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The Supergirl - Chapter 9b - THE DEAL OF A LIFETIME

One week passes by, as agreed, where Kara is granted to spend quality time with her children. During the first day after the party, the wounded men that were shot by David at the party are repaired by Kara.

David made it a priority to educate the new recruits about how things work in the Cartel. How unacceptable their behavior at the party was. The men apologized sincerely and promised it would never happen again. They took an oath and swore allegiance to David. Pledging to give their lives to save his if needed.

The training of the new recruits also started, under the supervision of Boris. The girls that were deflowered without authorization are repurposed to be used as cast in the scenarios to train the men how to kidnap little girls. Many different scenarios are briefed and trained. As an incentive to perform, when a scenario is completed where the trainee manages to kidnap the girl undetected, he is awarded the exclusive use of the cast girl for an hour. They don’t have to hold back... at all. After the hour of power, the girl is brought to Kara for vaginal repair when needed. She repaired pussy almost a hundred times in a week. The sadistic rapists among the men are very happy with the possibility to rape the girl without restriction. Often beating the girls. Sometimes torturing them even.

Every time Kara needs to perform the magical pussy-healing or any other wounds, the daughters are taken away from her and kept in a secret place as an insurance policy while the emitters are turned off. Despite David’s promise that no harm will come to them for another week as long as she cooperates, it is a moment she always dreads. Seeing horny pedophile men walk away with her gorgeous virgin girls. Always looking at the girls like candy for the taking. But so far David has always kept his word.

But that word was only for one week after the week of family-time. After the week of guaranteed no harm to her girls... the girls would be fed to the eager crowd of horror-men... or so she thought.

“Come in...”, Kara walks through the door with two guards.

“My men tell me that you requested an audience with me.”, big smile.

“Yes... master... I wanted to ask... after this week is over... what is going to happen to my girls?”

“Well, Kara... as you know... my guarantee that no harm will come to them will no longer be valid... then... all bets are off!”

“I... I don’t want them to become ‘publicly available’... if... if you know what I mean...”

“Heheh... yeah... I know exactly what you mean... why do you ask?”

“Is there anything we can negotiate?”

“Negotiate? You’re not really in a position to negotiate anything.”

“I... I know... but... I... what if I... if I... never mind...”, David frowns his eyebrows while walking toward Kara.

“No... tell me... I want to know what you wanted to say...”

“What if I... become your... your slave...”

“You already are my slave.”

“No... I mean... slave to destroy enemies?”

“Ahhh... you mean my weapon?”, she slowly nods. David grabs his chin while looking up at the ceiling. Thinking it over.

“Interesting... suppose..., but I defeated an omnipotent alien superheroine, I am quite capable of dealing with any enemies, thank you very much. But... let’s entertain the thought that I would even consider it... if you could do something that would really benefit me.”

“Like what, master?”

“You don’t age. And you can heal any wound.”

“Yes... pretty much..., do you have a wound?”

“No... I’m wondering... if you can stop the ageing process in others...”

“Yes, I can. Would you like to live forever?”

“I want to be as powerful as you.”, despite the situation she’s in... the absurdity of the request make her laugh slightly.

“That... is not possible... I can only stop the ageing process for you... and perhaps make you heal a lot faster than a normal human, but not like me.”

“Well... that’s a start... how about... your daughters?”

“What about my daughters?”

“I could find a deal very enticing if you stop the ageing process of myself and that of your daughters while giving us enhanced healing as well.”, Kara is shocked by this request.

“NO! Why my daughters?”

“Come on... you’re not that stupid... do I really have to spell it out for you? Really?”

No reply.

“They are in the age-range that are perfect to sexually entertain myself and my men. I don’t want them to grow up... you know... so they can be ‘entertainers’ forever. And it makes a big difference for us if we need to hold back during the rape or not. If they heal much faster we can just fuck them without restraint.

But what is it that you want in return?”

“I don’t want my girls to be abused... in any way...”, David looks surprised now.

“What? Not at all? It seems we have conflicting interests... there is no fucking way I could agree to that... surely you understand.”

“I’m sure YOU understand I cannot let my girls keep their age and be raped and tortured by you and your men every day...”

“Yeah... I respect your point of view, Kara... but do you think we can come to a compromise?”

“So... what if... if only one man gets to have sex with them?”

“One man only? That would then be ME... if I take the offer...”, she looks disappointed as she was going to suggest another man... one that she knows is a pedophile, but not a sadistic one.

“It’s either me... or... EVERYBODY!”, she looks very disappointed.

“What? You don’t like the idea of this ugly fat man on top of your girls? Even though I am likely the most experienced little-girl rapist in the history of human kind? At least I know how to ‘properly’ take a little girl’s virginity... you know... I’m a professional! Just sayin’. Yes, the rapes wouldn’t become less painful with age when they don’t age, but you know... that would be worthwhile for me to strike a deal with you.”, David smiles.

“So... if I give you eternal life... and my daughters... you keep the girls to yourself?”, David grins wide as he can’t believe the deal he is about to make.

“Yeah... sure... sure... no other man will lay a finger on them for as long as I own them! You have my word.”, Kara extends her hand slowly. Knowing that she’s almost giving him permission to rape her daughters. Despite realizing that she’s sparing them from much worse suffering... it still feels wrong.

David slowly extends his hand to close the deal.

“So, only sex... nothing else...”, she shakes his hand.

“Kara... you can’t change the terms of the deal now.”

“WHAT??? NO... only sex... NO ABUSE in any other way!”, still gently shaking hands. He looks sincere now... determined to make his point.

“That’s not part of the negotiated deal! Either it’s just me doing what I want with them... or it’s EVERY MAN who wants to... think about it... almost two hundred horny men... each having their way with all of your girls... over and over... actually... I bet they would catch a hefty price if I pimp them out on the black market of dirty criminal men who would love to take their revenge by raping your girls... your choice...”

Kara doesn’t respond.

“I’m not going to be patient on this... either take the deal as is... or it’s off the table! No second chances.”, both still shaking hands, but very slowly. Seconds are like minutes as they look each other in the eyes...

“Okay... okay... you win... deal... just you... nobody else...”

“I’m glad we were able to come to compromise that works for both of us...”, he says smiling again.

“Don’t worry... you can be there when I ‘play’ with them for the first time...”, she shakes her head slowly.

“No... I’d rather not...”

“Oh no... I insist... you should consider yourself lucky... most parents never get the chance...”, Kara looks like she already regrets making the deal. Then again... the thought of all the filthy sadistic men with her daughters terrifies her even more. Chills run down her spine.