuff, at least to get everyone off her back about it. That was what she would tell her father... that she'd do it. She would tell him...

The little girl lost her train of thought as she approached the large mahogany door that led to the personal study of Lord Byron of Redwood. She peered at her appearance in the long gold mirror placed up against the wall next to the door, trying to straighten her neck-length sandy blond hair with her fingers. Straightening her pink petticoats, Wendy gulped and knocked with the door's big iron ring. "You may enter." came the deep, gruff voice from inside. Wendy slipped inside the study quietly, closing the door behind her. The room was intricately decorated, with family portraits of various relatives lining the walls. Silk tapestries hung around the room, and golden candelabras lit what few areas were not given light by the large marble hearth burning brightly behind the giant desk at the back of the room.

Her father sat at his huge ebony desk. Lord Byron was a middle aged man in his late 40s, his fading brown hair slicked back and held by hair ties in a horse tail. His hair had thinned slightly since Mary had been born, but apart from a widow's peak it was by far the most attractive thing about him. The rest of his face was not handsome. His nose was crooked and long, his cheeks sallow and sunken. "Approach, child." his gruff, gravely voice gripping her like a physical force walked herself forward. Mary rubbed her arm nervously as he peered down at her from underneath horn-rimmed glasses, his too-moist green eyes examining her. Decanters of whiskey sat all over her father's desk in various states of emptiness, the strong smell of liquor making the little girl's nose twitch.

"Y-You wish to see m-me, father..?" she said nervously after the silence grew too long and all he did was eye her up and down. Lord Byron sat back in his chair with a sigh and yanked on a bell pull next to his chair. A few moments later, his manservant opened the door. "What can I assist you with, my lord?" the trained butler drawled in his emotionless, well-trained and servile manor. "We are not to be disturbed. Do not allow anyone to enter this hallway until I call for you again." The manservant bowed deeply. "Very good, my lord." He left the room with another bow, the door shutting loudly in the silence of the large chamber.

The little girl stood at attention before her father, not daring to speak again until her spoke first. Her heart thudded in her small chest, and she was only barely able to hold off the overwhelming urge to scratch an itch on her butt. Lord Byron poured a shot of whiskey from one of his many decanters, and gulped it down with a sigh before looking at his youngest daughter. "Mary, I have neglected you for too long." His voice sounded slightly slurred, and Mary sighed internally. He was drunk again, and already? This didn't bode well for her. "You know... The older you get, Mary, the more you remind me of... of your mother."

She had to fight the urge to bolt out the door and make for the orchard... but she knew it would mean horrible punishments for her later if she disrespected him in such a way. Lord Byron stood up from his desk, and walked out in front of it to place a big hand on her shoulder, smoothing the pink silk fabric. "Come, child." He pulled her over to a couch set in the corner of the big room next to the hearth. Taking a seat, he gestured for Mary to sit down next to him. Mary hesitated for a small moment, then turned to sit. At the last second she remembered what Mrs. Peridot had lectured her about skirts, and swept them out underneath her before sitting so they laid properly.

Lord Byron watched this with approval, nodding his head. "Good. I am glad to see that... hic... you are attending your lessons at last. Mrs. Peridot seems to have finally.. gotten through to you." Mary couldn't help but make a face at the mention of the governess, but she dropped it quickly as her father patted her on the back a bit harder than he should have. "I wanted to... talk to you... Mary..." He began to rub her back, and the little girl turned her head to stare at him with wide blue eyes. "Y-Yes, f-father..?" she stammered.

The smile on his face looked genuine, which if anything made Mary even more uncomfortable. She had never seen her father smile. Tom had said once that he'd never seen their father smile since their mother had died. "Mary... Sweet Mary... Yes, that's it, isn't it?" he laughed. "Marry... marriage. Your grandmother, my beloved mother, continues to lecture about taking a new wife. That I should... remarry." The hand rubbing Mary's back moved up higher to massage the back of her neck, being more gentle than before. "But my love died with my beloved, Lady Fiona." Mary shivered as he mentioned her mother. "I.. I'm s-sorry, father..." she mumbled, looking down at her silk-clad lap. Lord Byron patted her on the head. "I blamed you for so long... Mary... She died giving you life... hic... and I blamed you for taking her from.. me..." Mary tried her best to hold her tears at bay. "I..." The big hand rubbed her head softly, her father's course, calloused fingers rubbing through the little girl's freshly-washed hair.

"I don't want to remarry... But I came to realize... perhaps your mother... didn't truly die." Mary looked up at her father, startled. "Wh-What do you mean, father..?" He reached over with his other hand, stroking her cheek with the back of his big index finger. Mary had to hold in a wince as her father's finger touched the swollen welt mark on her cheek from Mrs. Peridot's 'lessons'. He didn't seem to notice her discomfort as he stared into her eyes. "Your mother died... birthing you. And you look so very much like her... much more than any of your.. sisters... So I realized... I had been a fool all this time." Mary bit her lip as her father picked her up and eased her into his lap, wrapping her arms around her belly. "Your mother never truly died... she passed and left you in her place. To replace her... And I've been treating you, her final gift.. so badly..."

Lord Byron lifted her up again and turned her around in his lap to face him, placing his big hands on her shoulders. Mary wasn't really sure what he was talking about, but he seemed... genuine in his affection, even through the whiskey that normally made him even meaner. Was he really apologizing? After all this time, he was finally trying to show her affection. She didn't know what to make of it, but she couldn't deny how good it felt to hear his words. The tears she'd fought to hold back streamed freely down her freckled cheeks as her chin wobbled. "F-Father.. I..."

Lord Byron tilted her head up and leaned down, kissing his youngest daughter on the lips. Mary's eyes went wide in shock as he pushed his big tongue inside her mouth. The little girl's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as her heart beat even faster in her small chest. She trembled, not sure what was going on as her father worked his lips over hers, finally pulling back for air. Mary gasped as she stared at him, too scared to say anything as her trembling increased. Lord Byron smiled at his confused daughter affectionately as he slid his down from her shoulders, pushing his fingers underneath her armpits and placing his thumbs on her small chest as he held her tightly. "Mary... You are your mother's daughter... hic. Even your mouth reminds me of hers... I love you, Mary..."

"I... F-Father..." Mary stammered, her face beet red as she considered what had just happened. Officially at her age as a noble's daughter, Mary knew nothing about love and sex. With as much time as she spent out at the stables, though, she'd often heard the stable hands talk about it. Was her father saying he loved her like he loved her mother? What did that mean... she was his daughter, not his wife? "I don't... u-understand..." Lord Byron pressed his thumbs down on Mary's immature nipples through the layers of cloth wrapping her up. She let out a gasp as the little girl felt a warm feeling she'd never felt before wash over her. "Of course you wouldn't... know about passion. I wanted to wait till you were a bit older, but I spent so much time without... your mother... I couldn't bear waiting any longer...." Mary wrinkled her face, trying to process the strange feelings washing over her as her father touched the place the governess had said was 'her chastity' earlier that day.

Mary scrambled to think of something to say through the distracting feelings when her father leaned in and kissed her again. As he slid his tongue into her mouth, Mary decided she would do what he asked like the good daughter he's always wanted if he treated her with kindness and affection like this. This time she tried her best to kiss him back, attempting to mimic the movements his lips made as he continued rubbing her nipples. The rough cloth was making them feel chafed, and as he pulled his face away again she winced and placed her hands over his. "What is it, my love..?" Lord Byron withdrew one hand and tilted his daughter's head up by the chin to look deep into her eyes. Mary blushed and stammered, "M-My... skin feels raw... Mrs. Peridot made me wear a... a breast band today. It itches and hurts my... my nipples when you push like that..."

Lord Byron's smile widened as he understood her problem. "Ahh... I see... Well we can fix that." Her father reached behind his daughter's back and undid one of the ties at the top of her petticoat, placing his hands back on her thin shoulders and gently tugging it down to uncover her shoulders and chest as the coat slid down her arms. Mary's eyes widened as her father undressed her chest. "F-Father...?" she stammered as he reached down and pushed her breast band up to reveal her flat chest and tiny, swollen nipples. "Let's try this properly, my sweet Mary..." The little girl gasped as her father pressed his thumbs against her exposed nipples and rubbed. Waves of pleasure shot through the small child, making her shiver. "I knew I was right not to wait... your mother would not have wanted me to be lonely, and you react as a grown woman would already... It is as if her spirit guides us to be together."

Mary gasped again as her father's hands withdrew, and she stared at him as he pulled her breast band back down over her tits and did up her petticoat. Lord Byron lifted Mary up and set her on her feet in front of him. "I have neglected you for too long Mary... I know you must hate me... I will fix this... Come see me tomorrow night, at this time, and I have things properly prepared." Mary's knees wobbled as her father sat back on the couch and watched her. "F-Father, I..." she stammered, her face still beet-red as the little girl felt a strange wetness between her legs. Had she pissed herself?? She wasn't scared. Not exactly... Lord Byron shook his head. "You need not say anything tonight. Think about what I said... And I love you, my daughter." Mary noticed a bulge in her father's pants as he shifted his legs. Was he hiding something in there? She didn't want to think about what it could be right now...

"Y-Yes f-father..." The little girl bobbed an awkward curtsy and turned to leave, her small heart still pounding. As she approached the large door, her father's voice reached her ears one final time. "Oh and Mary... Do not discuss this with anyone for the time being. It is to stay between the two of us, understand?" Mary turned and bobbed another shaky curtsy at the door. "Y-Yes, father..."

Outside in the hallway, Mary quickly hiked up her skirts and pulled her loincloth back to peer down at her immature sex. It wasn't pee that had dripped out of her private place, but something colorless and with a different scent. She stared for a moment, then let her skirt fall back down and raced off towards her chambers.


An hour later Mary sat in her room, staring out the window with an unopened book in her lap as she watched the sun set. She'd changed back into overalls and ditched the irritating breast band, though the girl had at least done a halfway decent job of draping the pink silk garments over the clothes stand that she never used in her dressing room. A soft knock at the door startled her out of her thinking. "Mary? Are you here?" a familiar voice called. "Y-Yes... you can come in, brother, I am decent." She did not turn away from the window as the door opened and Tom let himself into her small bedchamber. She continued watching the sun set over the tops of the orchard trees as Tom pulled a chair up next to her and sat down with a groan.

He sat and stared out the window with her until the last rays of sunlight slipped away passed the rolling hills of the sprawling countryside laid out before them. When the light began to fade, Tom picked up the oil lamp on the small table and clicked the lighter. Dim lamp light filled the room as he set their light source back down on the table and turned to face Mary. "You wanna talk about it? I can tell something's bothering you."

Mary toyed with the book in her lap, a light romance novel she'd found in the family library. "I..." she mumbled, her voice trailing off. Tom placed a hand on her shoulder, which made the little girl flinch. He took the hand away with a frown, but Mary relaxed and reached out to pull it back. "S-Sorry..." she muttered, looking down at her lap. Tom leaned in closer, worry filling his teenage face. "Mary... what's wrong? What did father say to you?" He gently turned her to face him. Mary couldn't make herself meet his eyes. They sat in silence for a time while Tom waited patiently. Finally, Mary worked up the courage to say, "He... apologized... and said he loved me." Tom sat back in his chair, surprised. "That's... that's great, Mary. He really apologized?" Mary nodded, still not meeting his eyes. "Then why do you look so... haunted? It sounds like he's actually trying to be your father for once."

Tom put a hand gently under her chin, which made Mary flinch. He frowned and pulled his hand away. She'd never shied away from his touch before, and it scared him. "Was that all that happened, Mary? Nothing else?" His little sister's eyes shifted to the side as she answered. "N... Nothing else..." she forced herself to say, hating herself for lying to her brother. Tom frowned, and reached out again very slowly to touch the top of her head. Mary didn't flinch this time, but her eyes filled with tears as he gently rubbed the top of her sandy blond head. "I... You know you can tell me anything, right Mary?" Tom's voice was soft and gentle, though inside his heart was breaking at seeing her so upset. "I know... I know..." Tom pulled his little sister into a tight hug, feeling her sob as he held her close.

Little Mary didn't know what to do. Should she tell him? But that might make father get angry again. But maybe he could help... except that he listened to father first. Was what father had done to her bad, or did it just scare her because she didn't understand why he had done those things to her? All these thoughts and more swirled through her head as Tom rubbed her back until her sobbing faded. When she was calm, Tom picked her up and carried his sister over to her bed, going into her dressing room to return with a night shirt and a cloth. He wiped away her tears with the cloth as he held out her night shift. "Need any help?" he asked with a smile.

Mary sat up on the bed silently as she unbuttoned her overalls. Tom helped her slide out of them and take off her tunic as he had done since she was little. As her tunic came unbuttoned, the older boy noticed his sister's nipples looked redder than usual in the dim lamplight, and frowned. "Are the new clothes giving you a rash? I could fetch some ointment." Mary crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head. "I'll.. get used to it... I have to..." Tom gently tugged on her arms. "Let me look... Come on, I've seen them a million times before."

Mary reluctantly let him pull her arms away as he leaned into examine the little girl's puffy nubs. "Hmm... I'm going to get you some ointment. No arguing." Mary looked up at him, about to protest when he held up a finger. "Trust me, Mary... That's ahhh... not a place you want damage to. You'll understand when you're older." Tom set the night gown on the bed and left the room, promising to return shortly. Mary sat in her loincloth on her bed, shivering as she recrossed her legs. That space between her legs started feeling itchy again when her brother examined her nipples. She'd never felt embarrassed before having him see her unclothed, so why did she feel it now?

Tom returned a few minutes later carrying a bottle of ointment. Mary watched him as he sat on the bed next to her and uncorked the ointment, fighting the urge to cross her arms over her chest again as he stuck his finger inside the jar and pulled out a glob of soothing ointment. "Lie back on the bed for me, Mary." Reluctantly Mary lowered herself back onto her pillow, her face reddening as her brother's hand came down and the tip of his index finger gently rubbed ointment over her swollen nipples. Mary felt the same twinge of warmth mixed with excitement wash over her as her brother gently rubbed the ointment into her lift nipple, then moved on to do the same to her right.

Tom watched her face as he worked, noting the flush filling her cheeks. "Are you getting sick? Do you want me to fetch the family doctor?" Mary quickly shook her head as he withdrew his finger from her now well-lubed nipples. "Ahh... N-No, I'm fine... Just a bit warm..." Tom felt her forehead with the back of his hand, making the little girl blush more. "It's not hot... I'll open the window for you, okay? And you don't have to sleep in your night shirt. Would probably be better to let that ointment sit, anyways." The older boy picked up the garment and laid it over the back of a chair before cracking the window open. "Th-Thanks..." Mary mumbled, wiggling her lower half under the covers.

"Anything else I can do for you, sis?" Tom rubbed her head gently as he sat on the bed next to her. "No.. I'm good... Th-Thanks again, Tom..." He leaned down and kissed her affectionately on the forehead before heading to the door. As it swung shut, Mary whispered too quietly for him to hear, "Thank you, Tom... You're the best brother in the whole wide world..."


Mary tossed in her sleep, dreaming about her mother. She couldn't see her face, and tried chasing her through the halls of their house. Each time she rounded a corner, her mother was further and further away. Eventually, she lost her and wandered alone in the big, empty manor...

The little girl awoke with a gasp, her sheets soaked in sweat. Sitting up, she gazed out the window. From the position of the moon, she guessed it was sometime around midnight. Slumping back against the pillows, Mary tried to go back to sleep, but sleep wouldn't come. After tossing for an hour, she sighed and got out of bed. Picking up her nightgown, the young girl tugged it on over her head before grabbing her flickering oil lamp and slipping out of her room. Tom always knew what to do when she couldn't sleep... she'd go talk to him for a bit, that always made her feel better.

Still thinking about her mother and her nightmare, Mary padded silently in her bare feet down the hall and around the corner towards her brother's room. Approaching the plain looking door, she frowned seeing a light from under the door. Tom was an early riser and rarely stayed up late. She shrugged, and wouldn't have thought any more of it until she heard a muffled voice from inside her brother's room that didn't sound like his.

"Gosh, master Tom! You are so sweet, to worry 'bout her so much." Mary frowned, hearing that feminine voice again and clicked off her lamp flame. Putting her hand on the doorknob, she turned it carefully and eased the door open just a crack to peer inside. Her brother sat on his bed next to one of the parlor maids Mary vaguely knew, though she couldn't remember her name. The girl looked to be a year or two older than Tom was.

"I'm worried about her... she's never hidden anything from me before." That was her brother's voice. Mary shifted to try and get a better look, easing the door open another hair, though that was as far as she dared. "Oh, master Tom, I wouldn't worry 'bout it. Girls keep secrets, you know, and she is gettin' older." Were they talking about her? Mary frowned and leaned in closer to the crack in the door.

"I know, it's just... I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to her..." There was a shift on the bed as the older girl flopped her head into Tom's lap. "You are gonna make the best daddy someday." The girl reached up and stroked Tom's cheek. "Maybe that day can be today, if ya want.~" Marry heard the girl giggle as Tom grabbed her wrist and kissed her palm. What was he doing with her..?

"Oh, you think so? Well, maybe I need some more... practice." The girl gasped as Tom laid a hand on her chest and squeezed at her ample bosom. Mary's eyes went wide as she watched the girl pant and moan from her peeping spot just outside the door while her brother touched the girl in the same place her father had touched her just earlier that night. "Oh, master Tom! You sure know how to please a woman..!" Mary felt her face flushing again as she watched Tom take off the girl's top, kissing and licking at her fairly large breasts. What was he doing with that girl? Was this romance stuff, like her father had tried to do with her?

"I know what you want... I saw you eyeing me at dinner, Marrian." Marrian... That was her name. How could she forget, when it was so close to her own?

Tom flipped the girl's skirt up, and shoved a hand down her underwear. The girl moaned and panted, her face turning red as Wendy watched. He was touching her in the spot that she'd dripped from earlier. Mary felt her groin twinge watching Tom fondle the girl's pussy, feeling a strange warmth flood over her body. Without thinking, Mary lifted up her night shirt and pushed a hand down her loincloth like she saw her brother doing.

Her brother pulled his pants down, making Mary gasp as she saw his penis was long as hard. She'd never seen it do that before, it was always floppy when she'd seen him naked. She'd always thought the floppy thing boys had looked funny shaking around when he moved... but Tom's wasn't flopping around now. The girl on her brother's bed pulled her loincloth down as Tom put his strangely hard penis close to her. Mary's mouth dropped open as he pushed the tip against her opening and the head popped inside. The girl moaned, and Mary felt her finger pushing against her own small opening down there.

"I'll give you what you want..." Tom moaned, making Mary shiver. She'd never heard that tone in her brother's voice before. It made the warm feeling inside her ignite from a small flame to a raging inferno. Not even sure what she was doing, little Mary pushed a finger inside her plump, childish cunny. "Oh master Tom! Yes! Please, give lil’ old me a proper tumblin'!" Mary watched, wide eyed as her brother pushed his entire penis inside the girl, and began to move his hips. She began to move her finger inside herself as she watched, transfixed by the scene from her peeping spot.

Tom thrust into the woman for a few more minutes, groping her breasts. Finally, he let out a very loud moan that sent shivers racing down Mary's thighs. She felt something white hot well up inside her, and clamped her hand over her mouth to hold back and noises as the little girl experienced orgasmic bliss for the first time in her young life. Lewd juices dripped down, soaking her loincloth as she came at the same time as her brother, riding out waves of pleasure. The girl on the bed moaned and came herself from being cum inside, pushing her breasts together with both hands as Tom leaned down and kissed her.

Mary pulled her hand from her loincloth, bringing it up to her face to sniff at it. The scent was the same as before with her father, smelling nothing like pee or anything else that ever came out of that hole before. Shivering and unsure of what just happened, she wiped her hand off on her night shift and carefully shut the door to her brother's room. Mary ran back to her room, shutting the door behind her. The little girl stripped off all her clothes and got into bed, still shivering as she thought about what had just happened. Sleep slowly washed over her as the exhaustion of the day and all these intense, new emotions caught up with her. Mary felt her eyelids drooping, and decided to hold off thinking about what had just happened for another time as she felt sleep wrap around her like a blanket.


Mary awoke groggily the next day, her head pounding. She had a royal headache for some reason, and it took her some time to get out of bed. Walking into her dressing room buck naked, the little girl blinked bleary eyes at her racks of clothes. The events of late last night washed back over her as she stared at her clothes. Picking up her overalls, she hesitated, and thought about her father, then about the girl her brother was with. Both of them seemed to like skirts better. Maybe she should give them more of a try...

With shaking hands, she set her overalls back down and picked up a mint green petticoat and matching skirt. For the first time in a long while, Mary wanted to care about what other people thought of her. She would be on time for her lessons today, properly dressed like the good girl both her father and brother wanted her to be.


Mary arrived skidded to a halt outside the door to Mrs. Peridot's classroom several minutes before she was supposed to be there. Knocking on the door, she took a step back. The door opened, and the old lady looked down at her. "You are early... and properly dressed. Hmph... Very good, Lady Mary. Come in." Mary attempted to bob a curtsy, and entered the room. "I trust your father straightened you out... Good for him." Mary looked down and took the seat at the desk, remembering at the last second to sweep out her skirt before she sat. "Y-Yes, Mrs. Peridot..."

The old woman took up position in front of Mary's desk, slapping her crop against her other hand. "Attend! Today, we will discuss the proper way to accept an offering of flowers from a potential suitor, as well as how to greet a monarch as opposed to a duke..."


It was nearing dinner time when Tom found Mary sitting alone in the rose garden, feeding bread crumbs to pidgins. "There you are... I checked all your usual spots. Wasn't expecting to find you here." Tom slid onto the carved marble bench next to his little sister. Mary looked up from staring at the pidgins to smile warmly at her brother. "I... wanted to try someplace new. The pidgins don't care where they dine, you know." Tom chuckled at this. "That's... very true." he said wryly.

Smiling, the older boy put an arm around her sister's shoulders. "You look nice today. That's a good color for you, you know." Mary blushed and looked down at her lap. She'd even found some white silk gloves like the ones in the book Mrs. Peridot had shown her today to complete her ensemble, and put an ivory comb in her hair. "I... I just want to make everyone proud of me..." she mumbled. Tom frowned, and turned her to face him. "You don't have to change everything about yourself to please everyone else, you know." Mary's eyes went wide, confused. "But you said you liked me like this..?"

Tom sighed and patted her on the back. "I do, but I also like you in your old clothes. I'd like you no matter what you wear - you're my baby sis, after all.~" Mary made a face at his words. "I'm not a baby anymore, you know..." Tom chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Hey, I just combed that... It took forever!" she complained, which made him laugh outright. "You'll always be my little sis, no matter how old you get. But I guess you're not a baby anymore." he punched her lightly in the arm. "You're gonna grow up into a fine young lady before I know it, whether I like it or not."

Without warning, Mary threw her arms around her brother's shoulders and buried her face in his chest. "Heh, what's gotten into you lately..?" Tom chuckled, patting her on the back awkwardly. "N-Nothing..." Mary pulled her head back, her face beet red. What was she doing..? Getting to her feet, she dumped out the rest of her bag of breadcrumbs on his lap. "See you at dinner!" she snickered, turning to run away as Tom yelped and the pidgins flapped at him after the crumbs. Mary's laughter echoed through the rose garden as Tom scrambled to get away from the flock of birds pecking at him. "I'll get you for that, sis!" he yelled after her, his voice full of amusement.


Entering the dining hall, Mary was about to sit at her usual spot at the far end of the table when she saw Lord Byron stand up and beckon to her with open arms. "Mary, please join us over here." He motioned to the seat on his left, across from Tom's usual place. Eyes wide with surprise, Mary trotted over to the indicated seat. Her father even stood to pull the chair out for her, and kissed her on the top of the head affectionately, making even Tom widen his eyes in shock. "My, my, don't you look lovely today, my dear... Mrs. Peridot sure knows how to dress a girl to kill." Mary looked down at her lap and blushed. "Actually, f-father... I d-dressed myself..." Mary swallowed a lump in her throat. "Umm, b-but with the help of Mrs. Peridot's lesson, of c-course..!" she quickly added.

Her father patted her shoulder reassuringly. "You have your mother's sense of fashion, I see... She always knew how to pull together an ensemble that would make even God blush." Mary mumbled her thanks for the compliment as Lord Byron slid back into his gilded seat at the head of the table. The lord of the manor clapped his hands, and the cooks brought forward tonight's meal: a suckling wild boar. "You are turning into a fine young lady, Mary. Your mother would be proud." As the cooks served the food, a maid walked forward to pour the wine. There had only been two glasses for wine set out before Tom and Lord Byron when Mary sat down, and as the maid filled these, her father stroked his grizzled chin. "Fetch another glass for my daughter. It's time she learned to taste adult things." Tom and Mary exchanged looks as the maid bobbed a crusty and went to fetch another wine glass.

"You sure father..?" Tom asked hesitantly. Lord Byron chuckled. "But of course! If my youngest daughter is turning into a fine young lady, then it is time to treat her as such!" The maid poured a glass of wine for Mary, then curtsied and left the room. Lord Byron held the glass aloft. "A toast... to family!" Tom picked up his glass and held it, then realizing Mary didn't understand, he jerked his head towards the glass he held. Her eyes widened and Mary blushed, realizing her mistake as she hastily picked up her glass, nearly sloshing wine onto the table. "To family!" Tom repeated. "T-To family!" Mary chimed in after him. Seeing the other two tilt the glasses to their lips and drink, Mary did the same, then nearly choked at the bitterness of the liquid. She drank a few swallows stubbornly despite the taste, wanting to prove she could be an adult like her father and older brother.

As they set their glasses down, Mary wiped her mouth on a napkin daintily and reached for her water. Her father chuckled as her brother couldn't help but smirk. "You will get used to the taste. You did better than your brother. He spit it out the first time I let him have a glass." Tom made a face. "Father, don't tell her that." Mary couldn't help but grin at her brother, feeling some of the awkward tension in the air evaporate. "Then I probably shouldn't tell you about the time he snuck a bottle out when we went horseback riding..." She grinned evilly at Tom, who groaned. "Mary, come on you said you wouldn't tell..." Lord Byron actually laughed. "Oh, I have to hear this. Please, tell me everything, Mary..."


By the time the meal was over, Mary had managed to drink two glasses of wine, and felt very warm all over. Her brother and father had drunk five, and they'd been laughing and swapping tales for several hours. Mary learned more about her mother from her father in one meal than she'd learned in her whole life.

The sun was beginning to set when Lord Byron emptied his seventh glass of wine. "My, look at the time. I have some business to attend to, children. If you'll excuse me." He got to his feet, and the two kids stood up after him. "Of course, father." Tom said with a bow, his sister bobbing a curtsy shortly after. Byron nodded to Tom, and walked over to Mary. Placing his hands on her shoulders, he smiled. "Come see me in about an hour, Mary. I know it's later than we discussed last night, but it will have to do." He kissed the top of her head. "Until then, Fion-, erm, Mary." Turning, Lord Byron walked out of the room, his back straight.

"That was... actually enjoyable." Tom said after their father had left. He walked over to Mary and hugged her around the shoulders. "I've not seen him this happy since... well, you know." Mary blushed a bit as her brother held her affectionately. "I wonder what changed... But I suppose it doesn't really matter."

Tom turned Mary to face him and hugged her to his chest. "I'm glad you two are getting along. It makes me happy to see." Mary nodded, blushing and wondering what her father wanted to do with her tonight. So lost in thought was she that she didn't notice when Tom slyly picked up a glass of water from the table and tipped a tiny bit of the cold liquid down the back of her dress. Mary yelped and pushed him away. "Hey!" she glared at him. Tom only grinned. "I said I'd pay you back for the breadcrumb thing, ehehe.~" Mary propped her silk-clad hands on her hips and stuck her tongue out at her older brother, which only made him laugh harder.


An hour later, Mary climbed the stairs to father's study, her heart pounding. She took the stairs carefully, still feeling a little wobbly after the two glasses of wine she'd consumed. The young girl was wearing the mint skirt and top that she'd worn to supper, the one her father and brother had liked so much. Though she'd had to dry off the back after her brother's prank payback. She'd even combed her hair and done a better job pinning it up this time. Her father's manservant bowed to her from his post at the top of the stairs. "Your father is expecting you, Lady Mary. He has instructed me to ensure that the two of you are not distributed. Do try not to keep your father waiting, he is in a rather good mood at the moment if I do say so myself..." Mary mumbled her thanks to the butler and trotted over to the large mahogany door.

Knocking twice with iron knocker, Mary waited until her father bid her enter. Slipping inside, she shut the door behind them. Lord Byron stood up from his desk with a wide smile. Mary noted that the whiskey decanters had been cleaned up and nearly stored on a shelf above the hearth, though that had all been refilled as well. "Ph.. Mary! My beloved daughter, come here!" He walked out from behind the desk and embraced her, wrapping her big arms around the little girl and patting her back. Her father held her for a time, before getting down on a knee in front of her and grabbing her hands. "Did you think about what we talked about last night, young Mary?"

Mary nodded, blushing. "I... I did..." she mumbled. Lord Byron stroked the backs of her white silk clad hands as he stared into her eyes. "And...?" her prompted his daughter, waiting patiently. "And... If it makes you happy... I'll do whatever you like... Like momma did..." She mumbled, feeling her cheeks grow hot. Her father's face lit up as he smiled warmly at her and got to his feet. "I knew I was on to something... Its as if your mother stands in this room right now, where you stand." Mary gasped as her father lifted her up and held her one-armed with her bottom braced on his forearm. "Mmm... D-Daddy..?"

"I want to show you something, Mary..." Carrying her over to the hearth, Lord Byron fingered several books on the bookshelf next to it. Finding the volume he wanted, he gave it a tug. Mary gasped as the shelf swung inward, revealing a staircase spiraling down. "This was a secret that your mother and I shared... and now, I share it with you. Keep this a secret, Mary, understand?" Mary nodded, eyes wide. "Y-Yes, daddy." Her father grabbed a torch off the wall inside and lit it in the hearth fire. "That's my little girl." Grabbing a bottle of whiskey off the shelf, he handed it to her. "Hold this for me." Mary took the bottle, and her father carried her off down the stairs, shutting the false door behind them.

The stairs spiraled down much further than Mary would have expected before bottoming out at a stone door. "We're down at the cellar level. Your great, great, great, grandfather had this built when he was plotting a rebellion... Thankfully it was all just talk and he didn't actually do anything to run our family." Mary nodded, shivering at the thought of armies attacking their home. "What's down here now, papa?" she asked curiously. Her father produced a wrought iron key, setting Mary down on the cold stone floor. "Hold the torch for me, please." Mary took it, and watched as her father struggled with the heavy lock in the door. Getting it open, he pushed inward and took the torch back from his daughter.

"Welcome, Mary. Don't worry, I had the place cleaned today. My manservant is the only one I would trust with the secret of this place... well other than you, that is." He lit several braziers around the small room, which contained a large four poster bed, along with several other things. Mary looked around, wide-eyed at the unknown furniture in the room. The only thing she recognized was the pillory she knew from her lessons was supposed to be used to punish criminals. Apart from that, she had no idea what the strange X-shaped thing on the wall with clamps was for, or what the wedged-shaped wooden bench thing was supposed to do.

"Your mother was... very passionate, Mary. In ways that the church wouldn't approve of, so we had to keep this private." He set the torch in a socket in the wall behind the bed and walked back over to the wide-eyed girl to pick her up again and carry her over to the bed. "Umm... okay, daddy. I don't really get it, but..." Her father chuckled, sitting down on the bed with her in his lap. "You don't have to understand for right now... We will get to all that later." Lord Byron took the bottle of whiskey from his daughter and pulled the cork out with his teeth, taking a swig before holding it up to her lips. "This is much stronger than wine, but well.. You're going to want to drink some before we... play."

Mary wrinkled her nose at the smell, but didn't pull away as her father tipped a mouthful of the liquid into her mouth. She tried to swallow fast, and coughed as the burning liquid went down her throat. Her father patted her on the back as she gagged and coughed. "I know, I know... It's nasty stuff until you get used to it. Your mother never cared much for the stuff, either..." Mary caught her breath, feeling a warm fire in her belly that wasn't there before. "Akkk... D-Daddy that hurt my throat..." she complained. Lord Byron took another swig, and set the bottle down on the nightstand. "It will feel better in a moment. I know something that will take your mind off it..."

Lord Byron lifted his daughter's chin and leaned down, kissing her deeply again. Mary closed her eyes and kissed back, twining her tongue with his as he reached behind her and undid the ties on the petticoat. This time, he undid all of the ties, not just the ones at the top. Pulling back for some air, Lord Byron looked down at his blushing daughter. "You are so like your mother, Mary... So it's only fitting that you, and only you, can replace her.. I know now that's what she would have wanted..." Mary blushed as her father pulled her top down to her belly, getting her arms tangled in the mint colored silk. "Sh-Should I take it off, d-daddy...?" she mumbled, blushing fiercely. "No... I love how the green looks against your skin.. let us leave it on a bit."

Mary nodded, her blue eyes wide as he unclipped the back of her breast band and let it drop, revealing her flat, freckled chest. "Your mother looked exactly like this when she was your age... I don't know why it took me so long to notice... We had so much fun together when I visited her family's estates in the summers." Mary stared as her father slowly placed his hands on her chest and toyed with her nipples. The little girl's breath caught in her throat as warmth flooded over her and her head began to spin. "Daddy... I ffeel’sh... warm’sh..." Her father chuckled and picked up the brandy bottle. "Take one more sip for me, child." Mary opened her mouth obediently and her father tipped another mouthful down her throat. It didn't feel as bad as the last time, and the fire in her belly grew warmer. "Aaash... I ffeel’sh warmer..." she mumbled, making her father chuckle.

"Alcohol will do that to a person. And given that... this is probably going to hurt you... I want you to feel bad for your first time, Mary." Mary blinked at her father as he pushed her gently onto her back on the silken comforter of the large bed. "Wash gonna hurt... daddy? Hic!" she asked confusedly as her father placed a big hand on her belly and lifted her skirt up to her waist where it settled. "We're going to make love, my dear daughter... Like your mother and I used to." Mary blinked at him as he placed his free hand on her groin over her linen loincloth and pressed down. "Do you feel a warmth down here, sweet Mary?"

Mary let out a soft gasp as her father touched her privates. "Yesh... Feels tingly... hic!" She giggled nervously, making her father smile. "Good... I don't want to hurt you. Your mother wouldn't like that... So we need to get you ready." Lord Byron lifted his daughter's legs up and pulled her loincloth over her rump and down to her ankles. Her small kitty bared, he let her legs fall back to the bed and pressed a finger to her seven year old pussy lips. Mary let out a soft whimper as her father pushed his pinky finger inside her pussy where she herself had put a finger the night before. "You're already a little wet... as expected of Lady Fiona's daughter. She was a wild one, just like you, Mary..."

Lord Byron wiggled his finger around inside Mary, making her moan. "Daddy.. thatsh feels... gud.. hic!" she giggled again, and her father leaned down and kissed her belly. He fingered her for a while longer, even sliding a second finger inside before he took the fingers out. Mary frowned, feeling an anxious tightness inside. "Daddy... Don't shtop..!" she complained, squirming. "You're warmed up, my child. It's time to make love." Mary watched as her father stripped off his pants, revealing his large, fully erect penis. The little girl's eyes widened at the sight of it. It was hard and long like Tom's had been the night before with that maid, Marrian. "Aresh you gonna... push dat inshide of me..?" Mary asked nervously. Her father looked at her surprised, and then laughed. "Why am I even surprised you already know what sex is... God, you are your mother's daughter, Mary. God I was a fool for so many years. I love you so much!"

Her father tapped his large penis against her belly. If he pushed it all the way into her, it would go up to her belly button, she thought. But it wouldn't go that far in, right? Lord Byron pulled his youngest daughter's loincloth off one of her ankles and spread her legs apart gently, pressing the tip of his adult cock against her slick baby hole. "Mary... Bear with me, okay? This is going to hurt, and I hope the alcohol will have helped ease the pain of your first time." He pushed the head against her opening. Mary gasped, feeling something hard trying to push inside her. "Daddy.." she whined as his dick slid out of her small hole instead of penetrating.

Her father gently cupped her cheek in one big hand. "You're ready, Mary. I just need to push a bit harder..." He repositioned to try again. "Relax your body... that's a good girl." Her father pushed again. Mary winced, wrapping her hands around her father's arm and squeezing tight as he tried again to penetrate his little girl's tight cunt. One again he was repelled, and his dick slid up along her belly instead. "Curses. It will fit... it had to... or you can't be her..." Mary's eyes were filled with tears from the second attempt. "D-Daddy... I will be here for you.. If it makes you happy I will be her. Please push it into me."

Emboldened by her words, her father lined up for another try. "You have to be her... it's what she would want... Oh, Mary! I want to make you my wife!" Lord Byron pushed again. He struggled for a second at her tight opening, before his cock forced its way into his little girl's tight vagina. Mary's eyes went wide as she cried out in pain, her father's insistent pushing causing her to take half his length in one thrust. "Oh, my little Mary... you did it! You are just like her! You can be the new Lady Fiona! Ahhh!" Tears swelled in Mary's eyes as her father's cock bottomed out at her tiny cervix, with a good inch and a half of his length left outside her well-widened pussy lips.

"D-Daddy.. It hurtsh..!" Her little body shook beneath him. "I know little Mary, I know... But daddy needs you to be strong for him. For her..." He pulled his cock back a few inches, the blood from young Mary's lost virginity dripping onto the expensive red silk coverlet on the bed. "Out... and back in..!" Lord Byron held his daughter's head in both hands as he pushed his cock back inside her. Mary sniveled, still feeling a lot of pain despite the alcohol. Through her teary eyes she could see the happy, pleasured look on her father's face, and forced herself to lie still and take it for him. "D-Daddy... ish this what mommy would w-wantsh...?" she asked as he pushed in and out of her tight hole slowly. "Yes, my darling... Mommy loved having my big penis inside her. So you need to, too."

Mary nodded, alternating between biting her lip and gasping as she started to get used to the pain while her father bucked into her gently. Lord Byron was struggling to hold back, his daughter's tight cunt felt so good after years of abstinence. Leaning in, he kissed her on the lips once more, imagining her as the woman he had so loved. Mary kissed her father back, starting to feel some pleasure through the pain of the over-large insertion. The kiss helped, she was breathing harder by the time he pulled his lips away from hers. As Lord Byron reached down to pinch at Mary's swelling nipples, she let out a small moan. "That's my girl... You getting used to it now?" Mary nodded, closing her eyes as she panted. "Good girl... Oh god, I needed this so much, Mary. It's been so long..."

Lord Byron moaned deeply as he moved his hands down to his daughter's thighs, gripping them tight as he raised her hips up in the air. He began to pull her back down onto his cock as he thrust forward, each time getting as deep inside his little girl as he could. "Wish you could... Ahhh... take the whole thing... Maybe.. in a year or two..." Mary gasped as he picked up the pace a bit, loud squelching sounds filling the chamber as her tight cunt fought to hold onto the huge cock invading the deepest parts of the little girl. "I'm going to... ahh... cum inside you, Mary. And then... Ahhh! You will be mine! Like she was!! Hahh!"

Mary reached out instinctively towards her father for comfort with both hands. He let her hips fall back to the bed as he bore down on her, grabbing her by the wrists and pulling on her arms to tug her body down onto his cock. The little girl gasped as her father let out a loud, masculine moan and slammed into her, pulling painfully on her arms as he flooded her tiny womb with warm, sticky semen. Mary felt it sloshing inside her belly and moaned loudly, getting inseminated awakening new instincts that pushed her over her edge. She came violently, her own lewd juices leaking down her little thighs to join the growing pool of body fluids staining the bed as her father dumped yet another string of cum that wouldn't fit inside her little body inside her. It gushed out, soaking her thighs and groin in a hot, sticky mess.

Lord Byron grunted leaned down to bite Mary's right nipple hard enough to leave a mark, making her yelp and her pussy contract around her father's cock. Her whole body shook as her father yanked his cock out of his daughter's tight cunt, spraying one last string of cum onto her belly before he wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her to a sitting potion, kissing her deeply as he squeezed her bare bottom. Mary's eyes fluttered shut as she kissed her daddy back, her pussy contracting and oozing out another glob of warm cum onto the bed beneath them. When Lord Byron pulled his tongue back out of his daughter's mouth, he smiled at her with a mixture of a lover's warmth and fatherly affection. "I knew you could do it, little Mary... Your mother would be proud..!"


Mary dozed on the bed in the hidden chamber for a time. Her father decided to let her sleep, leaving to return with a washcloth and a bottle of water to clean her up a bit. When she awoke groggily, he dressed her and carried her back up the stairs. "Can you make it back to your room, or do you wish to have my manservant escort you?" he asked her as he set her back on her feet and kissed her hand. Mary shook her head, her inside still throbbing and pussy aching from the hard fucking. "I-I can make it... m-myself..." she mumbled. Lord Byron gave her another large hug and wished her a good night. "Come back again tomorrow night, my dear. We can continue your lessons in lovemaking then. And remember... you are not to tell anyone about this."

Mary stumbled a bit as she left the room, but was able to walk straight as she passed the butler. "Good night, Lady Mary." was all he said to her as she descended the staircase, her once so well-combed and pinned up hair now mussed and unkempt.


Mary managed to make it back to her room, and slumped onto her bed, too exhausted to even take off her shoes. She was about to nod off when there was a knock at her door that jostled her awake. "C... Come in..." she squeaked out. Tom let himself into her room. "You alright? I checked on you earlier but you weren't here. Father kept you that late?" Mary sighed and tried to sit up. "I'm... f-fine..." she was still slurring her words a bit. "Ahh, dangit. I thought you drank too much at dinner. Let me help."

Tom got one of her night shirts from the dressing room and walked over to the bed, setting an oil lamp down on her night stand that made Mary wince and cover her eyes. "Ngghhh... I'm fine'sh!" she complained, and would have left it at that if Tom hadn't started trying to undress her. "N-No! Don't! Hic!" She protested, trying to push him away. Tom frowned, sitting on the bed next to her. "Mary, it's your brother, Tom." She made a face and rolled her eyes. "I know that... I just... Don't want to get'sh into my nightshirt tonight!" Tom crossed his arms over his chest. "It's very hot tonight, Mary. I won't have you overheating because you went to bed in your nice clothes. At least sleep in your loincloth."

Mary tried to protest again, but Tom rolled her onto her side, clearly thinking she was too drunk to think straight and make her own decisions. She blushed, knowing he was just trying to help but not wanting him to see what their father had done to her. "Nooosh! Tom, I don't want to undressh..!" Her brother undid the ties on the back of her petticoat despite her flailing and protesting, and pulled around front. "Mary, stop fighting me, I'm just trying to help! Lift up your arms." Mary felt too weak to stop her brother from pulling her top off, and her arms popped free. She quickly crossed her arms over her thin chest, thankful that her back was at least to him so he couldn't see the large bite mark on her right nipple before she could cover it.

Tom turned her and tried to push her onto her back. "Crossing your arms again? Does it really bother you so much all of a sudden, Mary? I... did I do something wrong?" Mary stared at him with wide eyes, feeling tears welling up again. She didn't want him to think she hated him, not Tom... especially not Tom. "No! You didn't do'sh anything, Tom... You're alwaysh sho’ nice to me..." The little girl sniffed. Tom put his hands on her shoulders, looking her directly in the eyes. "Then what is it? You're not telling me something, and I can tell it's bothering you. It makes my heart hurt to see you so... haunted. Talk to me, Mary. Please..."

Mary struggled with herself, but in the end she couldn't keep this from him any longer. Tom was the person she loved the most in the whole wide world. She never kept anything from him, he always listened to her problems, no matter what. No matter how busy he was, no matter how many of his own problems he had - Tom was always there for her. Mary looked down and closed her eyes. Steeling herself, she hunched her shoulders, and then dropped her arms.

Silence filled the room as she waited. Tom didn't say anything for a long time - he just stared at the clear bite mark on his little sister's immature chest. A cold rage slowly welled up inside the boy. "Who... did this to you." He finally said, his voice shaking with anger. Mary opened one eye a crack to look at her brother, her body shaking. She'd never heard her brother get angry before, and it scared her. "T-Tom, don't be mad... p-please...." she whined, tears filling her eyes again. Seeing how it was upsetting her, Tom took several deep breaths. "It's okay, it's okay... Mary, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at whoever could have done this to you." He reached out and put his arms on her shoulders. "But it's very important that you tell me. So... Tell me... Who. Did. This. To. You?" Mary's mouth worked for a time as she stared into her brother's eyes. She could still see a spark of anger behind them, but it was covered by his unbridled caring for her wellbeing. She swallowed hard, trying to get the words out through the lump in her throat. Finally she managed to croak out a single word. "F.. F... F-Father."

Tom sat back on the bed, his hand dropping from his little sister's shoulders as a look of shock and horror filled his face. "F-Father did this to you!?" he stammered, unable to believe his ears. "Did... did he do anything else!?" he finally managed to stammer out. Mary looked down at her lap and slowly nodded. Tom pushed her onto her back without warning. Mary yelped as he pulled down her skirt and loincloth, the horrified look on his face compounding as he stared at the mess around her reddened and swollen pussy. "I'll... I'll kill him. I'm going to... to kill him! How... How could he even think about..!?" Tom clenched his fists in his lap, his heavy arm muscles straining as rage filled him.

Abruptly he turned and stood up. Mary scrambled to grab for him, letting out a yelp of pain as she lost her balance with her loincloth and skirt around her thighs and fell to the hard flood, bonking her head. Tom turned as his sister screeched. Seeing her head hit the hard floor, his rage was immediately replaced by anxiety and concern as he rushed to her side. "M-Mary! Oh my god, are you okay!?" He lifted her now-naked body up with ease and set her gently back down on the bed, pulling her hair back to feel at her skull. Mary's vision swam as she gasped at the sharp pain in her head, before it slowly cleared. "I'm... okay..." she gasped. Tom stood over her, his eyes filled with concern as tears filled his eyes. "Oh god, Mary... I'm so sorry." He grabbed her up in a tight hug, cuddling his baby sister to his chest as he wept, making Mary cry in return.

"How hurt are you... I can't believe he forced himself on you... took your virginity! At seven!" Mary sniffed, wanting everything to be okay. "He asked me to be mommy for him... It made him so happy, Tom... So I said yes." Tom leaned back, wiping his eyes on his sleeve as he looked at his sister. "You... said.. yes? He asked first?" Mary slowly nodded. Tom blinked for a moment, then shook his head. "I-It doesn't m-matter! You're seven, you can't possibly have understood what he was asking of you..!" Mary cut him off. "I know what sex was... I..." she swallowed hard. "I saw you and.. and Marrian doing it last night." Tom blinked at his little sister, now his turn to blush. "I... what!?" He stammered.

Mary wrung her hands, tugging on a lock of her hair nervously. "I... I had a bad dream, and I came to see you. I heard voices, so I looked..." her voice trailed off. "And when I saw what you were doing with... with her... I felt warm and itchy down between my legs... so I tried touching like you did to her... and it felt really good, and made this stuff that's not pee drip out of my vagina..." Tom listened intently, groaning at the parts where she described her first attempt at masturbation. "Mary... that's not something a girl your age should be doing... It's not proper!"

She tried to sit up, propping herself on her elbows as she draped over Tom's lap. "Why not? Both you and father said I was gonna be a young lady soon! Isn't this what adults do?" Tom put a hand over his face, trying to think of how to explain it. "Well.. Yes, but you're still too young..." he stammered, trying to think of what else to say. Marry swallowed, the alcohol making it much easier to say what she was about to say next. "When... I saw you pushing your penis inside Marrian... All I could think about was... was what it would feel like if you pushed it into me."

Tom let out a yelp and nearly fell off the bed. "With.. with you!?" he stammered, his eyes wide. Mary felt something twitch beneath her in his lap, as a surge of hardness pushed into her bare bottom. "Y-Yeah... She looked like she was feeling really good, and so were you... and I thought... what would it feel like if... if I could make you feel that good..." Mary giggled nervously, still playing with her hair as she gazed at the bedspread, unable to meet his eyes. She felt the hardness underneath her twinge again, and heard Tom gulp.

"Mary, you're my favorite person in the world. Period. But that's... that's not a game that siblings are supposed to play!" He hissed the last few words, his mouth paper dry. Mary rolled her head back to look at him. "Why not? Daddy played it with me..." Tom looked down at his little sister's vagina, which was still puffy and red from what he had to assume was a pretty rough fucking. "Yeah but.. First of all, that's not what fathers are s-supposed to do with their daughters, either. A-And second... I mean, look at yourself! It must have hurt so much! I still can't believe he did that to you, even if you did say yes, you mad girl!"

Mary looked down at her pussy, and winced. "It did hurt.. at first... but daddy asked me to be good and bear with it... and then it did start to feel really good..." Mary felt the surge of hardness under her bottom getting stronger, pushing up against her butt cheek as she explained her experience to him. "B-But... why on earth would you want to do it a-again after it hurt so much..?" Tom stammered, his heart racing as he tried to tell his rebellious penis to cut it the fuck out. Lewd thoughts flashed through his mind as he suddenly couldn't stop imagining what it would be like to lie with her. To make his little sis moan in pleasure, to give her a different kind of love...

Tom shook his head. It wasn't the first time he'd had a thought like this. These intrusive thoughts started two years ago, when she'd fallen asleep with her head in his lap out in the field by the grand oak tree. Mary had been recovering from pneumonia at the time, and the medicine tea the family doctor gave her to help with the sickness made her very sleepy. When she accidentally touches his crotch with her hand... Tom didn't want to remember, but right now it was all he could think about.

Five year old Mary had fallen asleep after they had a picnic together. She'd crawled into his lap and cuddled there, looking so cute in her blue overalls and green tunic. As a growing boy, Tom was prone to random erections, and Mary had rolled over at the wrong time in his lap, her hand going to a place it shouldn't have. After she'd touched the hard tent in his pants, suddenly it was all he could think about. She was just... lying there, sleeping soundly. Surely it would be fine if he just...

Tom had pulled his pants down, and wrapped her hand around his cock, jerking himself with his sister's hand. As he got closer, he'd been unable to stop himself and pushed her head down onto his shaft. He remembered how her mouth felt so warm around his cock, and how cute she'd looked bobbing on his meat. Tom had cum inside her mouth, and felt so horrible afterwards. He couldn't believe that he'd forced himself on his defenseless little sister. After that, he'd vowed to protect her no matter what, even from himself.

Even after that, deep down he knew he took some kind of pleasure in getting to help her dress and undress each day and night, but he always pushed that knowledge away. Whenever he felt himself getting horny after that time in the field, he always forced himself to think of the most unattractive person he could picture. He tried doing that now, but his mind wouldn't cooperate. All he could think about was his sister's vagina, how much he wanted to shove his cock inside it, how much he wanted to make her feel good.

Tom shook his head, forcing himself to focus on the present. "Tom... are you okay?" Mary asked again, poking his cheek with a finger. The rod underneath her bottom was fully erect and poking into her a little painfully at this point. She shifted her hips a bit to resettle the pressure, and Tom finally noticed how hard he was. Seeing she had his attention back, Mary wrung her hands again and continued.

"So what I was saying was... That's why, since you're always doing so many nice things for me, and I can't do that many things in return for you... I thought... I could make you feel nice, at least. Like how you felt nice sticking it inside that other girl."

Tom blinked down at her, wanting badly to take her up on the offer. "Mary, you... you are the sweetest girl ever. But I can't do that to you. Especially not now, when you've been hurt so badly..." He looked down at her puffy slit again and gulped. "It really doesn't hurt that much, you know... Not anymore." Mary mumbled. "And... I want you to do it. Please Tom?" She looked at him with puppy dog eyes. "I want to make you feel as good as it makes me feel when you take care of me..." Tom couldn't bear the love and kindness in his little sister's eyes. He couldn't say no to her, and his body ached for him to take her up on her offer.

"I... I-If you're s-sure, Mary... You p-promise this what YOU want?" He held her head and made her look at him. "Remember what I said to you on the bench in the garden today? You don't have to change everything about yourself for other people. You get to choose what you want to do, especially with your body." Mary smiled shakily at her loving brother, her eyes full of trust. "I know... but this is what I want. I want our family to be happy again. No matter what it takes. And I want you to be happy most of all."

Tom leaned down and kissed his sister on the lips, not pushing his tongue in like their father did, just soft and gentle movements. Mary sighed and kissed him back, her face flushing as she felt the intense love he felt for her washing through her from that touch. As he pulled away, Tom pressed a gentle hand against her swollen pussy. "The last thing I ever want to do is hurt you, Mary. Let me make you feel good first, okay? Then we can see how you feel after." He leaned down, spreading her legs as he put his head in his little sister's crotch. In Tom's mind, he needed to make what he'd done all those years ago right before he could take things any further. He needed to even the score. Mary blinked and looked down at her big brother. "Okay, but what are you gonna... Eeep!" She let out a gasp as Tom's tongue pressed against her slit and parted her folds softly.

Mary's legs wobbled as her big brother licking up and down along her puffy slit, managing to find her buried little clit at the top and paying extra attention to it as he gave it a strong flick with the tip of his tongue at the end of each slide up and down. Mary was quickly panting hard as her brother licked her, waves of intense pleasure washing through her young mind. "T-Tom..! Ahhh!! That feels so good!" she moaned, gasping as she came the next time his tongue flicked her little bean. Mary's hips bucked as she rode out her cute little orgasm, her back arched in pleasure. Gasping, she collapsed against the bed as Tom lifted his head up, his face soaked in her lewd juices. As he wiped his mouth on his sleeve, he grinned at his little sister. "Did that feel nice..?" Mary nodded, her knees feeling weak. "Uh-huh..." she mumbled, her thin chest heaving. "S-Stick it in me now?"

Tom sighed and sat up. "You sure? You look really tired, Mary. We could always do it nex-" Mary cut him off. "N-No! I want to make you f-feel good! P-Please, Tom." The whine in her voice as she pleaded for him to stick his dick inside her made him relent. "Okay, okay... If that's what you really want..." Tom shifted and kicked off his trousers and loincloth, his erect penis throbbing painfully at the thought of finally getting to stick it inside his little sis.

Mary stared at her brother's cock. It wasn't as big as their father's, but her heart still beat faster as he pressed it against her swollen slit. "If at any time you want me to take it out, you have to tell me, okay? And if it hurts, I'm taking it out. No arguments." Internally Tom wasn't sure he'd be able to stop once they started, but he wouldn't let himself hurt his baby sis!

"Okay. Bet." Mary smiled, reaching down to hold her pussy lips open for her brother. Tom looked down, seeing her pink insides. A little bit of their father's cum oozed out her vagina, and part of him couldn't believe that he was about to stick it in his kid sister right after their father had used her as a cum dumpster. He pressed the tip of his cock against her little cunny. "Ready?" he asked her, and Mary nodded. Tom pushed forward gently. The tip of his cock slid inside without too much trouble after how much stretching their father's cock had done to the little girl's cunt. Tom moaned in pleasure as his cock slid inside her warm hole, the pleasure multiplied for him by the load already inside her warm cunny as the tip of his penis began to swell up. "Oh god, Mary..!" he moaned, leaning down to kiss her on the lips as he gently pushed his cock the rest of the way inside his little sister's tight love hole.

Unlike her father's cock, her brother's fit all the way inside her tight chamber down to the hilt. Tom bottomed out in his little sis' belly, groaning in pleasure as he slowly pulled back out, and pushed in, beginning to rut around inside her tummy. Mary gasped and kissed her big bro back as he fucked her lovingly, his cock sliding in and out of her warm baby tunnel with little squelches. Tom felt his balls tighten up as they prepared to dump a load of hot cum inside his lewd little sister's womb. "Mary... It feels so good!" He panted, picking up the pace a bit. Mary felt a tiny bit of pain as he went faster, but she refused to let him know about it. Besides, the pleasure she was feeling from his warm member pushing inside her was far greater than the momentarily discomfort. Mary surrendered to her brother, letting him pump his cock into her as much and as fast as he wanted as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Tom..." she moaned lewdly, the little girl wiggling her hips as he fucked her passionately.

Tom kissed his little sister again as he felt himself getting close, his balls slapping against her ass with each thrust as he picked up speed. Mary grunted and came again as he rammed into her, her vaginal walls tightening up as she convulsed and moaned into her brother's mouth. Seeing Mary's cute and lewd reactions as she came made Tom want to please her even more. Likewise, Mary desired nothing more in this moment than to make her big brother as happy as possible, and she bucked her little hips, trying to take him even deeper inside her immature snatch.

"Mary, I'm gonna cum in you soon!" Tom moaned, breaking the kiss with a gasp. Mary's tongue lolled out, a thin line of drool connecting them for a moment before breaking as she took her brother's cock like a seasoned whore. "Dump it in me... I want you to feel good, Tom. Sh-Shoot it in my tummy!" Tom let out a loud groan of pleasure as his balls seized up. He rammed forward, flooding Mary's already-full womb with even more hot semen as his teenage balls dumped all they could in his little sis. Tom sat up and scooped Mary up with his hands under her bottom, giving her butt cheeks tight squeezes as he finished inseminating his little sister. Mary's belly bulged out from both the cock buried in it at an angle, and the two loads of cum floating around inside her little womb. She gasped and panted as Tom finished cumming in her. Her brother leaned in and kissed her one final time, his cock growing soft inside her as he came down from his own intense orgasm.

As Tom pulled out of his sister, he placed a hand on her belly and smiled. "I love you so much, Mary..." he whispered to the little girl, who could only shiver contentedly in reply.


Tom slept in Mary's room that night, hugging her tightly as they slept together. When morning came, Mary awoke sleepily, still held naked in her brother's strong arms. She could feel his morning wood poking into her thigh, and giggled. Her giggle brought Tom around, who yawned and smiled seeing his little sister's sleepy head. "Morning, silly." He reached up and tweaked her nose. "Your thingie is hard again." She giggled, in a teasing mood. "Does that mean you wanna stick it in me again?" Tom rolled his eyes and chuckled, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "No... Well, yes... but it does that every morning. It's just something that happens to men when they sleep." He shrugged.

Marry snickered. "Oh, so you don't wanna stick it in me again?" Tom chuckled, and licked her cheek. "I didn't say that... and you're acting like a brat!" Mary squeaked as Tom rolled her over onto her belly and laid on top of her. "Hey, no fair! You're bigger than me!" She complained, making a face. "And..?" Tom giggled, nibbling on the tip of her ear. Mary gasped, feeling shivers go down her spine. "What do you want me to do?" Tom asked her as he kissed down her ear, all the way to the nape of her neck. Mary shivered in delight, feeling her groin growing hot and itchy again. "P-Push it in me..!" she mumbled. Tom licked at the back of her neck, making her gasp louder. "I couldn't hear you... What do you want me to do, Mary? Speak up and use all your words."

Mary let out a soft moan, feeling her brother's cock pushing into her bare bottom. "P-Please Tom, push your hard penis inside my vagina..!" Tom kissed the top of her head. "As you wish..." He reached down and lined up his cock with her wet hole, not getting off of her. Mary shivered as she felt his hard tip push against her slit from behind, and moaned when it popped inside her. Tom began to rut inside his little sis as she panted, getting off to teasing her about wanting to be fucked and taking her in a more dominant position. "Good girl, Mary..." he groaned, pumping into her faster from behind. "I'm gonna fuck you every day from now on for being such an amazing little sis..!"

Tom groaned, holding Mary's head as he came inside her. The little girl's eyes rolled up in bliss as he filled her little womb up again, her face smashed into the pillows as she came with him. They lay together for a time, Tom pinning his little sister down with his cock jammed inside her tight, slutty hole as they enjoyed their closeness and basked in each other's afterglow. Finally Tom rolled off his sister, his cock pulling out of her with a squelch. "We better clean up this mess."


Mary attended her lessons for the day with Mrs. Peridot, but all she could think about during them was the events of the last day. She got scolded several times for not paying attention, but not even the old crone's lectures could ruin her good mood. When she was finally done with lessons, she met her brother waiting for her outside the classroom. "Want to go riding? We haven't done that in a while." Mary excitedly agreed, and raced to her room to change clothes. Within the hour, she was in her overalls and meeting her brother at the stables.

They galloped out together, weaving in between the trees of the apple orchard. As they raced around in the cool mid day spring air, the pair forgot about their troubles. They stopped by the small brook near the back of the orchard to water their mounts, and Tom got out the cheese and rolls he'd packed for them. As they finished eating and listening to the burbling of the stream, Tom came up behind Mary and gave her a big hug. "Wanna do it?" he asked her with a grin as she tilted her head back and up to look at him. "Out here? B-But what if someone sees?" Tom tweaked her nose. "The apples aren't being harvested. Nobody's going to come all the way out here." He pushed his hand down between her legs and rubbed his sister through her clothes, making Mary gasp. "K-Kay, s-sure..!" She panted as Tom took his hand away and moved her over towards one of the big apple trees.

Mary pressed her trees against the trunk of the big tree, shivering as Tom unbuttoned her overalls and slid them down to her thighs. She waited in anticipation as he pulled her loincloth down, feeling the cool breeze from the stream on her naked flesh giving her goosebumps. Tom groped and squeezed his little sister's bare bottom, making her gasp and moan. When he gave her a little spanking, she let out a yelp. "H-Hey, what'd you do that for?" she whined. "Did it hurt?" Mary shivered. "Well, no but..." she thought about how it had felt. Finally she asked quietly, "D-Do it again..? Tom spanked her other cheek and Mary gasped. "Some girls like to tell me they enjoy being spanked. I thought it might make you feel good." Mary shivered and thrust her bottom out towards him harder, making Tom gasp as she pushed up against his crotch. "Enough t-teasing..!" she commanded imperially.

Tom chuckled and pulled his trousers down, thrusting his erect cock between Mary's legs. "As you command, my queen..." He tilted the head of his 16 year old cock up to thrust inside his sister's waiting cunt. Tom groaned as he slid inside her tight vagina, giving her bare ass another slightly harder spank. Mary yelped, feeling excitement flower inside her as he spanked and fucked her. "H-Harder..." she moaned, and Tom ground his cock in his slutty seven year old sister as deep as it would go. He spanked her jiggling bottom harder as he fucked the little girl. Mary's arms strained against the tree from the force of his cock slamming.

The little girl closed her eyes and groaned each time her older brother thrust inside her and spanked her. Being spanked and fucked out in the open made her feel naughty, like how she felt when she stole honey treats from the kitchens. Mary came as Tom spanked her, her cute little bottom jiggling as her pussy clamped down on her brother's cock. Tom let out a loud moan and grabbed Mary by the shoulder as he slammed into her, filling her needy little snatch to the brim with his hot semen. As Tom and Mary gasped, the big brother withdrew his cock from his sister's shaking body, pulling her loincloth back up over the mess he'd made in her.

Mary grimaced as she felt the gooey cum soak into her loincloth. "Eww, my loincloth feels all sticky now..." she complained as Tom pulled her overalls back up and buttoned them. He reached around and groped her flat chest as she complained. "Good... Something to remind you of me." He kissed her cheek as Mary rolled her eyes. "Funny..." Tom stepped away, and Mary turned to face him. What caught her eye, though, was her mount. The big stallion had stopped drinking as was pawing at the ground with a hoof, shaking his head. But what really drew her attention was the massive penis that had uncurled beneath the big animal. Mary's eyes went wide as she saw it, making Tom turn to see what she was looking at.

"Ahh... I guess he got a bit excited watching us fuck." Tom explained. "He'll calm down in a moment... Mary, wait, what are you doing!?" His exclamation came as Mary moved past him, ducking under the huge animal's belly to stare at the cock. "Mary, get out of there! They can get aggressive when they're like this!" Tom didn't want to go over and pull her out in case it upset the big animal. He knew a lot about horses, and this was not the time to be approaching an aroused stallion. "It's like twice as long as your arm!" Mary exclaimed, kneeling down to stroke the horse's engorged member. The stallion stamped as Mary touched his junk. "Mary! Don't do that!" Tom hissed, looking for an opening to safely pull his naive little sister out from underneath the huge horse. Unfortunately for him, Mary was completely under the stallion's belly at this point, and he couldn't see any way to get her out without potentially getting her trampled. "Don't make any sudden moves and slowly roll out from underneath him!"

Mary's giggle from under the great best made him sweat. "Don't be silly! It looks like he liked this!" Tom peered under the stallion's bely, his jaw dropping as he saw his lewd little sister stroking the stallion's massive, flat-headed cock up and down with both hands. "Mary! You can't do that to a horse!" he hissed, unable to believe his eyes. "Why not? It makes him feel good, doesn't it?" The stallion neighed and thrust his cock forward, making Mary giggle as it brushed past her head. "Mary, if you keep doing that, he's gonna..!"

The horse let out a loud neigh and rammed forward again. A torrent of cum shot out of the tip, coating Mary's hair in smelly horse cum that dripped down onto her overalls. "Oh my, there's so much..!" Mary gasped as another huge string shot hit her square in the mouth. She gagged, and stepped out from underneath the stallion's belly. Tom grabbed her and pulled her back towards the tree. "You idiot! You're soaked in horse semen! Are you happy now!?"

Mary scooped a clump out of her hair and looked at it. Turning to Tom, she stuck out her tongue. "You don't have this much." Tom smacked his forehead. "No, because I'm not a bleeding horse! Don't do that again, dummy! Now we gotta clean you up! You're lucky we're next to a stream!"

The stallion walked over and butted Marry with his head affectionately, making the girl giggle again and hug his big head. "Oh, what am I going to do with you..." Tom muttered to himself, feeling a headache coming on.


It took him over an hour to wash his sister and her clothes in the river. Mary complained about riding back in wet clothes, but he told her if they were out too long the hostlers would send someone to check up on them. They told the stable boys she'd fallen in the river when they stopped to water the horses. Thankfully the brook had been growing clumps of algae, and their smell helped to mask the thick aroma of horse semen that still clung to her and her clothes.

"Bath, now. No arguments." Tom pushed her towards the bath house. "I'll ring a maid to bring you hot water and soap."

Mary did as she was told, stripping off her smelly clothes as she entered the manor's private bath area. The place had been altered a generation back to make way for more modern bathing conveniences. A large metal shower head connected to a hempen rope pull cord jutted out of the wall. Maids would fill the large tubs in the room on the other side of the wall with boiling water, which would be pressurized with a foot pump to shoot out of the shower head when the cord was pulled.

Mary heard the maids at work in the other room and waited. Finally there was a knock on the door. "Good to go, miss." came a voice that Marry recognized. She scowled and crossed her arms over her thin chest as she recognized Marrian's voice. "Very good... You can go now." she said glibly, not sure how she felt about the woman her brother was tumbling. Grinning to herself, she whispered, "I'll just have to keep letting him push it into me, and then he won't want to do it with you anymore!"

Mary pulled on the shower's cord, gasping as hot water struck her skin. She was about to reach for the soap, when she heard another sound at the door. "I said I don't need anything else. You can go!" She turned back to her shower, but the scratching noise happened again. With a scowl and little regard for public decency, the little girl walked over to the door and yanked it open, preparing to tell off whoever was bothering her on the other side.

She blinked, seeing the large black wolfhound from the other day panting and wagging his tail as he looked up at her. Mary blinked again, unsure what he wanted. "Umm... I don't have any food in the shower, boy..." she began, only for the dog to trot inside past her. Looking down the hall and seeing no one, Mary shrugged and closed the door behind the puppy.

Turning, she saw him snuffling at her discarded clothes. "I said there's nothing..." she began, then sighed and the dog managed to turn out the pockets of her overalls. The log lapped up soggy, wet bread clumps from a roll she'd forgotten was in there when they washed horse semen off her clothes. "That's really gross, boy..." Mary wrinkled her nose as the dog finished his feast and turned to wag his tail at her. "Okay, now that you got it, what do you want..." Her voice trailed off as the big dog turned up his nose and sniffed the air, his pointed ears twitching. "What is it boy..?" she asked as the dog approached her, his sensitive nose still twitching.

Mary felt nervous for the first time around him as he sniffed at her crotch. "Do you smell my brother in there..?" she asked him with a nervous chuckle. The big dog's tongue flicked out, licking up along her snatch. Mary yelped, blushing as she felt a dog lick her between her legs. His tongue flicked out again, and again, the dog still wagging his tail as he licked at her. "Doggie, that's... ahhh! Oh god..! That feels nice..!" She held his head as he licked her feminine slit, gasping as her wet hair dripped onto the presumptuous canine.

"Why are you... Ahh... doing this..?" As if to answer her question, the big dog suddenly pushed into the girl's belly. Mary's arms pinwheeled as she slipped on the wet floor, her bare bottom striking the hard floor with a yelp of pain. The dog looked at her and licked her face. As Mary spluttered, she noticed something poking out from underneath his belly. The little girl's eyes went wide as she saw the bright red and veiny canine cock slowly unsheathing itself. The wolf hound whined and pawed at her thigh, making Mary wince - his claws hurt! "Hey, don't do that!" she complained. The doggie responded by leaning his big head down to lap at her pussy again.

Mary gasped, biting her lip as she realized what the dog wanted. She wasn't quite sure about letting an animal stick his thingie inside her. It was one thing to do it with her father and her big brother, but with a dog..? Mary let out another protest as the dog claws her leg again, panting as he stared at her. She thought about the horse from earlier - she'd made him feel good, and now this nice dog who would sometimes keep her company when she was feeling lonely also wanted to feel good. That wasn't bad, right? She petted his big head while she thought. He was even bigger than she was, would that be a problem? It wasn't with her dad and brother, so probably not with a dog. Could a dog sticking it in her even make her feel good? With that thought, came another: she kinda wanted to find out.

"O-Okay, boy. We can do it, if it makes you happy..." Now the only question was how to do it? Mary thought about how she once saw a big horse jump up on another's back, and figured that might work. Mary turned around, presenting her bottom to the huge wolf hound and she got on her hands and knees. "I don't really know how to do this, boy, but maybe... Ahhh!" The dog immediately began licking her immature slit again as she presented it. Mary moaned, but her moan quickly turned into a gasp as the dog did exactly what she had pictured and planted his front paws on her back. Mary winced at the pain, and reached back to try and help him shift. The dog instead planted his paws on either side of her, and the little girl's breath caught as she felt a very different shaped hard tip press against her pussy. The big dog whined and began to hump at her, his cock missing her snatch completely as he tried to line it up without any hands to help.

Mary groaned at the feeling of having a hard, warm object pushed up against her cunt, and reached between her legs to try and help the big animal. "Slow down... let me help... You just need to... AYEEEE!" Mary let out a screech as the red rocket found its mark and slammed into her seven year old cunt. Her eyes rolled back at the side and shape of the thing entering her in one fell swoop. The dog whined and licked the back of her neck as he began rutting inside the little girl. Mary's knees shook at the power being the big wolf hound's hip thrusts, slamming his thick, veiny cock deep inside her belly. She gasped as the wolf nipped at her shoulder, not hard enough to break the skin. Regardless, the little girl shivered as the big animal's teeth clamped over her flesh, letting her know that he could bite her any time he wanted.

"Oh god, it's so big and warm... it's not even warm, it's hot... Why is it so hot... So much hotter than... Hahhh!" The little girl moaned and trembled as she was made into this big hound's bitch, his huge canine cock slamming deep inside her as he began to growl. Mary gasped, feeling her whole body shaking as she came from the feral might of the hunting dog pinning her down, finally noticing something hard and warm was smashing against her pussy each time he thrust. The wolf hound howled as he slammed into her, and Mary bit back a cry of pain as the hound strained to fit his knot inside his mate. "Owww! That's too big, it's not gonna..! HAHHHH!!!" Mary's eyes rolled up and her arms gave way, falling flat on her face with her rear kept in the air by the huge knot that had managed to thrust its way past her vaginal opening.

The wolf hound howled as he flooded his bitch with hot canine cum. His teeth pressed a little harder on her shoulder, leaving small dimple marks where they pressed into her flesh. Mary groaned, regretting her decision to breed with the dog as she felt his jaws let go of her shoulder. He licked her cheek and lifted a leg, turning to face away from her. Mary wondered what was next as her chest heaved. She looked back at him, but he seemed content to stand facing away from her, his cock nestled deep inside the little girl's cunt. Mary groaned and tried to pull the cock out of her, but it wouldn't budge. Her eyes went wide as she realized the knot that he'd forced inside her was preventing the penis from coming out.

"Am I gonna... be stuck like this..? For how long!?" She gasped, and the big dog looked back at her and began panting. Mary sat there, feeling humiliated as glad no one was around to see with a dog's cock stuck inside her vagina. She waited, and was just about to start considering yelling for help when the dog yanked. Mary wheezed as she felt the pain from his tug. "H-Hey! Not so... HARD!" The dog had tugged again, and his cock wrenched out from inside little Mary. The girl wheezed as it came out, a torrent of doggie cum coming with it. She collapsed to the floor and panted, too weak to move for a time. The wolf hound came over and licked her cheek, the laid down beside her with a sigh. She cuddled with the big dog for a while, before groaning and getting to her feet.

"Okay, y-you had your fun... T-Time to go..!" She grabbed him by the scruff. He whined a bit, but didn't fight too hard as she pushed him out the door. "Bye, boy!" She shut the door behind her, her heart thudding in her chest. She'd just let a dog push his cock inside her... and it had felt amazing..!

Mary shook herself off and went to wash herself properly, needing it even more so after getting drolled on and fucked by a big mutt. She pulled the cord and yelped - the water had gotten cold. Pouting - she had only herself to blame for that, she showered and washed her hair as quickly as she could in the cold water streams.


Bathed and dressed in a royal blue gown that Mrs. Peridot had gotten out of storage for the girl earlier that day, Mary took her spot next to her father at dinner. Tom was colder and more on guard to Lord Byron than he'd been the day before, but his father took it in stride, giving the boy some space as he focused more on talking to Mary during the meal. Mary watched Tom as they ate, trying to say with her eyes not to be mad at their father. The meal went well regardless, and Mary was content with everything. When it was over, her father kissed her on the forehead and said he'd see her in an hour.

Tom waited for him to leave, then walked over to his little sister. "You know, you really don't have to do this..." he began, but Mary shook her head. "I said I want to... it makes him happy. And he doesn't try to hurt me... I know he doesn't want to hurt me, okay?" She hugged Tom tightly. "Don't worry about me. I'll see you when I'm done."


Mary met her father in his study, dressed in her supper gown. He smiles at seeing her, walking out from behind his desk to lift his daughter up into the air. He spun her around and kissed her properly. "My darling daughter, let us retire to the bedroom!" Mary shivered happily as he held her, helping him carry the booze and torches down the hidden stairs like the previous night.

She sat patiently on the bed as he lit the room, and poured a shot of whiskey for both of them into little stone cups he brought this time. Handing her one, Mary gulped it down quickly, wincing as it burned her throat. "I hope you won't need to drink this soon, my dear. I know it's an acquired taste." Mary set her cup down, looking up at her father as he downed his, then poured and drank a second for himself. "Are we gonna make love like last night, daddy?" she asked, cocking her head to the side.

Lord Byron shook his head. "No, my dear. Tonight I will show you what these other things are for." He gestured toward the bondage furniture around the room. "Your mother loved being strapped down on these things, and I am hoping you will as well." He lifted his daughter up and carried her over to the pillory. "But let's start small..." Setting her down next to the wooden structure, he opened the top. "I got a stool for you, since you're quite a bit shorter than your mother was." He kneed the stool at the base, and lifted his little girl up. "Your hands go in these holes, and your head goes in the big one in the middle. Mary obediently put her hands through the holes and stuck out her neck. "Now I'll lock you in place..." He clamped the top bar back down, making Mary shiver and the feeling of being trapped washed over her as her father slid the locking bar in place.

"Just like your mother... all bound up and at my mercy..!" Mary shivered delightedly at his words, realizing she liked being used by others. She could feel her father lifting up her dress, giving her bottom a squeeze. "Ahh... D-Daddy, can you s-spank me..?" There was a moment of silence followed by a surprised laugh. "Where did you learn about that, little one?" She blushed at this. "I... I dunno... I just thought it sounded... naughty..." Mary let out a yelp as her father spanked her without warning. "You are certainly right about that, my dear daughter. Your mother loved being spanked, too... It makes me happy to spank you in her place."

Mary's knees wobbled as her father pulled down her loincloth and spanked her much harder than Tom had by the river. Her knees were wobbling and her bottom flushed cherry red by the time he was finished. As she gasped and tried to catch her breath, she felt him press his cock against her slit. "Are you ready?" Mary tried to nod, then grimaced at her mistake. "Y-Yes, daddy..." Lord Byron pushed his large cock inside his youngest daughter, groaning in pleasure as he entered her with much greater ease than the night before. "I am... glad to see... that your training... Hahh... worked... Any pain?"

Mary winced a bit, but there was very little pain compared to the night before, and she moaned as he bottomed out inside her as far as his length could go. "N-No daddy... i-it feels wonderful.. Ahh..." Lord Byron patted her on the back. "I am glad... I hated having to hurt you last night, but it was for the best to get it over with." He began thrusting into his daughter's tight cunt, groaning in pleasure. He spanked her more as he fucked his little girl raw, making his little cum slut orgasm twice before his balls seized up and dumped their load deep in her belly. Mary groaned and twitched as her father inseminated her, her tongue lolling out and a thin line of drool stretching all the way to the floor by the time he undid the clamp and helped her out of the pillory.

Lord Byron kissed his belly-swollen daughter well before setting her on the bed to rest. "We can try any one of these you want tomorrow, since you like them so much." The old man groaned as he slid onto the bed next to the little girl, cupping her cheek in his hand. "I'd like that, daddy!~"


Tom was waiting for her in her room when she left the dungeon. They made love that night, and each night after that following her father's training. As the days and months passed, Mary learned more about sex and love. As she grew, so did her sexual appetite. She learned how to orally pleasure her brother, and he finally admitted to her what had happened all those years ago. She didn't hold it against him - quite the opposite, as she learned to love oral.

The big black dog became one of her regular partners when her brother was away, though she never told either her brother or father about it. Likewise she even started doing it with the big stallion, though he never managed to penetrate her. Nevertheless, the thrusting against her felt good enough for the both of them.

She knew the servants talked behind her back, but they knew enough to keep their mouths shut around the family. A few of the bolder ones even approached her about it. She turned some of them down, but a particular stable boy only a few years older than herself became a favorite of hers whenever her brother was away. He would tumble her in the hay mounts high up in the stable loft for hours, his youthful stamina even out-pacing her brother's. Lord Byron never made good on his threats to send Tom back to boarding school. Quite the opposite, in fact. He started letting his son help him with managing the estate, teaching him tips and tricks he’d picked up over the years.

Mary was content with her life on the manor. Her family was whole again, and her life was filled to the brim with exciting sexual experiences that left her twitching and moaning on the floor in pleasure.

The End.